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Chapter 66: Chapter 66

-Hinata's POV-

"I'm taking you on a date."

I pulled my headphones off my ears and let them rest on my neck with wide eyes, "What?"

Sasuke was sprawled across the couch in the studio of Prestige's house, located in the basement. I was at the keyboard working on some songs as he struggled to create lyrics for his own. He'd taken to playing on his phone, and when he got bored, he opted to stare at me. I was hardly able to focus on my work as a result. "We're dating. I'm taking you on an honest-to-goodness date."

The Uchiha man has been slowly warming up to the intricacies of long-term dating. Every time he takes another step forward, though, it surprises me.

My face warmed, and I glanced toward the stairs to make sure Gaara and Sakura weren't on their way down, lowering my voice to just above a whisper, "We can't do that, and you know it. Someone could see us."

He shrugged and started scrolling through xstagram again, much less worried about paparazzi than I was apparently, "So we'll wear masks and be careful. We'll just say we're on our way to meet the others if we're caught." I couldn't stop the slight grin on my lips, and he let out a snicker when he glanced up and noticed, "Aha, I knew you wanted to."

I rolled my eyes at him before trying to put my headphones back on so I could focus on my work, but the door to the upstairs shot open, and Sakura hollered down the steps, "Is it Kisame, Hinata?"

My face paled. Sasuke looked over at me in confusion as Sakura sprinted downstairs with a wide grin on her lips, "Huh?"

She laughed loudly, "Is he your secret boy toy? You said I get three guesses, remember? I bet this back and forth you two have been playing at has been a ploy to keep us all off your scent!"

I shot up from my seat and frantically made dismissive gestures with my hands, "N-No! It's not Kisame!"

Her grin fell, and she pouted dramatically, "Aw…, I was so sure!" She stomped back up the steps, hollering at Gaara, who was most likely waiting for her to return to cuddling him on the sofa, "We were wrong, Babe!"

Once the door was shut again, I sat back down at the keyboard with a bright red face and tried to avoid Sasuke's pointed stare. "She said that about Itachi, too. What's that all about?"

I hung my head in defeat. I'd forgotten to tell him about the deal Sakura and I had made, "Sakura wouldn't leave me alone about that h-hickey, so I promised her if she could guess who gave it to me within three guesses, I'd admit it."

I thought he'd be annoyed, but instead, he let out an amused laugh, "I wonder if she'll figure it out."

My eyes shot to his in mild surprise, and he shrugged, "Well, it seems dumb to keep hiding it. I mean, Sakura literally told us to stay upstairs so they could fuck."

My face rewarmed. I, too, had noticed that Gaara and Sakura were starting to care less and less if we saw or heard them canoodling. A sigh of relief slid out of my mouth, "So, I can tell her, then?"

His face suddenly got mischievous, and he shook his head slowly, "Nah. Let's see what we can get away with first." The blush I'd had increased tenfold, and my mouth clamped shut. Just what does he mean by that?

When the weekend came, Sasuke and I snuck out of the house and drove to a movie theater in a small town just outside of Konoha since it was less likely we'd run into anyone we knew there. We both wore black masks over our noses and mouths. I also had my bangs pinned to the side and my usually straight hair curled prettily in case someone saw us so I wouldn't be immediately recognizable by my signature hairstyle.

Sasuke wore a ball cap to disguise his messy locks and dressed in more of Gaara's style than his own. The B-Boy-style suited him, but what wouldn't look good when you look like him?

We sat in the very back of the almost-empty theater and glanced at each other, feeling giddy. It felt good to be able to hold his hand in public without having to worry if someone was watching. We'd chosen some drama film to buy tickets for, but honestly, I didn't care what movie it was. I could only focus on how warm his hand felt in mine. My heart beat quickly, and I couldn't stop glancing at his flawless profile and swooning.

About halfway through, he turned and caught me looking, offering a knowing look from behind his mask, "If you keep staring, I'm gonna start thinking you like me." My face warmed, and he squeezed my hand as I averted my gaze back to the screen. The rest of our date went relatively normal, minus him trying to grope me a few times and me having to smack his wandering hands away.

It was silent while he drove us back to Konoha, but not uncomfortable. My hands were clasped between my thighs to keep them from nervously fidgeting. Sasuke's deep voice broke my trance, and I looked over to see he'd given up on his mask, having tossed it into the backseat, "We should all go to the club again."

My brow furrowed, recalling the humiliating things he told me I'd said, "Y-You just want me to compliment you again."

The Uchiha man reached over to slide his hand in between my thighs, where my hands could keep it warm, "You're fun, and we haven't really gotten drunk since we got together."

I suppose that's true. There was the sleepover, and that time we were in a minor argument, but those were different from actually going out and having a good time.

