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Chapter 10: The Loner - the outside world

Den wake up on the bed inside of a hospital, "Where am I? What happened? Did I die?".

The doctor came up to Den, he was checking everything, including his eyes, tongues, heartbeat, and others thing.

The doctor: What a blessing! We thought you will be in coma for the rest of your life. Thank goodness it only took you 24 months in order to wake up from coma. Mr. Den, because if you didn't, we would have discharged your oxygen pipe and all care services from the hospital in order to save for other people. Can you talk? Do you know where you are right now? Do you remember who you are?

Den: Doctor? I see doctor? Am I back on earth? (whispering)

The doctor: Patient, can you hear me? If you can, please answer the question or nod three times.

Den was struggling with talking as he had been in coma for 8 months, but after some time, he spoke,

Den: Where am I, doctor? Is this earth? I had been in coma for 24 months? What happened to my family? Oh right, I saw everything was black suddenly, and.. and.... the earthquakes yes, everything was shaking, I was on an strange world back then, I was struggling.

The doctor: I see, the patient is suffering from hallucinations, he must have interacted with some kind of magi when the cracks started opening on earth. What about his status result?

The nurse: We have checked him with "Galileo's Glasses", it showed that he is unawaken, normal person.

The doctor: That makes sense then, because when a normal person comes into contact with the magi from the cracks, he might go into coma and the suffering from hallucinations is just after effect of the long-term coma. But it is strange, because the first dimensional cracks happening was 6 years ago but the rescue team found him only 24 months ago, in a "Magic Sickness" condition inside a ruined factory. Where was he for the first 4 years?

The nurse: Doctor-nim, the other patients are waiting for you? Especially, the hunter called "Yuri" wanted to meet you about her mother's condition?

The doctor: She again, Alright then, Mr. Den, we hope the best for your recovery and I guess you might be pretty confuse about what happened three years ago. I am sorry for now, that I don't have time to talk and explain everything in details. But I will come back later ok?

Den: Wait, Doctor. Do you know about my family? My father name is....

The doctor: Oh, about your family, we have already made a contact with them to let them know that you are alive. Don't worry about it, now if you excuse me, I have to go....

Den: No, wait, Doctor, please wait....

The doctor left without looking as he had to go for other important patient, the nurse in duty came to Den beside and checking his blood pressure and other stuffs,

The nurse: You are good to go, after a rest for a week. But we need you to exercise in order to live normally because you had been in coma for 24 months, and the nerves in your brain might be inactive or in sleep especially muscle parts as well.

Den: What happened 6 years ago?

The nurse: Oh, I forgot you are the patient that disappeared before the cracks opened, well... 6 years ago, there were a lot of earthquakes on earth, everywhere. While we were busy with rescuing our people from the run-down buildings, the dimensional cracks started to open every parts of the world and now we called them, as gates and dungeons. Many people died back then as a lot of unknown creatures appeared out of them, they slaughtered everyone and destroyed everything on earth. A lot of countries suffered a huge amount of loss, both in population and financial and at the same times, the humanity was losing against those creatures, which possesses high defense abilities even a tank can't penetrate. Most hot weapons, modern weapons we had didn't do any damage against those creatures. Only nuclear weapons could barely stop their advances, but even if we used nuclear option, the advanced creatures could survive the attack and only "We" lost most of our population by doing so. Finally, we had no hope left to stop the invasion of those monsters, it was when the first generation of Hunters(Players) were born. They had the power necessary to overwhelm and stop those monsters. And they also received a system from the entity beings by making a contract with each individual beings. With their efforts, they fought bravely for our sake and we finally repelled the monsters' attacks after the first 4 years. The earth is currently recovering but we also able to get a lot of advancements in every fields whether in medicine or in technologies because of the existence of magi, that came along with the monsters' attack after the first wave.

(author message - I heard that some readers complained about calling the "God Race" makes them uncomfortable in reading this novel, so from now on, I will change the "God Race" to "Entity Beings")

Den: What is the Magi Sickness?

The nurse: Oh, that is the kind of sickness, that when a normal human comes into direct or close contact with the magi, he or she goes into coma and that is called magi sickness. It is rarely happen, and the possible cure of that sickness is very rare and expensive. So, a lot of patient can't effort the cure and finally they died because of it. When the first wave of monsters started, I heard a lot of people died from that sickness around the world, now there is not many people with that sickness because our bodies became to adapt and used to the existence of magi. I would say, Sir, You are very lucky to awaken by yourself from that sickness, as per records, only 1 in a million people woke from the coma and survive and the rest didn't make it unless they have the "Dream Elixir". But even they have the "Dream Elixir", the success chances depend on the individuals and I heard that the Elixir can only be effective 50% of surviving. Well, you will see a lot of new things that you haven't seen before. And please carefully remember that there are now a new laws and restrictions, as well as a new life styles and currencies exchange. Well, it is true that we suffered so much from the existence of magi, dungeons and gates as well as those monsters' attacks. But the materials from the monsters and the dungeons items and artifacts are very much helpful in our daily life as they have supernatural power that can go against the law of nature.

