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Chapter 2: [1] ⇐ ❀ TᕼE ᑌTᔕᑌᖇI ᑕᒪᗩᑎ ❀⇒



The roji bridge led to the tiny Tea Ceremony house. It was surrounded by trees, despite being at the edge of Sunagakure. Many a year passed by as the Utsuri Clan had taken care of and grown the forest to the extent it was currently. If one wasn't looking directly at it they wouldn't notice the tiny building among all the greenery. Nikko crossed over the bridge and glanced down into the water. With Aponi's help, Nikko had found a mask to wear, successfully covering her features. She had been informed it was normal for the Utsuri Clan to remain anonymous when going into public. This was to keep safe their identity and protect the Clan. A habit her Governess had promoted on her from a young age. It's just a shame that the mask Nikko must wear was one so ridiculous:

An Otafuku--or good fortune mask, had been hand painted and passed down from generation to generation. It would hide her good looks, and Nikko wondered how she was going to find her true love looking like that all the time.



Her wooden sandals tapped tapped on the path until she'd crossed the bridge and entered into another garden, this one home to a rock path leading right for her objective. As she approached the traditional home, she felt eyes watching her from a location unknown. A chill ran down her spine.

"Aponi--you said this was a [bad ending] right? Do you know what's going to happen?" Nikko asked.

The monarch butterfly trio fluttered in front of her. "We do not. But there is a plot to assassinate you, Hime-sama. Right now we don't know who is doing it. Keep in mind: the perpetrator may very well be lurking nearby."

Nikko stilled and examined her now creepy atmosphere. The trees darkened with hidden threats."Great. Thanks a lot. Now I'm paranoid."

"You're welcome Hime-sama!"

"That was sarcasm."

As Nikko took in the Tea Ceremony house, she saw several pairs of shoes lined up the length of the engawa, or wooden porch surrounding the building. Shinobi sandals.

Looks as though I have quite the audience. Oh man...I'm so screwed.

Aponi fluttered on ahead and into the cracked tiny window beside the sliding door before coming back out. "Hime-sama! Don't go in--turn back!"


"Quickly! Before they sense your footsteps!"

Nikko glanced around at the trees in alarm. She had no idea what to do, but one thing was clear: She didn't want to stick around and find out who or what was waiting for her. "Aponi," she hissed, "How do I use ninja skills?"

The monarch trio sprinkled her head with golden dust. "Hime-sama," Aponi answered, "You need only imagine what to do. All of the memories are stored inside you! Give it a go."

"Fine. But if I die here I'm haunting your ass."

Eyes shut, Nikko tried to conjure up some sort of jutsu for vanishing. Imagine, Aponi had instructed. Well, there was only so many jutsu Nikko even remembered from the show, the first one being Naruto's shadow clone jutsu--but to her dismay, the original her had not learned the forbidden skill. Discarding that one, she recalled the body replacement technique--Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake, her hands did the signs but nothing happened.

"What gives?" She whispered.

"Hime-sama... I'm not sure."

"Ugh! A little help here, Aponi! I don't know what techniques she even knew-!"

"You must remember. Think, Hime-sama. You are her now."

"Tch.." With a glare, Nikko shut her eyes and imagined. But her nerves were too frazzled to focus properly.

"Quickly! I sense footsteps!"

Shit shit shit, Nikko swallowed fear and planted her feet wide. "Fine...uhm, feet chakra, go! Hyah!"



The quiet muttering of Aponi was, "Is she serious?"


A loud noise from the left. Nikko squeaked and dived beside the nearest tree into the bushes. The thumping grew louder and louder before fading. She took this to mean the danger had passed by. With a long drawn out sigh she stood from hiding and wiped sweat away. Aponi came down from the branch above her and landed on her nose, saying, "Hime-sama...your lack of skill is impressive."

"Oi! I tried, dammit! Some help you are!"


Too late Nikko felt something sharp stab into her shoulder. "Urk!" She fumbled into the bark of the tree and grabbed the bicep injury. Wetness began to seep through the beautiful kimono she wore. I was hit by something! A..needle? Who--? Turning around didn't give her any answers. There was nothing to see, no trace of where the attack had came from. Her pale hand had blood seeping between the fingers now. "Dammit! Aponi, do something!"

"Hime-sama...above you!"

The warning came a little late. In the blink of an eye she was lying on her back with a kunai to the neck. One inch more and it would slice her throat. Attached to the weapon was a familiar face. It took her mind a moment to catch up. The round glasses he wore shone with the hint of amusement. He's--




Waiting was becoming irritating for him. He had better things to do than sit and sip tea. The Chunin Exams were just around the corner, and he was eager to fulfill the familiar need. His need to assert his existence. Already he had one opponent in mind--Sasuke Uchiha. The lone survivor of the Uchiha clan. What promising things he'd heard.