Later that night, while soaking in the bath and scrolling through social media apps, I suddenly came upon a photo collage of Sasuke with the words "Happy Birthday Sasuke!" across it. Completely and totally shocked, I sat up in disbelief, water splashing about.

It can't be. Surely not, right? I mean, we spent the entire day together, and there wasn't a single hint pointing to it being my boyfriend's birthday.

Not wanting to look like a fool, I googled it and confirmed that it was, indeed, Sasuke Uchiha's twenty-third birthday. When I tried to recall where we were during his last one, I couldn't picture it because it was a couple of months after our debut when we were busy from morning to night.

Guilty tears welled in my eyes as I quickly stepped out of the tub and began drying off, glancing at the man in question's closed door. Those days around Christmas, when no one knew about my birthday, are all I can think about. I remember how alone and down in the dumps I'd felt. Has he been feeling like that all day? He didn't seem off at all when we were on our date, but he's a great actor, so maybe he hid it.

Seeing as it's nearly midnight, I don't have time to go out and buy a gift, so I'll just have to resort to Plan B: something I've been trying to muster the courage for since that day we showered together. Secretly, I'm a little thankful for the push. Since I don't have any other options, there's no way I can back out, lest I accept the title of awful girlfriend for not doing anything for his special day.

So, my anxiety on full blast and pride out in the open, in danger of being crushed, I finished my after-shower routine and went into my room, searching for a pretty gift bag filled with tissue paper: Sakura's Christmas present to me. I'd removed all the undergarments but had left the lingerie sets inside, where I stored the bag at the back of my closet.

With trembling hands, I removed the tissue paper and peered to see three sets. One was black and was little more than a thick elastic band that would weave intricately. Just imagining trying that one on made me feel faint, so it would go back into that closet to, hopefully, never be seen again. The second was dark blue, mostly sheer corset with matching lacy panties. The final set was a white lacy two-piece. It was more innocent than the other two, so I decided at least to see how it fit.

Locking my bedroom doors, both the main one and the bathroom, I slid on the delicate clothing and ventured into the bathroom after ensuring Sasuke wasn't there. Then I turned toward the mirror and frowned. I hate it. I hate it so much it makes me feel sick. It was a lowcut, lacy top that was loose, flowy, and sheer, with a matching pair of simple white panties.

My instinct was to run into my room, toss it back into the bag, and burn it all in the yard the next time I was home alone so no one could see it. Before I could turn to do so, a short knock came at the door. In true Sasuke fashion, he didn't wait for more than a second to open it despite my panicked warning sound. I reached for his door and saw the handle turn, but it was too late.

Dark eyes looked over me in complete disbelief, "Uh…hey."

Mortified, I swallowed my nerves and decided to just roll with things. Stepping closer to him, I pressed my hands to his chest and ran them slowly down as I guided him back to his bed. As I wordlessly asked him to, I lifted the blanket and climbed over him to straddle his hips when he lay down. Sasuke was stunned, I could tell, and it gave me the courage I needed to kiss him deeply.

The action snapped him from his stupor, and he responded eagerly, gripping my hips and running his fingers up my bare back under my top's thin, sheer cloth. The blanket fell around me as he sat up so our chests would press together. My nerves were running wild, but the longer we interacted, they became less so. When Sasuke's lips turned into a smirk, him seeming to have finally conquered his surprise, I daringly slid my tongue between his teeth to taste him. This was the first time I'd taken the initiative like that.

Large hands froze when I did before continuing what they were doing, but with more vigor. Before long, it became too hot, and I pulled my mouth from his so I could breathe. Fingers trembling, I gripped his jaw and angled his neck so I could dance passionate kisses into his jaw, gradually moving lower.

As he let his head fall back in an effort to enjoy what I was doing, Sasuke's delicious, raspy tone stirred something wild within me, "What's gotten into you?"

Rather than verbally respond, I sucked the skin of his collarbone, grinding against the steadily hardening organ between my legs. A hitch came at his breath, his chest mirroring the action, and then his hands were more firmly on my hips, pressing me against him harshly.

A surprised moan passed my lips, and suddenly, I wasn't on top of the Uchiha man anymore. Instead, I was beneath him, and his tongue was shoved in my mouth as energetically as his curious hands that were impatiently untying the little laces up the front of my top. His hardness pressed against me as my legs naturally parted for him.

Despite his urgency lighting an unfamiliar fire within me, I remained focused on my goal and reached between his busy hands to rub the front of his pants. A noise got lost between us, and he hardened further under my touch. When my fingers wrapped under the waistband of his sweatpants, my hands were grasped by larger ones and pressed up against the pillows.

Sasuke pulled his lips from mine and stared at me, bewildered, "Hinata, what's gotten into you? What is all this?"

