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Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Next Phase

Chapter 14: Next Phase

~Liam POV~


Whew… now that dimension is a bit much for me but I'm glad to be back inside the mansion I have in the Ready Player One dimension.

Man, I'm poop learning from Saiki, but it was worth it to understand my Psychic powers.

Even though the standards are normal it was balls hard to compare him to me.

It's not even fair how strong he is compared to me but then again his a gag character those characters are a given already strong to god-like powers and abilities.

Existing out from the dimension of Saiki Kusuo no Ψ Nan I only have pity for Saiki.

I don't know how he manages with his friends on a daily basis.

Along with the unnatural disasters on a daily basis.

His life dealing with all that crap…

I actually commend him for all the trouble he was forced to go through but at least I got what I originally came from him.

To learn about using Teleportation, Flight, and Telepathy.

Saiki managed to say what he promised and helped me out refined the control of my Esper abilities along with Telekinesis and to be honest they are really useful to find out what I want and to turn them off.

Teleportation is defined as the hypothetical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without transferring the physical state between them.

Teleportation it is very fast, and to others, it appears as if they are blinking in and out of existence. I can take things with me by holding onto them as I teleport others, including other people.

Telepathy was one of the skills I had to develop more on with Saiki's help and guidance he managed to simplify for me what the process does and how to use it.

And he uses it on a daily basis.

Such a control freak when he realized I adapted to his mind control which made him actually scared.


At least that's a benefit.

Users can perceive and interact with the mind, consciousness, and thoughts of themselves or others using their minds, thus being able to read & sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally, and a plethora of other capabilities through non-physical means.

Telepathy has three common categories: Telepathic Communication, which is the ability to transmit information from one mind to another, Telepathic Perception, which is the ability to receive information with one's mind, and Telepathic Manipulation, which is the ability to influence the minds of others to vary degrees.

The most advanced telepaths are not only capable of interacting with the minds or spirits of others, but with reality itself in various ways, tapping into psychic/astral energies, extending their senses/perception and even their very consciousness beyond the limits of their bodies, and potentially even projecting their power into the physical plane.

I'm belonging to Telepathic Communication, and Telepathic Perception the ability to read their minds and collect info from them.

Handy ability to be honest.

And Flight was more self-explanatory since Saiki uses it at times and helped me use it along with my Telekinesis making my body be enhanced physically since I already made the developed age of 17 years now.

Been 2 years since I left home but it's occupied at the moment.

When I get to that point when I become stronger than those aliens I'll be sure to take it back.

Still though being 17 years old training my Esper powers I need to first deal with my body issue or to be exact the issue of my base level strength.

It's still normal to the human eye…

I need to change that.

But not only that though I also need to increase my knowledge quickly as well since my method of learning and obtaining power thus far has been rather slow unless I take time to increase my knowledge and wisdom.

So, I had to give in to some options I needed to get myself stronger or to say the least enhance myself.

The Esper powers of my Telekinesis already do that job for me charging my psychic energy to my fist thanks to Telekinesis to be able to destroy rocks and buildings with ease since it goes well with time.

Of course, I would be gaining more power with my abilities being to travel the Multiverse.

I had some downtime to read other fics about how others in my situation would react…

Sadly, not all worlds would react positively to a Multiverse Traveler for a number of reasons but the most prominent being were the BAD GUYS in those situations…

Well, they are right to a degree but also wrong as well.

To people like me, the difference between good and evil is just subjecting or topics really.

It's the matter of why we do the things we do that defines me.

And there are so many dimensions for me to collect power-ups as well one good example of one is The Boys with their Compound V.

Another case would be the Charlotte anime.

Charlotte follows the story of four students in an alternate reality from Hoshinoumi Academy, a school founded to protect children with special abilities that develop during puberty, as they search for and protect others like them throughout Japan.

But what I want is the main power from the MC Yū Otosaka to have the Plunder or Looting.

Unfortunately, though I have no means of contacting said character with the off chance he steals my powers.

I'll have to take care of him with surprise.

If I choose to that is.

Of course, I'm still weak to do anything about it for the time being so I will refrain from doing so.


With my current set, it will be blind stupidity to do that and I only have my Esper abilities at this time since I still need time to research the other dimensions that could provide me the most gains.

Although the world of My Hero Academia is tempting, I was clearly one of those villain supporters once I learn of their past.

Relatable even.

However, I'll read more info on that later since what I need now is to enhance my base everything and not just my strength.

What I need next is an upgrade to make me peak superhuman and increase comprehension.

