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The Feisty Bride Of a Shotgun Wedding. The Feisty Bride Of a Shotgun Wedding. original

The Feisty Bride Of a Shotgun Wedding.

Author: Precious_Onwe

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The intruder of Sir Del'matal

Chapter 1: The intruder of Sir Del'matal

Keenan knew he wasn't alone. Someone was following him. He hid by the overgrown Flowers on his right side. His hands firmly on his sword as he waited for whoever just made the biggest mistake of their lives to catch up with him.

Slowly, the intruder advanced towards him, he could hear their footsteps until they walked right into the trap he set. He drew his sword but only used the hilt to knock the intruder down.

"Stay down! Or I will have your head"

He hated this period. He hated it so much that it made his skin crawl. It was the one time every decade that his kingdom opened her gate to both friends and foes, kings and Queens regnant of the lands with their knights and servants.

Everywhere was in chaos and Keenan hated chaos. Even an ill planned war was better than this.

War was straightforward - kill the enemy and stay alive while at it. This whole diplomatic relations with the enemy kingdom was new to him and frankly he hated it.

He watched the intruder try to stand up and they succeeded.

"I said stay down, imp!" He ordered like he would any of the men under his watch.

The intruder groaned "That really hurt! Do you always hit people taking a peaceful walk in a garden?"

Wait! Keenan was alarmed. He hoped like hell he was hallucinating because if not then he just broke one of the cardinal rules of knighthood.

"Please for the love of Zeus tell me you are a man!" He yelled as the cloak the intruder was wearing came off showing a bleeding forehead and a pretty face.

"I am afraid not but if you mean me harm, I feel the need to remind you that my nanny Maggi would avenge me and so will my pet, Vengeance"

Keenan felt the very air in his lungs leave his body. He had just struck a woman!

The young girl watched him curiously like he was a piece of art on display and strangely she looked fascinated.

She came forward and tried to touch his face but Keenan took a step back.

"I didn't know you were a girl when I hit you…"

"You look like you've seen a ghost. Am I still bleeding?" She asked him and touched her forehead.

Keenan searched his body and took out a handkerchief and he wiped the blood on her forehead and asked her to hold the handkerchief in place.

"Who are you and why are you following me?" He asked as he thought of the fastest way to get her to the court physician.

"My name is Tia. I thought you were a prince…just like in my storybook that Maggie read to me but I don't think princes are supposed to assault damsels in distress. I am beginning to think real life is not like the storybook"

Bollocks! He was going to lose his knighthood over a lunatic blabbering about storybooks and real life.

"I am Sir Keenan Del'matal. I am the king's shadow and the lead knight of the realm of Maverick. Are you a servant of one of the Queen regnant?"

Tia watched him curiously now.

He was a giant with a devil's fork beard with no moustache which fitted perfectly on his diamond shaped face.

He had a devil may care outlook that made her weirdly uncomfortable around him. He seemed like the type of man that hardly spoke unless it was to bark orders to his knights or order for an execution on behalf of the King. He looked formidable, not at all like the prince she spent her entire life reading and dreaming about.

Tia could almost swear that no one he has gone to battle with, lived long enough to tell the tale. And with a viking-gold hair and concrete jaw, he was ruggedly handsome but oblivious of it.

"I need you to answer me" Keenan rubbed his forehead, he can't be seen with a bleeding probably unwed girl in a dark garden. This was how girls trap men into marriage.

"Are you a servant of one of the Queen regents?"

Tia shook her head.

"I have to take you to see the court physician. Come with me" Keenan tried to touch her but she took a step back.

"No, thank you but I need to find a prince and have my happily ever after, preferably one that won't strike me"

"I didn't mean to strike you! I thought you were…nevermind what I thought but if you think I am letting you anywhere near the king of Maverick then you are crazier than I thought. Now, come with!" Keenan tried to grab her hand but she took a step back and took off in a run.

He chased after her but strangely she was a competent runner. He would have allowed her to run freely except she was headed to the part of the garden that had a hidden door to the king's private court. Now, it was a matter of duty.

Keenan caught her easily and since she wouldn't come willingly, he needed to come up with a plan. Maybe talking would help but he seriously doubted it

"The garden is off limits to guests of the castle and a place of relaxation for the royal family not for sexual tryst, Tia. May I suggest you leave here willingly with me...hmm?"

Tia felt the anger in her rise. The temper her family was legendary for having.

"You are a horse ass, Sir Keenan. I suggest you don't lay another finger on me. You have no idea who I am" Tia said in a voice that showed how much his words affected her.

Tia turned to walk away but Keenan followed her behind. She stopped and poked his chest with her finger severally.

"Don't you dare follow me? Do you hear me? Stay the hell away from me" Tia told him angrily.

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