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New Original

Author: GalodonPrime_98

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prolougue

'Huh. So, this is what awaits us when we die?'

I contemplate as I open my eyes and took in the complete and utter darkness that surrounds me. I try to think back to my last moments before I was plunged into this abyss, but I only get a sense of icy coldness before everything just disappears.

Taking in my new surroundings, I call out "Hello!?" only to find out that wherever I now was, I was in some sort of thick substance. As I opened my mouth, a strange, bland tasting, almost jelly-like substance seeped in.

' What the fuck is this?'

I keep trying to move but it was like trying to swim through treacle. My body slowly got more sluggish and tired until I gave up on trying to move anywhere.

As panic started to seep into my mind, a violent shudder came over my surroundings shaking the never-ending inky blackness.

I could hear faint, distant sounds, like someone or something was singing outside of this weird warm cocoon.

' Wait! It's warm...?'

Another violent shudder came only this time it came from next to me.

'What in the hell is going on?!'

That almost felt like someone kicked...

No. No. NO. That can't be right. Am I in the womb? Am I a twin? Taking in my surroundings again I try to calm myself and think clearly. Think Occam's Razor (The simplest explanation is usually the correct one). If I am in the womb then this means a new chance at a new life. Only problem is when am I going to be born?

As I come to terms with being a foetus in a womb, with a twin, my eyes start to droop as a wave of exhaustion came over me, and as I slowly lost the battle to stay conscious one thought overtook my mind 'I hope I'm still have my dick'


Time is a funny thing, you hardly notice it when you're young, but as you grow older it starts going by at a faster and faster pace. As I'm encased it this viscous substance, I'm wishing for it to pass like it was when I was older in my previous life.

I was a nobody, a person who got decent grades but never managed to quite make it in life. I had some friends but nobody that could be counted as really close, I won't even bother to mention my love life as that was none-existent. I was just another chubby 20-something man who escaped his mediocre life by watching TV, movies and anime.

I can't even remember my own name let alone any family members, I really tried as hard as I could to remember but it was like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands.

I strangely still had all the memories of all the stuff I used to watch, which is when I heard a distant, rough voice call a women named Esther, the darkness around me responding and later hearing the name Mikael, I had an inkling as to what I thought was going on.

'Have I been reborn into TVD/TO?'

If I was really reborn into The Originals and I was a twin with another of Esther and Mikaels children then I'll be born into the 10th century. A vast difference of time I was used to because previously I was born into the 20th century. If I was to be made into an Original Vampire like the rest of my siblings then I'll have to wait 1000 years before the internet gets made.

'I don't know how I'll survive...'

On the other hand, getting to experience 1000 years of history sounds like a decent trade off.

Though I might go mad before I ever make it out of the womb, because suffering 9 months inside a pitch-black prison, 'cause that's what it feels like' whilst being kicked on and off is a sure way to do it.

'Not even knowing the passing of time either is screwing with my mind.'

I try and keep sane and conscious by replaying the events of the show over and over in my mind in order to try and make a plan in the events of drawing the short straw by being born as Klaus's twin. I definitely don't want my wolf side being weakened and eventually sealed away by my own MOTHER. I also don't want to be set into the crosshairs of that abusive prick called Mikael.

He always rubbed me the wrong way watching the show. How he took Esther's betrayal and never went after her, only to abuse Niklaus like he was the Harry Potter of the family.

As the tiredness once again starts to set in, I thought one thing 'These 9 months can't come quick enough'


It felt like hundreds or maybe thousands of hours, of being awake and constantly falling asleep again, I was able to move my arms and legs. I don't know how my sibling was able to kick and move when we were so young, 'maybe I'm a late developer?'

Anyway, just being able to touch my body was the most tiring thing to do, but it still was worth a brief moment of celebration.

Because by doing so I finally had confirmation of being in the womb and not some demented afterlife.

Reaching to touch my stomach I felt a long tube that connected to where must have been my belly button.

'Huh, so this is what an umbilical cord is like...'

Trying to test my strength by squeezing the cord was a bad idea, as I very almost blacked out. Not to mention getting another kick from my neighbour in the womb, must have upset them too. I was able to manage to get a feel for my nether regions and all felt normal there. Thank God... or is it Odin/Allfather now.

The seconds and minutes of being awake seemed to be getting longer and with that my hearing was improving, not by much, but I'll take what I can get to focus on other things than my mind and this darkness.

