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Chapter 19: Your Father Will Be Proud

Ferrah carried the unconscious Varnon over her shoulder as she leapt from rooftop to rooftop.

She moved stealthily and silently over the town of Nuzta like a ghost choosing who to haunt.

She eventually arrived at the house of Varnon. She entered through the window and carelessly threw Varnon to his bed.

The fat merchant was now a blind man. Both of his eyes were taken by Ferrah before she tied a cloth over Varnon's eyes.

Ferrah went close to Varnon and reached out with her hand glowing in mana. She touched the top of Varnon's head and a moment later, the blind man gained consciousness.

"Wh-what? Where am I?" Varnon said out loud as he woke up and slowly gained recollection of what happened to him.

"Rise and shine, fat ass. Remember me?" Ferrah asked with venom in her voice. Varnon was stunned in silence as a response.

"Ahh. Yes. You do remember me. Good." Ferrah said. "I hope you also remember what I taught you, little merchant. You will never be in a position to do the stupidity you just did. Nod if you understand."

Varnon slowly nodded with all his courage. Ferrah's hand was still on top of his head and Varnon felt like he was under the claw of a terrible beast.

"That's good. Now, sleep well. Hopefully, you wake up to be a better person." Ferrah said as the hand that was touching Varnon's head glowed once again.

Varnon slowly fell into slumber as Ferrah applied her mana on Varnon. Once she made sure that he was completely unconscious, Ferrah took her hand off his head.

"Hmm. I'm lying if I said I didn't miss doing something like this… But I will still choose my sons over this life at every opportunity I could." Ferrah muttered to herself as she reminisced about a time that was long behind her.

Suddenly, Ferrah's senses perked up. Her face froze as if cold water was poured over her body.

Her wide senses picked up a surge and presence of mana that was initially not there. She looked to the direction of where she sensed the mana surge and realized that she was looking in the direction of… their home.

'My boys!'

Ferrah screamed in her mind before dashing out quickly towards their humble home. Her speed was enough to create cracks on the floor from where she stood in Varnon's bedroom.


"Project Phoenix… Did Yurem really die?" Rohann asked Zorenn after they calmed down and gathered their thoughts.

"I… I don't know, Hann. I don't know." Zorenn answered with uncertainty. "One thing is for sure though. That lightning? That was no natural occurrence."

Rohann and Zorenn remembered their last moment in their past lives. Despite being in their soul form, they witnessed the supposed demise of their dear friend Yurem.

They remember the unnatural and strange white bolts of lightning. No natural lightning had that color. No natural lightning had that effect when it struck a living being.

They remember what happened to Yurem when he first got struck. His body turned slightly transparent, as if his figure was disappearing.

With the second strike of the strange lightning, Yurem's body shattered into thousands of what looked to be white glitter in Rohann and Zorenn's eyes.

They remember the gradual fall of the white glitter. What could have been a beautiful picture of stardust raining down was ruined by the fact that it symbolized the supposed demise of their friend.

"White glitter… this is too much, even for me. I lack too much data to draw any actual conclusion. I hope we'll find out someday in the future." Zorenn said to Rohann as he tried to investigate what happened to the three of them with just their memories of what happened.

"Yurem is strong. He won't be obliterated by some lightning. I'm sure he's alive… somehow." Rohann said, trying to reassure both Zorenn and himself.

"...Wait! Your children!" Zorenn cried out. He felt his heart grow heavy when he remembered that Rohann had adopted children in his past life.

The children he adopted were no longer children, but they were also not yet adults. They still needed Rohann. They still needed their father.

"The seven little monsters, huh… Don't worry, Renn. I have a memory of Rohann writing each one of them very heartfelt letters just in case something went completely wrong. They'll be fine." Rohann reassured Zorenn. "Now, I'm just Rohann Lupica. The Grand Master is dead… but he's also not dead… this is confusing."

Rohann and Zorenn chuckled. They both felt the same way. They were no longer just one individual, but a mixture of two souls from two different worlds.

