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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Running An Errand

A few days had passed since Taz arrived on Earth. He had found the home set up for his identity, which was a highrise apartment somewhere downtown. The accommodations were nice, but the young viltrumite still needed spending money.

Many ideas went through his head, but the soldier quickly settled on one. Brute force. Why beat around the bush? Anissa had instilled the idea of violence in his brain.

"Now who can I beat up to get some cash?" He muttered. He could give a damn about starting a company or something.

Taz could be seen relaxing on his balcony, the people of Chicago walking the streets far below. His eyes closed and allowed his senses to take over. Sounds could be heard in all directions. From the songs of a performer to the arguments of a family, he could hear it all. Eventually, he locked onto one conversation.

"Let's go. We got her."

"Hahaha! Boss has wanted to kill her for a long time. Maybe we'll get a raise!"

"We better. I don't even want to know what he's going to do to her."

The young viltrumite put on an oversized black hoodie with black jeans. He quickly took flight and headed in their direction. Taz watched from above the clouds. A black sedan sped down the street before turning onto the highway.

Inside of the car were two thugs dressed in suits. In the back of the car was a beautiful young woman of asian descent. She was dressed in a purple skin tight suit. She seemed to be some type of hero. Her hands and legs were bound together, and she was unconscious. Her vitals implied that she ingested some type of sleeping gas.

Not paying her any mind, Taz continued to trail them from afar. Eventually they arrived at an abandoned construction zone. The gangsters pulled the girl out of the car and carried her to a pristine looking elevator. They didn't even look at the buttons, tapping on a panel in the wall. More buttons popped out of the wall before they clicked B13.

'Alright. Let's see.' He thought.

Focusing his gaze, he was able to see through the entire structure. It only took him a few seconds to locate a room littered in bags of cash. A slight smile adorned his face after finding his target. He wouldn't have financial problems for years after this haul.

Once the two thugs carried the girl out of the elevator, Taz floated to the ground. He strolled over to the lift and tapped the panel. Instead of clicking B13, he pressed B7. His mind wandered as it began to descend.

'A weakling like that deserves no pity. I will not save her.' He thought.

He could see as the hero was tossed to the ground inside of a large empty room. The thugs quickly linked a chain to her tied up hands, hanging her against a pillar. She was now suspended in the middle of the room like a piñata.


The elevator opened. Multiple guards turned to the door. When it opened, all they saw were two red glowing lights before death. Taz floated over the puddles of blood and continued his steps. A few moments later, he was in front of a heavy door. It was sealed shut.

A password was needed to enter. Of course, he didn't know or care about it. He clenched his fist.


The layered door burst open and smashed into the wall behind it. After walking in he grabbed five bags in one hand by the straps. He raised them over his wrist and tapped a button. They instantly shrunk into his storage gadget. This process would continue until the room was empty.

Moments later, Taz could be seen entering the elevator. His face was stoic as he looked at the buttons. A sigh escaped his lips as he looked through the ground below.

A giant muscular man entered the large white room. Upon seeing the unconscious woman, he roared with laughter.


The noise seemed to rouse the young hero, prompting her to wake up. When she saw the figure ahead, her face contorted into a glare.

The beefy man wore a black and orange suit which covered his head. Only his jawline was visible, revealing brown skin. There was a massive smile on his face.

"Komodo Dragon." She spoke coldly.

The figure stopped laughing upon hearing her words. He towered over her.

"Ahhh, Dupli-Kate. How lucky I am today. Your screams will be a great joy to hear when I rip you to shreds!" He exclaimed. Kate huffed in annoyance.

"Hmph. You must have an obsession. Can't you just leave me alone? And your breath stinks." She mocked.

While watching the interaction, Taz clicked B13. The man seemed to have a bit of strength. This was enough for the young viltrumite to grow interested.

'Free punching bag.' He thought.

"Obsession? You have no idea!" Komodo Dragon responded. His massive hand tightly wrapped around her torso.

"Agghh!" She screamed in pain.

"How should I kill you? Do you want it slow? Do you want it fast? A little pain, or a lot? Hmmm…Decisions. No matter. Shall we begin?" He ranted. Kate gave a bloody smirk while still in pain.

"Teen Team will be here any second now. You won't get away with this!" She said. Komodo released her from his grasp.

"They will die as well." He retorted. His arm pulled back for a massive punch.

Right before it connected, a red ray sliced Kate's hand restraints. Her body fell to the floor, narrowly avoiding the blow. The giant looked down with confusion. Nevertheless, he swung both fists down for a ground smash. Kate rolled away as a clone took her place.


The clone became meat paste. The hero quickly got up and ran to the exit. Multiple clones jumped out of her body to buy her some time to escape. As the original Kate ran, she spotted a figure in all black walking in. A hood covered his head making it hard to see his face. Assuming it was an enemy, she jumped and launched a kick toward his head. Taz caught her kick with a frown.

