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Chapter 8: Chapter 8 : Ceremony.

Vikram and Gourva were still searching for the two princes and walking through the forest , alongside them were the two Vanar Adipuru kids , who were constantly arguing and bickering.

"It was your mistake ... you are too slow that's why Prakriti went ahead of us..."

"No ..It was you , You are lazy that's why we still haven't found the Kurupoudhi plant yet."

Disturbed by their bickering, Gourva moved a little to the right, then his eyes fell on the half cut tree , which was scattered all around.

"Hey ... Look its an  Kurupoudhi plant"

Vikrama ran there for inspection and after observing some footprints he came to the conclusion.

"Yeah ...looks like someone fought with it, sometime ago."

The girl on the right ,  While picking pieces of some blades from the ground, chuckled.

"It must be Prakrti's ....its her staff's blades"

Vikram stood up after observing after quite a while.

"Okay...So they must be near ,Let's follow the trail."


"What is that?!"

The glowing thing landed near the pond.


When the smoke cleared it became evident that it was Chetanya who landed there , Bali and Sugreev came out running from the pond , Making awkward faces , Bali and Sugreev behaved as if they got caught while stealing something.

"Chetanya...Why are you here?!"

Chetanya bowed a little to show respect.

"Prince ... On the auspicious occasion of both of your birthdays ... A grand ceremony is organized today and many guests were coming but , here you are ....playing in a pond.....Well the queen sent me to get the two of you back to the castle."

Prakriti's face frowned a little and question marks appeared on her head and she distant herself from the two Prince's a little bit , and moved her head round and round constantly , shifting her gazes from right to left in confusion.

"What ?.....Prince who?!"

Bali tried to calm her down, making a sorry face .

"Ummm... Sorry We hid that from you."

Prakriti pointed her fingers at the prince while making an awkward face , she was still spinning her head left and right.

"What the two of you are the Prince's of Kishkindha....The sons of King Vriksha ...Really?!"

Bali chuckled a bit to see that type of reaction from someone who was talking very maturely a moment ago.

"As I said I'm sorry...we.."

Seeing Bali chuckling at her situation Prakriti let out a heavy sigh and let out some air from her nostrils , then she Turned to the right and while swinging her hand , she jokingly said.

"No, that's nothing ... but I'm just surprised ... you two are really weak ,  for someone with the title of prince"


Chetanya hit his foot hard on the ground and got angry.

"You dare talk to the Prince like that...."

Bali jumped between Chetanya and Prakriti ,  While stopping Chetanya with his left hand , Bali talked with a serious expression.

"Chetanya..she's our friend and she saved our life just a while ago."

Chetanya backed down a bit but made a concerned face he said .


Bali stopped Chetanya to say any further.

"Enough ... I want to invite her to my birthday ceremony , So please ."

Chetanya bowed down again.

"As the prince wishes"

Bali and Sugreev giggled a bit and both looked at Prakriti with assurance but Bali looked again at Chetanya while making a curious face.

"But did you found us ,so easily"

Chetanya left out some air from his nostrils and talked proudly.

"Well... That's my Shakti ... anywhere I do marking of my spell , I can instantly travel to that location."

While placing his fingers on his chin ,Bali with a more curious face asked Chetanya further.

"Wow..I didn't know you had that kind of power ... I always presumed that you could fly."

"Well...I can fly too with this pow ----....."

Before Chetanya could say any further from the bushes a girl's voice stopped him.

"Um mm mm...  I Don't want to interrupt but.....Can we also be invited.'

From the bushes Vikram and his company came out.

Prakriti's face lit up and she waved at the girl and the boy , who were with Vikrama the whole time.

"Oh ! Shakshi and Keshav...You are here too."

Chetanya, while frowning, questioned their arrival.

" long were you there?."

Shakshi just opened and widened her mouth while showing her teeths she made an awkward face.

"He hehe"

Vikram ran toward Chetanya and bowed in front of him and talked non stop.

"Forgive us Sir , We are also searching for the two Prince's , We tried to stop them ,but...they."

"It's okay now!!!...they are safe ,  but .....looks like ... We have a lot of people travelling back to the castle."

Chetanya shifted his gaze to Bali and Sugreev , and took something out from the bag that was hanging around his waist.

