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Chapter 3: Chapter Two: Mirai Infantia

It's me your favorite narrator back at it again let's take a look at our favorite half-demon Mirai. As you know this is a 5-year time skip our little demon god has grown up a little let's see how she's doing, shall we?

I wonder since I can walk & talk when will I be able to start training, I mean so far, I can only use this blue fire & for some reason, I can somewhat understand other people & animals' emotions but with limited use as of it now. I can even project a small percentage of my feelings & emotions unto them; maybe I'll get Amelia to help me train & hope my pops too.

Oh, speaking of the demon it's Amelia.

"Young master your mother would like to have a word with you."

"My mother? Did she say why?"

"No, she never said why she just told me to bring you to her that is all."

"Where is she?"

"Come I'll escort you to her she'll meet us in the training room."

Mirai very excitedly fist-pumping the says "Training room! Yes finally! My time has come!"

Both Mirai & Amelia start making their way toward the training room. As they enter, they see both Lilith & Anubis having a conversation.

"Mother you called for me?"

"Yes, I & your father will like to ask you a few things."

"Okay, what did both of you want to ask?"

In a deep but calm voice, Anubis says "We know you're still young but we know you've kept your previous memories, probably the same personality & mentality from your past life otherwise we would be asking you this question this early in your life."

"The question me & your father want to ask is do you have any goals yet & has your powers started to manifest yet?"

"As of right now, my only goal is to train & become the strongest & as for my powers only two so far."

"Starting tomorrow you'll start training if you would like."

"Understood mother but may I ask who'll I be training with?"

"It'll be with Amelia, once you're able to beat her 10/10 times with ease you'll move up & train under me, okay sweetie."

With determination & excitement, she says "Right challenge accepted!!"

"Well, that is all sweetie unless you need anything else?"

"Actually, yes what about father? you never mentioned him, does that mean he'll be the last of you three?"

"Of course, dear but one thing I will want to say is don't rush your training."

"Exactly listen to us carefully you have two ears & one mouth for a reason & that reason is so you can hear & listen twice as more as you can speak."

Anubis continues to lecture & says with a firm & stern voice "Don't let your bloodline fool you into thinking that you are better & stronger than everyone else because that's only part of it. It also comes from training, hard work & determination."

"I hear you loud & clear mother & father I'll be absorbent like a sponge."

"If that is all my lords I & Mirai will be off."

The two exit the room while Lilith & Anubis stayed back to have a conversation amongst themselves. Lilith curious as to what Anubis thinks asks

"So, what do you think?"

Rubbing his chin, he replies "Hmmm she has great potential but I wonder if she's going to keep that same personality from her past life?"

"Care to explain her past personality."

"Of course, you see in her past life she was implosive, impatience, cunning, blunt but at the same time strategic, protective of the ones she cared about, loyal & quick on her feet. She's the type to fight first & ask questions later & she showed no mercy nor hesitation in any situation."

With a hand over her mouth & smug look on her face, Lilith says "Oh my! She's a ruthless & rowdy one huh I may have just a job/role for her in this place depending on what you say next."

With his head slightly titled left with a puzzling look on his face Anubis in his deep & cold voice says "Go on what might you ask?"

"Just tell me a little more about her that is all."

"I'm not sure what you're plotting at but I'll humor you. But umm believe it or not she stood up for justice, equality, and the future of people's hopes & dreams if I had to sum her up, she's more of an ant-hero than anything. She played by her own rules & did what she had to do."

Again, with a smug look on her face she says "Good that's all I wanted to know & she'll fit this role perfectly."

Inside the dining hall, Mirai & Amelia is eating lunch.

"Hey, Amelia how long have you known my mom?"

"I've known her for 200+ years she taught me everything I know."

"Can you tell me a little about her?"

"Of course, young master let's see where to start oh I know. Your mother is the second-highest-ranking demon lord she's known as Lilith the Demon Lord of Wraith & Destruction."

"She's known throughout this world; she can even rival Lucifer the leader of all the demon lords in terms of power, speed, & wits. She's both feared & respected she's been around for 700+ years & been in countless battles she's not someone to take lightly. So, what about you? Tell me a little something about yourself, my lady."

