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Chapter 20: Sports Festival Prelude Part 3


-(Musutafu: UA/Aizawa Homeroom, Afterschool, Late Afternoon)-

"Man…" Jotaro spoke with complete incredulity at what he was seeing. "What is this…"

He slid open the door to leave, hoping to end his long day of lessons, lectures, et cetera. Instead, Jotaro gets blasted by the clamoring of a student mob in front of his homeroom; they were from classes all over the school. Uraraka, Iida, and Izuku peek from behind him to see where all the noise was coming from; they were equally astonished by the crowd of students before them.

"U-Um, why the heck are you all here?!" Uraraka questioned - the students outside were speaking amongst each other, ignoring her. "What's going on?!"

"Why are you blocking our doorway? There's no way out!" Mineta has already started to panic.

"They're scouting out the competition, idiots," Bakugo said, walking to the doorway. "We're the class that survived a real villain attack, after all."

'I hope he doesn't explode anybody…' Izuku sighed, praying for the students outside his classroom. 'This is supposed to be him in neutral mode…"

"Good Grief..." Jotaro muttered, seizing the tip of his hat. "I just wanna go home..."

Bakugo moved past Jotaro and stood in front of the crowd, smirking smugly before speaking. "Heh, at least now you fools know what a future pro looks like; now move it, extras."

"Hey! You can't walk around calling people 'extras' just because you don't know who they are!" Iida reprimanded, earning a snort from Bakugo. "Izuku!! JoJo!! Please talk some sense into him!!"

Jotaro kept staring at the students in front of him; he was a towering figure compared to most of them which caused some of the students in the front to back up a little bit. Of course, some girls began to hyperventilate when they thought he was looking at them (this is for the plot, I swear), which made Toru kinda jealous.

"All of you," he announced, walking into the hallway; they appear to have made a crescent around him. "You're all making me waste time."

Behind several students, a tired-looking kid slowly made his way up to the front of the crowd; his name was Shinso Hitoshi. "So... this is Class 1-A…?"

"Hm?" Bakugo raised an eyebrow at Shinso.

"I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like assholes..." Shinso gets close enough to be seen before saying some more hurtful commentary. "Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or just you guys?"

Bakugo growled silently, causing Iida and Izuku to shake their heads, trying to get Shinso to stop aggravating the blond; they also feared Jotaro would get angry at him for his rudeness.

"This kid…" He began squinting at the purple-haired kid up and down; Iida and Izuku were preparing for the worst in the background. 'Kinda looks like Mr. Aizawa - what a weird coincidence, huh?'

"How sad to come here and find a bunch of egomaniacs; I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track," Shinso complained, looking at Jotaro and Bakugo with a grimace. "Oh well, such is life, I suppose..."

Bakugo kept glaring at him, trying to control his rage. "Tch!"

"I didn't cut it the first time, but I have another chance," He continued; this time he was staring at the kids in the back of the class. "If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course, and they'll have to transfer people out to make room."

Some of the class gasp at this possibility - any of them could be removed from the hero course if they don't do well in the sports festival; this just became a life or death situation.

"You think we're 'scouting the competition?' Pfft… maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to tell you that if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you," Shinso then began walking away, having said all he wanted to be said. "Consider this a declaration of war."

'Where did this guy even come from?!'

Then, suddenly, there was another newcomer from the crowd whose sentiments seemed more intense than the first's - Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu.

"HEY, YOU!!" Tetsutetsu called out angrily. "I'm from Class 1-B next door! We heard you guys fought some villains, and I came to see if that was true, but I guess you're just a bunch of brats who think you're better than us!"

Izuku, Iida, and Uraraka's faces were filled with worry; they knew their class was done once Bakugo and Jotaro started talking. 'Crap, everyone hates our class now!'


The three stared intensely at Jotaro and Bakugo, holding their breath and bracing for whatever they might do in the next couple of seconds. Fortunately, the two simply try to shove their way past the crowd, only wanting to exit the school.

"I'm going home now..."



"Dude, where are guys going?!" Kirishima yelled. "You gotta say something! It's your fault they're all hating on us!"

"These people don't matter," Bakugo replied. "So I don't give a crap."

"Huh?! What about you, JoJo?!"

"I want to go home - that's all I have to say," he commented. "I don't have time to calm down this mob."


"The only thing that's important is that I beat them," Bakugo affirmed. "It doesn't matter as long as you rise to the top."

Tetsutetsu popped a vein once he heard his claims. "HEY!! I'M COMIN' FOR YOU!!"

The two exited and move past the crowd, walking together toward the UA entrance. Back in the classroom, Kirishima was gritting his teeth from the sheer awesomeness of his classmates.

