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Chapter 72: Chapter 72

-Hinata's POV-

By the end of the week, Sasuke and I didn't manage to do it, and it was all my fault. So, that put a damper on my mood when Prestige, Akatsuki, and one of Evolution's assistants loaded up on a tour bus and hit the road.

The agency's logo was on either side of the large white bus, but our group names were not. That's probably for the best because if it was advertised that two of the music industry's most popular idol groups were aboard, it might cause an uproar during pitstops or even on the road.

Tenten, who had initially planned to join us as our mentor for the length of the tour, overbooked herself and couldn't. However, she promised to be at the final show, which would naturally be held in Konoha.

Sasuke, who was acting weird, likely because of me, said we should just wait until the tour's finished to sleep together so we're not distracted from our work. When he said that, I could've slapped myself. It was me who brought up the idea of having sex, and now things are awkward because I'm too self-conscious that he thinks I'm fat and ugly.

It makes no sense for me to feel that way because he's never made me feel unwanted. In fact, the longer we date, the more he openly lets it show that he appreciates my appearance. What makes it worse is that I can't bring myself to talk to him, or anybody, about what's bothering me.

I was a fool for looking at those photos. I know myself well enough that I should've closed the app the moment I saw the tags for the post. So, I decided to take Sasuke's advice and put it on the back burner until the tour ends. Our fans deserve our best, and I won't be able to offer that if my mind's preoccupied with social media.

My initial thought was that the tour bus would be cramped and uncomfortable, but actually, it was rather cozy. Only four beds were built bunk-style into the walls, so we all must take turns or share. Since the agency's assistant is friends with Sakura, she agreed to keep her relationship with Gaara a secret so the two can sleep together at night. That, and the fact that Akatsuki already knew about them, meant there wasn't much to worry about.

It also put the rest of us in a tough spot, though, because Kakashi had expected the girls to pair up and the guys to pair up, hence only providing four beds. Since Sakura and Gaara were together, Sasuke and I had to pretend to hate the idea of sharing, despite secretly enjoying it.

Yahiko and Deidara ended up pairing because Kisame's a big guy who snores loudly. Apparently, he's also a cuddler, and neither wanted to suffocate in their sleep.

Our first performance was at Kumogakure, or Kumo for short. The city was large and surrounded by mountains. The area was notorious for almost constant thunderstorms. The night of the concert, it began raining shortly after the show started. I thought it'd be scary, but instead, it was exhilarating. The wind had whipped my hair around, and the water kept me cool throughout the night.

Our tour's opening night was an overwhelming success, to all our relief.

We stayed in a hotel that night but quickly got on the road the following day so we wouldn't hinder our tight schedule. Next up is Kirigakure, or Kiri. We'll have three performances, one a night for three days. Since the city is surrounded by water, we're driving to an airport on the coast of Kumo to make our flight.

Everyone was loosely gathered around the kitchenette area of the bus, drinking coffee and making small talk about last night's concert. Other than rehearsals, it was the first time Akatsuki and Prestige shared a stage. Our groups even debuted a brand new song last night, Kakashi's idea. It's called Unfamiliar, written by Shikamaru and Gaara.

Sasuke suddenly got up, tearing me from my thoughts, and wordlessly trudged to the beds to toss himself onto one.

"-are lucky you get to dance with Hinata and Sakura all the time. Do you think Kakashi will let me join Prestige? I can be your fifth member!" I tried to focus on Deidara's joking words and mask my concern.

After a couple of minutes, Sasuke rolled onto his back, and I could tell he'd already passed out. Another ten minutes passed, packed to the brim of the others casually conversating while I glanced anxiously at my boyfriend. His face was turning red, and he seemed to be sweating in his sleep. With a huff, I gave in. I'm too worried to care if someone says something about it.

Wordlessly, I knelt beside his bunk, pressing a hand to his damp forehead after pushing his hair back. He was burning hot with a fever. His brow was furrowed into a restless expression. If anyone noticed me pass by to prepare a cold press for him, they didn't say anything.

