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Chapter 3: Math Class

Jacob wanted to just forget about what had happened before he had gone inside the school but every time he tried to push it out of his head he just thought back to the last two years of the bullying by Carson and his friends, some of which had graduated luckily for him, but he knew that wasn't going to change the fact that Carson wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, as him and Carson were unfortunately in the same grade.

So as much as he wished he could just act like nothing was going to happen he knew that believing that would be a very short lived dream, as he could imagine even if he managed to avoid him at school, he would still see him at practice, and nothing was going to change that.

As Jacob checked his phone he realized it was 7:29 as he was almost at the door to his classroom, and as he walked in he heard the bell ring, and luckily he made it just on time, and looking at his teacher, he didn't seem too pleased that Jacob had made it just on time as everyone else was already seated and ready to get this class over with, but looking at his teacher he got this feeling his anger was less so directed at him, and was more of him looking like an angry person in general, as he was a big man with muscles that looked too big for his shirt, and a vein that popped out from his forehead which further added to his conclusion about the teacher, but after looking over he was happy to see a familiar face in the class.

In the back of the room was a scrawnier kid with glasses and ginger hair who could easily have been mistaken for a freshman due to his size even though he was in a junior level math class, and Jacob went to the back and took a seat next to him.

"Well if it isn't Jacob Lock in the flesh" said the ginger boy, and with a smile and a quick laugh Jacob replied back "And if it isn't Archie Weaver in that little body of yours" and they both laughed a bit over Jacob's joke knowing it was just them messing around, because they had been best friends ever since they were in elementary school, and even now, in their junior year of high school that had still held up and their friendship was as strong as ever.

Not really needing to catch up as they had spent most of their summer together anyway, whether it had been at football practice or hanging out at Jacob's house while his parents were at work they decided to talk in the back for a little bit as the teacher seemed to be preoccupied at the moment and wasn't really acknowledging that most of the kids were talking among themselves.

After awhile though the teacher was finally ready to start his lesson and he made it well known as he raised his voice and told the students "everyone shut up" and the power behind his voice had some students slightly taken aback "now, that I have all of you guy's attention, I want to make it well known that you guys will not be fucking around in my class, maybe in the past some of your classes may have been somewhat relaxed but that's not the case here, so keep your heads up and pay attention, cause I won't be covering anything twice, so don't even bother asking."

Most of the students looked at each other, not used to having a teacher like this, most of their former teachers had been pretty relaxed up until this point in their lives, but everyone abided by the rules and didn't speak the rest of class in fear of getting scolded by the huge figure that was their teacher, and finally once their lesson was over everyone was just ready to leave, but quickly Archie whispered over to his friend "hey I hope he's just having a bad day, cause if not this is gonna be the worst class of our life" and Jacob not wanting to agitate his teacher further just nodded his head in agreement towards his friend.

But luckily for them they heard the bell ring and then they started to make their way out of the class and as they were making their way out they talked about their classes to see if they had other classes together and luckily for them they both had study hall for their 4th block which they were happy about as that meant they could openly hang out and not have to worry about getting scolded by a teacher as their study hall was time for them to do as they pleased.

On the way out though something had caught Jacob's eye and it was the fact he had never learned his teachers name, so glancing over his friends shoulder which wasn't difficult considering he was a couple inches shorter than him, he saw a nameplate on the top of his teachers desk, "Mr. Orion" he said in his head, doing his due diligence to keep that name in his head, as he didn't want to ask him later on what it was, as he had already made it a mission to avoid talking to him if possible, but as him and his friend Archie walked through the halls he realized he was coming up on his class so he told his friend he'd see him at lunch and the two of them went on their separate ways, and Jacob went into his next class hoping this one wasn't nearly as bad as his last one.

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