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Chapter 2: A Ring. A Revelation. An Engagement. A Departure

Her phone rang again.

"Oh My God!" She looked at it, and picked it up. "Stop hounding me, Enzo! I am getting there!"

She turned off the phone.

"Caroline?" Damon said, "How do you know Klaus has a baby?"

Caroline Forbes opened her mouth to answer, her phone rang again.

She sighed exasperatedly.

"Why are people calling me so much today?" She looked at her phone. "Klaus..!"

She shook her head.

"Yes, Hello, Klaus!" She said, "No, I remember. I know what I promised...I'll be there."

"Be where?" Damon asked,

"He invited me to come to New Orleans, and I said I would!" She told him.

"What?" Damon pulled a face.

Her phone rang again.

"Okay...Now I really have to go!" She ran towards the door, "Keep her here, till Stefan gets home and he can deal with her."

Caroline Forbes disappeared through the gate. Damon looked at the door, he didn't know what was happening. Stefan and Katherine having a baby. Caroline off to New Orleans.

Enzo St.Johns stood in front of the Forbes House,

"Where have you been, luv?" He asked, "I have been waiting for fifteen minutes."

"I was at Stefan's….Long story!" She shook her head. "Now, what do you want? Why have you been calling me?"

She asked.

"I need your help, Caroline." He said impatiently.

"My help?" She was surprised.

"Yes…" He told Caroline. "I am going to ask Bonnie to marry me."

"What?" Caroline jumped, "Oh My God, THAT AMAZING!"

She squealed loudly, Enzo covered his ears.

"Easy, Caroline!"

She hugged him.

"That is amazing...Enzo!" She smiled widely, "That is the best news I have heard this week!"

She stopped,

"Why do you need me?" She asked.

"The engagement ring." He told Caroline. "I need you to choose it."

Caroline smiled wider.


"Not much too, I hope!" Enzo told her, "We need to keep this a secret."

"Of course." Caroline looked serious.

"Now, come on!" He told her, "Six hours before the date, and I know you will take half of it to choose a ring."

She nodded,

"And I need a suit."

"That means all six hours of shopping!" Caroline told him. "Let's go…!"

She took his hand, and rushed him to the car. She was really excited.

"Now, I am thinking if I should have come alone!" Enzo grumbled,

"Nonsense!" Caroline opened the car door, "You would have chosen the wrong ring!"

Enzo smiled. Her enthusiasm was always infectious.

After several minutes of arguing and disagreement, Caroline and Enzo finally agreed on a beautiful diamond ring. It was purely transparent with just a hint of blue color.

"It is beautiful." Caroline smiled.

"It's the perfect ring," Enzo took the box from her. "For the perfect girl."

She nodded,

"Well, she's lucky to have you, Enzo." Caroline told him.

"While we are the subject of that!" Enzo started to walk outside, Caroline promptly followed. "I think I heard something about you and that Hybrid."

"I suppose Damon told you something." She shook her head. "He is such a little gossip!"

"Does it matter?" Enzo snickered. "You are moving to New Orleans for him!"

"No...I am not moving." Caroline sighed, "I am just visiting him."

"Well, we'll see when you move in a few weeks." Enzo opened the door for her, "Us, the one with the accents are difficult to resist!"

Caroline laughed, and punched him.

"Shut up…"

Enzo grinned.

"So, it's true!"

Stefan Salvatore entered the house, he poured himself a drink.

"Stefan?" Damon shouted, "The living room! Now!"

Katherine entered the room, Damon Salvatore climbed up the stairs again. His work was done, as Caroline had ordered him to. Stefan could do whatever he wanted with the news of the baby. Stefan and Katherine could decide whatever or however they wanted to deal with the news. He didn't agree with her most of the time, but this time she was right. She had Stefan's back, Always.

They had made a promise when Caroline turned into a vampire, to be there for each other no matter what.

And Caroline Forbes knew how to honor a pact.

"Katherine?" Sefan turned, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I have to tell you something."


She struggled with words.

"When does Katherine Pierce hesitate to speak her mind?"

Stefan handed a glass to Katherine who put it down on the table.

He took another glass and turned towards Katherine.

"You are right."

She took a deep breath.

"I am pregnant."


The glass fell from Stefan's hand, it broke, the drink spilled on a million dollar carpet.

"What?" A hoarse whisper escaped Stefan's lips.

"Yes.." She nodded, "And it's yours."

Stefan's eyes opened widely.

"How can that happen, I am a vampire!?" He told Katherine.

"Don't you think I know that!" Katherine snapped, "It's a loophole of the cure."

"I don't...I can't.." Stefan sat down. "I can't believe it."

She sat beside him.

"When did you know?" Stefan asked.

"Just now." Katherine told him. "Caroline….is a neurotic freak who can notice everything."

"What do you mean?"

"She heard the heartbeat, and dragged me to a hospital."

Stefan laughed.

"Well, you should be thankful." Stefan told her. "Are you okay?"

He asked.

"I don't know, Stefan." Katherine threw herself back on the couch. "I don't know…."

"Hey…" Stefan laid back, "It's going to be okay."

Katherine snorted,

"I just turned human, Stefan." She told him. "Thousands of enemies will be after me once the news reaches them."

She shook her head,

"What the hell is going to happen to the baby when it comes?"

"Things will work themselves out." Stefan took her hand, and smiled.

Katherine was still in doubt. She was in deep thought of how her life had changed immensely in the past few weeks.

They sat there for a few minutes, when the door opened, and Caroline Forbes rushed inside.

"Is anyone here?!" She came inside. "Oh, hello...Stefan."

She smiled,

"Congratulations!! First vampire ever to have a baby!"

Stefan allowed himself a smile. He looked at Caroline, holding a bag.

"Going somewhere, Caroline?" He asked, surprised.

"New Orleans." She told him, "I just came to say goodbye."

"Oh...Why?" Stefan asked her.

"The hybrid fancies her!" Katherine mocked her.

"Shut up, Katherine!" Caroline snapped at her, "I'll be back in a few days, Stefan!"

She told him.

"Oh, okay.." Stefan smiled, "See you in a few days, I suppose."

Caroline hugged him.

"Tell Bonnie I said bye."

"Why...where is she?" Stefan asked.

"She and Enzo are having a date night." Caroline told him,

She started to leave when Elena burst in the doors,

"Is Caroline here!?" She almost yelled, "Caroline!"

She squealed.

"You haven't left!" She came towards them. "Bonnie's engaged!"

Caroline smiled.

"Why aren't you more excited?!"

"Well, I already knew!" Caroline replied, "Enzo asked me to help pick out the ring."

"Bonnie told me that you might know by looking at the ring but…." Elena stopped, "I thought you couldn't…"

Her voice trailed off.

"You can say it, Elena." Caroline strapped on her bag. "You think I couldn't keep a secret!"

"I didn't mean…"

"It's okay.." Caroline smiled, "I didn't think I could keep it either."

Stefan smiled, Damon Salvatore appeared inside,

"Guess what Bon Bon just texted me!"

Katherine Pierce stood behind them, they had all forgotten she existed. She sighed. She never had what they had.

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