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Chapter 38: Mystery Thirty-Five: Regulus Dama

Fallen Stars

Mystery Thirty-Five

Regulus Dama

Regulus has a shy posture. Draco looks him up and down.

Draco: There are humans in this city, other than the Army?

Regulus: I was here at this house the whole time. (Besides a certain moment...)

Draco: What?! We checked it.

Regulus: I… hid in a dirty hamper…

Draco (chuckles): So that's why we didn't find you. You're shy?

Regulus: You…. could say that.

Regulus looked bashful.

Draco: C'mon and sit!

Regulus looks at the edge of the house and slowly sits down.

Draco: Nice!

Draco slaps him on his back, and he's about to fall over.

Regulus (scared): Whoa!!!!

Draco catches his arm and brings him back.

Draco: Don't worry, I got you!

Draco is seen smiling, by Regulus.

Regulus: You're… not going to sleep?

Draco: Oh, nah... I don't sleep.

Regulus (stunned): What?!

Draco: Yeah, I haven't been to sleep for a while. Besides….

An image of Hamal pops into his head. Draco's face seems ticked off.

Draco: Tck.

Regulus: ….? So you just don't sleep? Have you ever?

Draco: Yeah, my parents said I slept a lot as a kid, but around the age of ten, I stopped sleeping.

Regulus (ecstatic): Wow. I'm twelve!

Draco: Twelve? Cool. But yeah. I just go up to the rooftops when it's nighttime to stare at the stars, but I can't see anything here!

Draco getting mad. But then gets relaxed.

Draco: But, what about you? Why aren't you sleeping?

Regulus: I... can't. I'm too scared.

A big smile goes on Draco's face.

Draco: Hahaha. Don't tell me you're a coward too!?

Regulus whimpered to the side.

Draco: Haha. A coward and shy. I know someone who hates people like you!

Regulus (afraid): They hate me?!

Draco: Don't worry, he won't do anything to you.

Regulus: Is it someone here?

Draco: Nope. Not here.

Regulus: I heard other people… who were they?

Draco: The short one is Vega, and the one with the afro is Wrath. My friends.

Regulus with a surprising look!

Regulus: (V-Vega!?)

Draco raises an eyebrow.

Regulus: But, you all saved this place?

Draco: I guess you could call it that. We just wanted to do what we wanted. It just so happened to help people here.

Draco shrugged his shoulders.

Regulus: Oh…

Draco: But, what about you? How did you get here?

Regulus: I was with my family until we got separated…

Draco: Hm? What happened?

Regulus: We were coming from Triton, then we got ambushed by some goblins. They threw my father and mother out of the car, then grabbed me. They brought us all back here. They planned to kill us, but my dad helped me escape, only me…

Regulus drops his head down.

Regulus: I could hear in the background when running, my father and mother's screams as they killed them.

Regulus starts sniffling.

Regulus: I got away and hid here. No one came to this house for ten days, I've been here the whole time.

Draco: Dang….

Regulus sniffles more but no tears come out of his eyes.

Draco: Are you... crying?

Regulus: No. In the clan I'm a part of, the Dama, our tear ducts were removed.

Draco: You can't cry? We're similar then, I can't cry too.

Regulus: What? Why?

Draco (prevaricating): Oh… uh… Is your clan in Triton? That's where you're from?

Regulus: …My family and I are originally from Ganymede. We just went to Triton for a family vacation.

As he sniffles more, a thought comes to Draco's head.

Draco: Ganymede? Wait. Where the Dragon King Festival is held?!

Regulus: Yeah… I didn't think you would know of it.

Draco: That's where we're headed! Want to go back with us?

Regulus: Are you sure that's fine?

Draco: Yeah! You can tag along with us!

Regulus and Draco talk it over, and during the night, hours pass by to figure out what Regulus likes and dislikes. As the morning comes the two sitting on the rooftop get up to get down.

(Inside the House, Vega's Room)

Vega is seen sitting up, on the edge of the bed. With a determined face, His eyes seemingly getting redder. His room is clean and well-kept. Enma is sleeping on the bed.

Vega: (We have to get him... we barely won that…)

(Inside The House, Wrath's Room)

Wrath's room is dirty, Zeus sleeping above him on a shelf, seeing Wrath snoring, then waking up from his snores.

