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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

On Earth Nova still remained silent saying only little words like Bunny, papa, mama and a few more, but never a full on sentence like Riaura could which made them think she had some more problems wrong with her brain, however when they checked her brain it seemed to be in pretty good shape which could properly guess that Nova was later diagnosed to be mute and would more likely stop saying these little words whenever she turns 7 being unable to speak ever again which hurt the Son family greatly knowing that they wouldn't be able to hear her voice ever again other than memories.

It had been two days since Tarak and his son arrived on Earth walking the streets of Japan looking for any signs of finding Nova who at the time was currently with her mother and two brothers on a nice shopping trick while she followed along never leaving their side unaware of what was going to happen later on during this trip to grab groceries and a few bits and bobs. "Goten! Keep an eye on your sister, she's going to get herself lost" Chi-chi said even though Nova's tail was wrapped around her big brother's arm keeping up with him as the two stayed behind the pack while group of people pushed by separating them seconds after.

"Oh no.." Goten said as he looked at Nova who remained calm and collective knowing she's safe while in his presence feeling people looking at her and the way she's holding his arm taking quick pics until he picked her up and rushed away in hopes to find their mother and big brother before things begin to escalate. "Mum's going be so mad if she finds out that we got lost" he said as Nova looked over his shoulder seeing mortals looking at her and how odd her hair was for a kid something no one saw before until today as pictures were posted on this odd occurrence.

"Why are they looking at me like that?" Nova thought before a little bleh came out of her mouth making her adorableness even cuter being possibly the cutest thing anyone has ever seen in this mall as no kitten or puppy eyes could beat this. "Mama.." She said not seeing her anywhere which then brought some sort of worry in the kid despite being carried by her big brother who tried his best to relocate the other two before she decides to have a little fit again and in public then lot of people could seriously be injured if such an even were to happen there. Goten was rushing through the crowd almost bumping into a kid not knowing that it was Kane who instantly recognize the girl he was carrying knowing that it was Nova and wondered why they were running.

"Are you lost?" Kane calmly asked seeing the panic on Goten's face as he nodded frantically even though he could find Gohan's power level and follow it, but Kane and his father isn't making it easy for him either seeing his tail realizing that he was a saiyan. "I could get my father to help, he is a saiyan too ya know.. Follow me" He insisted and foolishly Goten followed the tailed saiyan to where Tarak was waiting leaning against the wall of the mall patiently waiting with crossed arms for his son to arrive with something good and when he emerged from the crowd empty handed he was furious.

"Kane.. Why are you empty handed? I clearly told you to not come back until you have someth-*sees Nova and Goten emerge beside him* Never mind!.. Was that so hard son" He said as Kane was kinda offended, but pushed it aside since he was in the presence of a 'soon to be friend' just like he was ordered to be by Lady Mittens when they find a lead in order to grab and take Nova and Riaura when the time comes to leave.

"They were separated from their mother and big brother, I was wondering if you could help us find them.. father?" Kane said in a way making his father gulp before looking around seeing how quick it was to spot Nova with all of these mortals around staring at them and their tails.

"Y-yes! Talking about finding them I think i know where they'll be.." Tarak said leading the way as her held onto Goten while Kane stayed by his father's side making it impossible for him to lose sight of where he would've went off to with a BP lower than his own son. It only took 10 minutes to fins the distressed mother and big brother who were glad that the two were okay, but Gohan recognized those tails which was off to see and he still thanked them for bringing them back together again.

"Why don't you come over? Sure dad wouldn't minding meeting another saiyan like yourself, what's your name?" Gohan asked being the nice man he was wanting to know more of who this saiyan was and maybe why he chose to stay on Earth.

"Sure we'll love to! I'm Tarak and this is my son Kane, we are new to Earth and meeting another saiyan like this is a true blessing" Tarak replied making Gohan think that his kind too was probably almost wiped out from existence, but it was far from that to be exact. On the way back Tarak helped the family with their groceries while Kane got to know Goten and Nova who he refused to put down as she walked slow especially with Bunny in her hand and can get lost very easily compared to the others.

When Nova was put back down she went away to find Riaura and bring her to see Kane in order for some help when it comes to communication if he were to ask her anything she can't answer. "H-hey! I said i was coming wasn't I? So quit pushing me already" Riaura complained until Nova gave her one big push which caused the princess to fall over while the white haired saiyan stood there unsure if she should run or not.