"GAH!!" he growled, closing his eyes with a teardrop on the right. "Man, I hate that they made such a manly exit!!"

Kaminari, watching his reaction, was confused to see such a lenient response. "Huh…?"

"You said it…" Sato agreed, cupping his chin.


"The top, huh? There is truth in that," Tokoyami nodded.



In the hallway nearing the entrance, Bakugo and Jotaro kept out of each other's way; it was like two opposing poles on a magnet colliding with each other.


Jotaro turned his head, glimpsing at Bakugo. "Hm?"

"I'm going to beat you, and there's nothing you can do about it," he said, staring into Jotaro's teal eyes. "You hear me?"

What he didn't know about Jotaro was that he had just unlocked a new ability, making his comment completely pointless. Yet, he still didn't have a name for it - something he'd need to think about when he gets back home.

"We'll see."



Throughout the two-week training montage, multiple students of Class 1-A are seen training in preparation for the UA Sports Festival. Students such as Izuku, Shoji, and Hagakure worked out their bodies, others like Bakugo, Iida, and Uraraka, were busy using their Quirks to the max, and Jotaro… was sitting on his couch eating potato chips. Unknowingly to the audience, he had been training the whole with his new ability…


-(Musutafu: Kujo Residence, Afternoon)-

Jotaro crunched on another potato chip while reading a manga page; the one he picked out today was called 'White Faboideae.'

"Sigh… what do I call it?" he wondered; Jotaro had been trying to figure out what she should call his new ability. "'Frozen Place?'"

Star Platinum appeared from his body and sat on the couch; it kept its eyes on its master. "'Stop Everything?'"

"Ora." it replied, sounding like a 'no.'

"Okay… what about 'Cease hostility?'"

"Ora." Star Platinum then pointed at one of its muscles. "Ora."

"'Muscle Stopping Power?'"

Star Platinum shook its head in disappointment, pointing at the words inscribed on its body. "Ora ora."

Jotaro, noticing what his Stand was pointing at, became surprised; the words were very faint so he couldn't see them without getting closer. 'Never noticed those before… wait- what's it say?'

"Temp… Temperature?"

Star Platinum smacked its face at the sheer density coming off of its user. "ORA ORA!!"

"Te… Temp…" Looking even closer than before, he saw that the word inscribed on his Stand read... "Tempus…?"

"Ora!" it said, sounding like Jotaro got the right answer.

"The fuck does that mean?" he questioned. "It's that Latin or something?"

Star Platinum went into Jotaro's room and grabbed a pen, returning moments later. 'What is it doing..?'

"Ora ora ora," it said, dropping the pen but catching it in midair, stopping it from falling onto the floor. "Ora ora!"

"Uh… you stopped it from falling?" Jotaro asked curiously. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Ora ora!" His Stand went back into his room and grabbed a piece of paper, writing something before showing it to Jotaro; it was a simple clock face. "Ora!"

Star Platinum then pointed at his metallic headband, leaning very close to Jotaro so that he could see; it was pointing directly right at the center of the vertical star.

"Huh…" He looked closer and saw that there was a small clock face at the center of his Stand's metallic headband; it was the same Star Platinum had just drawn on the piece of paper. 'Clocks?'

Jotaro spent the next few minutes or so without saying a word, considering what his Stand was trying to tell him.

"Could it be…?" he muttered, using his hand to point at somewhere in his house; Jotaro then uttered a single word.


[Jotaro's Timestop Start - Part 4]

Everything suddenly began to stop moving, as expected. Jotaro looked around and saw that even the birds that were flying outside had frozen in place.


Jotaro then picked up the pen his Stand was using a second ago; his heartbeat had begun to accelerate, and the 'clicks' started to get louder and faster.


He threw the pen as hard as he could in a random direction, but its momentum abruptly ceased after a brief moment of being airborne; it now stayed fixated in the air.

'I have to be touching something in order for it to move.' Jotaro noted, observing the pen. 'I think this only applies to non-living objects though...'


He took the pen again and placed it back on the table - not wanting to repeat the same mistake like last time. 'Everything is starting to make sense now…'


His heartbeat had begun beating much faster than before, and the 'clicks' have picked up speed; Jotaro would later deduce this meant any time frame he had would be determined by these two factors. He also began to feel a little fatigued - another factor he would take note of when activating this ability.

'The clocks… the pen… the freezing of everything…'


[Jotaro's Timestop End - Part 4]

"This can only mean one thing…"

Just like before, everything had begun to return to normal; color returned to the world, and the birds outside started flying like normal again.

"The words on your body…" Jotaro muttered, summoning his Stand behind him. "They mean 'time,' don't they?"

He turned around and saw that Star Platinum had nodded, confirming his beliefs.

"I-" Jotaro fell to his knees in disbelief.

