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Chapter 1: What in the hell?

Sunday night was destined to be a tiring and sleepless night, he had procrastinated the whole weekend and now had to study all night long. Few people could go the whole night awake without a special drink. He was not one of those people, so he decided to get some today. Unfortunately, he couldn't have foreseen a truck passing a red light and killing him when he was crossing. Well, at least he didn't have to worry about tomorrow anymore.

When he opened his eyes again he noticed he was in a room. A dark, quiet room. He was lying on perhaps the softest bed he ever been on. His eyes curiously looked around wondering where he was.

Afterall, his last memory was of his tragic death.

He looked at his hands, noticing they were smaller than before, like a child's hands. Disbelief marred his eyes as he thought of what may have transpired.

'I reincarnated?' Were his thoughts as he got out of the bed. He walked towards the curtains, pulling them open, to reveal a dark purple sky. With no moon or sun.

"What in the hell?" Murmured the young, reincarnated person as he perceived what might have been the greatest and creepiest sight of his life.

'Is this hell?' He couldn't help but wonder as it truly looked like it. A shiver traveled through his spine when he thought about the torture one could suffer here.

Suddenly this seemed less like being reincarnated and more like the afterlife. Looking at his surrounding more carefully, he noticed that it was a room fitting royalty. A large spacious room, with dark red walls, and a balcony. In the corner of a room, he noticed a glint of light.

'A mirror,' was his first guess, he walked closer to it, upon seeing his reflection a gasp left his mouth.

He had red hair and icy blue eyes. He also looked around six or seven years old if he had to guess.

Since it appeared to be night, he decided his best course of action was to fall asleep and let future him deal with tomorrow and whatever had happened to his life.

However, there is one thing he had to try before that, "System," he said softly, staring at the air. Nothing. "Inventory," he continued. Nothing. "Quests," nothing. "Store," and yet again, nothing.

A sigh left his lips as he wondered why he appeared to have no cheat. Feeling disappointed, he went back into the covers of his bed and let sleep lull him in.

"Wake up, Master Sirzechs," a calm voice stated as a hand softly shook him awake. His eyes groggily opened, and his sight was filled with dark hair. The dark hair belonged to a woman in a maid uniform.

"I'm awake," he rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes. The maid nodded at him, "Your family is waiting at the dinner table," she took a step back but didn't leave the room. He got out of bed and headed towards the closet in his room, the maid silently trailing behind him.

When he got to the closet, the maid finally walked past him and opened it. He noticed the maid just staring at him after having done that, thinking quickly he pointed to a pair of shorts and shirt, guessing what she was waiting for.

Silently, the maid got the clothes he wanted, and he suppressed his awkwardness as the maid changed him. After having finishing freshening up in the bathroom, alone thankfully, he walked alongside the maid towards where his family awaited him.

He noticed two people sitting on a table clearly capable of having ten more occupants. His father, he assumed, at the head of the table, and his mother to his left. He chose to sit on the other side of his father, facing the lady.

"Good morning Sirzechs," warmly greeted his mother, "Good morning mother," if he was wrong about who the lady was, then so be it.

"Ready for the beginning of your magic training?" His father casually took a bite out of his toast.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it," he had been suppressing his excitement since he noticed where and who he was. The thought of learning magic made him smile.

"That's great!" His father claimed with a laugh as he finished his drink. "Well, I got paperwork to do, see you in an hour son." Without more words his father left the room, leaving him and his mother.

"He might not show it, but he's very excited to start training you," smiled his mother.

"I'm as excited to learn," he returned her smile. They continued eating in silence.

"Finish your breakfast, I'll see you later," his mother gave him a kiss on the head, before she also departed. Leaving him and the silent maid who had remained standing behind him.

He savored his food before he also departed. The maid was his caretaker, he assumed, since she wouldn't leave his side unless he went to the restroom.

While it was hard finding where to go in this new house, he somehow had a sense of familiarity of it. Which is how he arrived at the training grounds.

It was a large open space with green grass covering the majority of the floor. He closed his eyes and decided to practice meditation while he waited for his father to arrive.

This world he was in was one he recognized it. An anime hailed for its fan-service, where teenage boy's fantasies came alive. A world with so many possibilities, it made readers giddy, anticipating what would come next.

Unfortunately for him, the world wasn't exactly the same as in the anime. His best guest is he is centuries before the anime started and the current body he was inhibiting was that of Sirzechs Gremory, the strongest devil.

Obviously he wasn't the strongest at the moment considering he's a child still and hadn't even begun his training. However, just following along with the future, trying not to change much, would probably result in him becoming the same Sirzechs as in the anime.

