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Chapter 17: The Bloodthirsty vampire is ready to feast on Sophia

She leant against the wall beside the door, while her hands roamed on the door handle. She continued to lengthen her arm towards the door. She pressed her palm gently on the door handle, pressing her hands to her face, while there was darkness in the whole corridor.

Then slowly she stretched her neck to peek inside the room. The room was not what she imagined. It was not messed with dead bodies or blood. It was a neat room, with pink-purple wall paints with golden mandala designs. The bed, cushions and quilt appeared to be made of fine quality cloth.

Sophia stepped into the room. She kept gazing at its top decorated with chandeliers and the big mirror. " Is the ghost, residing here, a young lady?" There was a large dining table, cosmetics, and perfumes spread on it. She switched her gaze to the mirror in front of her.

Suddenly, her facial expressions in the mirror changed to wild. Sophia drew back. The expressions continued to change into something weird in the mirror on their own. Was the ghost of the house frightening Sophia, with dark magic?

She began to twist her head to the right and left, but there was no one. She continued to clutch her coat in fear. The mirror was enchanted, just like several other items in the palace.

She stood up and was about to run off when she heard a strange roaring, like that of a goblin," What are you doing here? Don't you know this place is not safe for people?" Sophia tilted her face slowly and began to sob. Her whole face got white. Her body started shivering.

The most unexpected thing was a dark tornado, emerging in front of her. Sophia's heart started beating faster. Her stomach began to hurt, making her place her arms around it. She began to look down to save her glances from the tornado.

" You silly girl! " a voice came from the tornado. Sophia heard it, condemning her as it reached slight closer to her with every sentence.

Sophia shut her eyes, with her hands joined together as if begging for mercy. She kneeled and began to cry loudly," I am sorry. I am very sorry to enter your palace, dear... I didn't come here to steal anything. My pendant was thrown here by my cousins, and I was just searching for it. Can you help me?"

Then, suddenly, the tornado vanished and a vampire emerged in front of her. The vampire was six feet long, with a thin fair white face, crimson red eyes that revealed excessive wildness in them, a straight nose, and a body which was more muscular than the one Sophia had seen before, with brown messed hairs, and a stubble stained less haired beard. The blood sprinted from his mouth down to his beard length.

The blood dripped from his beard to the floor, producing a plink sound, while Sophia bent down and placed her palms on her eyes to prevent this direful spectacle from her sensitive orbs.

The vampire was stained with soot and blood on his face. The two cuspids of his teeth were sharp and pointy. He licked his lower lip, as he gazed at Sophia. He positioned himself as a werewolf, on four feet, who was ready to dine on his predator.

While Sophia was still bent down. She looked at him from toe to the top, with a startling expression. When he slowly paced at her, positioned like a wolf, with hind legs crawling like a lizard, Sophia let out a groan in fear.

Suddenly, the vampire's whole face and body transformed. His countenance shed the dirt and blood, coated on it and he stood up, placing himself on two feet. He appeared to be a fair white-faced, hazel brown orbed, neat hair styled and a nicely trimmed bearded vampire.

He was handsome and charming, but he was not a human. He was staring at Sophia with a furious expression.

" You silly girl! Don't you know it is quite risky for anyone to come here? Don't you love your life? Didn't your parents teach you how wandering in the dark lonely place, can cost you life?" The vampire continued to reprimand Sophia, with a firm harsh tone.

Sophia stood up with a sob," I am sorry Mr Vampire," tears trickling down her nose. Her eyelids got slightly red," My cousins dislike me. So to end my life, they threw my pendant here. It was the only remembrance of M...y M..m.other and F.f..f.ather." staggered Sophia.

The vampire's eyes switched their hue to crimson red. Sophia could see that his eyes reflected flames of outrage and wilderness. He gritted his teeth and shouted

"Girl I will not spare you. I spared no one that ever entered my palace. You will have to undergo the same treatment. Yesterday, an army of men was sent to kill me and destroy this palace. So, I had to murder them and hide their bodies in the hall. I have to feast on them today. You added extra servings to it, girl." smirked the vampire.

The vampire continued to walk toward the girl with a sword in his hand. The sword was half stained with blood. The blood continued to drain to the floor along the vampire's path.

Sophia started screaming, her hands joined and her eyes closed. She continued to sniff loudly, as tears continued to flow from her orbs" Please, forgive me, Mr Vampire, I had suffered till today. I have no one to cry for me. My family is dead, a long time ago, please let me live. I am not here to kill you, I am not with them." Sophia spoke with a quavering voice." I live away from the mountains." Her body dropped downwards.

Despite her pleas, the vampire didn't halt his steps. As he reached the innocent girl, he raised his sword to strike, while Sophia continued to cry with her face covered with arms.

As he lowered his sword, a chiming noise of glass dropping to the floor rang in the room. Sophia removed her arms and looked down only to find her pendant, lying there and unharmed.

" It's my pendant, I was tired of finding it everywhere. She grabbed it, hugged it and moaned with a smile," I am happy that my parent's portrait is unharmed and neat and clean as before too."

Then she raised her head to look at the vampire, who spoke with a firm calm expression. " It was stuck on your hair. it was hung on the top corner of the mirror. Maybe it got entangled with your hair, when you turned your head at me, all of a sudden." stated the vampire.

" And, listen girl. I am not going to harm you. But there's a condition."

" What, Mr vampire?"

" You have to stay here with me forever."

" What? No, it can't happen. I have a lover."

" It doesn't matter to me, I am sparing you only to live here with me. If not, then prepare to die." saying so, the vampire left the room.

Sophia clutched her hair and began to sob loudly. Her head showed creases built with tension. " Don't burden yourself, just sleep and forget about it it, till now." Vampire returned to her room to calm her.

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