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Chapter 16: How to melt a mermaid (NSFW)

~Please read before proceeding~

Just as a forewarning, there will be more explicit sexual activity in this chapter than previously so if you are uncomfortable with reading it, then there will be a summary at the beginning of the next chapter so feel free to skip it. Also just reaffirming in case anyone skipped over the author's thoughts at the bottom of the last chapter, what is about to take place will not be noncon or rape.




You have been warned ʚ(*´꒳`*)ɞ


The Angel's Tear was a large building, which could be said to have withstood the test of time. Its foundation was of cobblestone and old oak, and it prided itself on its ancient wood carvings that still found a modern audience's appeal. When entering the premises of the first floor, a customer's senses would immediately be assaulted by the rich scent of bark and pine. Candles burning alight with fire mana littered the walls and spiraled up the staircase all the way to the second and third floors, where a multitude of rooms, awaited their recipients patiently behind closed doors.

What made the Inn so appealing to those that had money and envied by those who had none, was how through the use of illusion magic and expertly designed interiors, each room held a different theme. One of the popular rooms was the one enchanted to appear like the inside of a cottage in the woods. The large bed was carved of rustic oak and beneath it, the ground was a texture that resembled moss, although less slippery but still just and soft and pleasant to touch, or roll around on. The windows were enchanted to show the outside as a forest engulfed by night rather than a sleeping city, and similarly, the outside world's noises were blocked out and replaced with a low rustling of grass stroked by the wind and the gentle chirping of fireflies and crickets.

But arguably the most spectacular of all, was the ceiling which was enchanted to look like a blanket of stars and swirls of nebulas shimmering in the vast galaxy far above the couple's head as they lay on the bed, the perfect backdrop for a romantic confession and passion-filled night.

In other words, The Angel's Tear was an extravagant love hotel.

But Callan hadn't brought Adrian here for the same reason that 99.99% of other people visited it. They were here because love hotels didn't ask questions. Of course, carrying an unconscious Adrian in, he'd naturally been subjected to a few make sure it wasn't a shady situation but thankfully, since the old magician didn't sense any harmful magic or sleep-inducing incantations present, after a few convincing excuses, the old magician simply allowed them to pass, waving it off as a case of passionate young love.

In fact, under the magician's suggestion, Callan had chosen the forest-themed room. The room itself nor the price was important to him and neither were they actually going to use the room for its intended purpose so Callan wasn't fussy. All he needed was a bed and privacy.

So even as he entered the room, his eyes didn't wander, transfixed entirely on the oaken bed centerpiece, where he gently lay Adrian down. The other boy made a low whimper as he released him from his grip and cut off his supply of warmth.

Callan hushed him softly under his breath patiently as he removed both of their shoes and socks before pulling up the bedsheet to cover Adrian's still-shivering body. Because sleep wasn't the main reason for the bed's use, the sheets, although cushy to touch were thin and as a result of poor insulators so Callan wandered over to the large cupboard, ignored the rather inappropriate items inside, and simply grabbed a few more blankets from the cupboard before piling them on top of Adrian's freezing body until he was covered up snuggly.

But he wasn't just being kind, it was also for his own self-control. Having tasted it earlier, Callan knew just how much of a temptation the boy's body could be, and whilst he was a prince, he was also a teenage boy.

Despite his resolve, his finger couldn't help but trace over Adrian's slender jawline. Although fake, the stars above still cast a silvery light upon the bed and Adrian below it basked in its light. He looked so beautiful and pure, yet Callan knew he had a side of him that was far from it.

A side of him that blushed when he had his nipples teased, and a side of him that moaned for more when he was kissed...

Callan's eyes darkened as he moved his index finger to the pair of pillowy red lips and poked them and felt the boy's cold breath brush ticklishly against his finger.

He must've gotten used to Adrian's disguise as now the boy's true appearance was captivating him all over again. With a deep sigh escaping his shoulders, Callan removed his finger lest it strays any further and lay his palm on Adrian's smooth forehead, brushing his locks of hair aside.