And while Sirzechs was the strongest devil, there were simply superior beings than him out there.

Like Shiva, Ophis, Great Red and probably even Indra. That is excluding Trihexa and the ExE gods.

He couldn't settle for being as strong as canon Sirzechs whose talent allowed him to reach those heights. He had to be stronger to at least be equal to one of those ExE gods before canon starts.

He acknowledged this path would lead to a difficult life, yet he would tread it regardless.

Having closed his eyes, he searched for something inside him, a source of power. He had no clue what to feel for, but something deep within told him to keep reaching. So he did, awareness of time was disregarded as he fully focused on this task.

A cold, red power was slowly being pulled from his core, a pleasurable shiver went down his spine as he fully pulled out that power. Opening his eyes, he saw a red outline surrounded his body. He could instinctively feel how stronger he had become and while one might believe this would lead him to become happy, instead he felt calmness spread throughout his being.

His mind felt clear and sharp, his eyes suddenly noticing more. His ears clearly hearing the soft gasp of the maid standing various feet away from him.

Yes, he had succeeded. This red power that surrounded him felt unique, a wondrous feeling he had never experienced. His fist clenched as he tried to will the power to compress into a ball within his hands.

He felt a slight resistance, yet when he strengthened his will, the power gave in and comforted to his command.

A small sphere being a deeper shade of red was floating slight on top of his right palm. He quickly located a practice dummy which he would use to test his newfound power.

Instead of physically throwing the sphere towards it, he willed the sphere to quickly hit the dummy and annihilate it. There was no resistance this time as the sphere quickly impacted with the same speed as if he would have actually thrown it. In a blink the dummy was no more, no ashes remained, nothing remained.

Aside from the dummy nothing else had suffered, the grass looked normal and didn't looked affected by his power. He didn't think he would have been able to precisely control it this quickly, was the real Sirzechs this much of a genius?

He had noticed the maid contacting his parents, which is why he showed no surprise when his dad hurriedly approached him.

"Are you okay?" His father gently, but firmly grasped him by the shoulders, checking over his body.

He could only nod towards his father, still surprised at what he had done.

His father kneeled before him to have a better look at his eyes, "Can you show me what you did?"

A second of hesitation passed before he nodded again. He also wanted to try it again.

He closed his eyes once again, but didn't have to reach or meditate much at all, this new power seemed ready to head his call at any time.

A red aura covered his body again, just as his father took a step back, a look of amazement on his face. This time, instead of one sphere of destruction, he would concentrate to make ten more, enough to destroy the rest of the dummies.

A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead as ten spheres of destruction appeared, floating in the air around him.

'Annihilate,' he thought again as the spheres traveled to their targets. There was no sound as the spheres collided and the dummies just disappeared as if they were never there.

His father's mouth opened, eyes wide from surprise.

Silence. Until his father started laughing from happiness, "My son is a genius!" Throwing his hands in the air as if he was thanking God- Ow.

'That's annoying' his hands came to massage his temple.

"Venelana our son is a genius!" His father continued laughing.

Slowly he composed his self, "Even if you instinctively know what to do. It's still important to learn the theory, listen closely…"

Hours had passed since then and he was once again on his bed, ready to sleep. The maid was sitting in a chair close to his bed, watching over him. This was creepy.

He held in a sigh as he simply closed his eyes and tried to ignore her presence. He hoped he wouldn't have to endure this for too long.

Time passed quicker than he thought and now he was celebrating his eleventh birthday.

He had spent all these years training in becoming more proficient with his usage of the power of destruction. He could confidently say it was the strongest magic he could use.

He had also physically worked out, not too much though, as he was still physically a kid and even though he's a devil, he doesn't want to risk stunting his own growth.

When he got older then he would push his body to its limits. A healthy body leads a healthy life after all.

Since his last birthday, their celebration was not only limited to their own family instead people of other houses were visiting, and social interaction was a must. It really was mentally draining to calculate which person to speak first and who should he speak to next. He had to think about which family was more influential or which family benefitted their own family more, then he had to engage in topics of conversation with people that more often than not, were trying to manipulate him somehow. Of course, he had been trained for years on how to act in these scenarios.

Regardless, it was certainly a drag. Heh, he sounded similar to someone else.

The only good thing to come out of these meetings was him being able to meet his two closest friends. And he meant closest because he had no other friends. Hard to befriend someone who's like a hundred years older than you. That reminded him, appearances were deceiving. Everyone who came to these events didn't look past thirty, it was absurd.

"Hey Sirzechs!" A cheerful voice hit my ears as a pair of arms were thrown around my neck and someone jumping on my back. My body leaned forward slightly, adjusting to the new weight and pressure.