"Should I run?" Nova thought while standing their like an idiot open for any attacks that come her way, but Riaura didn't seem to fight or yell as she got back onto her saiyan feet again brushing the dust off her clothes forgiving the clueless Nova that stood there with Bunny closely held near her chest looking at her waiting for a reply or a yell like she always does, but nothing came out of her mouth other an a huff and walked off like the princess she was. "Talk about grumpy.. Anyway how about we go for a walk Bunny?" Nova thought again using her mind to communicate to the stuffed animal that remained silent in her left arm allowing the kid to walk off once again without anyone's say so and headed off into the nearby forest she is know to disappear into when not watched, but before Nova could go anything Piccolo appeared right in front of her stopping the kid from adventuring on any further picking the soon to be 3 year old up and took her where the others would be located greeting the two new saiyan buddies who just appeared on Earth. Piccolo plopped her down as he walked up to Gohan who knew that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to any of his friends especially the kids when not protected.

"I found her heading into the forest again, who knows what goes through that kid's mind" He said as Gohan chuckled nervously expecting much and how troublesome Nova can get when out of her father's watch, but behaves perfectly when he's here making it obvious who she favorites out of everyone here and in the family in general.

"At least she's going to dad now, everything is going smoothly" Gohan said seeing Nova walking in their father's direction before gripping onto his trousers catching him off guard making Goku look down seeing her there greeting him after his arrival back from training.

"There you are Nova! *picks her up* Hehe, I was wondering when my little snowflake was gonna show" Goku said with a cheeky chuckle holding her with his right arm as he continued to look at Tarak who was completely pushed aside of Nova's sudden reappearance. "Thanks for finding them, I wouldn't know what to do if we lost them? Hehe" her nervously laughed thanking the saiyan for helping his son and only daughter find their way back even though it wouldn't be necessary, but he was grateful for his generosity to step in and help another like he did ignoring the fact that he only did to just to find his target and complete his mission for Lady Mittens. 

"The pleasure is all mine, it's better to help an innocent life than leave them to struggle like that especially with all those eyes looking at your daughter in that mall, these beings surely don't know anything about personal space, let alone privacy" Tarak replied slightly complaining about the humans that stared at them and Nova back in the mall just because of their difference and had gthe audacity to take pictures of them too posting them online.

"I'm unsure of what to say, but didn't you say you have a son?" Goku changed the subject looking around not seeing Kane anywhere as he was with Riaura unaware that Trunks were spying on the two making sure that the saiyan didn't pull anything that could harm his little sister without their father around to keep watch on them.

"So you're a princess? That's pretty cool if you ask me, i'm just a warrior like my father, but i will far surpass him in every way so there's no use of him training me anymore.." Kane said with a soft smile liking Riaura and how she too is far greater than anyone is her family, but isn't that cocky about it and wishes to continue training with her father for as long as he lives knowing that Nova will never be able to fight due to her overprotective father and illness that prevents her from having an enjoyable fight in which she wishes to have one day. Kane stopped in his tracks and so did Riaura knowing that he was onto something until out of nowhere he strikes at her and of course she catches his fist alerting Nova of what was happening getting her father's attention as well.

"What's wrong Nova?" He asked as she tried to get out of his arms panicked and alert which could only mean one thing, someone must be in danger nearby and the only person to make her worry like this is Riaura bringing Vegeta to suspect that a fight must've broken out between his kids, but that wasn't the case in this situation anymore. "Nova! what are you doing?" Goku was still unsure when all of a sudden she disappeared out of his hands before his very eyes for the first time in forever making him too worry in case she might get into a fight like last time as her power far surpasses his own in every way.

"Damn it Kakarot! You could've told me she was acting up then this would've been prevented" Vegeta yelled wasting no time as the two saiyans teleported to Riaura's location seeing her on the floor out cold with her brother Trunks leaving Nova standing there in front of Kane seriously mad that he would've laid a finger on her friends like that.

"You wanna fight me too? Alright then, bring it!" Kane yelled with a smirk not following his commands he was given as Nova bared her teeth growling at him surprising both saiyans at what was being seen.

"Your kid must be crazy to fight Kakarot! She is inexperienced and stands no chance against this kid" Vegeta points out underestimating Nova's potential to quickly learn without actually doing any of it, but it does have some aftermath affects if all attacks are learned non-physically. Goku grew serious very quickly and appeared in front of her, but remained faced towards Kane who looked up backing away at the saiyan's serious glare scaring the kid as he longer had any intentions to fight anymore.

