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66.66% The 14 Wolves

Chapter 2: Prologue

The town of SilverWood was a quiet place out by a forest. The locals are lively during the day, but as soon as the sun sets, it becomes a ghost town. The only open things are bars and clubs. The reason was because of the things that lived in the forest. Only the bravest people venture there; when they come out, they always see the same thing: Beast-like creatures or giant wolves. The people say these beasts are protectors of the 15 founding families and protect the main road leading to their homes. These families kept to themselves and only came to town for business, essentials, or school. The town didn't know that the founding families were the beast that roamed the forest at night. Fourteen of these families were werewolves, a pack with unique abilities tied to the moon's month. The last family was witches who helped the wolves but left long ago. The wolves lived in SilverWood to hide from other supernatural factions hunting them.

Meanwhile, a mother was putting her daughter to sleep at one of the founding homes. "Mama, can you tell me a story?" Rosanna smiled at her daughter Luna. "Aren't you getting too old for fairy tales, Luna? Besides, I can't read to you tonight. Your father and I are meeting someone tonight, and we can't miss it. I promise tomorrow I will read you a story. So how does that sound." "Okay." Luna, who was only seven at the time, was disappointed. Her parents were not around as much because of meetings or business. Tonight her mother should have read her that bedtime story because something darker was about to take place.

Rosanna closed her daughter's door and quickly checked on her son, William. She saw her son was sleeping soundly and then went to find her husband, Nicholas. "So, Nick, why are we meeting this guy in the middle of the woods? Also, do they have info on Apollo?" They headed out the front and went to meet with someone. The person had information on a former pack member named Apollo Moon. Nicholas grabbed Rosanna's hand and squeezed it to reassure her. "I don't know, but I don't like that this meeting spot is too close to the house. If they get our children, they will brainwash them and turn them against us. Also, that's what the source said." Rosanna and Nicholas were ice wolves and the leaders of the fourteen wolves. They started walking to the meeting spot and felt like something was off. They got to the place and waited for their mystery person. Rosanna was the first to notice it, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She tugged on Nicholas's shirt, "Nick, something isn't right." He nodded and brought Rosanna closer to him. Then a voice behind them spoke from the darkness, "Well, well well… if it isn't the alpha and his wonderful Luna." Both wolves grew tense with the sound of the voice. "Why are you here…" Rosanna slowly turned around and froze. She knew who was standing in front of her.

Nicholas was the first to become unfrozen and turned to his wife. With a panicked expression, he started talking to Rosanna, "Rosanna, go to Luna and the others. Warn everyone in the area; I remember Axel and Leon were out here-``''Are you talking about these two." Said the same voice. He threw Axel, a mirror wolf, and Leon, a fire wolf, in front of Rosanna and Nicholas. The two men had multiple stab wounds and burn wounds. They were both badly injured and were barely breathing. Rosanna could see them in pain and was shocked, "Why are you doing this…We didn't do anything to you." Nicholas could tell his wife was in shock and tried to get her to move. "Rosanna, do not question him." He turned Rosanna to him and lowered himself to get to eye level. "Listen to me. I'll take care of this, but use your howl to warn everyone. Then grab Luna and William and go. You know what they'll do if they find them, especially Luna."

The voice interrupted them, "Oh yeah, that's also why we are here, besides getting rid of the pack. Your daughter and a few other children are essential for me." Nicholas turned to the voice, "Who the hell are you and stay away from my daughter and the other children." "Nicholas, you know who I am. I'm the one who started all of this and will end it." The mysterious attacker finally came out of the dark. Both wolves stood frozen because the man in front of them was Apollo Moon. Nicholas grew angry and hid his wife behind him. "Apollo…but we saw you get murdered in the house fire. You were dead. Rosanna, you need to move now!" Rosanna finally snapped out of her shock and realized what was happening. "I can't leave you alone with him! We both know what he's capable of doing. Think about it when we found out he was the traitor. We had to do something, don't you remember." Apollo chuckled at the two, "Yeah, Nicholas, don't you remember? Leon was furious when he discovered I was working with higher-ups, hunters, and a couple of vampires. I remember he lost control and set the house on fire. You and Axel decided to cover for him." Nicholas knew what he was talking about.