"Here.. prince ...Your clothes , you two have to wear these... the King asked me to get you there with proper clothes."


The castle was decorated with flowers of different colours and different types , The servants were running around the palace to do the task they had given ,On the gate , guests were entering in their chariots and vehicles with huge gifts that were placed in their vehicle trolleys. On the inner side of the wall in a wide area a mat was laid there and on some tables food was placed it seemed like this mat and the food was for the common people of Kishkindha and for these common folks , a different gate was opened , so they were coming inside these walls from those gates without disturbing the royal guests.

Inside the castle's hall that was rather pretty wide and huge , If someone standing in one corner of the hall and they had to look the other corner one might think they have to walk pretty far to reach there ,Thats how big this hall was , And this entire hall was decorated with golden and silver Vanar Adipuru statues and Tridev's statues , And these statues were reaching to the ceiling of the hall , The castle was built inside of a hill , so one might think that inside it also should be rocks , but the halls walls and floor was covered in marvel so pure that one's reflection could be seen from it ,At the very center of it  a long mat was lying there,This mat was specially laid there for the guests to sat down and eat food , The mat was long enough that hundreds of people could sat there , The servants of the castle and the guest's were almost filling the hall , After a while when the guests were adjusted to this unprecedented castles hall ,  Then the king Vriksha and the queen Apoorva entered from one gate with holding there hands in one another's.

All of the guests gazes turned at the couple.

"Look ,Here they are ...the king and queen ....but.....where are the two Prince's ?!"

"Yeah...It's their birthday .... Don't tell me they are  still getting ready , Why are they taking so much time .... Tell them , We are not here to ask them to get married to a princess...hahahaha"

Laughter spread all across the hall to hear this funny remark from a Yellow hair colored Vanar Adipuru .

The lady who seems to be the Yellow colored Vanar's wife , chucked while slowly hitting her elbow on her husband's chest .

"Well's their first appearance in public after their birth , so they should be taking their time."

From a different side a Green haired Vanar opened his mouth and start talking sarcastically

"I travelled for three days straight .... Just to see our Prince's ..... Please bring them now King Vriksha , We will not cast an evil eye on them or something , Right?!"

Others followed her tone and nodded at the same time.

"Yeah ... yeah "

Apoorva looked at Vriksha with sharp eyes and tightened her grasp of her hand that was holding to Vriksha's , A small drop of sweat slided near Vriksha's right ear , He looked across the hall for a moment than whispered in Apoorva's ear.

"Chetanya has gone to get them , He will come soon, don't you worry ,sweetheart."

Apoorva ,who was still frowning , whispered in Vriksha's ear.

"I know that but you were the one who took them to the upper walls , didn't you?"

"ummm ! Apoorva ... You worry too much about them, they are old enough to take care of them...Do you not know that when I was their age , I battled with monsters across the continent."

Making an annoyed expression Apoorva talked further aggressively.

"That was hundreds of years ago. The order of this world was not right ,You had to fight for survival...But I don't want my sons to fight day and night for just their survival .... They should enjoy their youth in peace and harmony."

Vriksha placed his hand on Apoorva's right cheek.

"You are so naive Apoorva , this world is never going to be the same as yours ... This world is cruel, we just have to live with this bitter Truth, And then again Bali and Sugreev are enjoying as they should want to isn't that good."

"I'm not against of how they should enjoy your way or my way but what about their protection?"

"They will be fine ... Don't you worry."

Vriksha and Apoorva reached where the mat was laid , Standing beside it , Vriksha addressed all the people.

"First of all ... I welcome you all , And thanks for coming here on the auspicious occasion of my son's birthday .... You all can come and sit on the mat now  , The food will be served in banana leaves , as is the tradition soon."

"What are you talking about Vriksha ? .. Are you not going to Introduce your kids to all of us first... Where are they ... My eyes yearn to see my grandson's faces."

An old but brawny Brown haired Vanar sliding back the chair that was placed near a statue of lord Brahma ( The creator) , He Sat down on it , The old Vanar's one side of face was looked burnt from fire and he was wearing royal clothes same as Vriksha's.

"Uncle , Vigr ... Good to see you here ... how have you been ."

The guests started to sit down on the mat one by one and the old Vigr continued his conversation with Vriksha.

