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Chapter 2: First contact

It was his favorite place to be, the game store. the game he really wanted to play came out today, so he was super excited.

Sean crossed the road hurriedly unaware of a car coming down the road.

A screech was heard. The car has come to a halt.

"Watch where you're going little shit"

The driver shouted at Sean, who seems to be having a panic due to the trauma.

" Hey, kid. Hey. Snap out of it, kid"

Seeing that the boy wasn't responding, the driver got out of his car and grabbed the boy's shoulder.

After a while, Sean snapped out of it and regained control over himself.

"Sorry sir, I wasn't paying attention. I'm fine." Sean said to the driver but he does not seem to be doing well.

Sean was sweating buckets and his face was pale. He looked like a zombie who just went for a swim.

The driver figured that the boy wasn't being honest so he offered to take him back home.

"Hey kid, I'll take you home. Tell me your place"

The driver offered his hand to Sean and said " My name's Bobby Tenners, you can call me bob"

Sean did not reply and ignored bob's raised hand.

The more seconds passed, the more awkward it became. After a little while, Sean replied to the man.

" My name is Sean. Thank you for the offer but I will have to decline"

`Maybe he's shy. I should drop the topic and get back onto my car'

Bob thought to himself and drove away after saying farewell to the boy.

"That was close. I shouldn't have been careless. Now let's go see my baby"

Sean walked carefully this time watching left and right more than he should have. There he saw the glorious poster stating the arrival of the game he wanted.

Sean went into the store and then suddenly there was confetti flying everywhere.

He was so flabbergasted that he even took a fighting stance, a mediocre one but still a stance.

"Welcome, you are the 1000th customer of the store. Hurray! "

The staff congratulated Sean but their faces told otherwise.It seems that they weren't paid enough to deal with this kind of stuff.

Seeing that it was just a celebration, Sean lowered his guard. The car accident from earlier seems to have scared him quite a bit.

The staff explained the detail of the event and gave him some flyers and a coupon.

"So, basically, I get a game for free and a discount coupon for the next game I purchase? " Sean asked one of the staff.

" Umm are you deaf or are you dumb? Yes. Read the goddamn flyer for fuck's sake. I freaking hate this job"

The staff member wasn't going to stop his mumbling any time soon so Sean slipped past him and went to the section where newly arrived games are put.

Sean suddenly felt something pulling him. He looked everywhere around him but there was nothing there.

Sean panicked thinking that it might be a ghost but his panic didn't last long.

He felt the pull again but this time it was pleasant like when his mother hugged him before sleep.

A warm feeling took over his body and his feet began walking toward a certain stand.

A single game with strange words on the cover was seen.

Sean's eyes were locked on that particular game and as he got closer to it, the pull became stronger.

Sean reached out with his hands to grab it but before he manage to do so, he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey loser, whatcha doing here? playing games huh? why don't you go play with your little dolls? "

Sure enough, it was the bullies from school. The first to speak was a big guy. He looked exactly like those stereotypical bullies from American movies.

Then a thin guy chimed in.

" Yeah. Sean Grey, more like Sean Gay. Hahaha"

He looked like a hyena sucking up to the lion to get a meal. Those kinds of people tend to be worse than the actual bullies.

Sean snapped out of the pull and immediately went back to his social face.

He ignored the bullies as usual and walked toward the stand.

Unfortunately for him, there was only one copy of the game left and the bullies did not miss that.

They took the game and kicked Sean in the guts leaving him on the floor.

Then an employee came demanding Sean to get off the floor rudely.

He even added some extra kicks in, just to release his stress.

Frustrated, Sean got off the floor, took a game near him, and left the store.

He ran back to his home but he made sure to be careful when crossing the road.

Sean slammed the door shut and jumped onto his bed.

He cried "Why? Why always me?

Every time I happen to be lucky, the misfortune follows. When will this ever end?"

Sean wailed, stuffing his face into the pillow so that the neighbors won't complain about the noise.

After some time, he calmed down. Sean took out the game he brought and it turned out to be a baking game for girls with an overly pink color and all.

" Haha, Sean Gay huh? " he chuckled for a sec then threw the game away.

"Fucking hell" Sean uttered and took a paracetamol.

" Fucking bastards. I will pay them back someday. Atonement or not there's a limit"

Sean said to himself swearing to repay the

debt one day.

He applied some ointment to the bruises

and booted up a game he had.

He played until he fell asleep. Sean was not aware because of the pain from the kicks but that warm feeling was still there inside him.

Something was pulling on his consciousness, urging him to come even in his sleep.

Strangely, for the first time in decades, Sean slept like a baby. It was the first time he did not wake up from the nightmares haunting him.

He felt fresh and the bruises from yesterday had already healed a lot.

"Woah, could today finally be my lucky day? No no, I shouldn't expect much. It will turn out like always anyway"

Sean prepared to go to school but he felt an urge to go somewhere in the back of his head.

"I felt this before, but I can't remember. Must be still feeling sleepy from playing all night" Sean convinced himself and hurried to school.

When he got there, the school was closed and the teachers were saying something about the disappearance of someone.

"Sir, what do you mean by disappearance ?" Sean asked one of the teachers.

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