About eight years ago, the wolves knew someone was revealing information to whoever was hunting them down. They found out the traitor had to be someone from inside the pack. Apollo Moon was found out to be a traitor. His wife Athena was the first to find out and immediately left with her son, Jayden. Once she left, she told the rest of the pack, and Leon became angry when he first heard of this. Leon and Apollo were like brothers, so it angered him when he found out. Leon went to Apollo's home and found him already injured. Leon felt no remorse when he saw that a hunter got to him first. The wolf was going to kill Apollo but was stopped by Nicholas and Axel. They tried reasoning with Leon, but he eventually lost control of his powers and sent the entire home on fire. Nicholas tried to get Apollo out, but then he threatened to go after Nicholas's family. After that, Nicholas came out of the house alone, and the pack arrived at the scene. The group put out the fire, and Nicholas pronounced Apollo dead, then they left. When they left, the pack didn't know that Apollo was barely alive. Later Apollo found people who wanted to take down the group, and he was back for revenge eight years later.

When Apollo first came up the road, he found Leon and Axel patrolling the area. He attacked Axel first since he was in front. He took Axel out with a knife made of silver and slashed him multiple times, then stabbed him. He was barely breathing afterward. Leon couldn't control his anger after what he witnessed and lost all control. He tried burning Apollo, as he did in the past, but his anger got the best of him, and he got slashed with the knife. He kept fighting until the final stab, and Leon fell to the ground. Apollo kneeled to him, "You know, I thought you had more control, but then again, you always relied on Kira to keep your emotions in check. She was always the calm one in these situations." Leon looked at him, "Keep her name out of your mouth!" Leon got back up and lunged at Apollo. He left himself open and got stabbed. "So, she's still your weakness. Fine, I'll kill her, but stay there for now."

"They got in my way. I decided to kill them first, but enough about them. I think it's about time I get rid of the pack leaders. I think I'll start with Rosanna first and make you watch, Nicholas." He lunged at Rosanna to strike her, but she was pushed out of the way before he could do anything. "You know you brag too much, Moon. If you want to kill them, then just do it." Cole, a ghost wolf, stopped the knife by making his body transparent except for his arm. Cole turned to the couple behind him and had an irritated expression. "As for you two, can you stop fighting over who should stay and who shouldn't?" Apollo took his knife back and stepped back from Cole. Cole stood in front of the couple and kept his eyes on Apollo. He then raised his voice at them, "Both of you need to return. You are both the leaders of our pack. Most of us are here, and the rest are at home with children. If they get Luna, we'll all be screwed, and we can't let that happen!" Rosanna nodded, "Let's go, you heard Cole. Cole, open a portal now!" A portal was opened that led close enough to the house. Nicholas knew if Rosanna was taken, the enemy would find Luna and the other children. He picked her up and threw her into the portal. "Nick, what are you doing? You'll die." He smiled at her and said, "I promise I won't and will both be with William and Luna after this. Now go find them and protect them." She ran and watched the portal close.

Rosanna burst through the doors of her home with panic on her face. She ran upstairs to her son's room first. She went into his closet and found a backpack meant to be used for emergencies. She grabbed it and shook him a little, "William, sweetie, I need you to wake up and put this bag on." The boy looked at his mother with sleepy eyes and attempted to grab the bag. The six-year-old boy grabbed the bag and sat up. Rosanna put his shoes on and took his hand. They then headed to Luna's room. Rosanna opened the door and went to her daughter's bed. She shook her, "Baby, wake up! Wake up!" The girl woke up and rubbed her eyes, "Mama, what's going on? Why are you waking me up" Rosanna also grabbed an emergency bag and spoke in a hurried tone, "Grab your shoes and jacket. We have to go." The girl did as her mother said and took her mother's hand. Rosanna took her hand and picked up her son. They got out of the house and started running to a house. On the way there, she took a deep breath and howled. The house was meant for emergencies like this, and it was meant to keep everyone safe. So everyone called it the packhouse.

