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Chapter 42: The God Valley Incident Part 3

"I knew it was too easy for us to get here! Captain! Marines in coming!" WhiteBeard says as he notices the fleet of Marine ships heading towards us.

"Mandricardo! You think your crew can hold them off?" Rocks says as he keeps fighting the Cipher Pol leaders.

"They'll handle them as much as they can, I'm gonna go and see what the hell they care so much about on this island Captain!" I say as i start to head towards the center as me and Musashi cut through the agents.

"Good! Steal what you can and destroy the rest! Captains orders!" He shouts to me as he takes off one of the agents heads.

"Heh, I was gonna do that anyway even if you didn't say anything…." I say quietly to myself as I head further inland.

"No Honey come back!!!" I could hear LinLin shouting after me as I go further away, and even faster after hearing her call out to me.

"You Bastards! Trying to keep me away from my hubby and me! I'll kill you all!!!" She shouts out as she goes on a rampage.


*If only she wasn't who she was I would be happy to be with her, but alas…*

"Haaa…. Let's just get this over with." I say as we get further away from the battle cutting the agents getting in our way.


Back on the ships.

"Santa Maria!" (Columbus)

"Temeroso el Drago!" (Drake)

"Heed the call of the Storm!" (Dahut)

They all call out as their ships appear and start cutting through the Marine fleet with the help of there Noble Phantasms.

But as that was happening on of the Marines Flagships was cutting down any attack that got close by at extreme speeds.

Then when reaching nearby there ships a bolt of lightning spread out as it landed on Drakes ship before changing into the form a man.

"Storm Pirates! I'll make you my appetizer before I get the main course by taking the Rocks Pirates in myself!" 'Lightning' says as he looks down upon Drake and the rest as they jump and land on her ship.

Drake, Dahut, Columbus, Anne Bonny & Mary Reed took a stance ready to fight off the Admiral before them.

"5 on 1 huh? Good, you'll need all the help you can get to even leave a scratch on me!" He says as with absolute confidence as lightning began to spark around him.

And soon enough a battle broke out.

The Storm Pirates vs Lightning Admiral Mark Johnson.


"What the hell…." Is all I could say at the sight of what I was seeing.

There were two things, the first and most obvious one was a large facility that was meant for something, what exactly I don't know currently.

The other thing that had me stumped while looking at it was a Tree, not the largest tree in the world or anything but huge none the less standing at 15 meters high, close to the height of giants.

The tree was surrounded by several Celestial Dragons all bowing and… praying towards it, then I got a better look and noticed that the tree was hollowed out and a statue of some kind was inside of it, a statue of…

A demon.

Baphomet the Horn King and the Prince of Beasts.

(A/N though the Baphomet is now usually related to satanism and the satanic cult, but the original version wasn't meant to be like that, it actually suppose to represent the duality of man or more specifically, 'symbolization of the equilibrium of opposites' half man half beast, male & female, Good and Evil, sure I'm using it in the satanic context but I'm pointing this out here since a lot of people have wrong opinions on its symbol thanks to what the satanic cult has done to it, kinda similar to what the Nazi's did to the swastika)

Though in front of them were…. Bodies…. All with there throats slit and blood flowing into the tree nourishing it as a result.

"This makes me sick!" I say seeing this catastrophe before me, man & woman, Young and Old…. Even babies were used to feed this god awful tree.

"Why? Why would they do such a thing?!" Even Musashi was furious as well, we might do bad things and hurt people sure but we would never stoop so low as to do this.

"I don't know, nor do I care, but if they want to feed there god blood, then will feed it their blood." I say as I slowly approach them from behind.

You would think a chunk of Cipher Pol agents would be here to defend there masters, but there were none, which I found odd until I saw why.

Before we could even reach them a barrier surrounded them and kept us from going any further.

They didn't need there agents because there 'god' protected them, but they all did notice the barrier arise so they turned and looked at me.

