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Chapter 2: 2


Jaime walks towards the trading yard intent on bringing Durran to Cersei. She was upset that he was missing for the midday meal. 'He's a boy of ten-and-two why is she so worried about him missing a midday meal'

Though Durran isn't his son he in the end is still his blood. 'If father lessons have taught me anything it's family that we should be prioritize above all else'

Jaime has served 2 kings one a madman and the other a drunk. He never thought he would ever truly have a king a worth following until Durrandon. At some point he thought Rhaegar may have been what the realm needed to prosper after the mad king, but we all know how that ended.

Don's only flaw is that he looks at Cersei as if she hung the sun, moon and stars herself. Normally a boy loving his mother wouldn't be an issue but when said mother is his sister whom is power hungry, arrogant and petty it could pose an problem.

Though he doubts she would have any real affect on his rule 'he's much to independent thinking for that regardless of his affections' Jaime thought

When Jaime reached the courtyard he saw Don sparring with Ser Barristan.

Don was quicker and stronger than any boy has age has the right to be. Don was moving with ease and grace as dodged and parried The Bolds sword. Barristan was in between maneuvers and Don as if he knew what he was going to do next thrusts his one handed sword directly through his flaws disarming him. Before Barristen could blink Don's sword was at his throat.

"Do you yield Ser?" He heard from afar

"I yield" Barristan even in his lost looked at the boy with immense pride

'Why wouldn't he be proud? His protege will be the greatest warrior there ever was or will be' if Joffery was half the man Don was he would be happy but alas the gods willed him to be cruel and spiteful little monster 'Though what else could he have been with his ancestry. Even so i won't apologize for loving her even to the gods'

"You've made proud Prince. I've served 3 kings all of which had that own unique qualities and vices" Ser Barristen said before pausing at that with a grimace before continuing.

"All I've ever wanted was to serve someone I believed in. To give someone not just my sword but my heart" he then kneels "My sword as well as my heart is yours if you'll have me"

Don looks on complete astonishment before recovering after a brief contemplation

"Ser what type of prince would I be if I were to throw away a man who has offered his loyalty?" He smiles and offers his hand to the kneeling knight "You have guided me in what it means to have honor and chivalry. You'll always have bread at my table."

"I hate to break up this heartwarming moment but the Queen is calling for her precious boy" he saids in a mocking tone

Durrandon faces pales as if he's realized what's he's done he looks at his uncle "I..I missed a meeting with mother again didn't i?"

"Yes you did" he saids through laughter

"Have fun appeasing the tyrant!" He yells at the hurriedly fading figure of the prince



He walks into his mother room and saw her on the balcony sitting at a table eating fruit and drinking from her goblet of wine

"Where were you?" She asked with even turning around

'She's in a mood' he thought as he reached into his pouch on waist grabs a necklace he gotten commissioned a week prior. He had picked it up before sparring with Ser Barristan.

It's gold and silver with diamond encrusted lion with antlers pendent. I couldn't have accomplished half the things I have since I've been in Westeros without her so it was about time I showed my gratitude.

When I was younger by piecing together the little information I had on forging and steel from my past and research with minerals and steel from the red keeps library I managed to recreate Damascus steel.

I needed money to even test it out let alone start a business on making it. I definitely couldn't get that from my shitty father so I went to the person who adored me the most and also happens to be unreasonably rich. My mother!

Even though I have always been a very intelligent child no one would trust a ten nameday child on his word so I provided her a sample. When she saw it was viable and better than all available steel in the market she provided me the capital and now 2 years later I'm the best manufacturer of steel in Westeros not the biggest but I value quality over quantity anyway.

She's also helping me to be appointed as Commander of The City Watch. She obviously was against it when i asked but she promised as long I could consistently beat Ser Barristan the best swordsman in the seven kingdoms I'll have her help. She knew I was talented but not to this extent she probably thought she would have a least another 4 years if ever.

My mother may be arrogant, petty, sometimes selfish and cruel to everyone, but not to me. When it comes to me she always keeps her word.

My fool of a father loves 3 things fighting, whores and alcohol. The warmonger will agree once he he sees my prowess and my promise to turn his Pansy Watch he calls them into an elite force. Which I have every intention in fulfilling.

"I was getting my beautiful mother a present" Her ears perk at that though she still hasn't moved.

"It's a necklace made so you know I'm always with you even when I'm not." I say softly

She stands and walks towards me beaming. The light just happens to catch her at the perfect angle and she looked like and angel. It's at times like this I'm happy I'm happy to have perfect recall it's preserves beautiful moments like this. My mother truly was the most beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms and I happen to inherit that beauty magnified even. I'm told not even Rhaegar Targaryen could compare to my looks.

"It's gorgeous my love. I'll wear it always" she looks at it with stars in her eyes and turns around and asks in an excited tone "Help me wear it"

"Your gift was beautiful but you were still late" she scowls and said sharply "Sit. We have important things to discuss"

I follow her and we come to the table and sit

"Your gift is extravagant I assume business is well?" She starts then takes a sip from her goblet

" It is. In another year or so the entire street of steel should belong to me and by extension the crown. We may not be the biggest producer, but we're by far the best" I say while straightening my back with a bit of pride in my voice

"Good" she smiled pride in my actions clearly on her visage she grabbed my hand and gave it a soft squeeze.

"I've talked with the oaf on your appointment as Commander" she couldn't help but sneer at the mention of my father

"As long as you show the warmonger the skill he'll see it done. The oaf will meet you at the training yard tomorrow at noon to watch" she scowls

"If nothing else you can count on him to be on time for a fight" I say playfully to lighten her mood

DreamVision999 DreamVision999

Sorry if this feels a bit rushed but i want to knock out the force building in 20 or so chapters and get on to what I’m going to change in the main story.

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