"For what it's worth… I'm sorry. I thought I prepared for every circumstance." Zorenn apologized to Rohann.

Rohann scooted closer to his twin brother and put an arm over Zorenn's shoulder to reassure him.

"Don't be. You said it yourself. That lightning was not normal. Which means…" Rohann slowly said before him and Zorenn spoke at the same time.

"Someone messed with our ritual."


Ferrah was jumping from tree branch to tree branch as she rushed back home. She was sure about it now. That mana surge came from their home.

'Please. Please. Please be safe, you two. Please.'

A few minutes later, Ferrah landed in front of their home. She squinted her eyes and looked for any kind of clue that she could grasp.

'No signs of forced entry… A mage with decent mana control?'

Ferrah walked to open their front door. She did her best to keep a calm exterior just in case someone was watching her.

Ferrah entered their home and walked inside to see their living room. Everything was in place. Everything is how it used to be when she left to deal with their family's would-be executioners.

She walked with a modest pace, each step as silent as the last.

Ferrah eventually reached the door of her twins' bedroom. Her ears perked up and she heard two small voices talking to each other from the other side of the door.

Ferrah felt her heart lighten and a relieved smile formed on her face. She leaned a hand and forehead on the door as she relished the soothing voices of her sons, not caring at all about what they were currently talking about.

'Thank… goodness. They're safe. My boys are safe.' Ferrah cheered in her head as she calmed her heart and breathing. 'But… what was that surge? Don't tell me-'

Ferrah stopped her thoughts there and stood up straight. She reached out a hand to the door and knocked.

She heard her sons go silent from the other side of the door. She took this chance to turn the knob and push their bedroom door open.

She opened the door wide enough to let her head in through the gap. She peeked inside the room and saw her twin sons sitting in one bed close to each other. She smiled at how close her two adorable sons are.

"You're up already? It's still too early. Did you two have nightmares?" A frown formed on Ferrah's face at the possibility.

'No… did my control over my killing intent go to shit enough to make my sons feel them?'

"No, mom. Don't worry. We just dreamed a nice dream, actually." Rohann answered for both of them.

"Really? What did my two little munchkins dream about, then?" Ferrah said after entering the bedroom to kneel down in front of her sons.

"It was a great dream, mom! Me and Hann were the strongest heroes in the world!" Zorenn answered Ferrah's question with a grin that was full of excitement.

"That's right! We were so strong, mom! Me and Renn could fly so high and out enemies couldn't beat us, too. We're super strong!" Rohann added details to support what Zorenn said.

"I'm sure that you two will become as strong as that one day." Ferrah chuckled at the innocence of her twins' dreams before reaching out to caress the faces of her sons.

"Do you two know what the strongest heroes did when they were children?" Ferrah asked the twins. Rohann and Zorenn could only tilt their heads at their mother's question.

"What did they do?"

"They slept when it's time to sleep." Ferrah answered with a mischievous chuckle before lifting her sons to their respective beds.

"No fair!"

"Are you tricking us, mom?"

"Hahaha! Of course not, sweeties~! Why would I lie to you two? Sleeping is helpful, you know? It can make you grow big and strong if you do it a lot as a child." Ferrah said in a matter of fact tone. The twins could only roll their eyes at their mother,

Fearing that her sons were really upset, Ferrah gave the two of them a kiss on their foreheads. This proved effective as cute smiles bloomed on her two children.

Ferrah then turned around to look at the full moon that was visible from their window. Her eyes went round and was glad at the time.

"Wow! Would you look at that! Impeccable timing!" Ferrah cried out in delight before returning her gaze to her sons.

"Happy birthday!"

Rohann and Zorenn flashed a sleepy smile.

"Thank you, mom!"

Ferrah then got up to walk out of the bedroom. Before exiting, she glanced back to see that both of them now had their eyes closed.

'That mana surge definitely came from one of them…'

Ferrah had a small smile on her face as she thought of the possibilities.

'Your father will be proud.'

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