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Chapter 7: First Evolution-Unexpected benefits.

Zach arrived in the guest room and saw Cristi siting their silently.

"What are you wondering about." As Zach's voice fell Cristi woke up from her own imagination.

"No.. no.. nothing I was just admiring the scene outside."

Zach looked outside their was a large garden outside, Zach also loved to stare at this garden, when Zach was still 7 years old he planted a strange tree, till now it is still a sapling and has not grown up, sometimes Zach wondered was the tree special by some means, Zach thought for while and decided that he will check the tree with his Eyes of Chaos in the future.

Zach looked towards Cristi again and gave her a badge, "This is your family badge, keep it safe and your maid uniform will be delivered to you tomorrow as for the beast you will have to wait a little while." It was not that Zach wanted her to wait, it was just that he would rather do things at a slower pace and let Cristi adapt to her current identity.

Cristi's current identity was not small in the manor, it was only second to the head butler after all being the personal maid of the next heir of the Crimson household was a great honor.

(Hey guys I just noticed that the Crimson household sounds like a vampire household.)

One can even say that Cristi was as of now the head maid.

After giving Cristi the badge Zach walked towards his room, when he entered he was was greeted with a large wooden box on his bed.

Zach opened the box and found the necceseey things for evolution inside.



Zach prepared to make the evolution elixir, their were many ways to make a beast evolve, but via his talent he understood that the best method for Regina to evolve right now was to drink the elixir.

Zach first took out the beating heart of High level Fire elf, he then mixed it with the High grade flame flower, the flame flower was instantly absorbed by the heart, Zach then took out heart cleansing flower he made a powder of it, and sprinkled it into the high level refining flames. The flames were common thing among people even ordinary people could buy it but it's uses were immense it can be used to refine pills, elixir or weapons, Zach had learned how to control the flames since he was only 10.

After refining the heart cleansing flower he sprinkled it on the high level Fire elf's heart and waited for the heart to absorb the flower's powder, after 20 minutes of patience it was all absorbed, only a still beating golden heart remained on the table all the other herbs were all absorbed into the golden heart.

Zach did not let anyone else refine it, he even refused the professionals he was worried that something might go wrong in the process, but he was not worried about himself his Eyes of Chaos was there to help him.

Now only the final step remained and it was to turn it into an elixir.


Stage - 1 (Lowest)

Stage - 2

Stage - 3

Stage - 4

Stage - 5

Stage - 6

Stage - 7

Stage - 8

Stage - 9 (Highest)

And their are four sub stages ..

Low Stage - ? ( Less than 50% purity)

Mid Stage - ? (Less than 90% purity)

High Stage - ?(Less than 100% purity)

Top Stage - ?(100% pure with no impurities)

(The "?" here is representing a random number)


Their are many methods to turn something into an elixir and the method used varies to what kind of elixir a person is trying to make, if the method used is wrong no matter how great the method the result will never come out in Top stage.

Zach was able to know the exact method due to his talent, so he grabbed the golden heart carefully and went to find Rox.

After wandering for a while Zach found Rox in the main garden of the house.

"Grandpa if you don't mind can I borrow Crimsi for a while."

Rox looked at Zach then his eyes went towards the golden heart, "What's that golden heart."

"Oh this, grandpa this is the thing which I am going to use for Regina's evolution."

"But it is not complete, is it."

"No grandpa that's why I want to borrow Crimsi for a while, I want her to refine this heart into an elixir."

"So what are you here for, Crimsi will never say no to you." Rox felt that something was not right here.

Zach smiled wryly and said, "You see grandpa I want to use core flames to refine this heart into an elixir that's why..." Zach did not continue further.


A core is the heart and everyone has it, but every beast has a core attack, even a Tire - 1 has a core attack, the flame types have core flames, the earth type has earth core, these core attacks describe the full power of that being, but it is only used in emergency situations, because if the core is damaged a beast will never be able to advance and it may regress as well.


Zach knew the importance of this matter, but he could do nothing about it the refining method needed core flames, and only a legendary beast's core flames could refine a Top Stage - 6 elixir, and it was the highest as well.

"Zach I can give you as many resources as you want but this time you are asking too much."

