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Chapter 2: The New Life

"Where am I" a voice could be heard from inside the egg. The egg continued cracking open and the more it opened the more the voice could be heard. Soon the egg finally broke open revealing a creature that has never been seen in any of humanities books. The creature had a head that was shaped as a arrow head, it had six eyes on the side of its head that had slit pupils that was similar to ones that snakes and cats have. Though each of the eye had different colors the first eye that is closer to the mouth was colored red, the middle eye was colored brown, and the last eye was colored white only showing the outline of a slit.

The creature soon began panting heavily revealing something strange about its jaws. Its top jaw was normal like any other creatures, but its lower jaw was split apart as if they were mandibles that belonged to ants, but unlike ants who had exoskeleton covering them, these mandibles were covered by flesh and when closed the mandibles would return to looking like the lower jaw of a regular creature. That wasn't the only significant parts about its jaw for inside of them were rows of teeth that looked like they could cut flesh of easily.

The body of the creature resembled that of wolves the only difference was that it didn't have any fur like wolves but instead had arrow shaped carapace running down its back that ended with a sharp point reached the creatures underbelly. The sharp point looked like they were meant to cut anything unlucky to touch those parts of the body. The carapace looked as if they could be resistant against many of modern day weapons while also allowing the creature to move more agile and faster. The creature also had four pair of legs that were covered in in the same type of carapace, but appeared much more light than the one on its back. The claws resembled those of a that belonged to a raptor.

The creature hind Legs looked more thicker and bulkier than the the creatures forelegs.

The creature had three tails on the end of its body. One of the tails, the one in-between the three tails, was much bulkier than the two and had much less carapace that the main body. The other two tails was much more skinnier and longer than the middle tail and at the end of these tails were also raptor shaped claws.

"Where am I" the creature said once more as it tried to stand up. The creature stood up for a bit before collapsing onto the ground due to its weak legs, even though they seem tough and strong he is still a new born. The creature tried again and again until it was finally able to stand up.

"Where am I" The creature said again as it began looking around noticing that it was in a cave. The creature soon began to walk forward trying to find a exit of the cave. As it began walking it noticed something wrong with its body "was I always this short" the creature said as it looked at its body. It soon became shocked as it saw the arrow like carapace on its back.

"What is this?!" The creature soon looked around its body finally noticed the shape of its body. "This has to be a dream right" the creature said as it looked at its body more and more. "Yeah it must be a dream, and all I have to do is get out of this cave and I'll wake up from this dream" the creature said it began to walk in the cave at a fast pace.

Seconds passed and those Seconds became minutes and the minutes soon became hours. "Where is this exit" the creature said as it kept walking forward, trying to find a exit to this cave. As it kept moving forward it soon collapsed onto the floor out of nowhere.

"Maybe I should take a nap? Yeah I'll take a nap and then continue my walk once I wake up" the creature said as it closed its eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

As the creature fell asleep for about a minute something began to creep out of the shadow of the cave. As the being showed itself what appeared was a creature that had a rock like head which had no eyes, a beak like mouth that resembled a pelican, and the body that resembled a iguana.

As the iguana like creature began walking towards the sleeping creature, it slowly opened its mouth and smoke came out. Once the iguana like creature reached the sleeping creature it opened its mouth widely and launched a bite towards the sleeping creature.


Before its bite could hit hit the sleeping creature it felt something pierce its underbelly. The iguana like creature head soon began to bubble and out of nowhere a eye burst out of the rock like head. The eye soon moved towards the location where it felt something pierce it. When the eye was at the point where the piercing pain was at it could see a tail piercing its stomach, when it followed where it was coming from it was shocked to see it was coming from the creature that was asleep.

Or it though was asleep.

The creatures eye abruptly opened and looked at the iguana like creature and upon seeing it charged towards it, "you dare interrupt my nap!" The creature said as it open its moth revealing rows of sharp teeth that were all aiming at the iguana creatures head. The iguana creature tried to move its head back to try and dodge the attack, but the mandible like teeth latched onto the creatures head making it it impossible for the iguana like creature to dodge the attack.

The creature top jaw soon slammed onto the iguana creatures head, crushing it and causing tons of green blood to spill out.

The creature soon opened its jaws and the remaining bits of the creatures head soon fell out and hit the hard cold floor of the cave. "This confirms it, I'm not in a dream and this is reality" the creature said as it looked at the dead body of the iguana creature. "I guess I'm no longer Luke but this creature now" the creature said revealing its name.


"Guess I'm hungry" Luke said as he looked towards the corpse of the iguana creature he just killed. The corpse though looked edible, the flow of green blood made Luke hesitate. "Ugh screw it" Luke said before taking a big bite out of the body and swallowing it. "It actually doesn't taste that bad" Luke said as he bite more and more into the dead body. He kept eating the body until his stomach was full.

When he looked at the body of the iguana like creature he saw that he didn't leave a scrap of meat or bones left. Suddenly he felt something weird with his body as he soon collapsed onto the ground out of nowhere. He felt a weird sensation wash over his body, the weird sensation felt as if he was being tickled all over by many hands.

Once the weird feeling disappeared he stood up and felt something change. He didn't know what changed but he felt as if something in his body had changed. "Starting a new life in a new body, might as well not question this weird feeling" Luke said ignoring why he felt different.

He continued moving forward and after a hour finally saw the entrance of the cave. "Finally the exit" Luke said as he began to pick up his pace. Once he reached the exit what he saw shocked him. The trees were as big as skyscrapers, the bushes were as big as cars, and the grass was as much more greener and lush.

Luke took a step onto the grass cautiously as he had no clue if there was a creature waiting for him to come out of the cave. Soon he stopped upon hearing a big thud nearby. He went back inside the cave quickly and tried to hide himself somewhere. {Camouflage} He suddenly felt hit by a wave of information and quickly activated something in his body. Soon the pigments on his body and carapace began to change into the color of the nearby rocks.

"Well this is nice" Luke said as he looked at his now "invisible" body.


He quickly looked back outside the cave only to see a creature half the size of the trees walk by the cave. The creature looked like a bear with gray fur, but unlike a bear its head was replaced with with a octopus like tenti. The creature had its four legs like a regular bear, but unlike a bear normal body there was a giant mouth in its under belly. The mouth had several rows of sharp teeth that were rotating in clockwise and counter clockwise.

The giant bear like creature continued walking until it was far away from the cave. Once it was far away did Luke slowly leave the cave, once he saw that the creature fully disappear did he fully leave the cave. "That was scary" Luke said as he left the cave.

Luke began to move out of the cave slowly while still being camouflaged. As he kept moving further and further away from the cave, he began to hear something, something that sounded familiar. "Is that running water" Luke said as he began to pick up his pace. As he kept moving quickly the more the sound of running water became louder.

When Luke made it past a line of trees did he finally see what he heard. "A river" Luke said as he could see a blue moving river going down.

"So there is water and I can hunt for food, that is of course weaker than me, and I have a cave as shelter. This has to be the best spot to live in, especially in a new life" Luke said, not questioning how he got into this new life and is just going along with what fate gave him.

He took a couple sips of water and went back to the cave while camouflaged still.

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