"It's no fun if you're asleep." He murmured under his breath as he began to channel the power of the Golden Phoenix into his palm and just like before, he immediately his bloodline soothing and quietened down.

Adrian's cold body instantly reacted to the heat and subconsciously shuffled forwards and slowly but surely, his pained expression relaxed into a peaceful one.

A slight blush stained Callan's cheeks as Adrian nustled against his palm.

"Why are you so cute." He whispered as ran his fingers through the other's silky platinum hair.

Yet his question was answered by only the dry ruffling of forest leaves, leaving his wandering mind alone to ponder it.


In his state of unconsciousness, Adrian dreamt that he swimming. His tailfin beat against the water and propelled him forwards as he traveled just above the seafloor admiring all the colorful coral and verdant forests of dark green seaweed. He saw the little creatures and fish swim among them joyously and when he paused, a few curious little yellow-striped butterfly fish made their way towards him and brushed ticklishly against his tailfin.

Forgetting all about the human world above him and its troubles, he relaxed and slowly ventured forwards feeling both his mind and his heart be at ease with the familiar sense of weightlessness.

Creatures of the land who neither belonged to the sea nor sky were rather pitiful, he thought woefully, for they could never truly experience this feeling.

Steady strokes of his tail propelled him forwards as he left the warm and lively reef, to venture out into the deeper waters. He continued on, not knowing where he was going or how far he was swum, only stopping when he caught sight of something unfamiliar.

In the far distance, there seemed to be some sort of building erected off the seafloor. It must've been massive as he could see it all the way from here and curiously, he quickened his pace. As he got closer he saw it was some sort of castle-like structure, with tall arches and pointed rooftops, yet that was all he could garner as from then on, no matter how furiously he swam, he never got any nearer.

Then the water disappeared and all of sudden, he felt himself fall and no longer weightless, he could scream helplessly as he tumbled further, and further down into the unfathomable darkness.

"Adrian?" Callan flinched, as Adrian's eyes snapped wide-open and a loud gasp escaped from his thin red lips.

But Adrian hadn't seemed to have heard him. Instead, his eyes wandered groggily around his room, his chest heaving up and down as he panted desperately for breath. In an instant, his whole face flushed so red, that it could've almost dripped blood.

Where was he? Adrian frowned as he saw what looked like a night sky full of sparkling stars shimmering above his head. He was definitely lying on top of a bed... but why was he out in the open?

"Adrian?" It was Callan's voice, he recognized, as the boy called out to him again.

And the stars he saw in the sky above him were replaced with a familiar face. Adrian noticed that Callan's forehead was moist and his slightly sweaty hair stuck against his forehead and his eyes couldn't help but linger on the other's face. He'd been average looking before, but now he looked charmingly handsome... Adrian felt his mind wander only to be bought back when Callan spoke again, "How are you feeling?" Callan's voice deep and husky, causing Adrian to frown and he was forced his hazy mind back to the current situation.

"Where are we?" His own voice was a bit hoarse as he asked back with a slight frown.

Just now he'd been falling and before that he'd been swimming in his dream but the last thing he remembered of his consciousness was standing in the city square, freezing cold.... the very thought of it made him shudder.

"At an inn." Callan smiled down at him as if knowing exactly what was on his mind "Are you warmer now?"

"Yeah..." Adrian dipped his head as his fingers against his forearm his skin was slightly pinkish and a bit more sensitive than usual and he'd felt just taken he'd taken a hot bath but it was also one that had warmed him up on the inside. If wasn't for the unnerving sensation still lingering in the back of his mind, Adrian would've found it hard to believe he was ever freezing, "You helped me with your mana, didn't you? Thank you so much."

He smiled gratefully and Callan chuckled. He'd missed those depthless blue eyes.

"How long was I unconscious?" Adrian asked, albeit somewhat guiltily. Hopefully, it wasn't too long, and he hadn't troubled Callan much...

"Four hours." Callan responded with a smile.