When she arrived, the pack was mainly there already. "Everyone, head to the basement now we are under attack. They found us. Protect the children no matter the cost." She started heading upstairs to find weapons. She was stopped by someone. "Rosanna, wait, what happened? We all heard your howl and ran here." Rosanna turned to see Athena. "Athena, Apollo didn't die in that fire. He is the one who is leading this attack." Athena was shocked that her husband was alive, "No, we all saw him die in that fire. His body was burned and stabbed." Rosanna shook her head and then looked at Athena, "Athena, look at me. If he wants revenge for the past, then that means he wants both Luna and Jayden, but that is not the only thing he wants to kill everyone who was there that day. If they get both of those kids, it's all over." Athena looked at Rosanna with an understanding expression. "I'll stay behind along with Lexi, Olivia, and Isa to watch over the children. You go back to the battlefield. They need you, but before that, tell your children what's going to happen; it may be your last time. If Apollo is back, that means he became stronger, and so is his new pack."

She nodded and went upstairs. She placed her children on the bed and opened the closet. As she was looking for a weapon, Luna spoke. "Mama, what's going on? You're scaring me, and why are we up here and not in the basement." Rosanna had worry and fear written all over her face. She feared for her children's and husband's life. "I don't have much time to explain, but bad people are here to take you away from us. We'll go to the basement soon. Mama just has to find something first." Rosanna finally found a weapon. Her weapon. She took her children to the basement.

They reached the others in the basement. The smell of fear was strong in the room. All the children were scared and confused. The mothers in the room tried calming the children and the others. "Listen to me, you two, everything is going to be alright, but I need to go help your father and everyone else out there. We'll come back, along with everyone else. Okay." She smiled at her children for the last time. She gave Luna a necklace with an icy blue crystal with white swirls inside of the crystal. "Here, I want you to keep this safe until I return." Rosanna turned to her son and took a bracelet out of her pocket. She put the bracelet on his tiny arm and spoke to him, "William, protect your sister for us. This bracelet is your tia's, so don't lose it. She'll be very mad if you do." The bracelet was made of leather and held a small orb that looked like a pearl. Rosanna ruffed up his hair and got up. The mother looked at the other woman then she left. Rosanna's children saw their mother go and knew their mother was lying. They watched their mother leave upstairs and heard the door close behind her.

Luna knew she had to do something or she wouldn't see her parents again. She went up to Payton, a child with ghost wolf abilities. She saw that the girl was scared and sat next to her. "Payton, don't be scared; everything will be okay. But can I ask you something?" Payton knew what she was talking about. "Do you want me to take you to your mom?" Luna nodded quickly, "Please, Payton, can you open a portal. I don't want her to get hurt." She looked around and motioned her to follow her. "I can only open a portal once, so if you want to come, you have to find my mom or uncle." Luna smiled and thanked her. Payton opened a portal to where the battle was taking place. Before Luna stepped through, there was a tug on her shirt. It was William. "If you're going to save them. Make it quick, and don't get hurt." She nodded and left.

Luna went through and was horrified by what she saw. There were dead pack members, and some were parents to children back home. She began to walk and look for her parents. She stopped at the sight in front of her. It was Kira Soriano, the dragon wolf; her body laid barely breathing. She had multiple cuts, stab wounds, and traces of burn marks on her body. In a raspy voice, Kira spoke, "…Hide…Luna…" Before Luna could move, she was pushed by Kira's dragon wings. The dragon hid her before she was spotted. Footsteps could be heard coming close, then they stopped. It was Apollo. "You know I promised Leon that I would kill you before him, but I can't seem to find him. Do you know where he is, and don't lie to me." She tried crawling away from him, but he stopped her. "Don't make this harder on me. I don't want to hurt you anymore." He picked her up by the hair and made her look at him. She spat blood in his face, and it sizzled a little. He grew angry with Kira and scowled at her.