Wrath: Was that… Nah, it had to be Vega.

After a couple of minutes of getting dressed, the two head out to meet Draco outside, who is standing by a red-haired boy. Vega has an unreadable face.

Vega: ….

Wrath: *Yawns* Who is this?

Gain looks both of them in the eyes, he looks at Wrath and is shocked by his blue and orange eyes looking at him, he then looks at Vega's red eyes and quickly looks away.

Regulus (terrified): (T-This is Vega!)

Draco: This is Regulus! He'll be tagging along with us, to Ganymede!

Wrath: Since when did we take sidekicks?

Regulus: I'm not…

Wrath: Huh?

Regulus: I said-

Wrath: Look at this, he can't even speak. This is who you want on our side, Draco?

Regulus (flustered): I'm-

Wrath: What was that, weakling?

Wrath holds his ear to him. Regulus gets loud.

Regulus: I'm not a sidekick! Look at this!

Vega and Wrath look at Regulus, he moves his hand to the area beside the house and lifts his hand. Lifting a part of the ground. It rises. Uprooting a few trees.

Vega: Ok, that's enough.

Wrath: What's your CP?

Regulus: Area Raising!

Wrath chuckles.

Wrath: That's it?

**Regulus Dama**

Stellar: M9

Cosmic Path: Area Raising (Positive)

Age: 12

Vega walks over to Draco, as Wrath continues poking fun at Regulus.

Vega: You knew he had powers?

Draco: Yeah, he showed it last night.

Vega: Where is his egg, or his animal?

Draco: He said they left it back home. He's from Ganymede.

A quick thought comes to Vega's mind.

Vega: That's why you invited him...

Draco: Yeah, we're going to the same place anyway.

Vega: ….Ok.

Draco: Wrath! Regulus! We're going!

Wrath and Regulus: Okay!

Their animals all come out of the house. They surround Regulus, circling him.

Regulus: Eck! Is this a dragon??! And a raijū?? Also, a shadow?

Vega: It's a demon…

Draco: Right, let's introduce them. Apocalypse is the dragon, that's my partner.

Apocalypse flies all around him.

Vega: Enma the Mikaboshi, is my partner.

Enma circles him, overwhelming him with its shadowy body.

Regulus: Mi-Mi-Mikabohsi?!

Wrath: Then, Zeus is my partner, the Raijū.

Zeus flapped its wings flying around him. In eagle form.

Regulus is amazed by the creatures.

Regulus: You all have amazing animals!

He's blushing happily.

Wrath: Calm it down, buddy. They're all cool, but it's time we leave.

Draco: Yep.

All of them walk Draco and Wrath holding their bags. They pass the alleyways, get to the center fountain, and see the sun beaming through the Clear Rock, shining bright on the city.

Draco: Aaaaaah. Looks so great!

Draco has a Regulus smile on, and Vega is smirking.

Vega: It does look good.

Wrath smiling. Basking in the light.

Wrath: This place isn't too bad when you can see everything.

Regulus with his eyes wide open, looking at everything the light shines upon, he's just in awe.

Draco: Hmmm.

As the group looks around, the area is empty. They are walking over the right side of Dust. They see a group of goblins burying Wellington's son. Goblins crying and weeping.

Draco: We did have some casualties, huh?

Regulus grips Draco's jacket.

Regulus: It… was them. They killed…. my parents.

Draco: Oh really. Ap.

Apocalypse: (?)

Draco (grins): Still hungry?

Apocalypse: (Of course!)

Draco: Go on, and eat!

Apocalypse flies over to the goblins quickly, and starts biting and chewing on some, eating them whole!!

Enma: (Can I go too?)

Vega: (Go ahead.)

Enma takes off running, burning some of the goblins to a crisp then eating them. A small-scaled goblin massacre ensues.

Wrath: (Zeus, you don't want any?)

Zeus: (Hell no, I doubt goblin tastes good.)

The goblins are yelling in fear, and are getting eaten.

Wellington: We thought we were on sides!!

Draco, Vega, and Wrath all have a calm demeanor about them.

Regulus: …...

Draco: You good, Regulus?

Regulus: I just… I don't know if I wanted this…

Draco is taken aback by his comment.