Adrian gulped, avoiding his gaze.

"I'm sorry for troubling you." He murmured softly.

"It's alright."

No, it wasn't alright, Adrian thought bitterly as his hands scrunched up the bedsheet, "I'll be more careful next time." He promised.

After today, he never wanted to use ice magic ever again.

"Listen it wasn't your fault alright?" Adrian glanced up at him with watery eyes as Callan's hand ruffled his hair, "Eliza said that you used too much mana but wasn't your fault. You just wanted to win and you did so splendidly and in the future, at the Academy, you'll learn how to control it. Everyone makes mistakes, you don't have to feel ashamed."

Under the dull light of the stars above their heads, Callan's words struck a chord in him and it almost made him want to tear up. And for the thousandth time, Adrian thought that Callan really was a kind person.

So this time Adrian didn't thank him. He just continued to stare, wanting to take all the grey-man into his eyes and immortalise it there forever.

"It's gotten late, so let's stay here for tonight." Callan slowly removed his hand from Adrian's silky hair which had been become slightly messy, "Since your already in the bed, you stay there and I'll make myself comfortable on the couch."

There was a decently large couch in the far corner of the room and if he knocked the pillows off, even if it was a little cramped he could squeeze in.

Adrian's eyes widened as a sudden feeling of emptiness overwhelmed him when Callan's touch disappeared. It was like he was falling again, but the feeling was times a hundred, or even a thousand in intensity.

Before his mind could react, he'd reached out and wrapped his arms around Callan's waist, hugging him into a tight embrace, before he'd realised what he'd done.

"I-I'm sorry." Embarrassed, Adrian's breath tickled the side of Callan's neck, apologetically. "I don't know why... my body just..."

His pale face flushed in embarrassment. He'd instinctively reached out to bring the heat back in, and now that Callan was in his arms and at such close proximity, he selfishly didn't want to let go either.

Callan gulped, forcing his eyes away from the pinkish knobs on Adrian's pale chest that stood up slightly under his slightly damp shirt, and tried to pull himself away from the other's grip which was surprisingly strong.

"I'm fine with sleeping on the couch." He insisted, repressing his emotions.

Callan had never slept on a couch before but for the sake of his own sanity, he was perfectly willing, but Adrian stubbornly refused.

"Can't you stay here, next to me?" He begged, his thin red lips quivering ever so slightly.

Callan's face flushed a little pinker as he coughed lightly under his breath, "Adrian, I'm going to be honest with you. If I sleep here on the same bed as you in the current state I'm in, I won't be able to control myself."

Adrian blushed, his mind once again thinking back to the kiss and the simulation of his nipples earlier and squirmed slightly on the bed. It had felt really good back then, and right now he didn't really want to hold himself back now and the heat had really turned him on... so to hear that Callan also wanted to do it again, made him feel a sense of satisfaction.

"What if I'm okay with that?" Feeling brave, Adrian shuffled closer to Callan so that their lips were almost connecting as he continued breathily, "What if I want you too?"

The room went quiet as the two of them gazed deeply into each other's eyes, before Callan finally conceded.

"You really, really, drive me crazy." Callan exhaled deeply, but the small smirk of his lips betrayed his true feelings.

The beast inside of him had been given permission to be unleashed so who was he to restrain it? His hand curved around the back of Adrian's head as he nudged the pretty boy's pillow lips against his own and slipped his tongue into the warmth inside.

As if wanting to taste every part of it, he explored all areas causing Adrian to grow weak under the assault of pleasure. Seeing the other boy falter, Callan kicked off the bed's covers and the extra blankets toppled onto the floor, before he himself leaped onto the bed and propped himself up against the bedframe.

Following his lead, Adrian crept towards him, sitting just in front of him.

"I'll help you unbutton your shirt." Adrian's fingers crept across Callan's muscular chest as they fiddled with the buttons and Callan let out a low laugh. It felt ticklish and pleasant and he allowed Adrian to do so his work, amused by how the pair of ocean blue eyes kept wandering back to his abdominal muscles.

