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Chapter 2: A Fate Worse than Death


"Please don't kill my child! take me instead!"


When Nathan decided to visit his parents, all he saw was carnage; to call it a massacre would be an understatement. Some humans risked their lives to protect their children, while others attempted to kill these vile beasts with weapons, but they all suffered the same fate: Death! But not a simple death. These so-called "angels" torment their prey, especially the parents, by killing and dismembering the limbs of their children in front of their eyes.

Cries can be heard wherever he goes, and the most painful thing about it was that he could not do anything to stop them. Nathan simply returned home as quickly as he could, attempting to avoid contact with these hideous creatures.

"I'm nearly at my house intersection. then I can finally check on my parents to see if they're okay," Nathan remarked, gasping as he ran.

He eventually reached his childhood home, which appeared to be a two-story structure surrounded by plants that his mother loved to tend. Near the boundary, a high fence and a gate can be seen, which Nathan dashed through. However, just as he was about to open the gate, a monster descended from the sky and landed as rapidly as an arrow in front of him.

"Where do you think you're going fresh meat?"

"Where do you think you're going fresh meat?"

"Where do you think you're going fresh meat?"

The beast in front of him had the body of a man with three heads: one of an ox, one of a lion, and one of a goat. It has four wings on its back and six arms in front of it. It looked horrifying, and the creature's voice sounded like it came from another universe since it was so deep.

Nathan was frozen in place, unable to move and only able to wait for his demise. But suddenly, a voice emerged from his house's front door.

"Get away from my son, you vile creature." The father of Nathan shouted at the beast.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

His father shot at the vile beast with his shotgun, but it had no effect on the creature...

"Ohhh, today is truly my lucky day," the lion head said.

"Having two meals in one day makes my mouth water," the ox-head said.

"Oh, their screams will fuel our rampage," the goat head said.

the Creature said, With all three heads grinning.

Nathan was brought back to reality after that and yelled at his father.

"Dad!, do you think we can kill this thing?"

"I don't know, but if we don't deal with this thing right now, we're going to die," his father said, his face solemn.

"Oh, I'm offended," the creature said, "that you named a thing. A magnificent being like me being dubbed a thing is an insult."

"Oh, I'm offended," the creature said, "that you named a thing. A magnificent being like me being dubbed a thing is an insult."

"Oh, I'm offended," the creature said, "that you named a thing. A magnificent being like me being dubbed a thing is an insult."

Nathan then looked at his surroundings and tried to think of a solution to how they should kill this creature.

'Guns don't work, so how should we kill this thing? It literally has no blind spot, 'Nathan thought to himself, then thought of something.

"Dad, I have a plan but it is too risky,"

"Okay, son, just tell me what to do,"

His father was a man of few words, speaking only when necessary, which is why Nathan was not especially close to him. However, Nathan was flabbergasted when his father truly wanted to listen to him...

"Okay, Dad, try to aim for the lion's head," said Nathan, still with a puzzled expression.

"Telling you're plan in front of me is just really dumb human."

"Telling you're plan in front of me is just really dumb human."

"Telling you're plan in front of me is just really dumb human."

The creature insulted and sneered at him for being foolish.

His father then proceeded to blast his shotgun straight into the creature's head. Nathan then pulled a lighter, a box cutter, and a bottle of vodka from his bag. The beast was then distracted as his father worked on his skills.

He crafted a Molotov by ripping his shirt and inserting the shredded material into the vodka.

The Creature burst out laughing when he saw this.

"I guess I have to see what you're planning HAHA"

"No weapons in this world of yours can harm me anyway,"

"What are you going to do to tickle me?"

In a sarcastic tone, they said to the creature's three heads.

One of the creature's heads was staring at Nathan, while the other was looking at his father. The Beast was obviously underestimating them, but Nathan thought of this as an opportunity since the beast lowered his guard.

"This bottle of vodka was supposed to be shared with my friend," he paused before continuing, "but you hideous creatures took his life away, and you must pay." Nathan continued, his voice low and furious.

The creature laughed again at him...

"Let's see what you've got,"

"Pay with what?"

"Come at me, human,"

The Creature spoke in a deeper tone than usual.

After that, Nathan rushed as quickly as he could toward the creature.

"Foolish, truly foolish,"

"Foolish, truly foolish,"

"Foolish, truly foolish,"

The three heads mockedly repeated the same sentences.

Nathan yelled, "Dad, shoot at the lion's head!"

His father then followed orders and shot the lion's head of the beast.

One of the heads stated, "It's useless, as I mentioned."

When he got within reach of the creature's arms, it grabbed his neck with its two arms and said...

"I'm sorry, but your efforts have been in vain,"

"Now perish,"

Nathan's body was now high on the ground, and he could hardly breathe, but he still had the Molotov in his uninjured arm.

Nathan's father noticed this and raced toward the monster to save him, but Nathan urged his father to halt and prepare the shotgun for him. He did not doubt his son's decision since he saw his determined expression. It was just better to put his confidence in his child rather than face a monster he couldn't defeat on his own.

