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Chapter 30: Chapter 27: Fuck you a little bit ROBtheBOB…we are cool now.



He gave me a crappy Review because the story is slow-paced!

30 Chapters in and Fugaku has not yet fucked anyone and is not yet the Patriarch or some other bs argument he threw out at me...

On a professional side note, well, seeing how I am an adult I will consider his opinion and give you all the option of voting!

Who is in favor of a Timeskip?

- Yes

- No

On a personal side not though "Fuck you!! You ruined my 5 Stars and you have not even written a single book yourself, but jump out to shit on other people at every opportunity!! I fucking visited your page and all you do is shit on every story that you perceive as slow!!! Ever heard of Mahatma Gandhi you little prick?! He said the path is the goal!"

Anyway, I am an adult so I won't get angry or pissed off because only the trolls are writing Reviews and only my most loyal fan ""Professor_Light"" wrote a good Review!

Please if you like the story give me a good Review. Don't let them trolls win!


Fugaku's unwavering resolve compelled him to strive for the highest level of challenge and distinction. With all of this in mind, Fugaku embraced the mission, eagerly anticipating the encounter with formidable Jōnin adversaries, ready to demonstrate the true might of the Uchiha lineage.

"Captain, I'm Aburame Nozawa," a plain-looking Shinōbi introduced himself with a friendly smile, his tall figure accentuated by the black sunglasses shielding his eyes and the hood that covered his head. "I specialize in the art of insect manipulation."

With a casual gesture, Aburame Nozawa extended his right hand, revealing several harmless bugs crawling upon it. "These little fellows are my loyal companions," he chuckled, his tone laced with an untypical warmth for an Aburame.

'Well, oddballs exist in every clan,' he thought to himself, acknowledging the unique individual and his distinct characteristics.

Another Shinōbi stepped forward, exuding a friendly aura. "Captain, I'm Fuma Satōmaru, a Chūnin hailing from Konoha's Fuma Clan," he greeted with a grin. "I excel in Fire Release techniques and possess a keen skill in Kenjutsu."

Satōmaru's enthusiasm was evident as he spoke, his eagerness to contribute to the team palpable. His friendly demeanor reflected a genuine camaraderie, after all the Fuma Clan and the Uchiha have a long history together, and he is ready to support his comrades-in-arms on this mission to rekindle their inter-clan relations.

Fugaku nodded, his gaze filled with acknowledgment, he had never been one to underestimate anyone, recognizing that one's rank as a Chūnin did not diminish their potential danger on the battlefield. After all, he himself, despite being 13 years old has been assigned to the Vanguard troops by the Third Hokage, Sarutobi.

"Alright then, allow me to introduce myself," Fugaku addressed the two teams, his voice steady and composed. "I am Uchiha Fugaku, skilled in the art of Genjutsu and proficient in Fire Release techniques."

As each team member shared their unique areas of expertise, slowly a sense of understanding and teamwork began to take shape among them. Fugaku, recognizing the importance of this cohesion, handed over the [Mission Scroll] to his two team members.

Fugaku's voice resonated with resolve as he addressed his team. "Our mission is clear: we must swiftly make our way to the Land of Rain and eliminate three Shinōbi from other nations," he declared, his tone unwavering. "The task at hand does not provide details regarding the strength of these Shinōbi, granting us the freedom to choose our targets based on our own judgment."

He looked at his teammates, a glint of seriousness in his eyes. "Remember, our goal is to showcase the power and prowess of our respective Clans. Let us approach this mission with precision and strategy. We will strike swiftly and decisively, leaving no room for error or doubt about our capabilities."

Both team members nodded in response, their eyes reflecting a subtle change. It was evident that they had discerned the underlying purpose behind the mission leading them to deduce the true nature of their assignment.

At that moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them.

With swift efficiency, the teams congregated amidst the forest, their figures blending seamlessly with the shadows. One by one, the silhouettes vanished into the depths of the woods, leaving behind an air of anticipation.

"Fugaku, I will see you later in the Land of Rain," Uchiha Kon's voice echoed through the trees. "Let's get a move on!"

Uchiha Kon and his two teammates disappeared into the dense foliage, their presence gradually consumed by nature's embrace.

