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Chapter 2: Prologue (Part 2)

Prologue (part 2)

I was dumbfounded. She was right. Based on my descriptions, I should know who this alluring yet ominous person was. Someone from the cursed bloodline before the tragedy of year 1000. A member of the former cursed bloodline, the Cromwell family. Actually as of today in the year 1173, the Cromwell Clan is not cursed anymore and their appearances have long been filtered down from their supposed gorgeous states. Don't get me wrong, they are still very good-looking but not as godly-like as before based on records.

"Hmmm you like monologues in your head, don't you? You haven't answered a single thing since I talked to you." She smirked.

"W-well, you do understand that you're a ghost right?"

"I do."

"Then it shouldn't be weird not to talk to you."

The lady snickered at my response, her perfect locks swayed for a bit catching my attention. "Seems like your monologue was true. 173 years since the tragedy, huh? Back in those times, spirit magic wasn't really used for ghosts, it is a separate thing, but as you may have thought before it's different now."

"I guess I died in the tragedy but succeeded on my mission." She added.

"What mission?"

She tilted her head, eyes glowing red fiercely. "Should I tell you? I'm a ghost now and it shouldn't matter to me but then it might cause issues.".

Shifting from her sitting position, the blood red dress she was wearing moved along the surface of the carriage, glowing on rare occasions. "Child with shining rose gold hair. Will you not introduce yourself to me?" Her red lips gently smiled and her eyes curved ever-so-slightly.

At a moment's notice, I could hear hollowed voices whispering with the harsh blows of the wind and realized that the carriage did not move yet for some reason my knees itched and the overwhelming feeling of telling her my name prickled from within me.

"My name is Tabitha Obiel, heiress of the Obiel Duchy and a prophesized Queen of the Golden throne of Soledad Empire." I stated proudly, a hand on my chest.

"Hmmm an Obiel. Are you a descendant of Rakhiel?"

"No. I am a descendant of his youngest cousin Aliara."

"Was Rakhiel impotent after being a playboy after all? That bastard..." I heard her mumble.

Everyone in the Empire knows of the foolish actions of Rakhiel. Although they were baseless rumors, it had become the stain of our clan that we've been trying to bury. In a way it is the main reason why I am pressured had to stand above everyone else.

"Actually, Rakhiel Obiel which is considered to be the perfect incarnation of the ancestor Obiel Clan died during the tragedy."

The lady's hand dropped from her mouth and she frowned almost immediately. Her eyes became hostile although I could feel it was not directed at me. "I-I see. How did... he die?"

"The official statement says that Rakhiel Obiel died earlier than most because he was closest to the Sacred Tree at the time. When the unofficial ritual started and the Sacred Tree started its Life Drain ability, it is stated that his body was found approximately eleven meters away from it."

"What?!" Sorrow. Her red eyes glowered with dread. It was best to assume that I could feel her emotions due to the blessing of the throne's ability, Mana Manipulation, when a wielder is able to focus only on mana without attributes.

Upon recognizing her own sudden outburst of the news, she recomposed herself. "Why is Khiel near the site?"

Khiel. This lady and my great grandfather must've been close if she was able to call him that.

"Those are also rumors that the family can't refute since it is the most-likely the actual reason of Rakhiel Obiel's death. Would you want to hear it?"

"Say it."

I sighed. 'This lady is really fiesty'.

"The rumor stems from a maid who survived the tragedy from being near the palace. She said that Rakhiel was calling out to Lilith Aurelia who was seen to be next to the sacred tree just before the Life Drain ability struck."

Crack. Craaack. The windows are cracking.

Her head was down and even more ominous mana came out from her, "Stop it. D-Don't come out. Shut up..." She mumbled to herself. In that moment I wondered how I came to experience a real life horror scenario. Am I to die of heart failure before I could even participate an honorable battle? Crap.

"Sigh. I apologize for the weird behavior." Trying to cover her face, a misplaced sweat rolled than her cheek. "What about the other families during the tragedy of the celebration for the year 1000?"

"Aside from the Cromwell who weren't a Duchy. Truth be told, every single one of the chosen heirs at the time had died during the tragedy and Lilith Aurelia was deemed to be missing."

"Now what the hell is that bullshit? Why did the three other heirs died?" She gritted her teeth and albeit not as ominous before, the lady still looked displeased. Or more-so pissed off.

"But it's true. The three other heirs at the time lost all of their mana while trying to stop the Sacred Tree from overconsumption."


"Yes. It is believed to be that the Sacred Tree was showing behavior of overconsumption that was why the other Duchy heirs had to seal it."

"Where the hell was the heads of the clan?"

"They.. ummm.. the clan heads at the time were poisoned at a party except for the Duchess Obiel. The main reason why the year 1000 was labeled the 'year of the Tragedy' was because of the many deaths of the Duchy blood. Including the every head, heirs, powerful family ties and some relatives that were weak to the Sacred Tree's abilities."