He was in utter shock; this newfound power was too great for any one person to handle, especially for a kid as young as him. Clenching his fist, he knew that this power comes with great responsibility, and in his mind, he made a vow to himself.

'I must not let this power lead me astray, nor use it to seek retribution or revenge," Jotaro stood up and went outside, wanting to get some fresh air. 'Instead, I must use it to uphold everything that which is good, so that all may benefit…'

'My story is of many thousands…' He took a deep breath, allowing his Quirk to envelop him completely - resonating enough heat to reawaken his burning passion for justice. 'And the world will not suffer if it ends too soon.'

"It's true then…"




"... I alone... hold the power to stop time."


-(Tokyo: Hagakure Residence, 4 days before the UA Sports Festival, Night)-

"Hmm..." Toru stared at the mirror before her, seeing only saw her outline. "How do I do that thing again…"

The invisible girl had spent the remainder of her training trying to see herself again; it was proving to be fruitless and boring. She sighed before turning to leave the bathroom, thinking that the time she saw herself might've been a fluke. However, just as she was about to reach the bathroom door handle, she accidentally slipped on a bar of soap, causing her to fall backward.

"WHAAAA~!" she squealed, dropping to the floor like a sandbag. "Oww~"

Toru rubbed her back a little before grabbing the sink to hoist herself back up. "Sigh~ I guess I'm just really-"

She looked at the mirror again by coincidence and, of course, saw her actual appearance for the second time. "-Unlucky…"




"AWESOME~!!" Toru exclaimed, taking this opportunity to look at herself in every which way.

Unlike before, she grew out her hair and could tell how unkempt it was, making her a little dissatisfied with her appearance. Immediately, Toru grabbed the nearest comb and straightened it out which took about five minutes. She also added something to tighten it around the front - about two hair ties. Finally pleased with her hair design, Toru checked if there was anything else she wanted to adjust before she would be unable to see herself again.

"I'm a C-cup?" she remarked, feeling her 'ladies' for a moment. 'Wait-! I bet Mina would get hella jealous if she heard about this! Ha!"

Toru went to text Mina the news but then realized something very important that she had to check out - can other people see her like this?

'Hold on…' She then wrapped herself in a towel and got dressed before walking into her living room; her dad was sitting on the couch watching television. "Hey, dad…?"

"Yes, Hon-?" Mr. Hagakure suddenly spits out the coffee he was drinking a second ago and fell backward in his chair. "WHOA!!"

"Huh?! What is it?! Is there something on my face?!"

"I CAN SEE YOU, TORU!!" he exclaimed, turning to the kitchen. "Honey!! Come here, please!"

Mrs. Toru emerged from a corner and entered the living room. "Now, what are you two shouting about? I'm trying to cook dinner- OH GREAT HEAVENS!!"

"Wait-! You guys can see me?!"

"YES!!" they said at the same time. "Is your Quirk gone?!"

Then, suddenly, her parent's worried-looking expressions widened once again when they saw that she had become invisible again. "Now you're invisible again, sweetie!"

"Huh?" Toru immediately picked up the nearest pocket mirror to take a look at her reflection; she could only see her outline again. "Oh, thank goodness..."

"Toru..." Her father started. "What was that? Did your Quirk malfunction or something?!"

"I dunno! All I did was go to the bathroom a-and…" Toru looked down, back at the mirror, and saw that she was gradually becoming visible again from the head down. "... and I became visible again...'"


Toru said nothing, but a smile slowly started to form on her lips; this was a perfect solution to her problem if she could control it on command.

'I think getting noticed at the sports festival won't be so hard anymore~!!'


-(Kujo Residence, Musutafu)-


"Excuse you, Jojo~!" Emiko said, wiping his nose with a tissue. "Better not tell me you're sick before the sports festival~!!"

"I'm not," Jotaro replied, pushing away the tissue. "I just feel..."

"Feel what, honey?" She was definitely more concerned over her son's attendance at the sports festival than his well-being; she had a knack for sports like him. "Does it mean you can't attend the festival?!"

"No, I just… feel like I caused something really bizarre - somewhere in the world, y'know?"


1. His Quirk amplifies other Quirks in my story; Toru has full control over her mutation, allowing others to see herself or not (can be activated mentally or vocally with the only drawback being that the ability cannot discern between intentionally being used or not).

2. It's a little simpler for Aizawa; his Quirk no longer gives him dry eye and he isn't as ragged-looking as before (his attitude definitely the same, though).

3. Izuku got a boost too because he was healed by Jotaro's Quirk as well; he is able to withstand One For All's throwback more often (the first instance was when he punched that Nomu).


Remakes are being given a LOT more effort.


DryComplementary DryComplementary

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