Fugaku, determined not to lag behind, rallied his own team. "Let's follow suit," he declared, a glint of contemplation in his eyes as he said to his teammates: "Once we reach the Land of Rain, we'll devise a meticulous plan to accomplish our mission.".

His teammates nodded in agreement, as they embarked on their journey. The trio swiftly merged into the surrounding forest, their movements deliberate but not overly hasty. As they ventured through the Land of Fire, their gazes subtly lingered on one another, attentively observing the intricacies of their teamwork. It was a unique experience for them, their first time collaborating as a team. Eager to forge stronger bonds, they sought to deepen their understanding by keenly observing and studying one another's actions/movements.

As Uchiha Fugaku journeyed alongside his teammates, his attention became increasingly fixated on Satōmaru. While Fugaku was quite familiar with the Aburame Clan's unique insect manipulation techniques, it was Satōmaru who piqued his curiosity.

There was an air of mystery surrounding the man, evident in his cautious demeanor whether they were on the move or taking a momentary respite. Fugaku couldn't help but speculate that Satōmaru might have spent some time serving in Konoha's Anbu forces.

The fact that Satōmaru was assigned to his team didn't feel like a mere coincidence. It seemed as though Sāndaime Hokage had a specific purpose in mind, aiming to either observe or draw Fugaku into a closer connection. However, Fugaku remained skeptical, recognizing the need for discernment in establishing trust. He believed that observing someone closely, like Satōmaru, would help him gauge their true worth and determine if they were indeed deserving of his trust.

With each passing moment, Fugaku's suspicion lingered, his analytical mind carefully dissecting Satōmaru's actions and motives. Although the team was united in their mission, Fugaku remained vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on his teammates, particularly Satōmaru, as he sought to unravel the layers of mystery surrounding them.

After three arduous days of travel, the trio finally reached the Land of Rain, where a persistent drizzle soaked them to the bone. The incessant rain was far from Fugaku's preferred weather for carrying out a mission, and he hoped that their stay in the Land of Rain would likely be brief before returning to Konoha.

Recalling his past experiences in this region, Fugaku took charge and suggested, "I've been on a previous mission in the Land of Rain and I'm quite familiar with the terrain here. Let's first seek shelter from the rain by finding a cave or suitable refuge."

Turning his attention to Aburame Nozawa, Fugaku inquired, "Nozawa, are your insects capable of functioning effectively in rainy conditions?"

Nozawa, known for his adept manipulation of insects, paused for a moment before responding, "While the rain can pose some challenges, my insects are resilient and adaptable. They can still be utilized to a certain extent even in inclement weather."

Satisfied with the reassurance, Fugaku nodded and led the team forward, their collective determination undeterred by the relentless downpour. They pressed on, their mission clear in their minds, while seeking shelter from the rain in the unforgiving landscape of the Land of Rain.

"I will utilize the time tonight to cultivate the insects specifically adapted to rainy conditions," Nozawa spoke in a tranquil yet resolute voice. "I had a hunch that we would be sent to the Land of Rain for a mission, so I had already been preparing in that direction."

Fugaku nodded in agreement.

The Land of Rain was known for its rugged mountains and sparse vegetation, making it relatively easy to locate a clean cave. It was a place he had previously utilized during his last mission, and he had left behind discreet markings to identify it.

Inside the dimly lit cave, the trio gathered around a flickering bonfire, its warmth providing a respite from the cold and damp surroundings. Fugaku took the opportunity to set a trap at the entrance of the cave, ensuring they would be alerted to any approaching visitors.

"We have a mere three days to accomplish our mission," Fugaku declared, his voice laced with determination. "As elite shinobi of Konoha, it is an insult to our team's capabilities to just eliminate mere chūnin or genin. Our primary objective should be the jōnins that have been sent out. Engaging in combat with and eliminating these formidable opponents will not only showcase our team's strength and earn us merit but also effectively weaken the overall power of the opposing nations."

Looking directly at Nozawa, Fugaku continued, his tone becoming graver. "Starting tomorrow, I want you to deploy your insects to scout for teams from other countries. Whether they come across a jōnin squad or not, they must relay back vital information to us. We need to be aware of the movements and positions of our enemies at all times."

The atmosphere grew increasingly tense as the weight of their mission settled upon them. The significance of their actions and the potential consequences hung heavily in the air, fueling their determination to succeed at all costs.


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