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Chapter 40: Mystery Thirty-Seven: Welcome, To The Most Advanced Country, Triton!

Fallen Stars

Mystery Thirty-Seven


To The Most Advanced Country, Triton!

[September 2nd]

[The Golden Gates of Triton]

The harsh sunlight radiates, it bounces off the polished golden gates beaming in Regulus' eyes. He covers his eyes trying to look up at the gates but is unable.

Draco (amazed): Wow.

Wrath (impressed): These gates are enormous.

The gate stands around twenty-two meters into the sky. The walls go so far in the distance they can't even see them anymore. Bearing a crest on both doors, a design of a chakana, each with a condor, puma, and snake in the middle. Another symbol on the right door is a Supay with a greedy smile, and one on the left door is Pacha Kamaq with a foolish smile.



Vega: How do we get in, Regulus?

Regulus: They just opened for my family and me.

Vega: What?

Draco: Hm.

Vega looked back at Enma, Apocalypse, and Zeus. Zeus in bear form. Walking on all four.

Vega: Should we hide our animals again?

Draco: We probably should, we don't know how people will react to them.

Wrath steps up.

Wrath (grins): It's gold. I got this, I'll just melt it-

A loudspeaker cuts on. A woman speaks from the mic.

??? (frantic): That is unnecessary!

The gang: Hm?

???: We can open the Gates of Kin PikaPika.

Vega: (Gates of what...?)

Wrath sucking his teeth.

Wrath: What's the catch?

??? (triggered): Catch? Idiot! We said we would open it for you!

Wrath (mad): Who are you calling an idiot?! I'll come in there right now!

Draco puts his arm in front of Wrath to stop him, with a relaxed attitude.

Draco: Relax.

Draco looks ahead at the gates.

Draco: What do you want?

???: There's an admission fee.

Wrath: Of course there is.

???: It's $100 Sols per person, also $100 Sols per creature.

Draco: What's that? $700 Sols? We have that.

Wrath: I'm not wasting my money on this.

Draco looks at him from the corner of his eyes.

Draco: How would you get in then?

Wrath: I would-

Draco interrupts him.

Draco: Scratch that. I don't want to know, I have it covered.

Draco gets out his money, counting the $700 Sols.

Draco: Alright, I have it.

???: Drop it in the dropbox to the right of the gates.

Draco walks up, pulls out the box, and drops the money. Walking back to the group, the gates slowly open up.

??? (excited): Welcome to The Mixing Pot Country! Where All Creatures Are Accepted!

Draco: We never did catch your name, what was it?

???: Oh, I'm the Kin PikaPika gatekeeper, Sonia.

Draco: Nice to meet you, Sonia.

Sonia (happy): Same to you. Enjoy yourself!

The gates open up, but Sonia speaks again.

Sonia: Also! This is a nonfighting zone. We do not tolerate any fighting! Weapons are allowed, but no guns! You will be tracked down if we see a gun!

Draco: We're good then, we have no guns.

Wrath (relaxed): (Whew.)

Vega: So no fighting…

Regulus: Yup. It's a safe zone, perfect for vacations.

Sonia (elated): Enjoy your trip!!

Upon the gates opening up. The sun shines bright on the gang. Basking in the sunlight, seeing different creatures and races as they walk in. One golem made up of nothing but rocks slowly pounded its way across the street.

A creature made up of trees, roaming around. Dwarfs running. A slime ball with one eye sliding across the road. Two flying furry creatures jump from building to building. The buildings are all stone-built.

Draco (amazed again): Wow.

Up in the sky, the gang sees two teenagers flying at blitzing speeds in astronaut suits and jetpacks, blasting laser guns at each other and laughing!! The green and red lasers scatter around the town! Draco, Wrath, and Regulus' eyes light up with sparkles!

Draco, Wrath, and Regulus: WHAT THE —

About to step forward, Vega stops them.

Vega: Draco… look down.

Looking down, the gang sees an ice layer as the ground, rapid red water clashing back and forth underneath it.

Draco (shocked): What the?!

Vega (uneasy feeling): This place is all…. ice.

Wrath: How are the stone buildings staying down then? And not drifting or sliding away?

Regulus: All buildings are required to have "Safety Clamps" on them. They are attached to the buildings and attached to the ice. Keeping it in place.

Wrath: You learned all that?

Regulus (happy): Yeah! My parents and I had a guide. Telling us everything!

Vega: (Seems I can't use my powers here.)

Enma hiding in Vega's shadow.

Enma: (I won't either, Vega.)

Draco: Great to hear nothing is flying away on this ice.