I didn't know what to do. She was staying silent at the news. And then, she laughed. "Hahaha! So it means the weaker children had survived instead?"

"Rather than weak, you could say they were just average."

"Fufufu, you're also saying that despite being their descendant?"

Shrugging, I sat comfortably at my seat. Never knew I'll be proud of my titles before but, "Ahem! I want to remind you that I was blessed by the throne and mana, even if I am to be a descendant of those average people, it is still also a fact that I may become the most powerful person in the whole empire without trying."

Placing her chin on her hand and smirking at me, she cooed at me. "Naive."

Some time after that she disappeared with one last whisper lingering in the air with her mana, "You ought to visit the Sacred Temple."

"... tha." Knock knock.


"Lady Tabitha."

Knocking noises woke me up instantly. "What?"

"Forgive me for interrupting you sleep but we've arrived just now."

I frowned. "I see" and climbed out the carriage. I never thought I was dreaming up to now.

"I'm back, Mother." I scanned the living room but the person who was waiting for me there was none other than the busiest man alive in this household.

"Father, you're out of your chains." I greeted cheerfully.

"Insolent child, responsibilities are not that heavy for me."

"Is that so? You've been stuck in the office since I was a child so I wonder how heavy those chains to bind you there were." Laughingly, I bowed deeply.

"I greet the Duke of Obiel."

He smiled as a reply, yet frowned again. "You're already eighteen years old. No plans of taking over? I am quite old you know." I frowned at that.

"You really hate talking about responsibilities. I wonder why when you were so eager before."

"Let's not talk about it, Father. It's late and I want to sleep peacefully."

"I understand. I'm not here to nag at you for that."

"But you did come to nag at me about something else?"

"Not exactly nag but... as someone who is blessed by mana, did you feel something weird on your way here?"


"You're unaware?" I shook my head and his frown deepened. "The mana declined from the surroundings for a while. I thought you were training but then I heard you were simply assisting Gabeniel home."

That lady whether it was actually a dream or not was probably the cause. "I think that was still me, Father. Uncle had proven how blessed I am with mana through a simple experiment, that was why."

Mana Manipulation, is an ability to directly use mana without altering it to such magic like fire, water, earth, or air. It is a magic itself on its own league which can only be given to those blessed by mana, a signal of the birth of a new ruler of the Golden Throne. It only has two other submagic under it, Eyes and Carte Blanche. Unlike Carte Blanche, Eyes is a gift for all blessed bloodlines despite not chosen by the throne.

Father nodded his head after my explanation and walked by me. "Alright. That's fine then. Have a good sleep."

"Yes. You too, Father."

Climbing to bed as usual, I wondered why the surrounding mana was startled at her appearance.

"Tabitha. When I meant that you should visit the Sacred Temple, I meant that you should do so before the end of today."

"What?!" Rattled I jumped out of bed and saw the beautiful lady with the blood red dress leaning on my window balcony although she looks like she's floating.

"I said-"

"No no, that's not what I meant." I opened the doors to the balcony wide. "How'd you get here?"

"Nevermind that. It's already ten, we have two or less hours til the day ends."

"Does it have to be now?"

"Yes. And take care of this letter, you can give it later to your master."

"Master? I don't have a- Aahhhh!"

Shiiiiiiing. We teleported.

'How is this possible?'

The Obiel Territory where my house is, was located at the northern border of the Empire and the area I just got teleported to, was right outside the Sacred Temple inside the walls of the Empire.

"Oh no. Am I not trespassing right now?"

"Calm down. I technically live here with the other souls. Well, they're waiting for you."

"How am I supposed to find them in this gigantic sized temple, you mad woman?" Crap. I didn't mean to curse at her but she definitely was a mad woman.

"Fufufu you are interesting. You'll be able to find them, if you're blessed by the throne that is" and she disappeared.

T-That woman! Just because I get stuck up due to her alluring looks doesn't mean she can take advantage of me this way! I even forgot to wear slippers.

'This place gives me the creeps.' based on history depiction, the Sacred Temple had a welcoming atmosphere and a simple glow from the outside. The inner areas are completely free-feeling and illuminated brightly as if the sun was inside it and a cool gently breeze accompanies everyone inside.

On rare occassions, otherworldly beings are seen to be walking around as well or finding a habitat within the temple. It is said that despite the many creatures inside, it wasn't unnecessarily noisy yet not quiet either. Just like a hymn of voices reminding the dwellers that they are not alone as they travel the gigantic temple. But when one reaches the throne and the altar which were next-door neighbors, and the garden of the Sacred Tree, everything becomes comfortably quiet.

I wish I could've seen it like that but the temple in front of me looks nothing like the descriptions found in my Uncle's father's history books. The 'should-be' glowing outer walls of the temple were covered with vines and the entrance was mildly block by it as well, as if forbidding anyone to go inside.

Sigh. I should just get this over with and sleep.