When I could overpower his grip on my wrists, I crossed my ankles behind his hips and pulled him closer. His teeth gritted, "If you don't stop-"

This is it. There's no going back. No chickening out. It's time to take the reins. With all the strength I could muster, I wrestled my way back on top and pressed more eager kisses into his neck, bravely smacking one of his hands away when he tried to grab my shoulder to push me back.

Finally, he stopped hindering me and allowed me to do as I pleased. As slow as the setting sun, I began trailing my lips down from his neck and chest until finally, I arrived at his hips. Truthfully, I wanted to spend some more time appreciating his midsection because the way his muscles flexed beneath my lips was enticing, but if I did that now, he might try to stop me again because I was taking too long. The dark gray sweatpants sat low on his hips, flirting with the "v" muscle that I couldn't help but caress on my way to grabbing the waistband of his pants.

Sasuke tensed up, and I knew he was about to try to stop me, so I swiftly lowered the cloth, pulled him into my hands, and placed the tip into my mouth.

"H-Hinata!" The Uchiha man's voice was higher-pitched and raspier than usual.

Sweet satisfaction melted when I glanced up and saw that he'd covered his eyes with a hand, and his cheeks were red. Sasuke looking as flustered as he always makes me gave me the boost of confidence I needed, so I took more of him into my mouth until I felt him press to the back of my throat. Remembering all the tips I read about online, I tried to suck and move my tongue correctly.

After a moment, I realized that they helped, but something unspoken also urged me to do what felt natural, so I combined the two. Soon, I picked up on what Sasuke reacted to, both with his face and hands and with him inside my mouth. Before long, I felt much more at ease and closed my eyes to simply focus on my task.

As I did, I urged myself to do everything possible to make him feel good because he's done this for me so many times. Only when a soft moan met my ear did my eyes shoot open. That was…incredibly sexy. One of Sasuke's hands was gripping the sheet near my head. The hand covering his eyes slid into his hair, and he looked at me as though he'd been caught peeking.

Blush met my face because he looked at me while I did something inappropriate, but I refused to let it slow me down. As his dark eyes searched my appearance, I felt he wanted to touch but was hesitating not to scare me away.

Riding my unexpected wave of courage, I reached up to place my palm over his lower stomach, like he often does to me. A glint of realization met his eye, and he hesitantly ran his fingers between mine. Then my nervousness disappeared because a warm, adoring expression met his face, despite the hot and heavy aura of the room. With that one gesture, holding my hand how I often have his, he assured me his feelings for me were more than just lust.

So, I gently pulled his hand further down and released it near my head, a wordless encouragement to do whatever he wanted. Long fingers gently ran into my hair, dark eyes studying me carefully for any sign of trouble. When none came, he grabbed a handful of my hair at the back of my head and began thrusting ever so slightly into my mouth.

A frustrated groan left his lips, and his eyes squeezed shut, frustrated, "God, Hinata….Why do you have to look at me like that?" Obviously, the question was rhetorical, but it still took me completely off guard.

Over the next minute, he lost his ability to control himself more and more. It took a moment to adjust to no longer maintaining the pace, but I quickly figured it out. Then the organ in my mouth flexed and twitched against my tongue. Before I could react, a hot, slightly salty liquid exploded deep down my throat. A small squeak of shock passed my lips, and I looked up at Sasuke with wide eyes. He stared down with a look that said he was more stunned than me.

A clouded expression of half-panic and half-ecstasy made him seem far away from here. Then he was back on Earth. I blinked a few times as I swallowed the liquid on instinct, not even thinking, and he slowly pulled himself from my mouth.

I sat up on my knees with my fingers to my lips, face bright red and eyes wide as it sank in what just happened. Sasuke sat up slowly, his face nearly the same shade of red as mine as he reached toward me, but he froze before he could touch, "I-I am so sorry, Hinata. I swear, I…. It happened so fast, I…."

He trailed off as his eyes danced over my appearance again. The fact that this was all my plan seemed to be coming to his realization.

I shook my head and spoke as coherently as possible in my state of swiftly rising humiliation, "H-H-Happy birthday!"

Sasuke's brows raised, and he covered his mouth with one hand, the one that'd been reached toward me, clenching into a fist. I thought he was upset for a moment, but then he was laughing softly at first but getting louder each second.

My hands fell to his thighs on either side of my body, and I leaned forward slightly, head filling a little dizzy, "W-What's so funny!"

The man's laughter slowed as he looked again, and he wrapped his arms around me to pull my body up further on top of him, turning onto his side and bringing the covers up over us, kicking off the rest of his clothes absently, "Thank you for the gift."

I buried my face in his chest as he turned to face me, his hand curiously exploring my lingerie-clad body, "I-I didn't want you to see it. I was going to change."

He made a negating sound, kissing my forehead as I didn't have the heart to look at his face in my mortification, "What's cake without a little icing, Hyuuga?"

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