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Chapter 6: The game begins

Two weeks later

Stefan POV

I was currently in the tiltyard with the thunder brigade that expanded from two hundred to three hundred in the span of a year, singing the Rains of Castamere with the men while we watch my recently discovered bastard brother Gendry learn how to properly wield a Warhammer with Xahalo instructing him like he did me so many years, I'm still surprised I ran into him coming out of a brothel, while me and Margaery took one of our many strolls through King's Landing, when I asked him why he was back he merely responded by saying [There are no better whores than the ones working for littled**k] so after offering him some money in return for teaching Gendry he accepted rather quickly, smiling at the memory.

Hearing a loud thud I look on as Gendry's hammer falls out of his hand, before he can even pick up the weapon Xahalo back hands him in the face sending him to the ground making me and the rest of the men laugh at his expense, hearing our laughs Gendry stands up from the ground with a large blush adorning his now clean shaven face.

"Alright Gendry you've gotten beaten enough today, go with Trystane and tend to my armor I will be needing that for the tourney my father plans on throwing Lord Stark" nodding both of my squires get up and leave the yard.

After a few minutes of laughing and talking I get up wanting wanting to have a spar myself, but before i could even reach my hammer Orys shows up saying that the royal entourage arrived from Winterfell a few minutes ago he also says Pycelle called for a council meeting, groaning at the fact I can't even greet my family because that old fool thought it wise to call a council meeting just after the new Hand of the King arrives along with my family.

Ned Stark POV

Gods why was a meeting called for already I thought as I headed towards the small council chambers located behind the Iron Throne, but the moment I step through the doors leading towards the throne room , I see the kingslayer guarding the throne the same one he betrayed by killing his king, seeing me approaching the Lannister starts speaking "Thank the gods your here Lord Stark, the realm needs some stern Northern leadership" to which I answer "And I'm glad you're protecting the throne as you've done so well for so many years" "Yes sturdy old thin isn't it, I wonder how many kings have polished with their ass it throughout the years, um what's the line the king shits and the Hand wipes" "That's a nice suit of armor not a scratch on it" "I know people have been swinging at me for years but they always seem to miss" "Did the mad king miss his swing as well Ser" finally growing angry Ser Jaime retorts "Tell me if I had stabbed the mad king from the front would you hate me less?" "I'd hate you less if you hadn't broken your oath" with that said I resume my walk to the small council chambers the last thing I heard was Ser Jaime say "By what right does a wolf judge a lion".

Stefan POV

Arriving in the throne room, the first thing I see is my Uncle Jaime scowling, frowning at this I approach my uncle asking "What did my father say this time?" even though i had my uncle tell my father, it didn't mean he stopped insulting uncle Jaimie, while Ser Barristan apologized for treating my uncle the way he did "It wasn't your father, it was Ned Stark, by what rights does a wolf judge a lion" he finished clenching his jaw in a way that reminded me of uncle Stannis, letting out a sigh, I tell him not to worry about it, and how probably Lord Stark would resign when he sees my father wasn't the same person he use to be, nodding and smiling at me, I continue my way towards the meeting.

Entering the chamber I hear Baelish say something about a duel he had with Brandon, just the mention of Baelish loosing made a small smile grace my face, clearing my throat, all the Lords present stand up and bow towards me, heading towards Lord Stark I clasp his hand and greet him " Lord Stark I'm glad you made it safely towards the capital" seeing him grimace a little I ask "From your face I assume it wasn't all that safe" hearing that, he tells me about the incident at Castle Darry, finishing his story I scowl and say to him "Lord Stark I apologize for my families behavior I'll make sure Joffrey doesn't do something like that again" something he nods at that.

Seeing an absence in the room I ask Lord Stark "Forgive me my Lord but I thought Ser Brynden was traveling here with you" "He was, but unfortunately Lord Hoster has started getting weaker so Ser Brynden stayed in Riverrun to help Lord Edmure rule in his fathers stead" after saying that he handed me a scroll, sealed with the Tully sigil, opening the scroll I start reading out loud.

"Prince Stefan, I apologize for not being able to tell you myself but with my brothers health deteriorating I decided to head home towards Riverrun and help my nephew, once my brother recovers I hope to be able to join you and the rest of the council

Signed Ser Brynden Tully knight of the Riverlands"

Sighing sadly at the loss of a great man such as Brynden, I address the council "While Ser Brynden may not be here, we still have a duty to do, so let's start the matters for the day", once everyone was seated, Renly started speaking saying that my father commanded for a tourney to be held in the new Hand's honor, something that didn't please Lord Stark, after hearing the prices the first thing Ned did was ask was if the crown could afford this expense, which thankfully we could, after I found the Valyrian steel sword nightsong, which I traded to grandfather in exchange for the debt to be paid.

Even though we could pay for it Lord Stark instructed that the plans be halted until he speaked to my father, when Renly tried telling him father wouldn't agree, Ned lost his patience, saying with an angry tone "There will be no plans until I talk to the King", something that shocked even me, after all who would expect the always cold Eddard Stark to lose his patience, even though it was understandable after all he's been riding for a month with nothing but stress on his shoulders "Forgive me my Lords I'm merely tired after the long journey South" "There is no need for that Lord Hand, I believe it best to reconvene later on, once Lord Stark can get all the affairs in order" nodding gratefully Stark stands up and leaves the room followed by the rest of us.

Arriving at my room I spot Margaery playing with fury, it was an amusing sight seeing a large hound laying on its back while Margaery rubbed his stomach, hearing me enter said Lady turned towards me smiling that beautiful smile of hers, feeling that his stomach wasn't being rubbed anymore Fury looks the same direction as Margaery, seeing me he excitedly runs over to me raising his front legs to my chest wagging his tail while doing so, after scratching, kissing and patting him saying how much of a good boy he was, getting bored of the attention he's Fury runs over to a stick in the corner, biting it and moving it side to side with his head as if it was a real weapon.

Margaery POV

Smiling at the sight of the happy dog I turn around and walk towards Stefan reaching him we share a deep loving kiss, unfortunately we had to separate because of a thing called air, kissing me on the cheek he goes towards his desk sitting down, he grabs a piece of paper and quill and starts writing a message to somebody, not wanting to disturb him I walk over to Hunter's perch where said bird was busy grooming himself, rubbing the middle of his head with my finger which I know he loves he reacts just as expected closing his eyes in content, that is until a particular whistle was heard, recognising the sound the bird flaps his way onto Stefan's desk, once there Stefan ties a scroll sealed with his own sigil a maned stag, so people knew who the letter comes from, opening a bottle he makes Hunter sniff it, somehow recognising the sent Hunter flies out of the window leaving somewhere only Stefan knew, and obviously it's an important message after all Stefan doesn't send his hawk for just anybody.

"Who was it for my love" I ask him "Its for Ser Brynden, Lord Hoster has fallen ill so he decided to go towards Riverrun and help Lord Edmure rule in his fathers stead", nodding at his response, Stefan walks over to me, whispering some words in my ear making me blush, chuckling a little he gets a bit more serious and tells me he encountered his father on the way here who told him our wedding would be in a fortnight's time, making me smile the biggest one I've ever had, only comparable to the day Stefan told me he loved me.

david_bierz david_bierz

I hope this chapter explains why the crown isn't in debt any more

Leave some power stones and go check out my other fic To uphold justice it's about a reincarnator in one piece who chooses to be a marine.

Author out.

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