"If I'm blessed by the throne, huh? I'll show her" while grumbling I started walking inside and the place looked much worse than the outside. Unlike the clean but vine-filled walls on the outside, the inside had cracks all over the place and vines, webs, and very creepily, traces of very dry blood.

Did I unwittingly curse myself?

Even though it looked like an abandoned temple there were traces of cracks that were filled up by rocks. 'Seems like someone had been here before' I remember that Uncle used to tell me that everything inside the temple is made of mana. And mana is a blessing. If the blessing that is mana had also blessed me then it shouldn't have let me meet a crazy woman and get dragged into her own affairs.

"Sigh. So she meant something that I should have something that those who are blessed by throne should, right? Well then..." The mana within the area swayed gently at the pressure from my whole body and various mana hues have scattered. Mana Manipulation.

"Show me where the spirits are." A white string of mana glowed brightly than the others and grew wider on the floor as if a long carpet guiding me.

After walking on the white mana carpet for probably half an hour, it finally led me to an open garden. 'Oh shit I think I know where this is.'

There stood tall a gigantic tree with a dull red color, its bark had already turned to a charcoal-like color and instead of looking sacred and extravagantly beautiful, it looked cursed and ominous. "The rumored Sacred Tree..."

At the time of the Tragedy, after stopping the Life Drain skill, distorted mana for almost twenty years before stabilizing but declining. That is why the direct descendants of the blessed bloodlines do not have their almost glowing complexions as they grow old.

The only physical traits of being a direct descendant of a blessed bloodline was their natural fuller complexion than others and a healthier hair.

Of course, even normal citizens can look full, glowing, and have healthy hair however the blessed bloodlines have an almost golden glow in their every aspect. A golden glow is only an example though, their respective glows shines the same way as their hair color after all.

In this generation I am the only one who can exhibit the same abilities and appearance as the past because I am much blessed than others. Not only by mana but also by the Golden Throne located in a different area of the Sacred Temple.

I can see... old people. Old people?

"Excuse me, are you the ones waiting for me?" I raised their attention at my words.

"Ahahaha! You can see us?" a sparkling black-haired guy, he's the shortest of the three, said. He didn't seem like a Cromwell.

Oh crap. I didn't notice because of the black barks behind them but they were also transparent.

Was my luck drowned out because I was blessed by mana or something?

It seems to be the case not just because of this though. This is getting on my nerves.

"It's about time! It's almost two hundred years already. How long will the empire stay still on their homes? Cowards." A glowing lady with peach hair grumbled.

"C-Calm down Nessa, if the people's will is down then we can't do anything about it. We're not even sure if they took the palace back from the invaders." Another glowing guy walked towards the two and his soft blue hair waved gently as he put his hands on the others' shoulders, calming them down. "You too, Rouge. Don't be too excited. I know it's been a while since we've seen actual people but don't startle her."

'Fuck. He's gorgeous. I think I'm in love with a ghost.'

Calm down, self.

"Pardon me for the intrusion but I have to say that it has already been a hundred years or so that the civil war had stopped." I explained as a matter of fact the civil war lasted for fifty years and destroyed the Empire thoroughly but due to the compromise of everyone for the future generations or so, they stopped.

The compromise was that a member of the Duchy will wed or take in a concubine that is not aristocratic so that the power can be passed on to other generations.

"See, Hanz?! The outside are just scared and being comfortable from their seats taking care of their own positions! Those rats! They even left our souls to rot with this dying tree! If only..! If only... Damn it!" The lady named Nessa, kicked the tree, and the leaves shook for a moment while the man named Hanz sighed.

What the hell. Aren't they ghosts? How can they touch the tree?!

"Uhmm excuse me? But how did you do that? You were able to move the tree..."

"Huh? Did the empire remove history books too?!" I don't think I'll get through to her.

"I'll answer your question then." The boy-looking man who was only a few inches taller than me smiled and walked towards me, not glide like a ghost.

"You see, we are blessed by mana. And I don't know if your history books were altered but if you don't know what this tree is..."

"It's the Sacred Tree, right?"

"Hmmm that's right. But it's not only called the Sacred Tree, it's boring that way. This now-dull-and-dying tree is used to be called as the 'Heart of Mana' or the Creator of Mana. We don't know where the mana comes from directly but it is what it is." What a free-spirited person.

"So what's the connection with her being able to actually kick the tree?" I dumbly ask back.

"... Mana can always touch mana. It is a definite rule."

A voice far different than the others resounded within the vast garden. The voice had a tinge of mana imbued to it causing it to flow in the air heavily.

The three went quiet almost instantly with complicated expressions.

Then ever-so-slow steps could be heard behind the gigantic tree and the most beautiful man I have ever seen had presented himself. "Hello, child. I can tell that you already know me" with a slight smile and his slim fingers combing his golden rose hair, he spoke once more.

"We have been waiting for you, Fourth Ruler of the Golden Throne, Tabitha Obiel."

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