"Fine." Before he could make a move, flames came toward Apollo. "Don't you dare lay another finger on her!" Leon came from behind a tree and ran straight toward Apollo and Kira. "You never were one to give up so easily, were you!" As soon as Leao ran straight to him, Apollo slit Leon's throat. He fell to the ground, and Kira watched in horror when the love of her life was barely clinging for life. "You killed him. You killed him, you damn traitor!" Kira used the rest of her strength to strike Apollo. She stabbed him with a small knife. He smirked at her and then let out a small chuckle at her. "Please stop trying, Kira. You look pitiful." He grabbed her by the throat and held her up. "Before I snap your neck, I need you to answer my question. Where the hell is Athena hiding my son, Jayden?" Kira scratched at his hand and struggled to breathe, "Why would I tell you where he is?" Kira looked into his eyes without fear. "Well, it was worth a try." He snapped her neck like a twig and dropped her body. Kira laid beside Leon, and they both took their last breath.

Luna saw everything and couldn't just stand behind a tree anymore. She saw the fire wolves' bodies and looked at the man in front of her. "H...Hey, why did you hurt the twin's mom and dad." Apollo looked up, and the small girl emerged from behind the tree. He smiled and dodged her question, "Aren't you Luna King?" He walked towards her and kneeled down to her level, "I have a question for you, young lady. Do you know where Jayden Moon is? He's my son, and I want to take him home." She knew who he was talking about but stayed silent. Luna wanted to escape, but she couldn't move a single muscle. "Get away from our daughter!" Apollo looked up and saw Rosanna and Nicholas King. Rosanna saw Kira and Leon Soriano's lifeless bodies and back at her daughter. "Luna, come to your father and me." Nicholas's eyes started darkening, and he started growling at Apollo. He was about to lunge toward Apollo, but Rosanna grabbed his arm. "Nicholas, wait, if either of us moves, he will take her, and we can't let that happen. We have to think about this."

Luna continued to stare at the man, and her breathing became quick. "Mama, I'm scared. Why does he want Jayden?" Rosanna noticed her daughter was terrified, and only one thing came to mind. "Baby, close your eyes. Everything will be okay. Mommy and daddy will take care of this." Luna listened to her mother and did as she was told. Rosanna used her ice power to push her daughter away from Apollo. Nicholas used his ice to create a knife and attacked Apollo. The couple worked as a team. While Nicholas continued to strike Apollo, Rosanna waited for an opening. Once there was an opening, she would scratch Apollo to make his body get colder. The couple continued this attack, but Apollo started to catch on to them. The next opening Nicholas made felt different, and he tried to stop Rosanna, but it was too late. Apollo began to absorb the physical attacks to build up his power like a nuclear bomb. Once Rosanna was close enough, he let out his energy. It felt like an explosion and sent the other two wolves flying towards the trees. Their ears were ringing, and they felt disorientated. Apollo was weak but still had some strength left. He saw the couple was down for a while and went to find Luna.

Rosanna saw her husband was down, but something was off. She didn't see Apollo. Rosanna managed to get up and felt the pain in her back, but it didn't stop her. She caught Apollo's scent and followed it. Rosanna saw him running towards her daughter. She was running on pure adrenaline in their direction. She caught up to Apollo, but her adrenaline was gone, and she fell to her knees. Before Rosanna fell, she grabbed Apollo's leg to stop him. She managed to stop him in his tracks, and her raspy voice spoke. "Don't…you dare… touch my daughter," Apollo smirked. "Come on, Rosanna, don't look so weak in front of her." He motioned to her daughter, and Rosanna didn't notice how close he had gotten to Luna. She looked back up at him. Apollo picked his leg up and kicked her in the ribs. Before Rosanna could bend over, Apollo grabbed her hair to force her to see her daughter's face.