Draco: They killed your parents. You had to get revenge for them. (…)

Regulus: I-…. Didn't you just save them?

Draco: I already told you. We wanted the Army gone, and so did they, so they helped us. But if they go against one of our own, we can't stand for that.

Regulus: (I'm… one of them…..?)

After a few minutes, Apocalypse and Enma finish up, and they all walk through the territories, getting to Slag, Vega spots Mitsado.

Vega: I did have one last question.

Vega walks up to him, and he's startled, staring into Vega's red eyes.

Vega: What was this city called before the Army? You said it had another name.

Mitsado: Um. "The City That Is Hated For No Reason." That's our name.

Vega gives off a confused look.

Vega: Huh??

Mitsado: It was our nickname before the Army showed up. Self-given.

Vega: *Sigh* Whatever.

Draco: Vega, how did you forget?

Vega: Huh?

Draco (big smile): We're going to take all of their gold!

Mitsado standing there shaking.

Draco: Now hurry up! Fill up our bags! Hahaha!

Draco takes his journal out of his bag and gives the bag to Mitsado. Wrath takes his gourd bottle out and gives his bag to Mitsado.

Vega: Fill them up.

He stares down at Mitsado with his red eyes.

Mitsado: I-I'll be right back!

Mitsado takes off running to the mine. Filling up the bags with gold.

Regulus: (Vega is scary…)

Wrath looked at his gourd bottle.

Wrath: I have to wear the gourd around my waist now.

He wraps it up, as it hangs from his waist. As the group starts to rest.

Draco: That looks good.

Wrath: Really? I like it like this. I just don't want it to fall off when I'm running or flying….

Wrath starts picturing himself in space, flying through the heavens, turning upside down and right side up, just gliding through space, cape flapping, all while smiling.

Wrath: ...Through space!

Regulus looked at the happiness on Wrath's face and was in awe.

Regulus: You… um….

Wrath (mad): Spit it out!

Regulus goes back to cowering.

Regulus: Ne-Nevermind….

Twenty minutes go by, and Mitsado and a few other knockers come running out with their bags full of gold.

Wrath drooling over his bag.

Wrath: Gold… Aye! We're gonna be rich! Rich!

Draco was happy with the quick gathering of the gold.

Draco: Hahaha. Let's get out of here now.

Vega sees the two of them so cheerful with their bags of gold.

Vega: (I should say it when we are completely out of here.)

Mitsado took a scared gulp. Wrath and Draco get the bags and put them on their backs, they start walking, minutes later, finally getting out of the city covered by the Rock Formation, Stephano.

Draco: Goodbye, the city that is hated for no reason.

Vega: The reason is, that they are abusive to their wives, and that's frowned upon. Why would they think people wouldn't hate them for that?

Regulus: Plus they just kill travelers.

As he starts slightly sniffling.

Wrath: Gonna cry?

Wrath starts mocking him.

Regulus: No!

Regulus gets his face right. Wrath is impressed.

Draco: Haha. He's not crying because he can't.

Wrath: What?

Draco: I'll tell you all about it.

As Draco tells the others about Regulus, they walk for about twenty-five minutes, catching up about Regulus's family situation with goblins and how he was stranded in Stephano. Wrath going over how crazy that sounds.

While walking, Vega comes to a stop.

Draco with concern in his voice.

Draco: Everything good?

Vega: No, it's not actually.

Vega grips his sword pulling it out of its sheath.

Vega: We almost lost back there, we need all of us together, especially him.

Draco: Huh?

Wrath raised an eyebrow. Regulus hiding behind Wrath.

Vega: Draco, let's fight.

Wrath (sighs): Not this again.

Draco cracking up.

Draco: It's okay, Wrath.

As Draco takes off his bag of gold. Getting his sword out.

Draco: Ok, but why this time?

Vega with a serious face and tone.

Vega: I want to get Perseus.

Draco grins. Wrath facepalms.

Draco: Okay, we can fight over this. Whoever wins chooses the direction we go. Another friendly wager.

Vega: Deal.

As the two ran, getting closer with their swords!!

[Draco vs Vega, Again?!!

Who is Perseus?!]

Mystery 35 Fin

Messiah22 Messiah22

I thought these guys were friends, why do they keep fighting each other?! Next Mystery coming Saturday! 

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