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Chapter 15: The Impending Massacre

Just before this chapter starts, a few quick simple notes. For those that know of the Hyperdimension Series and all that, Neptune really isn't all that powerful, correct? I know that some sources state that she can slice through dimensions and concepts, one of her attacks if I'm not mistaken, but is that really true?

If you have any solid proof that the claim is true and not just some flavour text to give the attack some spice, please do correct me. Unless I'm proven otherwise, with solid proof and not just theories, assumptions and personal opinions, I'll go with my own beliefs in the matter.

Anyway, to the chapter!


Three days have already gone by since the group had found themselves settling into Liyue, ancient Liyue that is. Nothing significant had really happened, aside from the occasional hunts that the chat group members assisted in regards to spawning demons, nothing much.

As of this moment, Kenji was simply walking through the harbour enjoying the calm atmosphere. Over the past three days, he had witnessed the slow progression of the harbour. Despite the small amount of time, the people of Liyue were quite fast in their construction.

They did receive assistance from a few of the Adepti though, and that greatly helped their work progress faster. Since the chat group members also assisted wherever they could, a few people came to recognise both Kenji's and Kojou's abnormal strength.

They had come to understandably mistaken the two for new Adepti, which wasn't a surprise since in their eyes, humans were one of the weakest beings in this god-filled world. Since Neptune and Ganyu didn't really assist in the heavy lifting, they weren't as noticed as the other two.

Instead, the two of them helped with the farmland and other activities. It did take some 'convincing' from Kenji to make Neptune work though, they had all come to know of Neptune's rather lazy attitude. Like hell was he going to let Neptune laze about while they worked.

"Kojou?" Kenji noticed the familiar blue-haired male leaning silently against one of the buildings, one of his hands slightly gripped onto the piece of clothing above where his heart was. Seeing this, Kojou narrowed his eyes before walking over. "You alright there?"

"E-Eh? Oh, Kenji..." Kojou seemed a bit surprised when Kenji suddenly spoke to him. Giving a strained smile, Kojou pushed himself off of the wall and turned to properly face Kenji. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired from all the work..."

"I see..." Kenji had noticed how Kojou would occasionally grip his chest as if in pain, which he noticed far more frequently when they were off in the battlefield. He had been neglecting to talk to Kojou about it, but seeing as it was happening more and more... "Kojou, be honest with me, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean...?"

"Don't play dumb, you're obviously going some pain, or something similar. I've noticed plenty of times now." Kenji frowned heavily as he crossed his arms, Kojou flinching a bit as he turned away slightly. "I want you to be honest with me, what's going on? If it's something that's hurting you, maybe I can help."


Kojou remained silent for a bit as he looked upwards towards the sky, Kenji waited patiently as Kojou seemed to be thinking over his words. A few seconds passed before Kojou sighed, obviously noticing that Kenji wasn't going to drop the subject.

"Oh man... you know how I'm a vampire and all that, right?" Kenji merely nodded his head in response. "The truth is that I'm no normal vampire, I'm the Fourth Primogenitor. My name in the chat group already pretty much told you that."

"What does that have to do with it?"

"Being a primogenitor makes me unique among normal vampires, I have a high level of regeneration. I don't know if I'm immortal though." Kenji blinked at this, not surprised in the least. He had noticed how some minor wounds Kojou's been dealt had healed not long after " We vampires are also capable of summoning familiars. However, most vampires have only one..."

"You said most, and I assume you aren't most. Does that mean you have more than one?"

"Yeah..." Kojou nodded his head as he scratched the back of his head. "I've already told you guys about how I've never consumed anyone's blood, and that's exactly why this has been happening to me. The familiars are rejecting me as their host and have been getting out of control..."

"To summarise, you're saying that these familiars are rejecting you because you refuse and have yet to drink blood, thus they are causing you pain." Kenji spoke as Kojou merely nodded with a sigh. "I assume you have a good reason for why you haven't consumed blood?"

"W-Well, I used to be a normal human until recently!" Kojou raised his voice slightly as he said this. "You can't just expect me to start drinking blood like it's nothing..."

"No, I guess I can't. It would kind of feel like cannibalism to you." Kenji nodded his head as he heard the statement. If what Kojou said is true, then he could understand where the guy was coming from. "However, I'm afraid that isn't a good enough reason."

Kojou seemed taken back by this. "Wh-What...?"

"I know drinking blood from your own kind, previous that is, may not sound like a pleasant idea. If holding back is not only hurting you, but potentially also endangering those around you, then you need to suck it up, pun not intended. You said they are getting out of control lately, that's all the more reason."


"Listen to me." Kenji quickly spoke up again. "Your life as a normal human is in the past now, you need to accept that as fact. You need to decide if risking the potential lives of those you care for is worth it just to save face, and you need to decide right here and now. You've been struggling, especially during battle, and we can't take the risk of you going out of control. Decide now, Kojou!"

"..." Kojou could only stare at Kenji in stunned silence, not entirely sure how to respond to those words. He hadn't told anyone about his issues, and he certainly wasn't expecting such a response from the first person he's told. "I-I'm not just going to drink the blood of one of these people..."

"Then drink mine." Kenji spoke as if he said the most normal thing in the world. Kojou didn't get to say anything before Kenji bit down onto his own arm, lot's of blood ran down to his fingers and dripping to the ground. "I'm similar to you, Kojou. I have regenerative abilities."

Kenji held his arm up to show that the bite wound he had just inflicted on himself had already healed, only the blood that sprayed out still remained. Kojou had to look away as his urges were screaming at him, screaming at him to consume the blood in front of him.

"Brother Kojou! Brother Kenji!"

With horrible timing, a new voice suddenly entered their conversation. Kenji quickly his his arm behind his back as they both turned to see who it was. and when they did, they saw none other than Bonanus jumping along the roof tops before landing in front of them.

"I've finally found you both!"

"Bonanus?" Kenji voiced in confusion noticing the rather distressed stated in which the female Yaksha was in. Looking towards Kojou, they both seemed to share the same thoughts as they looked back towards the Yaksha. "Is something wrong?"

"Brother Bosacius asked me to come and find you, the adepti are also gathering at the mountain top! The other two are also already there! " Bonanus explained, further confusing the two males. "Our brothers and sisters came back reporting a massive collection of demons making their way towards Liyue Harbour as of right now."

"Wait, what? How many are we talking?" Kojou asked with clear concern upon hearing the news.

"We cannot be certain, but we suspect them to range in the thousands, potentially tens of thousands..." Bonanus obviously spoke in a grim tone as both Kenji and Kojou exchanged incredulous looks. Bonanus shook her head before turning. "Please hurry, Brother Bosacius needs everyone who can help."

"We'll be right over."

"Thank you, we'll see you there!" Bonanus quickly began making her way back towards and up the mountain as both males watched her leave. With a serious look on his face, Kenji turned back towards Kojou and held his arm towards the male once again.

"You heard her, Kojou. From the sounds of it, we're about to go to a bloody fucking war here like no other. We can't leave them all waiting, make your decision now!"


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