"My daughter isn't going to fight you and never will be.. However I will. If you're still confident enough to face me" Goku said as Nova was still mad at Kane for what he has done allowing her father to butt in this one as he has the power to fight and scare the kid way more than she can which was kinda a drag when Kane declined no longer wanting to fight anymore shaking his head as Goku's serious side subsided and faced Nova feeling her intense atmosphere picking both her and Bunny up leaving the rest to Vegeta and Tarak while he calms down the angered little snowflake.

"KANE! What do you think you're doing?! This behaviour is unacceptable, apologize immediately for the trouble you have caused us" Tarak yelled scolding his son who bowed now feeling the pressure and severally out matched by these saiyans, but he couldn't sense Nova's power just then when she arrived unexpectedly to fight him making it a easy battle to him even though she had tapped into god Ki a power no ordinary being can sense unless you're a god of course. 

"I apologize for the dishonorable deed I have committed towards our kind, it won't happen again" Kane said as Vegeta was unaware of what Goku did that startled him so much that caused the kid to act in such a fearful way like this, but he didn't want to ask as he was busy dealing with a more important matter than this that only he can do.. alone.

"Nah!" Nova was beginning to get out of control for Goku to control as it hurts him to see her in such pain as she clenched on to his orange Gi even though there is nothing he could do other than wait this out. Whenever her power over flows too much as it gives her horrific pain like she was being ripped apart like the time Goku used Ultra instinct turning back to his base form and instantly after a ripping pain came running through, but this was far greater than that.

"I know it hurts Nova, but I know you can fight it don't let it win, prove that you have the upper hand in this battle.. you are a warrior not a quitter" Goku said keeping her tightly wrapped in his embrace refusing to let go until all of this ends making it even more harder for him to decide if training to control that power now was a good idea or not unless he tends to withstand this horrific scene over and over again.

"Allow me.." Azura calls out appearing in front of him aiming her wand straight at the kid he held tightly in his arms seeing the pain in his eyes to witness such a sight with makes him worry about her even more as days pass watching her grow he grows scared of when the next one will happen and how it is going to end. Nova's pain was eased down leaving her to plop into her father's chest sweating and breathing heavily finally free of the pain she was stuck in for who knows. "*she sighs* You need to be more careful saiyan, a child with that power is extremely dangerous and needs specialized training after a episode like that happens or it will kill her one day, I recommend you start immediately if you want to keep her alive" Azura lastly said warning Goku of what will happen giving him an important job to do a think he is good at since all he does in train in order to become stronger in himself and those around him in not only base form, but ultra instinct too.

"She can't train she's ill, is there anything else that can help her that doesn't involve training?" Goku replied putting his daughter's life as training would result in putting strain and stress on the child's heart when wanting to meet father's expectations. Azura just looked at the saiyan being sympathetic as she knows that Goku isn't ready to train his kid in ways only Lady Mittens was raised and look at how powerful she is now once feared by all and forever a forgotten foe believed to be dead for all eternity before disappearing back to the hidden place where her Lord waits patiently for her. "Damn it!" Goku growled punching the ground with his free arm as in the other he held Nova tightly still unconscious from the ripping pain she felt throughout her entire body. He had no other choice and must train this kid no matter how much Chi-chi would disagree her life depends on it and with him as her teacher surely they will succeed in their goal.

Goku comes back to Earth not happy at all with what he has to do next in order to not just keep himself and everyone alive, but a confused innocent Nova as well. "Finally! *sees Nova* Hm, still out cold too, Riaura hasn't woken up either since that ratchet kid took her out and the father has the audacity to push me back! His son needs to learn how to respect a royal" Vegeta rambled on glancing over at Kane the main reason that both kids are still out even though Trunks has woken up even though he got involved soon after when the saiyan kid attacked his little sister out of the blue knocking them both out cold a way that no saiyan or anyone could predict as it was both swift and stealthy in order to reach his goal.

"I know he went out of line Vegeta, but he's just a kid after all so cut him some slack would ya, hehe" Goku replied revealing his goofy side towards the prince even though deep inside he know what has to be done in order to keep Earth safe and those around him as well as keeping Nova alive without anymore casualties. "Now.. Lets figure when to start her training?" He thought refusing to put Nova down under any circumstance which was concerning and off for him to do, but he was way doing this for her and for a safer life on Earth.

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