"Wow." Was all Adrian could mutter as Callan stripped the rest of his shirt away, revealing a toned and muscular chest beneath that felt sturdy and very warm to touch. He gulped. Callan's body was so much more muscular and manly compared to his own... he really liked it.

"Do you think I look good?" Callan's husky voice asked teasingly, and Adrian simply responded to his provoking by kissing both of his pectorals, before Callan plastered his lips over Adrian's again.

They continued for a while more, neither of them willing to stop this blissful experience. Callan didn't stop after merely conquering Adrian's lips this time either, and soon voyaged down to his hardened nipples and even nibbled on his ears and neck. Adrian was left slightly speechless at the speed Callan managed to peel his own shirt off but saw how those grey eyes danced with flames and laughed.

Adrian didn't mind this it all. Rather he found himself loving it a little bit too much. Callan's heat engulfed him and it was a pleasant feeling he could bask in forever, he thought as his mind went hazy from all the teasing and kissing...

It was obvious that Callan was equally as excited, Adrian could tell that with just a quick glance down at the other boy's pants and knew that he was experiencing the same throbbing and lustfulness that he was.

After all, his was a body that craved heat, and Callan's was one that had much to spare. They were perfectly compatible... not to mention attracted to each other... Adrian made up his mind.

"Callan," With his torso naked and dashed with scarlet blush, he was the epitome of allure. Murmuring the grey-haired boy's name, he slowly reached down to touch the bulge of the other boy's pants and immediately felt him stiffen up, "Can we have sex?"

Although the kissing felt great, there was still a deeprooted itch and unsettled feeling buried deep inside of him. His lower back and body throbbed with longing for something that only now he knew what it was. Perhaps ever since their first kiss, he'd wanted to have sex with Callan but had simply ignored it.

But after seeing how kind the other boy was and how good his heat and how all of him felt, Adrian knew what his body craved. Plus, he couldn't stay a virgin forever, right? Not after having a taste of such pleasure anyway... he was beginning to understand why humans valued physical connections and sex so much.

Still, he was a bit nervous to ask him so blatantly and he cautiously surveyed Callan whose flushed face had gone blank, his mouth hung slightly agape.

His eyes seemed focused, yet the fire held inside them was so hot that it hurt to look at.

"What did you just say?" He asked him, in a low voice, those grey eyes staring at him hungrily.

For a second, the hunger inside of them reminded Adrian of that fox lady but he then quickly brushed that thought aside, after all the pair were nothing alike. Callan was kind and warm, like the sun, and maybe even... someone he loved?

"I said that I.." His voice trailed off although his eyes were still filled with unwavering determination even if the words he was about to speak were a little embarrassing, "I want to have sex with you."

A pair of warm hands cupped his own colder and smaller ones.

Adrian studied the face of the other boy who had been stunned speechless for a moment before he cleared his throat and his tone turned serious.

"Do you know what it means when two men have sex together?" Callan asked him, trying to ignore the urges sprouting up inside of him. For so long he'd managed to resist his cravings and hunger but maybe today... he forced himself to stop thinking that thought. First, he needed to make sure Adrian understood things before he got too excited and let his inner demons overwhelm him and allow himself to make a terrible mistake.

"I know." Although Adrian affirmed, Callan was still uncertain.

While Adrian had never been interested in sex before... he knew how it was done. The Gaiwarth Kingdom was okay with same-sex relationships so knowledge on it was plentiful. Plus, Adrian although a virgin who had never really been interested in sex, knew that if he had to choose anyone as a bed partner it would undoubtedly be a man, so he knew the basics.

"So you know that I'll enter you right?" Callan's gaze fell to Adrian's belly where his half-buttoned blouse failed to hide the allure of the pale skin beneath it, although it was no longer spotless and had been littered with a line of hickies.

"mhmm" Adrian nodded bashfully as a drop of clear and salty sweat trickled down the side of his forehead. It was never destined to reach his chin, however, as Callan's tongue reached out and stopped its journey prematurely.

