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Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2

Cooper's POV

The day went by really slow. The pain in my chest never dulled for a moment. I was still as heartbroken as I was this morning but I had to get myself together. I had to get myself together. The last bell had rung a few minutes ago but I wasn't ready to go home yet. I texted my dad that the coach needed my help with something. I lied to him and I just hope he doesn't find out otherwise it is going to look real bad for me.

I changed into my track uniform and began running. It must have been 25 minutes since I started running at my full speed, I was getting tired but the heartache was more intense than my aching body. I pushed my legs forward not wanting to stop when suddenly pain erupted in my entire body. The pain was so intense that it pulled my to the ground. I clutched my chest, the body part which hurt the most at the moment. I tried to take deep breaths and focus my attention to something else but it didn't help

I laid on the ground in this enormous amount of pain for god knows how long. The pain was gone all of a sudden just the way it came. Having no more energy left in me, I slowly got off the ground and walked to the showers. I took a quick shower and got into my car.

I drove fast towards the pack house in order to avoid getting scolded by my father for being late. I made it just in time. I changed into a button down shirt with dress pants. I tucked the shirt and also styled my hair business style. I put on some light cologne and wore my watch.

I made my way downstairs where everybody was preparing for the new arrivals. Our pack house was very big and had more than enough space for our packs but I am worried if it will still be enough after the new pack joins us.

The girls and the ladies were busy preparing food for the grand dinner and some snacks for everyone. The men were busy making arrangements for the accommodation and preparing the parking space. The boys were helping out by moving some furniture.

I made my way over to the boys to help them out. We had successfully moved the furniture in spare rooms and were ready for the new arrivals. I refreshed myself to look fresh when the pack arrives.

Heather's POV

"Heather, wake up!" I heard someone yell over and over. I opened my eyes slowly and found my mother glaring at me. I looked around the room to find Drake putting on his clothes looking guilty and embarrassed.

"Heather, honey, you have been very irresponsible. I was waiting all day long to see if you had found your mate and as soon as you get back from school you get down to dirty business with that boy. I am so sick of it! What happens when either of you find your mates?" Mom started ranting.

I sighed, mate, what will I do? Oh yes, I remember, I rejected my mate as Drake and I made a deal to reject our mates and spend the rest of our lives together.

"I found my mate" I admitted to my mom.

My confession stopped her ranting immediately. She looked at me surprised and excited whereas Drake was shocked. I tried to forget those gray eyes and took a deep breath.

"Drake is my mate. Did you wonder why I couldn't keep my hands off of him and had to rush to my room?" I questioned my dumbfounded mother.

"You aren't lying, are you? I mean, don't mess with me. Tell me how you knew it was him?"

"I was hit by this intoxicating scent and I followed it which led me to him and as soon as I saw him, my wolf started jumping in joy and crying "mate" again and again and again. So I figured that he was my mate" I said. What I said wasn't entirely false. They only lie was that I used Drake's name instead of Cooper's.

"Oh wow, that is wonderful news. I am so happy for you" mom squealed and jumped to hug me. I laughed at her antics. Drake slipped out of the room seeing us have a moment.

Mom broke the hug "Get ready, we leave in 20" with that said she skipped out of my room happily, probably to tell my dad the news.

I quickly got dressed in a red cocktail sundress which was neither too formal nor too informal. I had to look presentable, after all I was the future alpha and also the birthday girl.

I re-checked all of my stuff and bags to make sure that I wasn't leaving behind anything before I went downstairs. Everyone was done packing, we were loading up all of our stuff in the cars and trucks. Our pack house was being sold and all the money will be invested in the newly merged pack where we will build a bigger, better and a safer pack house for our new big pack. But I will miss my home.

I got into the car with mom, dad and my brother Nick. Nick was just two years younger than me. We had a great bond, we knew everything about each other. We shared every detail of our lives with each other.

"So, we hear congratulations are in order" dad teased from the driver's seat.

"Dad, stop it!" I said, a little embarrassed.

"Honey, seriously, you found your mate and you didn't tell your daddy. I am truly hurt."

"Sorry, daddy. But yes, I found my mate, I am just happy that Drake is my mate" I lied, my heart ached whenever I called Drake my mate. My wolf has shut herself off and won't respond to me anymore. She is angry at me for rejecting our mate but I am sure she will understand me sooner or later.

"Congrats sis, but why do I sense a sad vibe coming off of you? Is everything alright? You know, you can tell me anything" Nick whispered to me.

