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Chapter 3: Basis.

The day Angelina made the decision to change her life was undeniably difficult for her. It marked a pivotal moment where she had to let go of the role of being a victim and embrace a newfound determination to no longer accept the hurt and pain inflicted upon her. The transition from being a passive recipient of cruelty to an active agent of change was a challenging journey for her.

As she reflected on her experiences, Angelina realized that she had endured enough. She was tired of being the one who constantly shed tears, while others took advantage of her compassionate nature. She questioned why she always had to be the one hurt, while others reaped the benefits of her kindness without giving anything in return.

In her contemplation, she came to a harsh realization - her pain was her own, and the world would continue to exploit her until she stopped allowing it. The world had no qualms about discarding her once she no longer served its needs. This understanding fueled a growing bitterness within her heart. The constant disappointment and cruelty of the world had left her with nothing but contempt for it.

The bitterness in her heart began to overshadow the compassion that had once defined her. She saw the world as a place where people used and discarded others without a second thought. Her resentment towards the world intensified, and she felt that she had nothing left to gain from it.

This newfound bitterness and cynicism became a defense mechanism for Angelina. It was a way to shield herself from further pain and disappointment. She built walls around her heart to protect herself from being hurt again, vowing not to allow anyone to take advantage of her kindness and vulnerability.

However, Angelina had yet to realize the extent of the impact this hatred would have on her. As she embraced her newfound bitterness, it started to consume her from within. The walls she erected around her heart not only kept others out but also kept her trapped inside. The love and acceptance she so desperately craved became elusive, as her own heart became hardened.

In her quest to protect herself, Angelina unintentionally shut herself off from the possibility of genuine connections and love. The very thing she yearned for - a world where she could be loved for her true self - was slipping further away from her grasp.

As she ventured down this path of bitterness, Angelina would soon come to realize that the key to breaking free from her cycle of pain and hurt did not lie in harboring hatred for the world. Instead, it would require a delicate balance of setting boundaries, standing up for herself, and learning to open her heart once again, while also being cautious and discerning with whom she shared her kindness and trust. The journey to find this balance would be arduous, but it would ultimately lead her to a place of healing and transformation.

As Angelina woke up that morning, she resolved to begin her journey of change from her own home, starting with how she dealt with her mother. She deliberately delayed going downstairs, not wanting her mother to put on a facade of being a loving and caring parent.

Her mother's sickly sweet voice greeted her, offering her lunch. But Angelina knew better than to fall for the charade. She replied coldly, stating that she had already eaten. Her mother questioned her with surprise, and Angelina couldn't help but voice her pain from the beatings she endured the previous night. She sarcastically mentioned the "taste" of her mother's punches and slaps, making it clear that she still felt the pain on her body.

Angelina's mother seemed taken aback by her daughter's outburst, but she quickly resorted to her fake smile and asked what Angelina was talking about. Frustrated with the act, Angelina told her mother to stop the drama and to save her sweet words for someone else, as she was no longer fooled by her facade.

Her mother, feigning concern, reached out to grab Angelina's arm, but did so rather brutally. Despite the pain, Angelina refused to back down. Her mother threatened her, reminding her that their father was home and warning her not to tell him what was happening. But Angelina, fueled by her newfound determination, didn't yield to the threat.

She confronted her mother, questioning why she couldn't admit her wrongdoings and apologize for her cruel actions. Instead of taking responsibility, her mother chose to silence her with threats and manipulation. This only fueled Angelina's anger further.

As her mother continued to yank her and try to exert control, Angelina finally managed to break free. She looked deep into her mother's eyes, showing her defiance and unwavering resolve. She knew that her mother's attempts to control and manipulate her would no longer work.

In that moment, Angelina realized that she had reached her breaking point. She was no longer willing to be a victim of her mother's toxicity and cruelty. She had found her voice and was ready to stand up for herself, regardless of the consequences.

With a steely determination, Angelina took a step forward towards her mother, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and anger. She was ready to face whatever came her way, as long as it meant breaking free from the chains that had bound her for far too long. Her journey of change had begun, and she was prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, even if it meant standing up against her own mother.

In that tense moment, as Angelina's mother's hand was raised in the air, ready to deliver another blow, an unexpected interruption occurred. Her own father stepped into the room, witnessing the unfolding scene. His presence caught both Angelina and her mother by surprise.