His father's voice had his eyes opening from where he rest against the rice paper wall. Rasa's expression was mostly hidden behind the Kage robe, but the glint in his father's eyes was clear. "She's late."

Kankuro and Temari exchanged glances. "Maybe she knows why we came," Temari offered.

Baki leaned back and crossed his arms. "That would be impossible. We've not let anyone near her aware of the situation."

Gaara looked towards the cracked window with boredom. He'd not seen the Utsuri girl in quite some time, but could genuinely care less. When was the last time? Since Yashamaru's funeral..

˜"*°•.˜"*°• Flashback •°*"˜.•°*"˜

A sniffling sound. A small girl was looking at Yashamaru's framed picture above the closed black coffin two feet away from Gaara. He put a hand to his chest, feeling the familiar pain setting in. His uncle had told him the only cure for it was love. What a lie that had been. "Quit crying," He told the sniffling child. If he couldn't cry, she was not allowed to either. Her face was hidden behind a silly mask so he couldn't see her expression. It was just as well. He knew the only face she could have would be fear, loathing, or sadness.

"G-Gaara-san," the child sniffled, "Yashamaru-san! He's gone!"

His chest hurt further. "Who cares?" He did.

The crying paused. Then, without warning, the child reached out to shove him. His sand curled around her hand without his permission. It proceeded to extend up her arm, then fell to the ground. She shouted: "How could you say that! Gaara-san, you're cruel!"

Adults nearby stopped talking to stare at the two children. Gaara backed away, shocked by her words as well as the fact that his sand hadn't harmed her at all. It had never done so before. Whispering began, until he could make out what was being said. "It's the Utsuri girl! Look, his sand didn't touch her!" "Even the demon is scared of her!"

Gaara looked down at the ground where his sand had fallen numbly. The little girl pointed at him and exclaimed, "He kept talking about you, Gaara-san! Hic...he...he loved you, baka! And now look--just look at him!" The tiny shoulders were shaking with emotion. That's when he realized; this girl had a wound as well. One he had made by just existing.

His father and a graying woman walked over to where they stood. "Gaara. Stop that at once."

The woman yanked the little girl back. "Utsuri-san! That's no way to speak to Gaara-san. Apologize this instant!"

The child named Utsuri clenched her fist and shook her head violently. "NO! I won't--! Yashamaru-san was my friend, too!"

Gaara was drug away by Rasa. In the fading sunlight he etched the memory of the masked girl into his heart, wishing the words she spoke were true.

But it was useless--

The only one who loved him was himself.


The memory soured on his stomach. Rasa was speaking with the other guest, whose name was Orochimaru. The two were discussing their plans to take down Konohagakure. Gaara listened for a time until he grew restless. That's when Shukaku whispered to him, 'one is near'. Gaara stilled--and felt for himself the grounds slight movement. From the receding sound waves whoever it could be was in a hurry and heading towards the bridge.

Just in time. I'll go see who our little visitor could be.

He slid the tiny tea room door open, Baki asking, "Gaara-san, are you leaving?"

"..." Without answering Gaara left and slid the door closed. The footsteps had stopped, but the last thump he detected wasn't very far away. He utilized the treetops above, jumping soundlessly to the destination. As he grew closer he could make out words being said: "Oi! I tried, dammit! Some help you are!"

Curious, Gaara arm swung around the limb he stood on to see. It was definitely the Utsuri girl--that mask was very familiar, albeit larger than he remembered. She appeared to be shaking her fist at the air above.

Isolation has done her no favors, he mused.

It was almost comical, until he felt the air change below him. Who-? He saw the whizzing needle sink into the girl's left arm. She let out a grunt and stumbled into the tree. Gaara was shocked; whomever the attacker had been was able to sneak past his defenses. His bloodlust began to rise.

"Dammit! Aponi, do something!"

He observed the girl looking above, seeing a shadow overhead. Her reflexes were too slow; the shinobi came down with a kunai drawn to her neck. The white hair the ninja had was pulled into a low pony, and Gaara could see he wore round glasses. The headband he wore had a ♪ symbol.

So, he's from the Sound Village. Have I found a worthy adversary?

Intrigued, Gaara hopped down from the tree and nimbly landed. The sand at his back began to thrum with excitement. It appeared Shukaku was also interested in this shinobi.

"Kabuto!" The girl shrieked, turning her head away as if it could help save her neck.

Kabuto smirked down at her and took the edge of his blade, slowly lifting the bottom half of her mask. Gaara watched, but much to his shock, the kunai suddenly whizzed his way instead. Kabuto leapt backward as Gaara's sand knocked it aside harmlessly. The two eyed one another, the masked girl hobbling to her feet shakily in the background. It wasn't hard to surmise she didn't have much battle experience.

"You avoided it. Impressive," Kabuto said as he pushed his glasses on his nose. The smirk he wore was one of confidence, but Gaara would have that gone in no time.

