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Chapter 8: Talk and Warning

Battle camp of the royal army

In the strategy tent we find multiple lords waiting for their king to come and start the war meeting.

Among them was Tywin Lannister. Who was boring holes in one Eddard Stark.

"Tell me lord Stark how did the north fair in the initial raids from the ironborn."

"We faired well, lord lannister." Ned replied

"How when you were attacked at the same time as us and with the same amount as us and we lose a fleet and a few thousand lives."

Ned was about to say something but was interrupted by King Robert arriving.

"Ned my brother, how have you been my friend."

"Could be better your grace. I hate wars" Ned replied seriously.

"Pish posh, Ned wars are where the fun happens. Without wars I have been bored out of my mind."

"I guess this is where we disagree your grace"

"Seeems so. While we are this far north why don't you have your nephew come and bend the knee. I have heard you have given the dragonspawn a castle." Ned hated that word now more than ever because Woden had saved hundreds of northern lives and was grateful.

"While that is true your grace. He cannot bend the knee to you." At this Robert looked ready to throw something and the other lords backed away in fear.

"Why in the seven hells not!!!" Blared Robert

Ned looked concerned and then thought of an idea. "I think it best if I show you." Before anyone could question him. He took out a intricate looking necklace. The lords swore it was made from Valyrian steel but dismissed the thought.

Ned said a few odd words and the smoke from the hearth and candles swirled into the shape of a 10 year old boy with no definition as he was made from smoke.

All the lords took a few more steps back as they had just witnessed some power ful sorcerery.

"Nephew. Nephew. Woden. Woden!" Ned kept calling for him but he seemed to be reading a book.

"Huh. Oh. Uncle what can I do for you." As the lords heard the voice the only thought in their heads was 'powerful'.

"I have contacted you so that you can explain why you can't or won't kneel to Robert." Ned replied.

Woden's projection looked around and saw the fearful and amazed expressions. Then saw the what he would call the fat stag.

As Woden stared at Robert it made the later very uncomfortable. To the point that he yelled. "What the gusking he11 is going on? Was that sorcery that you did Ned."

As the lords turned to Ned for explanations they heard the shadow laugh. "Sorry my lords that was funny. I have never really interacted with the southerners. The only ones we have is lady Stark and the dammed septa in Winterfell. Hahaha. Anyways no. Uncle Ned did not use sorcery" a collective sigh of relief was heard "no he has not learned. But I have."

Real fear was seen that day.

"And who might you be lad" Tywin astutely asked.

"Ah yes it seems I forgot. My name is Woden Frostfyre lord of Moat Cailin. Formerly named Woden Stark."

"Practicing sorcery is forbidden by the laws of man and gods alike." Says one of the lords in the back.

The formless shadow turns in that direction. "Hmm. From your attire and I am guessing accent you are from the Vale." Getting a confirming nod from the valeman. "Did you know that the first Arryn was probably a warg at least. That he road a giant bird into battle. In that sense any and all houses that descend from him are either practioners of a form of magic or have it in their brains. So shut up unless you are being talked to." At the end of the tirade the fires in the war tent all tinted a bright blue.

"Enough!!!! Why are you here? You dragonspawn." Robert roared.

The shadow turned to lord Stark in askance.

"I have summoned you here so that you may explain yourself to the king." Ned quickly said.

Woden made an oh face and turned to the king.

"So I am assuming you would like me to explain why I can't and won't bend the knee to you." Robert nodded. "Well there are three main reasons. One is that your bloodline for your supposed kingship is so diluted that it might as well be water. Two is that you are a usurper. Now here me out if you wanted to bring the realm to peace why not put the rightful heir on the throne and forge him into a perfect king but you did not and instead grabbed it for yourself. Thirdly is that I have seen the death of the stag by the lions paws and maws. Meaning I give your dynasty a couple decades maybe before it collapses. And all that accumulates to the fact that the iron throne holds no rule in the laws of magic." By the end of it Robert was literally steaming but that was not it. For Woden wasn't done yet.

"And morally speaking I could never follow someone who killed their own kin. I mean your grandmother was a Targaryen and the aunt of The Mad King. Making you a kin slayer." As Woden was finishing he noticed a Warhammer and bastard sword coming down on him. He just simply raised his hands and smoke coalesced into chains wrapping around one Robert Beratheon and one Ser Barriston Selmy.

"I shall take my leave. Know this though that I will be watching and if I see an attempt on my uncles life I will kill everyone in this tent in the most interesting way I can think of. Ah I know how about cursing you so that your insides slowly become your outsides and when you finally die I will trap your soul for all of eternity." And with that Woden was gone. And everyone was left terrified and suspicious of each other. Because with that final warning he had ensured that they would protect his uncle even if their lives depended because it did.

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