When I returned to Sasuke's side, I gently laid the cloth on his hot skin. Dark eyes shot open in panic, but I placed a calming hand on his chest to keep him from rising, hushing him gently. "You have a fever."

The slightest bit of understanding came to his face, so I handed him a bottle of water and some medicine, which he took without argument before returning to sleep. Satisfied that I've done all I can do for now, I left him to rest and rejoined the others.

"He's sick, isn't he?" Gaara surprised me by asking casually as though he already knew the answer.

When I looked to meet his eye, I realized everyone was staring at me. My face warmed as I nodded.

"I thought he seemed a little off after last night's concert, but he kept saying he was fine."


We all turned at the weak voice that came from Sasuke's direction. When I realized he was halfway through the process of getting up, I rushed over and gently guided him back down to the mattress, "N-No, you have to stay in bed until your fever breaks. They won't let you on the plane."

The Uchiha man's face was flushed, but cute as he pouted childishly, and he repeated my name, "Hina…." I blushed, trying to keep it together as multiple pairs of eyes burnt into my back. The urge to hold the man's adorable face between my hands was almost unbearable.

A small squeak left my lips when I was suddenly pulled down on top of him, earning more than a few laughs from the peanut gallery nearby. Sakura teased, "Cute! Even Sasuke can get like this when he's sick, huh?"

She leaned her head on her boyfriend's shoulder, "I'll take good care of you if you get sick, baby." Gaara just blushed, shaking his head in a wordless request not to fluster him in front of everyone.

I wrestled to turn in Sasuke's tight grip so I could give my friends a pleading look. Deidara grinned knowingly, "You're stuck, my friend. At least you'll help break his fever."

Sasuke sighed, fingers clutching handfuls of my sweater as he rested his chin atop my head. I buried my face in the unconscious boy's chest with a bright red face as the others continued to laugh at my expense.

I eventually fell asleep, with nothing else to do, but Sasuke's grip had slackened by the time I woke. It was the middle of the night, and he still felt too warm. Careful not to wake him, I refreshed the cold press before returning.

Everyone else was asleep, or at least pretending to be, so I didn't bother acting shy when I straddled his hips, pushed his damp hair out of his face, and carefully placed the small towel on his warm skin.

Something froze me in place when I should've gotten off of him and laid down at his side. It was him. To be specific, it was my feelings for him. Warmth and excitement buzzed in my chest as I stared at his flushed, sleeping face. Everything told me not to, but I gently caressed his cheek, overwhelmed by my emotions.

What could it hurt to say it just this once? No one's awake to hear. I'll even whisper it, just in case. I have to say it out loud for some reason.

Nervously, I leaned forward, the warmth in my chest heightening with each second I looked at his face. When my lips were near his right ear, I took a calming breath, smiling before whispering as softly as possible, "I love you."

Luckily, Sasuke's fever broke just in time for us to board the plane to Kirigakure the next morning. I couldn't help but unconsciously take care of him as he continued to recover. Everyone else acted as though it was normal, so I didn't feel as nervous as I would if they weren't. Sakura and Deidara didn't even tease me anymore.

The Uchiha man remained quiet, at least appearing to sleep through most of the flight. After making sure the thin blanket wouldn't fall off of him, I yawned and rested my head against his shoulder, him resting against the covered window.

The next thing I knew, I was being woken up by our bandmates because the plane had landed. I stretched my arms above my head, groaning sleepily, before turning to see Sasuke watching me with a strange look in his eye. My face warmed slightly, but I reached over to push his hair back, feeling his forehead.

His lips formed a flat line, eyes widening slightly, but he said nothing. His temperature seemed normal again.

"How are you feeling?"

He nodded, standing up as I did and folding up the blanket we'd been using. I didn't think it odd that he wasn't speaking because it's common knowledge for singers to rest their voices before big performances.

