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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

- I definitely need to heal my nerves. Because after everything that happened, I'm overreacting to everything. Soon I will generally throw spells at every evil look in my direction. - Grunting and puffing, I whispered to myself, while removing the body of an elderly woman from the aisle. I didn't feel any special emotions because of the murder that happened. Only a drop of regret because of the missing brownie, the connection with which was lost literally ten minutes after his disappearance, managed to arise in my soul.

Otherwise, I was rather glad of the death of my new mother… I would definitely not be able to tolerate her tyranny. And the risk that she would have noticed the substitution of her own son was more than significant. Therefore, such an impulsive murder did not become something unpleasant for me. However, I really should work on self-control. It is definitely not worth making new problems for yourself because of not quite adequate behavior. I don't have the right opportunities now to feel like the master of life and the situation in general…

Fortunately, the use of elemental magic did not entail any serious consequences for my energy. Of course, I shouldn't strain myself like that anymore, but apart from the pain, my trick didn't turn into anything serious. However, after such an ill-considered murder and the loss of the brownie, I had to clean the house myself and get rid of the corpse, so far just throwing it into one of the basement rooms of the mansion… At the same time, he found the horcrux of the dark lord, even if he did not touch it yet.

I had more important things to do. It was necessary to get rid of the remnants of blood on the floor, and then also to work with the protection of the house. Fortunately, Regulus was trained to work with the magical protection of the mansion, which was controlled through the ancestral altar… A very, very complex artifact, which allows an ordinary magician to very skillfully control a natural source of magic. I had never even heard of such a thing in my life, but in this world most of the old families had at their disposal a natural source of magic, on which they built their houses.

In general, yes, in the next few days I had something to do. Because I didn't want to live in anticipation of uninvited guests from the word at all. Instead, I preferred to spend a few days on careful attempts to interact with the ancestral altar, eventually putting the house's defenses in a state of siege and temporarily blocking the magic fireplace. Fortunately, I really had a connection with the ancestral altar, and my experience and control over magic was enough to repeat everything that the father of this carcass did with the altar at one time.

Well, the fact that I was left alone in the house, without the ability to leave it instantly, did not bother me too much. The chance that enemies from my past life would try to get me here was exhaustively small. Therefore, I didn't need to worry about escape routes. But, instead, I had to worry about my own health and what exactly killed Kreacher... and I had no doubt that my brownie was dead. He simply could not break the connection with the owner in any other way, I did not doubt this for a second.

Well... let's hope that this creature disappeared without having time to frame me as its master. There is little hope for this, because most likely Kreacher went to avenge his mistress to the dark lord. Such things sometimes happen, although house–keepers who take revenge on wizards are very rare. However, I don't care, the main thing is that no one breaks into the doors of my new house with magic wands at the ready. And I don't need more than that yet.

I had time to recover, but the fact that I now have to cook and clean on my own ... Honestly, such a trifle was not even considered by me as a minor nuisance, especially since the food supplies in the house were more than substantial. For a couple of months, a well-fed life is definitely enough. And this despite the fact that I will now eat for three, restoring at least some acceptable physical form.

However, I really had a lot of work ahead of me. I felt extremely defenseless, not being able to freely operate with the usual volumes of magic. I try not to think about the loss of my spirits, the wounds in the aura and the weakness of my new body at all. I still have to fix all this and regain my former strength, but in the meantime, it's better not to drive myself into despondency, sorting out problems as they come.

So, having closed the house from unwanted guests, I set about selecting a new wand for myself. The Regulus wand didn't suit me at all, and I needed to master the local magic as a matter of urgency. Demonstrating abilities unique to this world in public was definitely not worth it, at least not yet. In addition, local magic, for the most part, practically did not load the aura and did not require large reserves of mana. That's why I wanted to quickly test my abilities in this direction of art, especially since the knowledge and even the motor skills of the former owner of the body seem to push me to this.

Fortunately, there were a lot of sticks of deceased members of the genus in the bins of the Black family. In this world, in general, there is a peculiar tradition to leave this instrument as a legacy to descendants, as a memory of himself. So, Regulus, when he was young, even studied to whom, when and which wand, from those stored in the house, belonged. There were about a hundred and twenty sticks in total, which could be used at any time… And I took advantage of it, finding a suitable one pretty quickly.

Twelve inches, a beech tree and a dragon heart vein, a very old couple that fit perfectly into my hand… I even felt a certain connection with this weapon, quickly enough starting to test my own skills in local magic. And then I was lucky again. While still being an astral parasite, I paid a lot of my attention to trying to understand exactly how local magic works, which is why, having reached the wand, I quickly understood the basic principle of such witchcraft…

Which reminded me more of some kind of perverted fusion of word magic, ritualism and something completely new to me. However, such an approach turned out to be really effective – in the ratio of the cost of force to the result obtained, such a method of magic was simply beautiful at all. But it was quite difficult to create something large-scale with the help of such magic. Magic that can change the hot battles of armies is the lot of the magicians of my homeland. The locals took a different path of development… And it intrigued.

The opportunity to compare two completely different styles of magic is expensive. It's just a pity that I couldn't immediately start any serious calculations or experiments. I was only enough to master the entire arsenal of my predecessor at a more or less acceptable level. Then I was forced to return to the affairs of the future. In particular, I began to worry about a Black mark showing signs of synchronization with my aura… What bothered.

I was one step away from becoming someone's slave, without having any real way to break such a connection completely. Although no, there was still one way, but I don't really want to resort to it ... First you need to try everything else, at the same time digging in the local library. Maybe it will be possible to dig up something on this score, especially since now my family has really been accumulating magical knowledge for a long time.

It was with these thoughts that I began to sit in the ancestral library, looking for information about magical tattoos, slave seals and everything that could somehow be related to my problem. I was distracted only by food, sleep and daily meditation… My aura gradually returned to normal, which is why I dared to resume the usual practice of absorbing hot ether from the world and then processing it into my own magic.

It was not a fast process, the local magical background was somewhat different from what I was used to, so I also didn't want to strain the aura once again. But nevertheless, daily meditations still returned to my usual daily routine. Simply due to the fact that such manipulations with energy helped the aura to recover faster, and I myself gradually restored the skills to absorb magic from the outside.

Solid benefits, even if I still had nowhere to spend the collected magic. I didn't want to overexert the aura once again, especially since the process of restoring it was really fast. I even bothered to hide someone else's horcrux, fearing that it might somehow affect me. So, he was hidden in a special box designed to store dark artifacts, and forgotten for a while... It was somewhat out of my hands to worry about someone else's Phylactery. I had a slave mark on my arm parasitized here, and I still didn't see a way to remove it.

The local library really had a lot of information for almost every taste. I even found a couple of volumes of local demonology, having found out that local craftsmen prefer to use a somewhat unusual dark plan for me. In Shumrey, demonologists most often turned to the demons of Lang. However, they were also familiar with Hell, even though it was a very unpopular dark world among demonologists. I personally summoned some demons from there, even at the very beginning of my training in this art.

However, this is all so, entertaining facts, I did not find the information I needed in the end… I learned a lot about all kinds of magical tattoos, some of them worked on the same principles as the Sumerian school of magic. I read a lot about slave seals, even got acquainted with volumes on runology and all kinds of magical oaths. But I could not find the information I needed. And it was sad, because I wasn't going to delay this problem any further.

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