"Everything is fine, Nick, thanks. If there is anything I need to get off of my chest then I will find you. Don't you worry your little head" I said as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

Sometime during the ride, I fell asleep and was woken up my Nick. I looked around and we were parked in front of a big ass pack house. It was twice the size of our previous pack house. We got out of the car and started unloading.

A familiar scent of Musk and Sandalwood caught my attention. My wolf perked up but still refused to talk to me. I felt a weird kind of calmness take over me. I knew this scent, it was hers. Does she belong to this pack? Fuck!!

I got my bags together and patiently waited for the others to gather their belongings. My parents made their way over to the door where I could see a lot of people, waiting to welcome us. My brother followed our parents and I walked behind him trying to duck and hide myself from a certain someone. I felt hands on my waist, I looked to my left to find Drake on my side giving me his big smile that instantly melted me. I smiled back, happy to have some support from him.

Cooper's POV

We heard cars pull up outside the house. I made my way to the porch along with the rest of the pack members. I stood by my father and mother when I caught a whiff of her scent. Getting rejected was a different thing, but living in the same house after getting rejected was going to be a pain in the ass. I was praying that my assumption was wrong, I just hope that I don't have to endure that kind of torture.

I saw the a couple approaching us, I am assuming they are the Alpha and the Luna of the Red Moon pack. I stand up straighter with hands behind my back. I strain my neck and try to see if she is here but no such luck. Her scent gets stronger but I don't see her with any of these people.

"Welcome, Alpha Richard and Luna May, it's a pleasure to have you here. Please meet my wife Bernice and my daughter Cooper" my father introduced us.

After the Alpha and Luna exchanged pleasantries with my mom they turned to me. I extended my hand for them to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir, Madam. If you need anything, do not hesitate to let me know, we hope to make your settlement here very comfortable and smooth" I said.

"Thank you" Alpha Richard says. He turned to my dad "Your daughter sure is very disciplined and polite, Alpha Barry. I would like you meet my children Nick and Heather"

My heart stopped for a minute. My wolf started jumping in joy after hearing our mate's name, looks like my wolf has forgotten that she rejected us. Alpha and Luna stepped aside and I saw a red haired boy who looked younger than me and behind him slowly making her way was none other than Heather and attached to her was a leech. A sandy haired boy looking at my Heather with gooey eyes.

I suppressed a growl as I tried to calm down my wolf. My wolf was itching to get the boy off of our mate. I was having a hard time controlling my own temper, forget about controlling my wolf. I could burst anytime. Another growl made it way from my chest but I was able suppress this one too, successfully.

Heather looked up, our eyes locked. She looked taken aback but regained her composure very soon. She smiled at my parents and introduced herself. The boy still didn't leave Heather, he was still attached to her like a leech. I get it now, the rejection, it was because she loved this boy.

The pain in my chest grew, Heather visibly flinched and looked at me. I maintained my poker face showing no emotion at all when all I felt on the inside was pain then all of a sudden, I started feeling guilty. I might be experiencing Heather's emotions while she could feel my pain.

I gained control of my emotions. The only thing I couldn't get under my control was the anger and jealousy but I made sure that nobody else could feel it. I put up my barriers which prevent anybody from trying to feel my emotions or feelings. Another deep growl erupted from deep inside my chest and this time, unfortunately, I couldn't control it.

Everybody's attention turned to me. Heather knew that it was a growl and she also knew the reason behind it. I tried to cover up. "I am so sorry, excuse me about that. My body is demanding some food since I missed lunch. I am sorry you had to hear that, it is embarrassing."

Alpha Richard laughed it off while my father glared at me in anger. I am surely going to get punished later. Fuck my life! The only good thing that came out of this was that Heather put some distance between herself and the leech.

Everybody was let inside the house and served refreshments. I was carrying a tray of the lemonade when I reached my father who whispered in my ear "Meet me in my office later." I nodded my head in response, I am definitely getting punished later.

I continued serving our new arrivals trying to put on a smile on my face while ignoring the leech and my mate sucking faces. Both of them were cozying up on the love seat in the corner of the common room.

"Honey, take some lemonade for Heather. Make her feel comfortable, go on."

I nodded and made my way towards the couple who were sucking each other's faces. I cleared my throat to grab their attention and in an attempt to stop the kissing session. My blood was boiling and my wolf was at bay. I am sure my eyes would turn anytime and my claws would come out if this kept going any longer.

When they didn't seem to hear me, I cleared my throat again but this time louder. That sure grabbed their attention. Heather quickly wiped her lips while the dude groaned and growled before glaring at me for interrupting.