"Luna, why don't you open your eyes to see your mother!" Luna opened her eyes to see her mother lying on her knees and her hair being pulled. Rosanna saw the fear on her daughter's face and tried to reassure her. "Luna, please…you need to run away from here. Go back to everyone…else. Your mom can handle him. Remember how strong I told you I was." Rosanna tried to give her a reassuring smile, but Apollo laughed, "Why would you lie to your own damn child? I thought you were better than that. Besides, there would be no point even if she were to go back now. I have the whole place surrounded. You should have just given me my family, and you could've avoided this." While Apollo continued to rant to Rosanna, he didn't notice Luna had moved closer to them. Luna looked down and grabbed Apollo's sleeve, "Leave my mom alone!" Apollo looked at the girl and moved back with Rosanna. "You gotta be kidding me." The whites in Luna's eyes turned black, and her pupils turned into an icy blue. Her veins became black her hand became a dark purple. Electricity came out of her hands and her body.

"I WON'T LET YOU HURT, MAMA" Apollo stopped holding Rosanna and was ready to prepare for an incoming attack. "So that's why the boss wants you and the other children." He threw fire that he had absorbed before, but Luna dodged it. "So this is the power of a dark wolf. Why don't you come and get me, little King." Luna made a beeline toward Apollo, but he was smarter than a little girl. He moved out of the way and grabbed hold of her arm. He spun her around and threw her against a tree. "You're weak and uncontrollable with that new power. You're just a kid still. You can't even save your own mother from a person like me." Luna looked at her mother and felt her pain. That was the last thing she saw, then it became dark. Luna's head dropped, and Apollo waited for her to get up. He knew she wasn't done.

After a minute, Luna's head snapped up, and her eyes became entirely black. Laughter could be heard behind Apollo, and he snapped his head at Rosanna. "What's so funny?" "Nothing. Just your dead." She pointed at her daughter, and Apollo looked. He felt a wave of fear, and this was the first time Apollo felt fear. "I'll take her out before she has the chance!" He ran straight towards her and tried striking her down. But before he could even cut her, a burst of energy sent him flying towards a tree behind him. Luna was screaming from the pain of her power.

Luna couldn't control herself and looked at her mother. Rosanna finally got up but was grabbed by Apollo. "Please, Apollo, stop this. I need to stop her." Before Rosanna could do anything else, Luna let out a scream. She fell to the ground after her large attack. Apollo was the first to stand up and held his head. "She's powerful for a kid, but it doesn't matter; she doesn't have control over her power." Apollo touched his temples and nodded. "Well, Rosanna, you couldn't protect anyone. We found what we came here for, and now since we can't really take your daughter since she's probably dead. We'll take you instead since you also have similar powers to her." Luna started to open her eyes and saw the man pick her mother up over his shoulder. She tried standing but fell back to her knees. "Luna…go home… I'll be okay. I'll come back." Luna couldn't move and saw her mother being taken by a man she didn't even know. Apollo turned and smiled at Luna, "Hey kid, I'll come back in ten years. So be ready because Jayden will have full control of his power." Luna wasn't listening to the man and worried more about her mom. "Give my mom back." The last thing Luna saw was her mother being taken. "By the way, kid, my name's Apollo Moon; I'm the 13th wolf and Jayden's father." He walked into the darkness of the woods and left without a trace. That was the last thing Luna saw and the last sight of her mother.

When Apollo left and everyone was back at the packhouse, it was found that eleven were dead and seven were missing. Three wolves were left behind: Nicholas King, Jackson Thunder, and Isa Suarez. All three were severely injured with multiple broken ribs and open wounds. During the attack, Lexi Wild went missing back at the house, and Olivia Garcia was found dead. They were protecting the children, but one was taken, Jayden Moon. Luna was found by Zeus Lighting, a lighting wolf, and Oscar Torres, a mirror wolf. Luna went into a coma for a month, and when she woke up, she found out her mother was missing, and her father was in critical condition. After the disappearances and deaths, the adults changed. Isa Suarez became more protective of all the children. Nicholas and Jackson became harsher when training the children and continued looking for the missing others. Finally, the three adults decided to split the children into different households. Nicholas kept his two children and took in Scarlett and Aj Soriano. Jackson kept his sons Ace and Oscar with Zeus, Payton, and Paige Lightning. Isa decided to keep her son, Luca, and took in Jada Martin, Dylan Wild, and Cadence Garcia. As the children got older, they made it their goal to find their parents and kill the man that took them away. It's been 10 years, and things are about to change for the better or the worst.

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