"I was a 19-year-old ½ Japanese ½ Spanish girl before I was summoned here. I believe I had two best friends although I can't remember their names or gender. I was always fighting & getting into trouble from time to time, oh & my full name was Mirai Santiago. Is there anything else you would like to know?"

"No that is all I'm sure that I'll get to know more about you as time goes on."

I did lie to my parents about one thing I never told them that my divine & demonic eyes have awoken well at least that's what I'm calling them. Amelia is attractive for a 200+ something demon I know this might sound crazy to most people just because I'm young in this world but my soul isn't... well it's young but old enough. With these eyes, I can see her vitals, her flow of blood & even her oxygen flowing through & her enormous power.

Just looking at her she stands at 5'2 weighting something around 107 lbs. With her measurements around 35-22-32 inches with a bra cup size C. She has smooth light brown skin, shiny hazel eyes that'll cut you like a weapon medium length black hair & a slim but muscular body figure. She's wearing this warrior maiden type of outfit.

"Amelia, can you answer me something?"

"Of course, young master asks away."

"What is this symbol like crest in my eye?"

"That's the death symbol it lets everyone know that you are part deity & which god or goddess is your parent. Every demi-god or goddess has one representing their parent(s)."

"Oh, okay thanks but umm is the eyes special or anything?"

I had to ask her to make sure my theory is right.

"Actually yes, every one of you has the basic abilities which include, telescopic vision, nocturnal vision, x-ray vision, & spiritual vision."

"Spiritual? What's that?"

"It allows you to see spirits, ghosts, souls &, etc. Really anything that a non-deity or undead can't see. Only beings that have this ability are gods, angels, demons, ghosts, vampires, or mixed-blood that I mentioned earlier."

"Looks like there's much for me to learn."

"Agreed young master but I believe It'll be easy for ya."

"I want to go outside & go for a little stroll I've been cooped up here I need a change of pace."

"As you wish young master we can go now."

The duo heads out of the castle & started walking through the woods. Amelia shows Mirai a beautiful waterfall that has a 7ft drop from top to bottom. They changed into swimwear to swim & play around in it at the bottom for about 30 minutes. Next Amelia took her to the nearest town & they grab a bite to eat.

As they continue to walk Mirai sees a little boy who looks no older than 8 & is wearing ragged clothes & looks homeless. She walks over to him & politely asks "Hey kid what's your name? Where are your parents?" For a few moments, he just stares at her with this blank stare then says in a suspicious & rude tone.

"Who are you & why do you ask?"

"You watch how you are talking to the young master you should be lucky that she is kind of enough to take time out of her day to even consider a peasant like you!!" Amelia says in a highly upset tone.

"Amelia! It's fine that's understandable why he says it like that. I ask because I may want to help out & I'm feeling kind today."

"No one does anything without wanting something in exchange also no one is kind nowadays," he says bluntly.

"Well, kid you're just going to have to trust me... I mean what can a 5-year-old girl like me be plotting?"

Mirai tries changing his emotions by using her own emotions to calm him down & put him at ease. There this should do it.

"Okay I guess... my name is Danny & my parents were killed not too long ago because they were in debt."

"Okay, Danny let's make a deal serve under me & exchange you can live a lavish life, after all, I'm the daughter of Lilith & Anubis I'm what you'll call a demon god & this here is Amelia my bodyguard & servant."

Curious he asks "Why me? What's in it for you?"

"It's like I said I'm feeling kind plus I can see you have great potential also like I said earlier if you do, you'll be able to live a lavish life & eat to your heart content plus you'll have a new family one who is powerful at that & a roof over your head."

"I advise that you say yes because she's only going to present this chance once."

"Don't mind her no pressure or anything it's your choice."

Danny thinks for a moment then says "Okay I'll do it but under one condition."

"What might that be?" <Mirai>

Amelia responds in anger & aggression & says "Look here you little shit how dare yo-" before she can finish Mirai interrupts & says in a commanding tone...

"Amelia!! That's enough it's okay; this is not the right moment to be acting like this!!"

"My apologies young master I didn't mean to anger you," she says while bending the knee.

"It's fine just use better judgment next time."