"Stop right there," he commanded firmly, his voice filled with authority and concern. Angelina's mother quickly lowered her hand, trying to compose herself and hide the anger that had been evident moments before.

"What's going on here?" her father questioned, his eyes searching for answers. Angelina took a deep breath, trying to gather her courage to speak up and confront the truth.

"I won't be silent anymore, Dad," Angelina began, her voice quivering slightly but determined. "I can't bear the beatings and mistreatment any longer. Mom has been physically and emotionally abusing me, and I can't keep it a secret any longer."

Her mother attempted to interject, but her father held up a hand, silencing her. He looked at Angelina with a mix of shock and disbelief, struggling to process the gravity of the situation.

"Is this true?" he asked her mother, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and disappointment. Her mother tried to defend herself, but her words were weak and unconvincing.

Angelina spoke again, "Dad, I've endured so much pain and suffering at her hands. I've kept quiet for far too long, but I can't bear it any longer. I need you to believe me, to protect me from this abuse."

Her father's face showed conflicting emotions, torn between his love for his daughter and the shock of hearing such serious accusations against his wife. He knew that his family was not in a good place, but he had not realized the extent of the abuse.

Angelina continued, her voice gaining strength, "Dad, I don't want to tear this family apart, but I can't live like this anymore. I need your support, your understanding, and your protection."

Her father looked at her, his eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and regret. He knew that something had been wrong in their home, but he had been blind to the true extent of the abuse.

"I'm so sorry, Angelina," he finally said, his voice breaking. "I should have noticed, I should have protected you. I promise you, from now on, things will change. Your safety and well-being are my priority."

With those words, Angelina felt a glimmer of hope. She had taken a tremendous step forward in standing up for herself, and now, with her father's support, she felt that she could finally break free from the cycle of abuse.

As the weight of her father's promise settled in, Angelina felt a mix of emotions. Relief that her father believed her, sorrow for the pain she had endured, and hope for a better future. This was just the beginning of her journey towards healing and transformation, and she knew there would be challenges ahead, but with her father's support, she finally felt that she had a chance to escape the darkness and find the love and acceptance she had always craved.

As Angelina's father's anger intensified, her mother's facade began to crumble, revealing a mix of fear and shock on her face. She tried to feign ignorance and play innocent, but her father's stern and intense gaze made it clear that he knew something was amiss.

With a firm and direct tone, he demanded answers, asking how long the abuse had been going on. Angelina's mother stammered, unable to hide the truth any longer. She finally admitted, with her head hanging low, that the abuse had been going on for one month.

Her father's anger grew, and he pressed further, questioning if it had been going on for longer. Angelina's mother nodded in affirmation, confirming that it had been happening for over a year and one month. The revelation left Angelina shocked and speechless.

Seeing the pain and suffering that Angelina had endured, her father's heartache was evident. He had noticed her attempts to hide her bruises and the way she always wore long sleeves and darker shades of clothing. His instincts had sensed that something was wrong, but he had never imagined the extent of the abuse.

Filled with remorse and guilt, he apologized to Angelina, recognizing that her pain had been caused, in part, by his ignorance. He expressed deep sorrow for not being there for her when she needed him the most.

Anger and determination glinted in his eyes as he looked at Angelina, reassuring her that he would no longer tolerate such treatment. He pledged to protect her and confront her mother about her actions. He made it clear that there would be consequences for her mother's behavior.

Angelina was overwhelmed with conflicting emotions – relief that her father now knew the truth, sadness for the pain she had endured, and a glimmer of hope that things would finally change for the better.

In that moment, Angelina knew that she was not alone anymore. With her father by her side, she felt a sense of strength and support that she had longed for. She realized that she had finally broken free from the silence and secrecy that had imprisoned her.

As her father embraced her in a loving hug, Angelina felt a surge of healing begin to wash over her. Though the journey towards healing and transformation was far from over, she knew that this pivotal moment would mark the beginning of a new chapter in her life – one where she would no longer be a victim, but a survivor, supported by her father's love and protection.

_writer_min _writer_min

Author's Note:

While reading this Chapter I recommend you to listen, "Idfc x Soap" by blackbear  & Melanie Martinez.

Also visit my Instagram handle (_writer_min) for daily updates about my other works. Kindly like, follow and share my content with others too.

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