The nurse was really positive with her patients and she explained everything roughly and in an easy way to understand. She smiled every time as if she was encouraging Den to his life path with courage and not to be too attached to the past.

Den: Thanks.

The nurse: No, no. You are welcome. After all it is my duty to explain things like this to the patient woken up from coma. And It is better to not go outside at night, because even if this area is protected by barrier, the small cracks might be everywhere.

Den: ... I will. Thank you.

"Now, I know what had happened in the past, over the past 6 years after I was teleported roughly. 6 years ago, the earthquakes happened all over the world, every continent, every country on earth suffered from them but not long after, the gates and dungeons appeared, and they were swarmed with monsters of every kind and they invaded into our world through the cracks. Many people died, but after 2 years, the players were born from each individual who had successfully made a contract with the individual entity, the audience of the game. I won't let them destroy my world too. I will have to be stronger than ever. Even if my fate is cursed, I will move on my path in order to protect my family.

Den thought and he remembered about his family.

Den: "Status"

Name - Den(Earthling)/ Age - 30, Gender - Male

Main titles - (unawaken)(normal)/ King of the Fallen XENO(cursed)

Achievements - Hunter(rare), Crafter(rare), Alchemist(rare), Bug(l#egen6d8ary) glitch glitch&(==$&^= (wor*l2d cla)s) glitch @#$ glitch %*^(unknown)(red line)

Status - Not awaken yet/ Level - None.

Brain - 11+(24)/(locked)

Agility - 12+(32)/(locked)

Detoxification - 14+(25)/(locked)

Strength - 13+(23)/(locked)

Psychic - 12+(21)/(unlocked)

Luck - 5-(10)/(cursed)

RP remaining (7 points), AP (120+1), MP (400).

Skills(passive) - concentration(level 1), blood rage(level 1), Will of the Space(level 0), Survivor(level 2), Drain(level 3), Heat resistance(C+)(level 1), Hardened(C-)(level 0),slow regeneration(C+)(level 2) (locked), (locked)....

Skills(active) - Domain Authority(Domination)(level 1), Fear(level 1), Drain(level 3), Speed boost(level 1), Silent Steps(level 1), Chaotic Commander(level 0), Dimensional Pocket(level 2), (locked), (locked),....

Den forgot about other people and he accidentally opened status window in front of the nurse,

"Oh Shit"

The nurse: About what?

The nurse turned to Den and she asked what happened as if she didn't have no idea about the status window and can't see the status window.

"Wait, am I the only one who can see this status window? No one else can?"

The nurse: Oh, you said something about status right? Do you perhaps know about status window?

Den: What? No, I have no ideas, about what that is? (poker face)

The nurse: Well, there is no way you know that right? I must be imagining things, (awkward laugh), in that case, you can rest assure, there is no abnormality in your status, you are a normal average human aside from the part that you are slightly stronger than normal unawaken adult and your have a worst luck status of all I ever seen. Apart that, your status is just like other average people's.

Den: My status is just an average? (shock)

The nurse: (confused) Ye...a~ I think you are a little stronger than average male but you are not an awakener, but i think you might be feeling very strong right now. Well it happens, every patient that wake up from coma tells me the same thing.

Den: A normal person is that strong?

The nurse: What?

Den: I just woke up so I am still confused maybe, Can I see my own status?

The nurse: Well, that is not within my authority, as we use a certain rare artifacts "Galileo's Glasses" in order to check your basic status. The doctor can help you, I can request the doctor about that, How about that?

Den: Please, do it so. Thank you.

The nurse : You are welcome.

Den checked his status again, Brain(35), Agility(44), Detoxification(39), Strength(36), Psychic(33), Luck(-5), what is with that minus and plus sign? I had to struggle like a mad man in order to strong but an average person here is on par with me? Maybe should I add my remaining rank point into luck, I should then.

Den added his remaining RP points into luck but, System Failure! Your Luck status is cursed, you can't add more RP point into luck. All your remaining RP point will be consumed because of system failure. Good luck next time :) - from system.

Den: WTF, I lost all my rank point because of that curse.

The doctor came in and told den that "Mr. Den, In fact, I can't show you about your basic status, but we can bend the rule a bit right now. Mr. Smith from the Hunter Association and Dungeon Management as well as Mr. John from Awakener Organization said they want to meet you, if you accept their request we can show you your basic status.