Adrian grew flustered at the ticklish sensation but little did he know of what more was to come.

Because while he understood the basics surrounding 'the kinds of things' that two men could engage in, he'd never tried it himself and as a result, subconsciously squeezed his thighs together in an act of rebellion.

Callan's gaze darkened and the adam's apple in his throat rolled up and down, catching Adrian's eyes but not for long as the presence of the other's large hands gently stroking his left upper thigh drew his attention elsewhere.

A strange sensation engulfed Adrian as he felt Callan's fingertips brush against his slender stomach as they moved to speedily unbutton his pants and remove his undergarments.

And then, he was naked and exposed before the other's warm grey eyes that were ignited in passion as they stared down at his private area.

"You look beautiful." He reassured Adrian who had his face flushed red in shame, even though he'd expected this moment to come.

It's just that now that it had happened, Adrian wasn't sure how to think or react so he simply erased his thoughts and surrendered himself to the flow.

Callan's large hand fondled the soft, surprisingly plump peach-shaped cheeks that lay exposed upon the white bedsheet. Ravishing the sight with his eyes, he gently spread them apart, revealing a small pink hole that looked cute and teasable.

He couldn't help but want to touch it. Inside his body, the burning flame swelled and dried his mouth and eyes in unquenchable thirst.

Adrian's little hole quivered as his finger traced its outline. Gulping, Callan wondered how to open him up and taste the delicacy that lay inside. Even if he was on the verge of losing control, Callan wanted to make sure that Adrian didn't get hurt in the process and that he enjoyed it too.

Unwillingly, he stopped his strokes and speedily reached for the bedside table, and much to Adrian's wide-eyed surprise, from its storage he pulled out a tube of lube.

"You were already prepared?" Adrian couldn't help but voice his disbelief and Callan simply chuckled. In the end, they were using the hotel for its intended purpose.

While he wouldn't have initially thought that, he would never ever complain either.

Unscrewing the lid, he coated his dick and his hands properly and they soon became covered in a smooth, translucent substance. Then, once again, he played with the thing that had captured his attention.

The lube on Callan's fingers was cold and made him shudder and with that area being stimulated Adrian couldn't help but feel even more embarrassed, although tense because he knew of what came next. But he could also find his body getting more excited, his stomach churning with excitement and apprehension.

"How does it feel?" Callan's darkened grey eyes looked up to gaze deeply into his depthless blue.

Adrian leaned in and gently licked the tips of the other's lips. His voice murmured sweetly, "A little bit cold."

His butt made a wet squelching sound as Callan tenderly fondled the outside of his cute hole that had begun to open slightly; its entrance hungrily gasping for more and his eyes locked onto it, finding it very amusing.

This was his first time doing it too, after all.

"Don't worry, I'll warm you up soon." He responded gruffly, "Tell me if it hurts."

"Are you about to..." The end of that sentence was never meant to be finished as Adrian felt a foreign object enter inside him, and probe carefully inside the entrance. His erect dick swelled against his stomach as he stifled a small moan.

Using his spare hand, Callan grabbed Adrian's member and gave it a gentle stroke "I'll get to you soon." He promised as his finger entered even deeper, extending to its full length.

Callan was taken aback by how warm it was inside Adrian. Outside he was cold but inside he too was hot like fire, although there was something strangely calming about it, just like the kiss, which only made his phoenix bloodline want to conquer it more.

No, he didn't just want it. He needed it.

Slowly, he moved his lubed-up finger around, stirring up Adrian's internal organs and making him bite his lip in pleasure. More wet sounds sloshed around the room, deepening Adrian's blush.

Adrian's had long since entered a state of delirium, enjoying the pleasure and the heat that came with it. Callan's finger was inside of him... while his mind wasn't sure how to react to that, his body sure was and soft moans spilled out of his mouth.

Callan stared down at that beautiful flushed face that seemed both ethereal and erotic. It was a sight made by him, just for him.

