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Chapter 2: Wake up.

The event that gave Bart his powers would become known as the second coming of the mutant messiah. And every Mutant born that day would become known as the lights a special group of mutants who were the first to awaken their X-Gene after Scarlet Witch's decimation of the mutant race. Having been one of the few lights to reappear, Bart was swiftly retrieved from the hospital he was recovering in and transferred to Utopia for better treatment.

Bart's heart monitors beeped at a normal rate for a human as he slept on the bed.

" Hm, this most peculiar." Hank hummed as he looked over Barts medical charts.

Dr. Nemesis slid from his desk over to Hanks. " What is it, Mccoy?" Dr. Nemesis asked as he looked over Hank's shoulder.

Hank placed the charts down. " Well, the boy seems perfectly fine despite being unconscious for nearly two weeks. When the school found him, they said he had residual burn marks from a bolt of lightning running up his arm and yet here he is not a scratch on him." Hank explained to the man.

" So, he's got a healing factor. I would have thought working alongside Wolverine after all these years would have made you more accustomed to such a thing, Mccoy." Nemesis explained to the man.

Hank sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. " You don't get it nemesis; the boy's body should have suffered some kind of tissue damage. Relative Nerve damage, Brain damage. Something. The chemicals they cleaned off him were all lethal doses of dangerous mixtures. And he healed them all Within a few minutes of being retrieved. Even, Logan would have needed a little longer to heal from the damages they say he had." hank explained to the man.

Upon hearing his explanation, Nemesis became more intrigued in the boy and began looking over his charts himself. " Hm, his metabolism is extremely high. Insane really. How much water are you pumping into his body in a day?" Nemesis asked.

" Well, his body is in a state of perpetual rest right now. So, not too much more than a normal human would need. But I imagine the amount he'd need would be more if were active. Cerebra said he was a speedster like NorthStar. So, I've just been using the same treatment I'd have given him, but with a few more modifications to adjust to fit him." Hank explained.

" I see." Nemesis stated as he continued reading over the boy's charts as this was the first time, he had been able to study the boy since he came in the night before.

As the two men continued their research, Bart's monitor began peeping faster and faster until it reached a heart rate it couldn't calculate. " What's going on, Hank?" Nemesis asked as he ran to the boy's bedside.

" I don't know! His heart rate suddenly shot through the roof!" Hank yelled back as he joined Nemesis.

The two men watched as Bart's body began shaking and vibrating fast. Bart's eyes shot open revealing a surge of red energy. Beast and Nemesis attempted to calm the boy, but both were knocked across the room as Bart burst out of the room.

" He's Awake! Bartholomew's awake!" Hank immediately radioed to the entire Island.

Bart ran outside, appearing as a blur to those around him, and looked around nervously. He then unconsciously began running around in circles, a trail of red lightning following behind him as he did.

" NORI STOP HIM!" David yelled as he and the rest of Generation X were getting thrown around by the boy.

Noriko used her full charge to increase her speed and try to catch the boy, but even at her top speed she was stuck chasing the tail-end of his speed trail. " I can't catch him!" Noriko spoke as she struggled to catch her breath after using all of her energy to chase him.

As Noriko rested a blue trail sped past the woman. " Let me try." Laurie Tromette/ Transonic said to Noriko. Laurie was a blue-skinned mutant with facial scars, Pointed ears, no visible irises or pupils, ledges on her head, shoulders, and chest with red hair. She was much faster than Noriko was and had an easier time trying to keep pace with Bart, but even she wasn't fast enough to catch him.

However, she wouldn't need to catch him as Bart suddenly came to a stop in the middle of the Island. Bart stood there in front of everyone and looked down at his hands as they vibrated violently. " What's going on? What's happening to me?" Bart asked in a panic.

Bart stood there until a woman wearing all white approached him. " Your mutant powers are reacting to your nerves, now you need to calm down." Emma explained to the boy.

Bart looked up at the woman and even though she couldn't see his face she knew he was confused. " You are a mutant, Bartholomew. And your ability is superspeed. Extreme superspeed if I have to say." Emma explained to the boy.

" Powers? I have powers?" Bart asked the woman out of curiosity.

Emma smirked and nodded. "Why yes. Yes, you do."

" That. is. SO, CRASH!" Bart exclaimed as he jumped with excitement.

" Well, yes. I'm happy to see you're excited about the prospect of being a mutant but perhaps you should save the celebrating until after we get you back to normal." Emma explained to the boy. " Now, I need you to bring the excitement down just a bit and focus on being normal." Emma added on

Bart nodded and began focusing on just being. He closed his eyes and focused and when he opened them back up, he had stopped vibrating.

" Hey, look! I did it!" Bart exclaimed. He looked up at the woman to see her shielding her eyes. " Hey, what's wrong? I'm not that ugly." Bart joked. " Seriously what's wrong with her? Bart turned and asked everyone else who had gathered around. He looked to see the girls and some of the guys red in the face as they looked away from him. It was only after Bart felt a draft between his legs did, he think to look down. " Oh, Crap!" Bart exclaimed as he quickly tried to cover himself. " Sorry!" Bart stated

Hank walked up to the boy and gave him a gown to cover himself with. " Don't worry about it son. Guess we'll need to get you something to wear that won't burn off you when you run. For now, let's get you back down to the lab so I can run some more tests." Hank explained to the boy as he lead him away from the crowd of people.

" That's one of the new mutants who are going to help carry us forward? We are so screwed." Logan said to Scott before walking away.

Scott rubbed the bridge of his nose and then looked over to hope and the lights. " Think you can help him out?" Scott turned to the lights and asked.

" Doesn't seem like he needs much help. And even if he did, how are we supposed to help him? He's way too fast." Hope replied.

" What about you, Laurie?" Scott turned and asked the girl.

" I might be able too. But I still only had my powers for a little over a week." Laurie replied.

" I see. Excuse me, I need to make a phone call." Scott said to the lights before walking away to his quarters with Emma right behind him.

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