Zach didn't say anything he knew that this time he was simply asking too much.

Zach thought for a moment then he remembered something.

He said, "Alright grandpa then let's make a deal."

Rox looked at Zach, "What kind of deal."

"Grandpa isn't Crimsi only Tire - 3, Rank - Legendary."

"Yes so what."

"I can help it advance to Tire - 5, Rank - Legendary, what do you say."

Rox looked at Zach, he didn't say anything because he knew it was impossible Crimsi has been stuck in Tire - 3, Rank - Legendary for 10 years and and he felt that it was impossible for Crimsi to advance any more and here his grandson was saying that he can let Crimsi advance 2 tires at once, if he said only 1 tire it might still be believable but what Zach said was impossible.

"What do you say grandpa."

Rox just looked at his grandson and agreed, but if he saw Zach doing something idiotic he would immediately stop him, "Fine deal."

Actually it was not a big deal for Crimsi to advance 2 tires at the same time because Crimsi had already met the requirements, the only reason why Crimsi was not able to advance was because she was pregnant and now that Crimsi is not pregnant and became healthy again if she attempted a breakthrough it would be a piece of cake.


Yes Crimsi was pregnant for 10 years, and as to why you know the good old excuse, the more powerful a creature the harder it is to get pregnant and if one gets pregnant it takes years to form a child, the regular novel readers will understand.


Zach and Rox arrived at the breeding area and went to Crimsi without even looking left or right.

When they arrived in front of Crimsi Rox signaled something to Zach and Zach nodded, seeing the two humans act strange in front of her Crimsi was dumbfounded but then Zach came forward.

"Hi Crimsi I am here to help you advance tires, so please start the process of breakthrough." Zach went straight to the point.

Crimsi looked at Rox, Rox simply nodded indicating that Crimsi should just listen to Zach.

Crimsi started to concentrate and try to breakthrough, to her surprise she actually felt that the breakthrough was possible so she started to breakthrough and to Rox's and Crimsi's surprise she actually made a breakthrough to Tire - 4, Rank - Legendary.

"Don't stop keep going." Zach did not let her stop but incoraged her to go further.

Crimsi listened to Zach and in an hour Crimsi made another breakthrough.

"You can stop now." Zach said to Crimsi because he knew that Crimsi can not breakthrough anymore, she at least needs 20 years before another breakthrough.

And on the other side Rox was also very happy, he had also made a breakthrough.

Zach happily turned towards Rox and said, "Grandpa I have kept the part of my deal now it's your turn." Instantly Rox who was happy just now forgot all his happiness.

He still did not want to do it but he still said to Zach, "Alright if Crimsi agrees I have no problem." Rox clearly thought that Crimsi will not agree but to his great disappointment when Zach said that it was for her child, Crimsi immediately agreed.

Crimsi then started to refine the elixir, it took 30 minutes before it was completely refined and in the process Crimsi was only exhausted she did not suffer any injuries.

Rox was also happy that Crimsi did not get injured because using a Core attack might damage the beast's potential.

Zach grabbed the elixir and stored it in a safe place, the elixir needed 24 hour cool down before it could be used.

1 day later...

Zach grabbed the elixir and came to an empty field Regina, Rox and Crimsi were already present their, Zach did not say anything to them, he knew that everyone was worried about Regina that's why they also came.

Zach held Regina in one hand and told her not to worry too much and believe in him, Regina naturally believed in Zach so she only nodded their was not a trace of nervousnes in her eyes it only showed excitement.

Zach puts Regina on the ground and gives her the elixir, Regina drinks the elixir without any trace of hesitation.

Zach steps backwards and waits...

Nothing happens..

Then suddenly a golden fire rises from the heart of Regina and envelopes her completely, it cleanses Regina's body thoroughly and a whirlpool of fire elements is formed...

After some time a 3 meter large bird appears in front of everyone.

"Regina you evolved successfully."

Everyone sighed in relief.

Even though Zach was confident he still sighed.

Zach used his Eyes of Chaos to check on Regina, he was actually surprised.

[Elemental Flame Luan - Regina...]


Guys here the complete chapter.



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