"..." Gaara waited silently for his first move.

Kabuto looked over at the girl and said cheerfully, "You failed to notice me until it was too late, Nikko-chan. If I'd been serious you would be dead."

Nikko held a hand to her throat. "Y-You weren't trying to kill me?"

Gaara frowned. The chatter was distracting him, dulling the blood lust he felt. Kabuto gestured with his hand vaguely and replied, "Not quite. You see, I was sent to test your skills. Obviously they're lacking."

"Were you the one who poisoned me?"

Kabuto blinked in confusion. It was answer enough. "Not at all. Believe me...if I had poisoned you," his eyes gleamed, "there wouldn't be a second time."

The girl backed away. Gaara couldn't see what face she made beneath the mask but it must have been fright. The sound ninja added, "Oh, by the way Nikko-chan...I put a little something on that needle. I'm curious if you can really reverse time like I've heard, or if it's all a lie." Kabuto laughed. "Oh, I give you, say, five minutes? If you can't reverse time you'll fall into a deep sleep. But don't worry. I won't kill you..yet."

Nikko looked up at the trees above as if they held the answers. She whispered, "Are you serious? Fine..fine.."

Gaara watched, curious. He'd heard all his life about the Utsuri's mysterious powers. Now he was finally getting to see it in action. Nikko bit her thumb, running the blood across the masks' eyes as if war paint. She then turned in a circle and bent her knees, hands first doing an X before going parallel to one another, ending perpendicular. "Jikan Henko no jutsu!"?

Did she do it? Gaara wondered. He blinked once, and when his eyes opened, Nikko had a blade to Kabuto's throat.

That speed!

That's when Gaara took notice of her kimono. A kimono that no longer had blood stains on the upper arm.

In that split second, she really altered time?! He couldn't believe his eyes, and wouldn't, if her injury had remained.

Kabuto's eyes were wide as a grin split his face. "Astounding! It's better than the rumors say! Nikko-chan, what an impressive display!"



She let out a breath she'd been holding. The jutsu worked after all. And now her arm wasn't hurting. Kabuto, the creep, looked thrilled as could be, while Gaara was wide eyed some feet away. He'd been outside the perimeter of affect so time wasn't altered for him. Aponi had explained that the amount of chakra she used would directly impact how far the jutsu spread. Considering she'd only been able to utilize a small amount, the affected space reflected that.

"Lord Orochimaru will be pleased," Kabuto said.

Of course. The snake creep. Nikko knew him from the show. He'd been the one to infiltrate the Chunin Exams, curse Sasuke, and kill Sarutobi. What a busy guy he was.

"Hime-sama! You're still expelling chakra! You must release the jutsu!" Aponi said beside her.

"How..?" She whispered.

"That's simple. Use your hands and make two fists, place them together, then spread them away. It will break the connection."

She did as instructed and felt a bit better. Maybe it had drained more than she realized, albeit slowly. Kabuto put his hands on his hips and looked over at Gaara while saying, "Nikko-chan has great potential. I'm sure that's why Lord Kazekage has been keeping her hidden all this time. Oh! Look at that. We're late for a tea ceremony, aren't we, Gaara-kun?"


Nikko looked from Kabuto to Gaara, putting two and two together. So both Gaara, the Kazekage, Orochimaru and Kabuto were my guests today? Damn...this doesn't look good. She was dying to ask Aponi about the [bad ending] but that would have to wait. The monarch trio floated over to Gaara. "Look, Hime-sama! He's your age, and not bad looking either!" Their voice dropped, "Well, he does have tanuki eyes.."

She was thankful for the silly Otafuku mask she wore hiding how red her cheeks must be. Gaara was indeed handsome; with skin of snow white, smooth from never being damaged, even from the brutal sun of Sunagakure. Crimson red hair that would undoubtedly be soft as well as thick to the touch. The green eyes he had were clear and studiously observing her. Hot damn.

Nikko's ovaries began to gear up, but she shook away the perverse images that came to mind. He'd kill her before touching her. After all, she'd seen the show enough. A coffin burial would be in the near future.

Crap. I'm staring! Oh wait. I've got a mask. Phew.

She smiled beneath it, knowing full well he couldn't see.

Gaara turned away and wordlessly jumped through the trees, disappearing. Kabuto watched him leave before turning his attentions to her. "Well Nikko-chan, if you're ever in the market for a boyfriend I'd be delighted to fill the role. Someone with your level of ability would be a great asset." He smiled with eyes shut.

Wow. What a charmer. Couldn't he flirt any better than that?

Aponi darted on his head and said, "We don't trust him! Not one bit, Hime-sama! Don't fall for his advances!"

Nikko bowed to Kabuto. "Thank you. I'll...keep that in mind."

"Very well then. Shall we go? I believe we're late to your Tea Ceremony."

Nikko nodded. "Yeah. Alright. Lead the way."


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