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Chapter 2: New World

"Th-that's… a Thunder Emperor…" Edna stuttered in disbelief

"Wohhhh! He looks so cool!" Said, Vivian

Pointing at everyone, Ken introduced everyone "Volterra that's Grandma Edna, Uncle Mark, Big Sis Vivian, and you already know Grandpa August, everyone this is Volterra his a Thunder Emperor Dragon,"

"Greetings humans" Volterra spoke tryna be polite

"Well, this is definitely a surprise," Mark said, looking up at the mighty dragon. "How did you manage to tame an Emperor Class Dragon?"

"Well a few years ago, Volterra fell from the sky and crash-landed on this island. He was riddled with scars and open wounds, so I tried my best to heal him. A few days after that I told Grandpa about it and asked him to heal him properly, he said-

"This is a great time to teach you about responsibility, since you saved the dragon you take care of it" Ken explained.

At this point, Edna had her hands balled up tightly and vanes beginning to show

"He even calls you 'Young Master" Vivan spoke

"Well after several months I was able to completely heal him, but he didn't want to return to Dragonhiem, so instead he suggested we form a Companions Pack-

Cutting off Ken, Edna grabbed August by the ear, pulling it to the point where it almost seemed like she was going to pull it off.

In anger she shouted "August Aelrindel Cliffered, why the hell didn't you tell me this earlier!? It was already bad enough that you were raising a child on such a dangerous island, but you let him keep an Emperor Dragon!? At such a young age!? Do you know how dangerous that is!? You don't know how much I want to kill you right now!"

Wincing at the pain of his ears being pulled, August begged "ow! You're going to rip my ear off!"

"I'm going to rip off more than just your ears, you irresponsible idiot!"

"August might be considered one of the strongest mages in the world, but his might is no match for Edna" Mark spoke

"Well, Edna can be scary…" Vivian added on

Speaking extremely fast, bringing up an excuse for Edna to stop pulling his ears "Thanks to this, he's become a more responsible person, plus when I'm not around, Volterra has become company so he's not alone, and Volterra has improved his magic capabilities!"

"Ouuu, i'd like to see, what did Volterra teach you?" Vivian spoke with excitement

"Alright, I'll demonstrate something for you all" Ken responded

Ken closed his eyes and took a deep breath before re-opening them. Taking a sturdy stance, he put his hands out in front of him, as if he was holding a broadsword.


A crimson red magic circle appeared underneath Ken's foot. From the magic circle, red lightning is generated from it. Everyone stood back even further but kept their eyes on Ken. The lighting destroyed the ground and everything else it touched. Ken tightened his grip, in doing so causing the wild red lightning to take the shape of a broad sword within Ken's hand.

Opening his eyes, Ken said "Crimson Edge!"

The lighting soon stabilized and became calmer, no longer lashing around randomly. After the red lightning had stabilized, Ken swung his sword towards the sky, which released a huge discharge of red lightning in the shape of a crescent. The lightning crescent traveled at high speed cutting the sky in half for a few seconds.

The crescent traveled a good distance into the sky, before disappearing. Ken relaxed his body, making the spell disappear.

"That was better than last time you tried it, Young Master," Volterra said with a smile

"Yeah, I think so too" Ken agreed

"Holy shit...that was incredible!" Mark said impressed

"You've become so strong!" Vivian said before embracing Ken into another hug

"Well, Edna, what do you think?" August asked looking at the still very angry Edna

"I think you're an idiot, that's at least a high tire expert spell!..." Edna said chewing out August

"Ken dear, when taking the entrance exam for your new academy please hold back okay?" Edna asked as she realized that she didn't have the energy to waste on telling August off

With a smile, Ken replied "I'll try to"

"Well then, he better get going, before he misses the train" August spoke as he rubbed his ear

"Volterra I'll be leaving now, be good and don't cause any trouble" Ken spoke as he rubbed the dragon's nose

"I'll be awaiting your return Young Master" Volterra responded with a smile

"I'll see you all again later okay? Bye for now" Ken said his goodbyes to everyone else

With the goodbyes out of the way, it was finally time to head off. Ken and August took a small boat out to sea, heading towards Elenora.

"It's so amazing out here!" Ken spoke as he looked around the vast sea

"Huh? It's just the sea, you see it all the time from the island" August replied looking at his overly excited Grandchild

"Right but I've never been this far out into the sea, my curiosity is firing up!"

"Alright setting down. Now, we are making our way to Cardio Port, where you will take a train to Belthon City-

Before August could continue explaining, Ken's excitement got the better of him, as he interrupted by saying " Belthon City! The capital of Vaevalon Queendom! I've read so much about that city, man I can't believe I'm going there…ahmmm hmmm hmmm….

August covered Ken's mouth making him mumble the rest of his never-ending excitement "Just listen damn it. So when you get to Belthon City, you need to take a cab to reach the Academy alright? Just tell the cab driver where you need to go and pay him the money I'm going to give you and you should be there in no time, got it?"

Ken nods his head, showing that he agrees. Once he did, August removed his hand from his mouth

"You're giving me all these instructions, so you're not coming with me?"

"No, unfortunately, I have some business to take care of, so I'll just be dropping you off at the port"

"I guess starting my new Grand Adventure by myself isn't too bad"

After a few minutes, they finally arrive at Cardio Port, docking bay. Ken was already way too excited before August had even parked the boat.

"Before you go, here is your train pass," August said as he pulled out two train passes

"I thought you weren't coming?"

"I'm not. Take one ticket and place the other in your socks, in case you lose the first one, or in case someone swindles you" August explained

Ken was a little confused but he did it anyway

"Now, don't wander off or get distracted, because if you miss the opening exam, you're going to have to wait next year to apply, so head straight for your destination" August instructed

Walking off of the boat and onto the docks, Ken replied "Got it!"

"Alright, I'll be off then. Remember Ken, show them what your magic is made out of!"

"I will!"

With that August took the boat back to Zen Island, leaving Ken all alone at the port. face filled with excitement, Ken walked up the stairs of the docking area arriving at the shopping district of Cardio Port. There were several shops placed around the port, busy with civilians, behind the shopping port was the train station

Ken's face lit up with stars as he gazed upon the shopping district, this was the experience he wanted. It was as if he walked into a whole new world, out of excitement Ken shouted


Nearby civilians looked at him awkwardly as they walked past him, Ken didn't care, he was too busy being amazed at what others would call mundane.

Ken's excitement grew, even more, when he realized all the different species walking about.

"That's an Elf! And she is a Dwarf, that dude over there is a Rhino Beastmen!"

Growing up, Ken had only been surrounded by other humans…and Volterra. He had only ever read about the other species that walk the face of this earth with humans, seeing them in person made Ken's heart skip a beat.

"Mom, is that boy okay?" A small beastfolk asked her mother

The mom held her child close as they walked past Ken "Don't look at him, he must be ill"

Hearing this, Ken immediately snapped out of his little world. "Oh that's right, I shouldn't get distracted, I need to head to the station.

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