Other than names which I could hear, there was incomprehensible words too, which must have been the Old Norse language.

'Another thing to look forward to... learning a new language'

Well, they say children's brains are like sponges during the early years, hopefully it won't be too difficult.

I was strangely looking forward to learning all the new skills to help me survive in this new strange world like Hunting and Foraging, handling a blade and survival skills. If there was one thing to know about Mikael, it was that he is a badass Viking warrior.


An unknown amount of time cycles later I discovered something.

'Is it me or is this place getting smaller?

The darkness that constantly surrounded me started to get lighter, not by much, but I could tell. Also, the sounds from outside started to get a lot more distinct, which meant I'm close or we're close now to being born.

I was also starting to get slightly claustrophobic from being in the slowly shrinking womb. It reminded me of those crazy people who'd go through those tiny ass caves.

On the Brightside I worked out a bare bones plan for trying to survive until I get to the point of where I become an Original. I have to first learn Old Norse, then basically shadow Mikael to learn anything he could teach me... that isn't going to be a fun time. Most importantly I have to find out if I can use magic in this world.

I haven't been able to feel anything different about myself that was different from my old body, but I can feel or... sense this current of energy around me and this smaller spark of energy next to me.

'That bigger current of energy must be Esther's magic... and the smaller my sibling's.'

Hopefully my magic kicks in later like the growth of my body, otherwise I'm already at a disadvantage in this world.

Only time will tell.


I was shunted into consciousness by a massive shockwave, unlike anything I've felt before, it rippled through the jelly.

I tried my best to not move and cause any discomfort to my sibling, the darkness of the womb was a lot brighter that it was last time when I was awake. The shockwave felt like it originated from above my feet, another shockwave passed through the jelly like substance and I felt my surroundings contract like it was electrocuted.

I could hear grunts and groans of pain from outside.

'Looks like its time' I thought to myself.

I felt a sudden expanse of space as another shockwave or contraction cascaded through the womb.

'That must have been my twin being born, looks like I'm the younger brother. Can't tell if that's a good or bad thing yet'

I slowly tilt my head upwards to try and see anything. I gasped as I saw a bright light above my head, only for another shockwave to ripple through me and carry me towards the bright light – looks like I'm about to leave this hellish place, but I'm so not looking forward this experience.

As I got closer to the light, I managed to get a glance at outside only to see a pair of hands waiting for me. This is not going to be pleasant I kept on thinking.

Another shockwave came that pulled me closer enough to the light source that it started to squeeze my head, cutting off the source of light, and I stopped moving.

Whatever happened after that I could not tell you because I blacked out. Thank Odin, for small mercies.

I woke up to a stinging sensation on my behind. My eyes popped open as I glared at an old woman or it could have been a man judging from the amount of hair on her top lip. My eyes still were kind of blurry, trying to adjust to the light.

She once again smacked my arse, that brought a startled cry out of me.

'Ow!!, try that again you old hag!' "Waaa!"

I should have known that wouldn't have worked, what with the baby vocal cords and all. It still shocked me all the same, how I couldn't speak.

The woman holding me placed a cloth or blanket over, then around, me. I instantly felt warmer when in it.

The woman then turned – the world blurring while she did so – and I felt myself being lowered.

While the woman's features were hard to make out, I could see she had grey, almost white hair, and an old, frayed strap dress, the kind you would have seen on a medieval person.

However, my vision soon shifted, as I was handed off to another person that was lying on a bed, it also looked like this person was holding another bundle of cloth and blanket. So, this woman must be Esther, my new mother... wonderful.

As I settled down into her arms, I was able to see my sibling for the first time. He or she was a cute baby with a blonde hair, green eyes and a button nose. I couldn't tell which of the Mikelson children it was but I needn't have start to wonder as the first word out of my new mother's mouth was my new sibling's name.

"Your name, my sweet, will be Freya." Esther said while looking at the blond baby.

Oh boy. This is not what I was expecting. But I can work with this. Just have to stick close to canon as I possibly can and not piss off Dahlia... but I don't know if I can save Freya from being taken by her. I'll have to become the strongest being in the world to take on Dahlia and save Freya and future baby Hope. I have my work cut out for me.

Then Esther turned her head and looked at me.

"And your name, my little Viking, will be Erik."

Well, at least it's a good name.

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