The gang walks into the city, then a go-kart comes flying in, drifting in front of them.

Jimmy (panicked): Whoa! Get out of the way!

Jimmy is wearing a mask of all different colors. He barely dodges them, and the gang jumps back, not to get hit.

Draco: Whoa!

Vega: ….

Regulus: Ah!

Wrath (heated): Asshole! You almost hit us!

And Jimmy just continues drifting and waving goodbye to them.

Draco: What was that?

Regulus: Even I don't know, never saw that go-kart.

Vega: To think, he's driving a go-kart on ice… He has no traction.

Wrath just shook his head.

Draco: Alright, let's continue pushing forward. I wonder what event is being held here.

They walk down the street passing by so many new creatures they've never seen. Passing restaurants on every corner! Side by side.

Draco: Why is there-

A furry creature runs up to Draco and the group. In a blue uniform, short shorts, and a short top. Exposing her chest a little bit. She stands around 5'7, with the features of a squirrel. A tail coming from her backside and pouchy cheeks. She is excited!

??: Hello! My name is Sofía Gómez! And I am your guys' guide!

She stands there smiling with her badge saying "Sofía". They all stand there… quietly.

Draco (chuckles): Nah, we're good.

Regulus: But...

They keep walking and looking around at the restaurants. Sofía is surprised by them just walking past her, she gets mad letting out a Hmph.

Sofía (pouts): It's not like I wanted to give you guys a guide anyway!!

Vega whispers to Draco.

Vega: Why not just use her for help showing us Triton?

Draco: I don't know, I have this feeling about her. But, we can do that.

Draco slowly turns to her, placing his hand on her shoulder. Everything slows down for Sofía. As she gazes into his eyes.

Draco: Alright, show us around.

Draco seems bigger to her, she gets frightened by his black eyes and scowl.

She punches him in his chest! Getting happy again!

Sofía: Ok! I can do that!

Sofía rushes in front of them. Draco coughs a bit.

Wrath: What was that?

Draco (still coughing): Geez...

Sofía is in front, showing the group around.

Sofía: As you heard, This is "The Mixing Pot Country." We have so many things from around the world here. So many different restaurants, cultures, and races.

As she shows off a restaurant that has a sign saying "Soup Kitchen International!"

Draco (laughs): Do they only serve soup?

Sofía: Yup! They make a killing here too!

Draco (impressed): Mm.

Sofía: Watch out for the owner though, *whispers to the side* He can be kind of a hardass.

As they continue walking down a different street, more restaurants and creatures pop up. They pass by a few stone skyscrapers. Symbols on every corner, show an Urcaguary symbol and a Viracocha symbol. Regulus and Draco are gazing up at them with amazement.

Sofía: Another name for our country was the "restaurant capital of the world."

The gang is in awe looking at all the creatures flying by, ignoring the cafes and restaurants. At a certain restaurant called "La Catedral", and on the patio above, is Lich, eating alone.

Lich: So they made it. Especially you, *looks to Draco* light.

Lich sees all of them walking side by side with their creatures.

Lich: Walking with your companions out in the open, *shakes head* foolishness.

Llamas grazing on the side. Certain creatures are off in the distance.

Sofía: … Do you guys want to know the name of those creatures?

Draco, Regulus, and Wrath's eyes light up.

Draco, Regulus, and Wrath: Yes!

Sofía: Hmph.

She pouts a bit.

Sofía: Well, I won't tell you!

All of them get distressed!

Draco, Regulus, and Wrath: What?! Why!?

As she turns her head away from them.

Sofía: I guess I could tell you…

Draco (bothered): You are our guide…

Sofía: That creature over there is a Gnome.

She points to a small creature with a red pointy hat, wearing a trench coat and sunglasses. With some regular boots.

Draco: We could've guessed that.

Sofía: Hey!

Sofía waves over to the Gnome, it looks at them getting scared and opens its trench coat flashing everything, and takes off running!!

Draco: Hahaha.

Wrath: Yahaha.

Vega has his annoyed face again.

Vega: ...

Regulus: Uh.

They all just laugh it off, while Sofía is stunned. Face turning red.

Sofía: What is wrong with him!!

Draco: What are some other names?

Draco has his journal out writing down Gnome.

Sofía: Well, that one-eyed slime is called a "Cyclime."

The Cyclime is an all-green slime with one eyeball. The Cyclime looks at them and smiles, waving at them.

Sofía: They come in all different colors too.

Apocalypse starts drooling.

Apocalypse (hungry): (Draco! Can I eat that!)

Draco: (Not now, Ap.)

Apocalypse (snickers): (Afterwards again, huh?)