The creature had already been laughing and mocking him while clutching his neck for some time. Nathan, though, grinned and said...

"It is?"

Nathan then threw the Molotov in his hand into the mouth of the laughing lion's head, which caused the Molotov to burn the lion's head's face. Nathan then yelled at his father...

"Throw the shotgun at me, Dad,"

His father loaded the shotgun and flung it towards Nathan, who barely managed to catch it...

Because it believed I couldn't injure him, the creature let down its guard, but when it saw the Molotov had damaged him, it panicked and used its four remaining arms to rip Nathan to shreds, but it was too late...

Just before the six arms were ready to rip him to shreds, Nathan shoved the shotgun barrel into Lion's mouth.


The lion's head was shattered by the impact, and the grip on Nathan's neck gradually weakened.

The creature then collapses to the ground, dead.

Nathan's father was surprised since firing the bullets numerous times didn't even injure it, but when Nathan fired the shotgun it practically shattered the creature's head, but there's also the matter of why the thing died when only one of its heads was destroyed.

"Son, how did you manage to injure him?" His father asked.

"It's really simple, dad; when you fired the bullets earlier, I noticed that the bullets didn't damage his face, but the gun powder was slowly stacking in, so I used the Molotov to burn the gunpowder in its face so that the muscle tissues on its head would greatly soften, and then I shoved the shotgun barrel to its mouth to avoid his bone structure."

His father was shocked by this revelation. It was simply a clever idea. He could not practically think of that. But the plan was incredibly risky. If the creature noticed a single variable in the plan, it would kill them both.

"How did you know I'd kill it once you finished Lion's head?" his father inquired once more.

Nathan replied, "I didn't."

"How come?"

"I just took a gamble and went for the lion head since I observed it always talked first before the other two heads."

Nathan's father stated, "I may not say it all the time, but I'm really proud of you, my son," after becoming speechless.

"Thank you, Dad," Nathan replied, "but we need to go to Mom right now."

His father gave a nod and walked into their house...


Nathan said, "Mom, you're actually safe."

"Oh dear," his mother said, "I almost shattered this door when I heard the noise outside."

Nathan's father told his mother to go into their basement and never come out again. At first, she complained, but his father forcibly locked her in the basement to keep her safe.

Her mother inquired as they both chuckled.

"What the hell is going on outside?"

When her mother had done speaking, a voice responded...

"It's divine punishment."

They could all hear the voice but couldn't see or pinpoint where it was coming from...

"Please pardon me,"

Someone then punched a hole in it, and the force that was given to it was so massive that it shattered the very foundations of their house.

Their house was obliterated, and all that was left was an open field with horrific sights. All of these creatures set fire to the buildings surrounding them, and there are many lifeless bodies scattered throughout the city.

The man who wrecked their home had brown hair, but his eyes were bright and he had a scorpion's tail; he only wore a pair of trousers and no top, showing his battle-ready form.

The stranger questioned, "Who among you defeated the creature outside?"

Nathan's father walked forward just as Nathan was ready to claim he did it.

His father said to the stranger, "I did."

"Hoh? Is that a fact?" the stranger asked, his eyes wide.

After that, the stranger approached Nathan's father and stated,

"LIER!" he exclaimed, slapping Nathan's father on the head and the blow literally decapitating him instantly.

"Oh No!!" Nathan's mother cried.

Nathan was speechless, and he now knew that he was definitely going to die.

"Raphael!" The stranger shouted

Following the stranger's comments, a being appeared in front of them, but this being was neither hideous nor terrible; rather, she was the epitome of beauty.

"What?" Raphael said, her brow furrowed.

"Help revive this man in front of me," the stranger said.


"Just do it," the stranger urged, his voice firm.

"I'm not your servant," Raphael explained, "and I'm a higher rank than you."

"I don't care, just revive him," the stranger exclaimed.

"There's no point in arguing with you," Raphael sighed. "All right,"

Raphael then resurrected his father simply by waving her hand...

It was a miracle that Nathan's father had been entirely cured and was now alive in front of them.

But before they could rejoice at his father's recovery, the stranger questioned them again.

"Again, who killed the creature outside?"

Nathan said, "ME!" He didn't want to see his father die in front of his eyes again, so he made the decision to tell the truth.

"Finally, something I can trust."

After that, the stranger approached Nathan and said,

The stranger stated, "I will give you a reward since you are a courageous and powerful person."

Nathan considered responding to him for a moment before deciding to question the stranger.

"What kind of reward do you have in mind?"

The stranger yelled with laughter, "A Reward Worse Than Death!"

When his parents learned about this, they both decided to take a step in front of Nathan, obscuring the stranger's vision, and remarked...

"Instead, take our souls and let our son go away."

"It's a fair transaction to get two souls for one."

They each screamed something at the stranger, pleading with him to save their son, but the stranger laughed even louder.

"Don't worry," the stranger grinned, "it'll be your final family bonding."

The stranger then used magic to make Nathan unable to move and close his eyes, with his mouth being the only part of his body that could move.

"Now let the first phase begin!"

HarmlessGhost HarmlessGhost

Good Luck on the Next Chapter :)

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