"What's your problem?" He said. Kate raised an eyebrow hearing his voice. It seemed unconcerned. Now that they were point blank, she was able to see his face. It resembled apathy, his face a mask of stoicism. His orange eyes were half way open as he looked at her. After letting go of her foot, she dropped to the floor.

"Who are you? Are you here to kill me too?" She interrogated.

Taz ignored her and walked toward the giant. Komodo could be seen smashing the clones into oblivion. It was a brutal sight. Some were ripped in half with intestines splattering the floor. Others had their heads ripped off or holes in their body from massive punches.

"I have no energy to waste on weaklings." He said. Kate clicked her tongue while looking at his back.

"Ohhh so you're one of those…arrogant bastard guys?" She spoke sarcastically.

Taz turned to her in confusion. A small bit of annoyance could be seen on his face.


'An ant dares to speak to me this way?' He thought.

Behind him, Komodo silently threw a punch toward the back of Taz's head. Kate's eyes widened.

"Look out!"


The impact sounded massive. Unfortunately for the villain, it only caused the viltrumite to tilt his head slightly. Taz turned to the giant with a frown.

"That's too bad. The one hit that you landed is the only one you'll ever get." He said.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He exclaimed. Taz slowly floated up to Komodo's eye level.

"Nobody special." He responded.

The young viltrumite clenched his fist. The air detonated around his hand and released popping sounds. Even though he was smaller than Komodo, the villain could tell that this man was different. It was like he was hiding explosive power within himself.

Not wanting to be in a passive state, the giant threw a punch. Taz cracked his neck while watching it hurtle towards him. It was extremely slow. After watching it for a moment longer, he threw his fist as well.

Both punches collided. A small fist versus a large one. The only difference was that the small one reigned supreme. It smashed right through it, breaking the giant's arm. The overwhelming punch slammed into Komodo's chest.


His body instantly blasted away. Like a ragdoll, he flew across the white room, skipping across the ground. Eventually his body smashed into the steel wall. There was now a massive dent in his chest.

"Kuhaagk." He grunted. Blood spurted out of his mouth in droves.

When he looked up, he only had enough time to see something zooming towards him. Taz flew at high speed and bashed him through the wall. Komodo skipped across the ground once again, now in the hallway.

The young viltrumite caught the giant's leg before throwing him back into the massive white room. Another fist blasted him into the sky, his body smashing into the ceiling. By this point Komodo was no longer responsive. His eyes had long since rolled to the back of his head.

Taz sighed and shook his head. That wasn't even a warmup. Kate's mouth was open wide in shock. She didn't know that he held such strength.

When Komodo's body finally hit the floor, the young viltrumite stomped on his back. His eyes shined red before emitting two thin rays. The giant's arms were cleanly severed, the wounds sealed shut. This way he would no longer be a threat to anyone. The powerful man then turned his stoic gaze to Kate.

"You're welcome." He said. The hero raised an eyebrow.

"I had it covered." She retorted.

"You did?" He mocked while pointing to the pillar she was tied to previously.

"Uhh…yeah…" She trailed off in embarrassment.

After a few moments, she giggled. Both of her hands grasped his wrist.

"Thank you. I'm glad you came when you did." She finally said. Taz studied her face for a moment before hearing sounds from afar.

"It seems like your friends are here." He said while looking toward the exit. Kate let go of his wrist and turned toward his gaze. She saw nothing.

"Hmm?" She hummed in confusion.

Taz slowly floated into the air. Looking down at Kate, he spoke.

"I was never here. Understand?"

Dupli-Kate nodded.

"Don't worry, I can make something up."

After hearing her response, Taz flew toward the ceiling.

"Wait!" Kate screamed. The young viltrumite looked down at her with annoyance. He didn't say a word. Realizing that he wasn't going to speak, she continued.

"I don't know your name!" She exclaimed.

"Why do you want to know?" He responded. Kate rolled her eyes.

"Ugh! Can you NOT be a douchebag for a second?"

The room was silent as they locked eyes. After a few moments, Taz finally spoke.

"It's Taz. Don't make me regret giving you my name, Dupli-Kate."

Immediately after speaking, he flew through the ceiling, leaving a hole in each floor until he reached the surface.

"Hmph. Taz huh?" She muttered seeing his over the top exit. Her eyes twinkled with an unknown excitement. It was at this moment that Teen Team ran into the room.

"DUPLI-KATE!" A voice called out. Kate turned to see a woman with long orange hair in a pink hero suit. Beside her was a man in a red and yellow suit with goggles, and an orange robot.

"Woah! Look at this fucker!" The man with goggles said. He was standing over Komodo' battered body.

"What happened here? Are you well?" The robot spoke.

Kate smiled while thinking of the man who saved her.

"Well…" She started.


After reaching the surface, Taz frowned. His hoodie was now in tatters. He did just fly through several floors, after all. He quickly reached the clouds and sped back home.

He couldn't wait to count all of the money.

SwayStar SwayStar

Hey guys, back with another chapter. Hope you all enjoyed! If you haven't already, go read DC: Light Human. Cheers!

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