But what I need most is certain skills in specific professions I need to be able to replicate most items myself but that would mean I need to waste years understanding them…

So a shortcut is in order.

What I would need is to locate a dimension that meets my needs.

A dimension that would make me perfect in almost every single way and for that I found one that meets my expectations.

I have to go to the Danganronpa dimension.

The world of Danganronpa is a must.

The reason why is because they essentially created a super soldier, or I guess what is considered a high or peak human in that world through their eyes in the Hope project with all the abilities of Ultimate Talents.

I mean it basically nullifies most of my concerns in human-related matters and can greatly enhance everything related to humanity as well as increase my comprehension as well so why not?

And another reason that would allow me to gain the powers and information about everything in the Danganronpa world is info and technology as well as mechanics to comprehend them.

But most important of all is the fact there are no other superhumans out there in that dimension to stop me from stealing Hope's Peak Academy's dark secret soldier program for me waiting to be taken.

Add the fact I can just simply overpower them and with my portals searching through parallel dimensions I would eventually find the right brother or sister dimension when the process happens.

Added bonus, there are no gods to stop me from doing that otherwise or higher being of power to stop me from doing so.

The only concern would be the barely peak human kids or adults with very specific skills but even then a bullet is just enough to harm them since they are human.

That and I want to know how the bloody hell they can enhance a piece of luck on a person to bullshit levels?

Isn't that something outside the realms of science or something?


Whatever I'll get the info on how to produce one later but the point still stands though they are not a threat in most cases but in my case very dangerous for the simple fact I'm mortal just like them with no skills other than my dimension portal creation and Esper powers.

Add to the fact I can simply go in and take whatever I wanted from that dimension I could wait till I have gear that makes me hard to penetrate but also…

It's not wise to underestimate the MCs, especially where the majority of them can die in that world.

Learned that lesson the hard way.

Fucking furry-ass dog lover…

And the Esper overpowering Saiki able to read me and use me like an open book.

Let it be known is ALWAYS a bad idea to underestimate the main characters.

Of course, I could go to other worlds where I can get the best gear but once again the issue comes with my powers of dimension portals to parallel worlds or alternate realities as I can open the doorway…

But I can't tell where exactly I'm going to land in that world from my logical spot so it could be anywhere in the world for that one.

So, the next thing I had next was to go to a cliché power-up school anime world which was surprisingly a lot thanks to the knowledge and media of the Ready Player One dimensions and parallels to them.

Seriously though do they want to torture their characters with more school though?


And here I thought I was the sadistic one here.

Alright, enough about that issue I think I found the right dimension for me to go to next and it involves a bit more intermediate actions of me joining this time around mostly of how ridiculous it is.

Hence the reason I began to close my sights on Danganronpa while more popular for its killing game I can get the major benefit of getting everything that dimension talents had in the form of the Hope project or Izuru project.

As in greatly boost my physical strength in my base form as well as the talents of everyone in the Characters there as well as instant mastery of skills at least the essentials needed that is, but it's better than nothing.

I was thinking I could infiltrate inside the place using the title of Ultimate Esper… but I wasn't going to wait long for that stupid revolution and supremacist assholes.

That and why would I want to torture myself back to school again?

I'm a man of profit, not a masochist.

Besides that, I thought I should take my time raiding the area more… immediate.

Quick get in and collect.

No need for over-the-top plots or manipulation.

Your good old fashion grab and pass.

Even if I steal all of the technology it's not like I could understand them and know what tools I need to get the job done I would have to get to a point where I have to make them by hand at one point.

For now, though I think I know what dimension I should go to next maybe since I'm sort of lacking in the survivability department.

However, what I need first is an item to locate my desired locations first before going anywhere else now.

Time to pay a quick visit to that dimension but first finding the location would be difficult enough so what I need now is an item or ability to navigate a lot easier.

In that case, I need one quick trip to Cuba in another dimension to find a said person first and collect a certain item from there that would be useful to navigate.

When I get that then I can go raid Hope's Peak Academy.

And here I thought I would be done with water-based dimensions at least this one won't get me killed.

Now, where did I put my submarine in which dimension?


Thanks for the idea of leaving the chapter how it is and advice.

Even though some won't be happy with how Saiki figured out the MC or the actions seemed forced Saiki was already stupid broken.

And remember when Saiki had his earpieces on his head he would have the strength when he had his Esper powers as a five-year-old even with all of his abilities he could do it easily but once he takes it out I don't even want to know how broken he gets that even he has a hard time to control.

Also, any guesses what dimension was the MC talking about before he goes to Danganronpa?

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