Draco grins, and Apocalypse flies behind. They keep walking, passing by more creatures.

Sofía: Those creatures are "Kelpies." Kelpies are horses with manes as dripping water. Sometimes called Water Pony.

She shows them two Kelpies. They both are black. With clear blue water as manes.

Champ: Who the fuck are you calling ponies!?

Swift: Call down, Champ!

Champ: No! She called us ponies!

Sofía shook her fist.

Sofía: Don't piss me off! That's what you're called!

Champ: By who?! Let me know!

Sofía gets madder, face turning red again.

Sofía: Rrrrr.

Both Swift and Champ start laughing.

Champ: Relax. I was just kidding around.

Sofía: Wha- What.

Swift: Look at that. You got her so mad!

Champ: He He Ha Ha.

Champ is laughing showing its teeth.

Champ: You must be a new guide. Let's go, Swift.

Swift: Ok!

They both raise their front legs, and dash off! Running across the ice.

Draco laughed off to the side, with Sofía still shaking her fist. The gang keeps walking, following Sofía.

Draco: So you're a rookie.

After writing his journal, Draco puts it up.

Sofía: *Hmph* Yeah, I started about a month ago.

Vega: Where are we going?

Sofía: We should be here now.

As they turn another corner. They come upon a temple.

Sofía: Aaah.

Sofía lets out a sigh of relief.

Sofía: This is the entrance to the great Temple of the Sun: Macchu Ma Picchu!

The stone temple goes into the cloud. They see people blessing the opening sign and the stairs. Wrath looked with a slightly disgusted face.

The temple has three opening signs at the temple stairs. They have blue borders with orange tiles at the top of them. With words going all across it, in a different language.

Sofía: I'll translate for you all. The first sign says "Power." The middle one says "Healing." And the last one, says "Meditate."

Draco, Regulus, and Vega: Wow...

Wrath: Tck.

Wrath sucks his teeth, not impressed.

Vega looked above the words "Power," seeing two swords crossing each other.

Vega: (Hmm.)

Vega starts to walk up the stairs. As the others follow, leaving Wrath solo.

Wrath: I'm not going in.

Sofía: Hm? Why not?

Draco taps Sofía on her shoulder.

Draco: Ah. It's a religious thing. Just show us something else.

Sofía: Religious thing? This is the most religious district, stupid head.

Wrath raised an eyebrow.

Wrath (furious): Huh?? Get me out of this shit!

Vega slightly looked back at them walking down the stairs.

Vega: I'm still going in.

Vega and Wrath look at each other. Vega stands on the stairs, looking directly at Wrath, as the wind blows by. Vega with slightly angry eyes, cloak blowing, and Wrath with a serious face, cape flapping. Leaves flying around. Draco looked at both of them.

Draco: It seems neither of you will budge.

Vega: No.

Wrath: Nope.

Draco: How about we just meet up later, Vega? When the time is right, I'll give a signal.

As Draco shakes one finger, pointing into the sky.

Vega: Fine by me.

Both Vega and Wrath glance at each other, and they both turn away without saying anything.

Wrath: Let's get out of here.

Zeus and Enma look at each other.

Zeus: (Stay safe, Enma.)

Enma: (You too, Zeus.)

Apocalypse: (What about me?)

Enma and Zeus: (Shut up!)

Vega walks up the stairs, and Wrath and Draco turn around walking the other way. Their animals follow them.

Regulus: Uh… I'll stay with you guys.

Sofía: Are you sure about splitting up?

Draco: Haha. Vega will be fine.

Wrath: Now quickly get me out of this district.

Draco: What is this district called?

Sofía taps her forehead with her finger.

Sofía: Ah. I messed up as a guide. I was supposed to say the name when I first met you. This is the: Kin PikaPika District.

Draco: Hm. We should've figured that out.

Wrath: Ah, whatever. What's the closest district to leaving this place?

Sofía: We can take the train, it passes through all of the districts.

Draco: Oh yeah. There's an event going on in this country, right?

Sofía: Hmm. You're probably talking about the competition going on in El Dorado.

Draco: Probably. That's where I'm headed.

Sofía: Well, that's just a quick train ride away. I will guide you there.

Draco: Great.

Sofía puffs her cheeks.

Sofía: *Hmph* Actually I won't, ya big idiot!

Draco is confused again.

Draco: What?! Why?!

[Welcome To Triton!

Vega Is On His Own!

With Draco, Wrath, And Regulus Going Elsewhere!]

Mystery 37 Fin

Messiah22 Messiah22

The first mystery of the new year! And the introduction to Triton! I want to see more astronaut suits and jetpacks!!

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