"What do you want?" he asked rudely with attitude dripping in his tone.

This boy was testing my patience. "I am here to offer you some refreshments. Care for some lemonade?" I said, being polite. I don't want to anger my father any more than he already was.

"No, dude. Take the fucking lemonade and stick it up your ass. Next time, you interrupt me man, I will break your dick. Clear?" Leech said as he got up, sneering at my face.

My wolf was itching to come out. I am sure my eyes had turned into a darker color. I could feel my wolf trying to take control.

"First of all, I am not a dude. Second, I am the future alpha of my pack and if you use that tone with me again then I will not stop at breaking your dick, I will shove that with your balls in your fucking mouth." I growled. My voice didn't sound like mine, my wolf had taken control.

Leech was visibly shaking, my claws were now out. I would snap anytime. As I was having a hard time controlling my wolf I felt a warm hand on my arm sending electric currents through my arm. My wolf instantly calmed down. I took a couple of deep breaths. Leech was still shaking. I turned to Heather and nodded my thank you before offering her some lemonade which she took.

As soon as she took the glass of lemonade, I turned around and left. After everybody had their refreshments the kids were asked to show the other pack members to their rooms. Since I was the future alpha of my pack I was assigned to give a tour of the house to the other pack's future alpha.

I looked around for Heather but couldn't find her anywhere. I went to the backyard to look for her when I felt the same kind of pain as before shoot up. My whole body spasmed. I held the pole to keep myself from falling down. The pain lasted for about five minutes before it died down.

As soon as I felt like I could walk again, I went back inside and resumed my search for Heather. I found her in the kitchen and this time she was alone. She smelled an awful lot like the sandy haired boy.

"I was asked to show you to your room and give you a tour of the house. Please, let me know when you are ready" I said and stood on the other side waiting for her.

"We can start now" she said, looking at me curiously.

"Can you identify your bags for me so that I can bring them up?" I asked her.

"Yes, of course" she replied in her sweet voice.

"Thank you, mademoiselle" I replied.

"You don't have to be so formal with me. At ease, soldier" she joked.

"Okay" I replied in monotone.

After she showed me her three bags, I hauled two of them and proceeded up the stairs while Heather carried the smaller bag and followed me. Carrying those bags felt like carrying three hundred pounds, I felt so weak. We climbed up two flights of stairs and reached the second floor. I walked to the last room on the left side of the corridor and opened it.

"Ms. Bloomingdale, this is your room. Most of the rooms on this floor belong to the teenagers and the empty room on this floor have been assigned to the teens from you pack. The room on the opposite yours is mine, anytime you need anything, you can let me know."

I placed the bags on the floor by the door and stepped back as Heather looked around the room. She seemed to like it. The smile on her face was evident, her smile made my heart swell up.

"Thank you for helping me with the bags" she said softly.

"It's my absolute pleasure, Ms. Bloomingdale."

"Stop it! Stop being so formal." Heather said rather frustrated.

"I am sorry. It's just the way I was brought up. I will call you Heather," I said immediately seeing as she was getting annoyed by me.

"Heather is good, nothing else."

"Very well then, Heather" I said.

"Do you know where Drake's room is?" Heather inquired.

"I am sorry but I don't know who you are talking about" I replied politely.

"Drake is my boyfriend, the guy that I was kissing earlier" Heather stated.

"Oh! He seems to be a teenager so his room should also be on this floor but I will check the list and let you know which room has been assigned to him but that might take some time. Is that fine?" I asked her.

"Yes, and I am sorry, you had to see us kissing." Heather apologized. She sounded very genuine.

"It's alright. Are you ready for the tour of the house or would you like to rest for a bit?" I asked her.

"Yeah, let's go."

I showed Heather around the house. All the common areas like the gym, kitchen, swimming pool, training areas, gaming areas and everything else. I then proceeded to show her the office. The first one was the one we had prepared for Alpha Richard which would soon be Heather's.

I knocked on the door on the office next to Richard's. "Come in" my dad's voice sounded on the other end. I opened the door to find my parents and Heather's parents inside.

"I was giving Ms. Bloomingdale a tour of the pack house. Is it okay if we come in, Alpha or is this a bad time?" I asked for permission.

"Yes, of course, bring her in. We are doing the same here with Mr. and Mrs. Bloomingdale" father said.

I nodded and let Heather walk in before me as I closed the door behind us. My father spoke and we all listened. I could see that Heather was getting bored now but soon we would all head for the dinner party.

CatastrophicPoet CatastrophicPoet

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