"Fine ... thanks to your father ... serving in the north east borders castle as commander , I'm fine ... But , Answer me what I asked."

"Oh , Your grand kids they are...."

"Heyyyyyyy !!!!!!    The prince's are here .... ....Look at them how fine they have grown ...."

The guests who were coming nere the mat from the front gate of the hall shout at the same time , stopped Vriksha to complete what he had to say.

All of the gazes turned to the gates of the hall , where the word 'Prince' uttered at first , and on the gate ,Their were standing Bali and Sugreev in there new Clothes that were mix of white and black colours and with them standing Chetanya ,Prakriti along with Shakshi and Keshav.

"Here comes my boys.... hey come here.."

Vriksha waved his hand with a joyful expression , Bali and company walked through the crowd of guests and servants , Saying hello and thank you for their birthday wishes they reached where Vriksha and Apoorva were standing.

Vriksha looked at the throng and in a loud voice he addressed all the people.

"As you all know that every child in Kishkindha kingdom have a first step to Adulthood ceremony when he or she turns five , But because our prince Bali's insistence , that he wants to share his first step to adulthood ceremony with his little brother Sugreev , we are doing this ceremony a year late , And I know , you all have doubts that Bali will left behind the kids that are the same age as him , But don't worry ...our prince is very promising and stunning , so he will caught up with his peers in no time , And now that all of us are here ... let's begin his grand ceremony and enjoy it at most...!!!"


With this loud cheer , the guests who were left to sit on the mat yet , came and sat while the servants started moving to placing banana leaves in front of the sitting guests , then started to serve food and also started to provide any necessary thing demanded by the guests ,There was an atmosphere of happiness all around .


[Kosala Kingdom's Capital , Darsana]

Covered in blood all around his body and tears dropping from his eyes , A red haired Vanar Adipuru was standing with a big golden colored mace in his right hand and There was destruction all around  him , The stalls of fruits and some house were destroyed all around the area ,  From his left side , at a certain distance five Vanar Adipuru were lying on the destroyed stalls of clothes , wounded , covered in blood and leaking blood from the  holes on their bodies , that were created by some type of longsword  , three of them were red haired and two were brown , Some humans were standing at a certain distance just watching this horrible scene occuring in front of their eyes...while gasping , murmuring and with a horrid look on their face.

The standing red haired Adipuru screamed at the human man , who was standing in front of him with a longsword that was covered in blood .

"WhY Did YoU Do ThAt ?... What bad they had done to you?"

The human man laughed maniacally while Shaking up the longsword that was in his hand , to splash out the blood from it.

"Hahahhaahha ..... You want to know.....So here's my answer , GO , DIE.... And ask the dead why I did that..."

The man leaped pointing the longsword at the Vanar Adipuru with a creepy smile on his face , The Adipuru also leaped at the man and swung his mace , Both of their weapons collided and crossed each other making a loud noise with some sparks.


Still collided, both the weapons started to shuddering .


The Vanar Adipuru with an angry expression on his face screamed out.

"I will kill you ...."

But the man laughed again like a maniac .

Both of them stepped down a bit and As they were  going to cross their weapons once again , Some chains came  behind them .


And those chains bounded them both completely from neck to hands and legs.


A man with a moustache and beard appeared from nowhere , opened a scroll letter in his hand and started to read it in a loud voice.

"On the Royal order of King Satyavan ... We arrest these two ..... The prince "Vardhman" of Kosala Kingdom and ....     " Virat " a guard of Kishkindha Kingdom ,  are miscreants who have created an atmosphere of unrest in the state and have violated the rules of the state."

Vardhman shouted trying to free himself from the chains.

"Free me now , Commander Amarendra .... I'm the prince of this kingdom"

Amarendra in a sophisticated tone answered.

"Sorry Sir !      ... its ... King's order."

On the other side Virat wriggled to free himself from the chains.

"LeT ...Me Go ...I am going to Kill that selfish ...murderer.... He killed my parents."

Amarendra again with a sophisticated tone said.

"The punishment for your actions will be decided by the King ... take them to the palace."

The soldiers holding the other sides of the chain answered at the same time.

"YES...SIR !!!"

<Chapter 8 > Ends.

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