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44.26% My Demon Mate

Chapter 27: Chapter 25 Party at Jw Marriott's I

"No!" she replied, damn all those reports about him being respectful cause he was shameless as fuck.

Jarad chuckled, he went back to reading the files in his hands without saying anything more. Some maids came to the dinning and placed the food on the table.

Evie's mouth watered as there were various delicious delicacy Infront of her.

"Do you want me to feed you?" he asked and Evie shook her head in response, "Then eat up" he said.

She grabbed the cutleries Infront of her and began eating. Jarad ordered one of the butlers to handle the Files which he had been reading.

Now that the file was gone, he circled his hands around her waist which made her momentary flinch, then he settled his gaze on her.

"I remember" she voiced when she was half done with the food.

"What do you remember?" he asked.

"About last night, if you hadn't come I would have been..." She trailed, he noticed she found it hard to complete her words so he placed his finger on her lips, signifying for her to stop talking.

"Don't you know you shouldn't talk while you eat" he said.

"Am done " said Evie. Jarad freed his hands from her waist and she quickly stood up before he Changed his mind.

"Thanks " Evie muttered.

"You don't have to thank me, I'll always protect the things that belongs to me " he brought his hands to caress her cheeks when she swatted his hands away and he smirked. She was back to being his little vixen.

"Come with me" he led her to the elevator and pressed the button 3.

"Why didn't we just take the elevator earlier?" Evie asked.

"If we did you wouldn't have slipped and I have missed an opportunity to hold you in my hands" he grinned.

"Pervert" she glared. "Why aren't we in your other villa?"

"I have a lot of houses so I don't really stay at one place for long " he replied, the truth was that the previous villa he had shared a date with Evie was now a sea of dead bodies. Some stupid demons had tried to attack him, but of course he slayed all of them as he was a really high ranked demon but there was no way he could tell Evie that.

The elevator stopped at the 3rd floor of the mansion, there were only 2 bed rooms in it which were now occupied buy him and Evie.

He led her to a room, the room was luxurious. Everything in it was either white or black. She saw her suitcase close to the closet.

"I arranged for it to be brought here this morning" he said before she could ask the question, "Do you like it?" he asked referring to the room.

"Yeah" she said "Am just glad you didn't go for something like Pink" she smirked.

It was the first time he was seeing her smile and she looked really beautiful.

"Here" he gave her her phone.

"Thanks, have been secretly looking for it" said Evie.

"I'll be leaving now, if you need me you can always call" he smirked at her one last time before leaving the room.

She slumped on the Queen sized bed, she turned on her phone and she saw she had about 52 missed calls from Betty and 40 voicemails.

She quickly called Betty before she would get an heart attack.

"Evie?" Betty picked the call at the first ring.

"Hey Betty"

"What the heck happened yesterday? how did you end up with Mr Higgins? You were suppose to come home after an hour or two!" Betty yelled at her.

"Am really sorry Betty, I didn't know what happened. I must have drank too much" Evie apologized.

"I was so worried about you, I tried calling you again but your phone was switched off. I swear I would have come to Mr Higgins house if I knew where he lived"

"Please don't be upset and am fine now" Evie said and Betty sighed.

"Where are you now?"

"I have no idea, I haven't looked around" Evie replied truthfully.

"Tell me your location when you look around okay?"

"Yeah I will" Evie nodded, she didn't even know why she did that cause Betty couldn't see her from over the phone.

"Is he treating you right?" Betty asked with concern.

"Yes he's nice , too nice I must say" Evie admitted, for a girl who attempted to rob his mansion he was suspiciously nice.

"I'll agree, but don't let your guards down and be strong" Betty told her

"Sure thing sis" Evie giggled and Betty laughed as well. "Please take care of Chelsea for me"

"Sure thing, bye" Betty said and hung up.

Evie smiled feeling lucky to have a friend like Betty Salsedo. She had missed so much online classes and she used her phone to login the site so she could attend them.

Evie was a student of the University of Cambridge in United kingdom but she studied there through E learning. She was studying business and finance as she wanted to fulfill the promise she made to her mom. She bit her lips remembering the bitter memories of her childhood.

Evie Parker's residence.

Betty cuddled Chelsea in her arms, she scrolled through her phone silently praying for the hotel to employ her. She had packed her things so she could stay in Evie's apartment to look after Chelsea.

Meanwhile at Jw Marriott hotel ...

The manager of the hotel had a serious expression on his face.

"Make sure everything's perfect for Mr Ethan Stark's party because if it isn't, this hotel would go down for sure." Adam Kaewood, the manager of the hotel ordered his assistant.

"Yes boss everything will be perfect" the assistant, Emily brook replied with a shaky voice.

"Good" he said and he dismissed her, she quickly sprinted from the office to make sure that everything was indeed perfect as she had earlier said.

"Is everything in order for the occasion?" Emily brook asked one of the staff.

"There seem to be a little problem with the decorations and the food but everything is being taken care of as we speak" the staff replied .

"What?!" Emily yelled furiously "Mr Adam wants everything to be absolutely perfect and now you're telling me there's some sort of problem?"

"Madam I also mentioned that it's being fixed as we speak " the staff replied meekly.

"Then just don't stand here, go over there and supervise" she ordered.

"Yes Ma'am" the staff quickly ran to do what she was instructed.

"Everything should be perfect unless you want us to loose our Jobs" she shouted so every staff that was present there would hear her.

A staff quickly ran up to her

"Madam Emily one of the hotel sub managers seems to be unable to attend the occasion. I heard she's skipping it due to some family issues " the girl reported.

"Well bringing family issues into work is something that we won't tolerate, get in touch with the person and make sure to send an email saying she should never show her face here again, she's fucking fired" Emily said angrily.

"I'll make sure to send the email but the problem now is we don't have anyone to fill in the spot" the staff who was a girl, reported.

"Fuck" Emily cursed"I guess the universe is just so hellbent on ruining this occasion" She complained "Check with the new applicants and see if there's anyone available to fill that idiots place"

"I previously checked but most of them live in cities far away from Florida" the staff explained.

"Then find someone that lives in Florida!" Emily commanded.

The girl scrolled through the tab she was holding"Here's one" the girl showed Emily the tab

"Betty Salsedo?" Emily asked

The girl nodded "She lives in Florida but have no family background " the girl explained.

"I don't care about that, phone the girl now and tell her she's hired and should get here within 3 hours " Emily said and the girl bowed her head before going to do as she was instructed.

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