"Hey Serafall," his hands held onto her thighs to keep her from falling.

"Why are you moping here all alone?" A green haired boy came to a stop at his side, a calm smile on his face. "I'm not moping Ajuka, I'm just taking a break."

"Well, I declare your break to be over! Carry me to the lake!" Serafall chided incorrigibly as she nuzzled her face into my neck.

"Stop Sera, you'll get spit into my neck," he complained jokingly, already moving to follow her request with Ajuka right beside him.

"I won't, you meanie!" Serafall cutely pouted, although nobody saw it.

The lake Serafall was mentioning was the place where they spent most of their time together, it was like their secret getaway location.

Where they could just be themselves, away from prying eyes. Or so the other two thought, he knew better.

No way, they let the heirs of some important houses unsupervised when they were just around eleven years old.

"Yay!" Serafall had gotten off his back some time ago and was now just swimming in the lake. They knew he could dry their clothes, so they didn't have a care in the world. He felt he was getting used as a dryer, still spending time with them felt greater than being alone at home practicing his magic most of the time.

"Come on Sirzechs, get in!" Even Ajuka stopped being his calm self and just played around when he thought they were alone.

"I'm going, I'm going!" A smile came up as he joined them in their playful water fight.

He wished he could spend some more time like this. Alas, at eleven now he had to attend school. Luckily school in the underworld was only four years, after all there wasn't too much history to go over and the main reason it was this long was to create connections with other families. Every heir from the houses attended the main school in Lucifaad, yes even the heirs of the Maou attended there. Which with at least half of the great pillars having gone extinct thanks to the Great war, it made sense.

He was happy that both Serafall and Ajuka would at least also attend with him, so he wouldn't be alone at the very least. It was with this thought that he finally fell asleep as he would begin his first day of school tomorrow.

The heirs of the four Maou's hadn't come today, some instructors looked happy and others disappointed. When the instructors ordered them to head out to the field for an event, he had an inkling of what this was about. The thing about devils was that power defined the hierarchy.

How to figure out who had more power?

Through a fight of course. It seems the instructors had organized this event to be like a tournament. If you won you continued to fight the next person and if you lost, you were out. Simple.

His first fight was almost at the end of the bracket, there were at least 6 pairs going before him. At least this would let him gain some experience.

The first fights were nothing impressive, just weeding out the weaklings he thought.

No one would fight their hardest at the start, except for the most weak.

"Sirzechs Gremory and Rey Balam!" The instructor voice strongly resounded through the air.

The Balam house trait was their superhuman strength. But what good would their strength be if they couldn't reach him?

As soon as the fight started the Balam heir quickly ran towards him, using his strength to make small jumps to propel himself farther, obviously he preferred close combat. The Balam heir's speed decreased to a walk pace before he could reach him.

"Wooo! Let's go Sirzechs!" The ever excited Serafall yelled. Geez, she was so loud, why couldn't she be more like Ajuka?

"Finish him Sirzechs!" Never mind, he mentally sighed.

This was something he had practiced for when an opponent was fast. His magic pressure was fully focused on the opponent, for the Balam Heir it should feel as if swimming against a current with his hands tied behind his back.

This was a technique that would only work against someone who's magic was weaker in quality or output than his.

The Balam heir stood no chance.

He calmly walked towards the slowly moving student, with a slightly magically enhanced right punch to the heir's temple, the student passed out.

"Winner Sirzechs Gremory!"

As soon as the announcer finished, Sirzechs walked out of the stage. It would once again take a while for him to fight.

"Beat him up Sera!" He inevitably found himself cheering for his friend. Serafall sent him a smile as she happily beat her opponent to the ground.

He winced, that had to hurt. Poor dude had almost turned into a pincushion.

Devils healed fast so he should end up alright, maybe.

Ajuka's fight was quick even though his family never disclosed their special trait, he had an idea of what it could be.

Their scary perception and quick comprehension.

The rest of his fights ended up quickly until there were only four remaining. Serafall, Ajuka, himself, and Kyo Bael. The heir of the Bael clan, this would be interesting.

Kyo Bael was his mother's much younger brother.

Kyo had used his power of destruction against everyone he had fought against and managed to severely injured some people. Not that the instructors said anything since Kyo was the heir of the strongest pillar, right after the four Maou's.

Meanwhile, he had not used his own power of destruction. From the years he trained he knew how strong his power had become and realized that against other people he could seriously injure them or worse kill them. Therefore he had refrained from using his power, he wasn't the heir of the most notorious pillar, he wouldn't get away with harming lots of clan heirs that easily.

Ajuka would be fighting Serafall and he would fight Kyo Bael.

This would be fun.


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