"Who are you?! This is sacred and Holy ground of the Celestial Dragons!" On of them shouted at me.

There were 10 in front of me, all young adults with 5 men and 5 women, they all were wearing there space suit like outfits but without there helmets, most likely due to them believing this land is as holy and sacred as Mary Genoise, the World Capital itself.

"Why am I here? Well to kill some animals of course, and look what I found, 10 animals bowing before a demon and worshiping it like a god." I said as my voice was seething in rage but my body and face was completely calm as I looked upon them.

"You! You dare call us animals! That deserves divine punishment!" One of them shouts clearly the leader before turning towards their 'god' and praying towards it.

"Oh lord! Please kill this blasphemous Heathen that's doesn't believe in your glory!" He shouts as he and the rest now and pray towards the statue.

Soon enough the eyes of the statue turn bright red as tree roots come after me and go to pierce my body, but they stop right before reaching me.

I didn't move, not even flinch as their 'god' tried to attack me, many demons feed on fear and when one doesn't fear it they lose strength against those in the living world, based on what several religious servants back in my first life told me from there experience's.

"What?!?!" He shouts in both surprise and fear that there god stopped.

"Do you know that your followers call themselves gods behind your back?" I say seeing if I can provoke the demon because they are very competitive and hate when there believers believe they are on the same standing as them.

And it seemed to work as it began to shake in what I could assume as anger, but the leader tried to deny it and say I'm lying, but you don't lie to a demon.

Only a demon can lie to you not the other way around, and with that the barrier surrounding them broke leaving them like lambs to the slaughter.

???- "KiLl ThEm, AnD I'lL rWaRd YoU…." And garbled and archaic voice could be heard coming from the tree.

"Hmph! I would have done it even if you didn't ask!" I say as I pulled out my blade as they backed away in fear and terror as they fell backwards on there asses until they started to trip and fall on the many dead bodies around them making them shake in fear as snot and tears came out of there eyes.

"Look at you, afraid of death but give it out so easily, but when it comes to you, you are quaking in your boots." I say as I approach ever closer, Musashi although a Berserker didn't wish to have her blades covered in foul blood such as there's.

"Wait! Please Wai-" *Stab!*

"No no no n!-" *Slash!*

"Mama! I don't want to-" *Cut!*

*Slash! Stab! Cut! Slash! Stab! Cut!*

And there was only one left and he was a babbling mess as he was crying as he pissed his pants in fear, I just gave him a look of disgust, but my absolute hate for these people made me give into my inner sadist and do something extreme as a red haze overcame my mind.


*Gore Warning*

I take out my staff and plant in the ground and release calming healing waves, but only enough to keep someone from dying that is.

"Hey? You ever killed an animal before?" I asked the man, but all he could do is shake his head for no.

"Well, let me show you!" I say as I stab my sword into his stomach.


"Oh this hurts me more than it hurts you, hearing pigs squeal like this is annoying, let me fix that!" I say as I disemboweled him, but before letting him scream more with a slice of my blade I cut off his lower jaw, now all I could hear is gurgles of pain as he grabbed at where his jaw once was.

"Ahh, much better, now for the last thing, after you pull out the guts, you need to let the body hang out to dry!" I say as I rip out his intestines before channeling my haki to make it as strong as rope as I wrapped it around his neck like a noose as I jumped over a low handing branch and pulled as he was lifted by his intestines made rope as he struggled and suffered as he was being suffocated as I kept choking him.



"MASTER!!!!" I heard Musashi shout and suddenly the haze in my mind is lifted as I let go and turn off the healing unconsciously as he is finally able to die from his injuries.

I noticed the real reason why Musashi couldn't reach me, that bastard made the barrier again and pushed her out, but remember what I did I fell on my knees and threw up.

"You! What the hell did you do to me?!" I shouted as I looked at the Demon statue as its eyes glowed red.

And then….

It grinned...

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