"As you wish young master."

"So Danny what's the condition?"

He replies with confidence & says "That I get to leave at any time if I feel uncomfortable or being used."

With a smug expression on her face, Mirai says's "Okay we have ourselves a deal then, welcome to the family."

Mirai also says to herself it's not like you're going to find out that I can manipulate your emotions & feelings towards me anyways.

"Young master, should we buy him some clothes before we head back?"

"No need I believe we have some back at home plus he needs a bath before putting on any clean clothes."

The trio makes their way back home. Amelia gives Danny a bath off of Mirai's orders while Mirai heads to find her mother to let her know. She finds her mother in her personally hot spring.

"Hey, sweetie how's mommy little girl doing?"

"All is well but I came here to inform you of something."

Lilith stands up & gets out of the hot springs naked as if Mirai is about to give some unpleasant news.

Now that I think about it for someone who is the Demon Lord of Wrath & Destruction my mother sure is eye candy. She's a tall beautiful & slender woman, with ruby red eye's long black hair with red streaks in them. If I use my divine eyes, I can see stands somewhere around 5'7 give or take weighing around 160-170 lbs & with measurements 34-21-35 with a bra cup size DD.

Wow now that I think about it a memory from my past life about my best friend has come back to me & he was my male best friend. We use to do this back in our past lives it's a game we use to play & see who can get the closest guess. If I look even more closely, I can see her enormous amount of power actually giving me chills down my spine. It's paralyzing and powerful. That's only from me just looking at it... it'll probably me 10x scarier if I feel it.

Why am I feeling so riled up? Wait! Let me think I didn't feel this way until I told my mother what I just said. So that must mean I'm feeling her emotions as well. I need to learn to control this I could probably use this to my advantage.

In a concerned tone, she asks "Well what do you have to tell or inform me about sweetie? Did something happen? Where's Amelia!? If she let somethin-

Mirai cuts her mother off before she could finish "Mother calm down it's nothing bad I just wanted to let you know that I brought home a stray oops! I mean another demon to serve under me."

"Sweetie, you had me there I thought that I had to get rid of some people," she says in a sign of relief.

"So, this stray where is he? I would like to examine him oops! silly me I mean meet him."

"Mother, you're not going to ask why I did what I did or object?"

"Why would I do that? This is your life you live it how you want to live it. It's a mother's job to help & support their child besides you're a 20+-year-old soul in a 5-year-old body it's not like you are an actual child mentally."

"Amelia should be done giving him a bath. Do you wish for me to go & get them?"

"It's no need sweetie, I can just call her using telepathy."

Lilith calls for Amelia using telepathy & tells her to bring Danny & meet her in her hot springs. Both Amelia & Danny arrive at the indoor hot springs. As they enter the indoor springs, they see both Mirai & Lilith relaxing & enjoying themselves.

"My lord we've arrived as you requested."

"You there Danny is it not?"

"Yes, ma'am that's correct it's a pleasure to meet you."

Lilith is seizing him up & is examining his whole body, biology & potential.

"So, you're a hybrid I see where are your parent's children?"

"My parents are dead they were murdered because of a debt they owed."

"Mother you said hybrid? How could you tell I couldn't even tell not that I'm saying I'm on your level or higher or anything but my eyes couldn't pick that up."

"That's because you lack experience & your eyes need to mature more. Oh & yes, a hybrid ½ Vampire ½ Incubus it's the male counterpart of a succubus. I can tell because as you grow older & gain more experience & your eyes develop, you'll be able to see people's biology & origins."

"Okay, I see now thanks mother."

"Danny dear I would like to see you spar tomorrow & train with Mirai here & learn under Amelia. I see that you have great potential there's this hidden power within you & with the proper guidance & training it will flourish."

With conviction, he says "Yes, ma'am I'll do my best."

"Amelia, Danny do you two want to join me & Mirai in these nice springs especially you Danny?"

"If it's your will my lord I shall accept."

"If that's okay with ma'am." <Danny>

The new family spends about an hour of relaxing & fun before getting out. Amelia takes Danny to show him his new room & Mirai heads to bed after eating dinner to prep for tomorrow.

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