Feeling that Adrian was ready, he snuck another two fingers inside and the little hole trembled as it spread out more, and Adrian's chest heaved as he swallowed his breath. He could hardly contain it anymore.

"H-Hurry!" His eyes darkened as he begged, his voice coming out in pants and gasps.

His own dick had swelled up to the brim and a thin trickle of liquid was beginning to come out of it.

Callan noticed this and felt himself become even more excited. A sense of accomplishment overcame him as he knew that this was his own handiwork. His fingers were still at work so he used his other hand to fondle it, and more began to spill out.

Adrian's wide eyes began to fog up as let out a rasped gasp before more sweet moans spilled out of his cherry-red lips.

"Say my name." Callan urged him, quicking the pace of his hand.

Unable to think for himself anymore and overwhelmed by a pleasure previously unknown to him, Adrian complied between pants, "Ca-Callan, q-quickly!" His voice was strained as he begged for release.

Callan leaned forwards and kissed those lips just as the dick in his hand trembled before erupting. An embarrassing sound was muffled by the kiss and pressed against his naked torso and swollen nipples, Callan could feel Adrian's whole body arch as it shuddered in pleasure.

The dick in his hands went limp as they became stained with a sticky white liquid and an intimate smell filled the room's already musky scent.

Callan pulled away and Adrian gasped, hungry for air. His face was still flushed and his eyes moist but happy.

"Did that feel good?" Callan asked him, teasingly.

Adrian didn't reply but tucked his chin against his chest. He was embarrassed by the sounds he'd just made...not to mention how his cum was still staining Callan's hands.

Callan chuckled. His own dick was already fully erect as it had been stimulated by the erotic sight of Adrian and with his little hole all prepped up, it was time to enter.

He removed his fingers and Adrian groaned softly as finding his courage again, he sat up on the bed, just in time to see Callan's fingers slip out of there and his cheeks flushed a little at the sight of the two lubed fingers that were dripping with his own inner fluids.

"A-are you sure it will fit?" Adrian stared at the other boy's giant, which since becoming erect had swelled up even more and gulped. He couldn't help but question the durability of his body to endure that!

"Well, your hole's all prepped up." Callan stared down at his handiwork proudly. Seeing Adrian stare at him, he couldn't resist the urge to tease that innocent-looking face and once again, traced his finger around the tender outside of it, feeling all of its little pink groves.

"mmm" While Adrian couldn't see his own hole, he could feel that it had indeed been loosened by Callan's fingers.

At first, he'd been a little curious wondering if it was really as pleasurable as Callan had promised him to be touched down there... but now he couldn't deny the truth of his words as foreign sensations he'd felt today were proof of it. But touching and fingers were a lot different than something that huge.

His heart raced against his chest. Was this really going to be okay? He almost wanted to voice his concerns but his own mind was working against him, as it wondered what kind of sensations it could bring.

Through kissing and touching he'd been able to enjoy the other boy's heat but every time there had been a deep unscratchable craving inside himself for more of his heat and more of him. He'd wanted nothing more than to dig his fingers into and scratch that itch, so he couldn't stop now.

And because he trusted Callan, he decided to entrust his body with him.

"I-I want you to put it in." Callan's gaze met with a pair of ocean blue eyes that were currently sparkling like they were filled with a million grains of sand and then his eyes wandered over to the ruby red flush of his cheeks, the heaving of his small naked chest, and the heart that undoubtedly pounded away beneath it.

And the words Adrian had just spoken sent his already lust-filled mind into overload.

"Alright, then I'll begin." He murmured back. There was no way he was stopping now anyway. It was pure torment to his mind to prolong the wait anymore as he too, wanted a taste of heaven.

He wiped his hand against the bedsheet before reaching up, he stroked Adrian's soft blonde hair in a comforting manner, "Since it's your first time, it might hurt a little. Lean back on the bed and just try to relax your body but tell me if it becomes too unbearable."

Adrian nodded and his body complied, the soft hair slipping away from Callan's grip as he sank back into the bed.