Den: From Hunter Association and Dungeon Management? Awakener Organization? Never heard of that, I don't know about their motive so it is better to lay low for now to avoid problematic suspicion.

Den: I agree.

The doctor: Well, then. They will come to hospital tomorrow. For now, please take a good rest. Nurse-nim, give him BZDs in improve sleeping.

Then the nurse injected BZDs into the medicine bag of Den, and Den didn't know what that is,

Even after a few hours, Den was still checking his status window again and learning about his new skills with eyes opening.

The nurse : Patient, don't you feel sleepy? Why don't you fell asleep?

Den: So, that thing is for sleeping, maybe my detoxification status is higher than normal, somehow it doesn't work on me?

The nurse: That's strange. A normal person should fell asleep as soon as it is injected into the blood.

Den: Woah...(yawn), actually I am very sleepy, I was really nervous because I just woke up, for me, everything seems like a dream.

The nurse: That might be the reason. You can rest assure, this hospital in the safe area, inside the barrier, even if the small cracks open nearby, we have Rank(B) hunter-nim guarding this hospital.

Den pretended to fell into sleep, but he was still trying to meditate cuz he wanted to improve his skill level as soon as possible to be useful in combat. Skill level increases. Concentration (level 1) --> (level 2).

The next day,

The two guys from Hunter Association and Dungeons management as well as Awakener Organization came to Den,

Den: What do you need? Mr. John and Mr...

Smith: It is Smith.

Den: Mr. Smith. Why are you here?

Mr. John: I came here to see if you have experienced a life inside a dungeon, or whether or not you are awakener? But I already got my answer, I just want to make sure so...

Mr. Smith: For me, I want to know that before you lost your consciousness, did you see anything like other worldly things?

Den: No, Sir. I didn't remember nothing after I lost my consciousness. Now, If you excuse me, I need to rest, I would appreciate if you guys finish this quickly.

Mr. John and Mr. Smith looked at each other and again looked carefully at Den faces. After a long long silence,

Mr. John and Mr. Smith: Well then, we will make our return, I hope you have a quick recovery. But before we leave, we just want to make sure one thing.

They then stared at Den with their predator like eyes, their killing intent was so strong that the nearby flowers in the vast suddenly withered.

Den: Is there anything left that I could help with?

Mr. John and Mr. Smith: No need. We will leave right now.

After closing the door, Den knew that killing intent was testing him. But he is a higher ranked predator than them so he can repel or neutralize the killing intent. He faces suddenly went dark and became creepy, "Interesting". "System message - poker face(level 0)(passive) acquired."

After Mr. John and Mr. Smith returned, the doctor and a nurse came in, and they have a "Galileo's Glasses" together with "Fernão Pires de Andrade's Coin(copy)". The doctor then wore the glasses and the nurse put the coin into Den's hand.

Name - Den (Earthling)/ Age - 30, Gender - Male

Main titles - (unawaken)(normal)

Status - Not awaken yet/ Level - None.

Brain - 11

Agility - 12

Detoxification - 14

Strength - 13

Psychic - 12

Luck - 5

Skills(passive) - none

Skills(active)- none

Den was shocked, "why is his status so different from his original status window?"

The doctor: There is no need to be shocked, everyone has a basic status window like this, but normal humans(awakeners) like us can't see our own, because we are not players. "Only players can see their status window themselves." But we can use artifacts and items from the dungeons in these cases. Well, your statues are mostly normal, and your luck is not quite good, I am afraid.

The doctor: Well, that's all for now and we have contacted your sister to let her that u are alive but she answered the phone but dropped as soon as we said that. For your parent, I'm afraid we couldn't contact them no matter how much we tried so....

Den: Is my sister alright?

The nurse: Your sister is amazing; you have one hell of a sister. I always wanted to have a photograph of a "Hell Fire Princess".

Den: Who is hell fire princess?

The nurse: Oh, I mean Ms. Den Den. She is a (A) rank awakener of fire attribute, and now the famous super star around the world because she is one of the handful of (A)rank player in Asia and made a contract with "Primitial(primitive) Fire". Can you please tell her to give me an autograph when you meet her.

Den: What?

.................(Mr. John) from one of the higher ranked officers at Awakener Organization as well as also a Rank (B) awakener with "martial arts" skills.

(Mr. Smith) also one of the higher ranked officers at Hunter Association and Dungeon Management as well as a Rank (A) awakener with "Sword Master" skills.

Galileo's Glasses" - an artifact from an ancient gate, it can show the wearer the basic status of other people under Level (20).

"Fernão Pires de Andrade's Coin(copy)" - an artifact from an ancient gate as well, it can show everyone the basic status of the holder with conditions only available for normal people and player under level (30). Only Hunter Association have the authority to use the artifact, smuggling or using this copy items without permission of them will be illegal.

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