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Chapter 3: Celestial Crown | Veil of Eternal beauty

Vanitas touched the crown with his spiritual energy; suddenly he felt his consciousness being forced somewhere but knew better than to resist as his vision darkened before returning to normal.

Looking around he found himself in a different place or more accurately a different world entirely.

Vanitas found himself sitting in a beautiful luscious grassland.

Surrounding him was a forest, multiple mountains, a large crystal clear river, and a breathtaking grassland surrounded by beautiful pleasing flowers.

Dividing everything was a gorgeous colored pure jade path going in four directions; the main color was gold while the color strips that were scattered were red.

Looking at the jade path, he found the left path leading towards the mountains and river.

The right path leads into a dense luxurious forest.

Both straight and backward paths lead to nothing as he couldn't see anything; like they were leading to something silimair to walking down the street looking at multiple shops.

Vanitas decided to head down the straight path; as he was walking down the path he enjoyed the scenery that lay in front of him.

As he was walking he came into contact with a large slab with two words carved into it.

[Celestial Crown]

"Celestial Crown...?" Vanitas mumbled as he continued walking past the slab.

After three to four hours of walking, he saw a beautiful red nine-story pagoda with gold linings at the end of the jade path.

He walked in front of the nine-story pagoda and saw on the grass patch a stone podium that went to his waist, and on top of the podium was a single handprint

When Vanitas saw the handprint; it was long delicate and slender almost resembling the hand of a woman.

It didn't resemble his hand until he looked down at his hand and became shocked.

"What the hell happened to my hand?" Vanitas looked at his hands in shock as they resembled the one on the pillar.

Slender delicate women's hands.

As he was looking at his hands he noticed the floor beneath his feet seemed farther away than usual.

"What the hell happened!? Why am I taller!?! What the fuck happened to my hair!?" Vanitas noticed he grew taller and his hair which was black before was now pure snow white.

Along with how long it was now before it was medium in length but now it was super long.

It went all the way down to the bottom of his butt.

He wasn't able to see his full appearance but if he had he would most likely faint from shock.

Calming down he put his hand on the handprint and within a second a sudden change began to occur.

He felt a massive amount of information flowing through his mind, as a voice rang out in his mind.

[Inheritor of the Celestial Crown; Destined to rule over the Heavens. As the inheritor of the Celestial Crown from today onwards, you will create your own destiny; no one is worthy to make you bow your head. No one has the right or power to look down on you; not even the Heavens. You also have celestial unnatural beauty that no one can compare to, whether it be gods, women, men, or devils.]

As soon as Vanitas heard this he entered an epiphany-like state, "Create your destiny; never bow your head; no one can look down on you, not even the heavens. Those who try and stand in my path shall be cut down as I walk the peak of martial arts.

If a devil dares block my path, I will cut down the devil with a single slash; if a god dares block my path, I will kill the gods; and if the heavens stand in my path, I, Mei Yue, shall devour the heavens."

After a few seconds, the light came back into his eyes as he regained consciousness once more.

"What happened?" Vanitas mumbled as he looked around.

Vanitas felt something was off but he couldn't find out what; he felt like a part of him was missing and he couldn't understand why until he heard something swooshing off in the distance at a high speed.

- Swoosh!

- Swoosh!

He turned his head and looked back down the jade path where he came from and found the swooshing sound heading toward him. He should have been afraid but he knew the thing coming toward him wasn't going to hurt him instead it was going to complete him.

After a few seconds, he saw a white cloth flying towards him at high speeds. As it got closer he noticed it was a white veil and his heart which felt empty became whole again when he saw the veil. Four seconds later the veil appeared in front of him and entered his hands.

As soon as his hands grabbed the veil information started appearing in his mind once more.

"Veil of Eternal Beauty..." Vanitas mumbled as he looked at the veil with a complex gaze.

He found out after hearing the voice's words that he entered an epiphany-like state and some oath; which he thought was very embarrassing and stupid, but there wasn't anything he could do about it so he reluctantly let it go.

He also learned 'he' for some reason called himself Mei Yue. Though he knew the truth about why 'he' called himself Mei Yue which is the main reason why he was staring at the veil with such emotions; once he dawned on this veil Vanitas Evergarden would cease to exist.

The old Vanitas Evergarden would become a thing of the past and the person who will step out of this world will be Mei Yue.

Vanitas now knew that when he 'merged' with the Celestial Crown his entire body construct had changed completely making him a completely different person; the only thing that remained was his personality; and soul.

The veil called, Veil of Eternal Beauty was of unknown grade; its function was that no matter what he does it will never come off unless he wills it; or if he allows someone to take it off. No one can use their spiritual sense or any other sense or technique to peak through the veil.

No matter what kind of movement he made the veil will morph instantly to hide his face. Those who try and remove the veil without his permission will receive a major backlash.

Vanitas decided to put it on as he didn't rave a choice.

"At this time Vanitas Evergarden will officially be dead to the world and Mei Yue will be born." Mei Yue declared as he dawn on the veil; the veil fit perfectly it was a simple white veil that matched his hair.

Once he put on the veil he suddenly heard the door to the pagoda open.

"Chuuuurrr! Chuuuuurr!"

Mei Yue turned to look at the door; as the veil didn't hinder his vision in the slightest. He started walking towards the door when he reached in front of it he noticed it was pitch black inside.

Not thinking much about it he simply took a step inside it; entering the first floor of the nine-story pagoda. He had to close his eyes due to the sudden flash he was hit with as the floor lit up.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and found a large open area with an elegant cauldron in the middle of it. Mei Yue saw some kind of nine-tailed fox circling the cauldron.

Mei Yue walked with steady steps as he appeared in front of the cauldron, he bent down slightly and was about to touch the cauldron when a large amount of information once again entered his mind.

Due to the information, he found out on the first-floor time flowed differently here than on the outside. Here, three days is equivalent to one day outside; hence to flow here is a 3:1 ratio compared to the outside.

Learning this information, Mei Yue was pleasantly surprised, with the help of the tower he can cultivate faster compared to the outside; another benefit was the spiritual energy was much more condensed and pure.

Through the information he gained here, Mei Yue found out that in the cauldron present in the middle of the floor, there are three types of memory stored and he can use these memories as his own.

With a slight smile on his face, he opened the lid and saw three types of bright light inside with three different barriers.

There was a white ball, an azure ball, and a purple-colored ball.

The White ball belonged to the memories of an Ancient Alchemist God.

The azure ball belongs to an Ancient Formation God.

Lastly, the purple ball was the memory of the Ancient God of Weapon Refining.

Other than the three memories there was one more ball of light that was fully black in the middle of the three memories.

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