A big van with darkly tinted windows picked us up from the airport, immediately taking us to the hotel closest to the venue where we'll perform tomorrow night. It was mid-afternoon, and everyone, primarily the Akatsuki men, chose to spend the rest of the day relaxing on their own. While Prestige is used to being around one another all the time because we live together, Akatsuki isn't. To my knowledge, they all live in the same building but in separate condos.

Unlike the hotel in Kumo, we were offered four rooms rather than two. So, Gaara and Sakura requested to share a room. Sasuke and I acted annoyed but really didn't mind.

The Akatsuki men did the same as they did on the tour bus, allowing Kisame to have his own room so they don't have to deal with his snoring. Personally, I think they're overreacting because it doesn't bother me when we're all trying to sleep on the bus. It turns into background sounds, similar to how a fan would.

"Do you want anything specific for dinner? Maybe we should order soup for your throat." I absently mused as I knelt by my suitcase and sorted through my clothes to find some pajamas.

"Hinata." Sasuke's serious tone made me freeze momentarily before standing and turning to face him. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, still looking a little pale.

Frowning, I took a step toward him, "What's wrong? Are you feeling nauseous?" He held out a hand, and I came closer, letting him pull me against him so his ear was to my chest.

I hugged his head loosely, "Y-You're making me worry, Sasuke. Say something."

"You're beautiful."

A wild blush burnt my cheeks, and I sputtered, "Y-You must still have a fever, saying something like that so suddenly…."


I tried to pull away to see his face, but he held me more tightly, so I couldn't move.

By his tone, when he began speaking again, I could tell he was forcing himself to say things he wasn't entirely comfortable with for my sake, "You've been taking care of me like it's your job while I've been pretending not to know what's been bothering you. I'm sorry." The heat in my face became less from his compliment and more from humiliation.

Sasuke continued without waiting for me to respond, "I can tell you've already lost some weight, and I want you to stop. Don't let those assholes get to you."

Suddenly, his holding my middle so tightly made sense. He's mad that I've lost weight for such an unhealthy reason. Tears welled in my eyes, quickly spilling over as I tried to find words.

Finally, Sasuke pulled back, meeting my gaze with a frown, stunning me further by taking on the slightest hint of pink to his cheeks, "Thank you for taking care of me." For some reason, I got the sense that he's suffered through many a fever without someone there to help since his mother died. No wonder he's acting this way.

Sniffling, I wiped at my wet cheeks before cupping his face like I'd wanted to for over twenty-four hours, "Y-You've been so cute, too. It's not fair."

He rolled his eyes, "Idiot."

I kissed him before returning to my suitcase, "You're feeling better." Luckily, he let the topic of my losing weight go, at least for now. Part of it was intentional, but part of it wasn't. When I get too anxious, I struggle to maintain an appetite.

"Pasta." Turning my head, I gave him a confused look. "I want pasta for dinner; and wine." Nodding, I fished my phone out of my back pocket and crossed the room to sit beside him, "You'll have to order." The legal age for drinking is twenty-one everywhere except Sunagakure, where it's eighteen. He ordered for us both, knowing my food preferences, and then fell heavily back onto the massive bed with his arms out from his sides. I sighed, doing the same with one of my arms resting over his middle. For a couple of minutes, we just laid there in silence.

"Itachi said he thinks your father has someone following you."

My brow furrowed, and I turned my neck to look up at him, "W-What?"

Sasuke glared at the ceiling, "He's been saying all these weird things about protecting you but won't tell me what the fuck it's all supposed to mean."

I rolled onto my stomach, staring at his face, "Is that why he…?" Sasuke's eyes snapped open, locking onto mine. Feeling guilty, I admitted, "H-He asked me out the day we went to the beach. I-I-I turned him down, but it all felt a little insincere."

Sasuke's brow furrowed with anger, but a knock came at the door before he could say anything.

After retrieving the meal he ordered, we sat at the little dining table and ate silently. Once he began getting some food in his system, Sasuke's color returned to normal, and he seemed all but completely back to normal. If there's anything positive to think about, at least there's that. My stomach churned as I twirled some pasta onto my fork and stared at it, feeling queasy.

At least Sasuke's healthy again.

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