With that being said, he began his long-awaited entrance. Adrian's eyes were cast to the ceiling but he could feel the pulsating vitality of the glans pressed against him and felt Callan's large and rough hands, gently spread his two plump cheeks apart.

"Bend your knees" Callan murmured in a low deep voice and when Adrian complied he immediately felt the strange tingling sensation as he was entered once again.

But this time it wasn't finger. It was something much larger, girthier, and boiling hot like lava. Like Callan had warned him, he felt a tingle of pain but that sensation was dulled by the pleasant heat and the weird filling feeling that came with him.

Above, he heard Callan let out a soft groan, but was quickly distracted as more slid inside of him, stretching out his passageway and molding it to the shape of Callan's dick.

Adrian couldn't hold back the moan that escaped his mouth. It was hot... so very hot. His sensitive body almost couldn't withstand the stimulation as he felt his own member rise up again.

He could tell that Callan wasn't all the way inside and yet he already felt full.

But it wasn't unbearable yet nor painful.

Or at least that was until Callan started to move.

It was like he had been struck by lightning. As Callan began to softly thump his hips against his own and Adrian's pink hole stretched to engulf the full capacity of his dick, Adrian's vision went black for a second. He was lying on a bed and yet it felt like he'd just been thrown into a pit of needles, each pricking him at his most sensual parts. Heat rushed through his body and throbbed relentlessly.

And then somewhere amidst it all, he felt Callan's dick brush up against something inside of him, and his blue eyes immediately widened as if in shock, and his hands which had been gripping onto the bed sheet loosened. Losing control of his body, Adrian slipped back onto the bed.

Callan noticed this change as soon he had found that little knob inside of Adrian. The prostate gland was one of the most sensitive parts of the male body and that had been his goal. He smiled in satisfaction, upon hearing the sounds of his victory lustfully escape from Adrian's open lips and how his back arched up off the bed, trembling enticingly from every thrust.

After all, he wanted Adrian to enjoy himself too.

Callan gazed fondly down at the beautiful face turned erotic beneath him which he could never get bored of looking at.

After having his prostate drummed against repeatedly, Adrian's ocean blue eyes were covered in a haze and his delicate little mouth which had been bruised by a hickey was hung open and continuously releasing the most erotic moans Callan had ever heard.

The sound filled his ears and heart with a strange feeling of joy and conquest and he bent down to kiss away the thin trickle of saliva that fell from Adrian's mouth and trickled down his flushed cheeks.

"Adrian..." Callan murmured his name softly and repeatedly, "I'm going to cum."

Although half-dazed in a shocked ecstasy, Adrian managed to understand his intention. He brought his hands up from the bedspread and pressed them against Callan's cheeks.

His fingertips were still cold but in a comfortable way and it was his way of saying yes.

Callan quickened his pounding and Adrian was once again reduced to powerlessness but while his hands fell back down onto the sheets, Callan followed them and intertwined their fingers together.

Adrian felt a hot liquid erupt inside of him and heard a deep groan of pleasure bellow out of Callan. He looked up to see the other boy's handsome face flushed red and beaming. Despite being covered in sweat, he seemed even more radiant than ever and at that point, the rest of the room faded away leaving only his handsome face basking in his gaze. But Adrian must've been seeing things because for a second, instead of grey he could've sworn he saw two almond-shaped gemstones colored violet staring down at him, but that was only for a second before Callan's eyes returned to the shade of familiar shade of dark grey that he was slowly growing to love.

SiesaSalad SiesaSalad

Ahh I'm so happy I got to write this chapter~

Smut is the funnest thing to write and I hope you guys enjoyed Adrian and Callan getting together as much as I did!

I tried my best writing it after all, haha.... all that research :,)

I'm beginning to wonder if I should update MMP's tags to include smut after all the characters engaging in 'sexy times' will become pretty central to the story later, guess I'll decide that later.

Also because around 10kish words were leeched out of me this week, the story won't have a new chapter published until another 7 days from now, so see ya then~

And as always, thank you for reading!

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