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Chapter 3: A career must not be abandoned

Adeline numbly sat in the corner of the cabin of Mr Yang, she wasn't ready to go out from there or talk to anyone around her.

She was trying to hold back the tears from spilling out, she was trying to be strong on the most heartbreaking day of her career life.

Adeline was still hoping for some way to come out of this situation. Thinking of it just the way when she has problems during a shoot with her dress or accessories, she always finds a way to get over it and ends up with the shoot successfully great.

Mr Yang and Ellen exchanged their stares, they sat concerned about quiet Adeline who isn't ready to utter a word or talk with anyone but stay alone and quiet in the corner.

Both of them know that this isn't a heartbreak because of her boyfriend didn't show up at their wedding but lost her career because of the boy she foolishly fell in love with and trusted his fake promises.

"Adeline, if you are done with sitting there alone, can we have a talk?" Ellen raised a question filling up some weird silence in the room.

"Is there something Ms Smith that will help Adeline with this problem?" Mr Yang who was busy turning the pages of the new magazine inquiries her. "If not, then let us give her time and space to take this all in."

Ellen rolled up her eyes as she turned her office chair in the direction of Mr Yang. "I have an idea Mr Yang, will you both even give me a chance to explain myself?"

She insisted both of them to listen to her but Adeline wasn't even listening to Ellen, she didn't respond to her in any way.

"Adeline?" Mr Yang called out her name. "Are you even listening to us? Shall we let Ellen speak?"

"It has all ended, nothing can happen now," Adeline finally spoke up but numbly. No emotions reflected on her face and voice as she spoke up.

"Glad that at least she is listening to us" Ellen sighed before continuing to explain her idea. "So, my idea is about talking to Mr Dumas, if he wants he can change his model at any time."

Ellen was excited about her plan. She smirked as she glanced at both Mr Yang and Adeline but none of them showed any interest in that idea.

"Hey! I'm not talking to myself!" Ellen whined resting her back annoyingly on the office chair.

"Ms Smith, I appreciate your idea but how much of chances do you think we have for Mr Dumas to even agree for having a conversation about changing his model with the one who disrespected him by not showing up while signing up for the contract. I hope that you know Mr Dumas walked himself into our company to specially meet Adeline."

"What? He was here? I thought his stupid secretary came here," Ellen was clueless about the great Mr Dumas coming to their company for the first time.

"How does he looks? I haven't seen him yet but his idiotic Secretary," she was taking her rage out about Sejin until she remembered that Adeline's problem is not solved yet.

She cleared her throat to continue further about her idea while Mr Yang gaped at her in annoyance.

"It's okay, let's find some other way than having a conversation with Mr Dumas" Mr Yang interrupted Ellen before she could continue. "I have heard that he has serious anger issues and if we go to him in his bad mood then maybe he will cancel all of the contracts with us."

However, Mr Yang being the CEO of his management company was right, it was quite risky to take any chance that would bring up Augustus in a bad mood.

Augustus never goes to anyone but sends his secretary on his behalf of him and today he came to the company himself especially for meeting Adeline because his father insisted he to go. And his father, Alexander, insisted on him because Mr Yang, his good friend, always praises about Adeline for him being a golden kid and a lucky charm to everywhere she goes and on every project she does.

Alexander Dumas wanted to try Adeline being the Ambassador of their company but Adeline failed her image before both the father and the son by herself.

"But Mr Yang, we can not let go of this chance and I still have hopes for Adeline to join Dumas Group " Ellen stood in her place and banged her hands against his desk furiously.

Meanwhile, Adeline was pondering about her chances by herself about convincing Mr Dumas to accept her as his company ambassador.

Whenever Adeline comes across any difficulties, she simply closes her eyes and heartily takes the name of her mom and dad in mind. This helps her to overcome every problem in her life and she personally believes that this is why she is successful today.

She misses her parents every day, but she can not go to them. She wants to hug her mother right now and cry her heart out but she can't, and she doesn't want to cry before anyone else than her because she knows people will say her tears are fake but her mother won't.

Apart from waiting for Jack in the wedding dress, the ones that Adeline was waiting for were her parents. She went to them by herself to invite them to her wedding but they didn't even open the doors for her.

After standing by the door for hours and giving up on knocking on the door and ringing the bell, Adeline left the invitation card with gifts for her family by the door and came back to the city for continuing her wedding preparations.

It stings her heart to even think of her parents hating on her to this extent only because she chose to model over being a doctor.

Every girl has a dream to get married and wear a wedding dress and let her parents see their daughter happy on such a big day of her life and that same goes for Adeline.

The one whom she wanted to see her in the wedding dress the most was her father. She wanted him to see her first as when she was a kid at her home, she was the beloved daughter of her father and whenever she talked about her getting married one day, her father always said to her that he won't let his precious daughter go away from his sight and he would like her to marry someone who won't let her leave her parents and home.

Adeline smiled softly remembering the father daughter conversation when she was a kid. Now, she only thinks that he said it because she was a kid and they were just having a fun conversation only so that she could stay at home and irritate her mother more.

Even though their love for her might have turned to hate but for Adeline, she will never stop loving her parents and hoping they to forgive her. They hated modelling and the daughter whom they were most proud of didn't fulfil their expectations.

But it's not that Adeline ever regretted on choosing a different career than what her parents planned. Bit she might have regretted if she had chosen to become a doctor. Every one is made for something that they can do it naturally and in which they are better, and Adeline hopes her parents will finally understand her one day.

And now, as it is about her career, and if joining Dumas Group would really make her being the greatest of all time then she is ready to take a step to make it right whatever she ruined.

She will apologise, she will admit her guilt that she never does and she will put all of her arrogance aside before him but she will do her best to convince him and make her his ambassador and not the other girl. Because, maybe if she succeeds in this then her parents would forgive her thinking that no matter what path their daughter chose, she is earning respectfully.

"What should I have to do?" Adeline's voice made both Ellen and Mr Yang halt their disputes. They quickly glanced at her with a jaw drop before hurrying themself to run towards Adeline.

"I- I think I heard her voice, right Adeline? What did you just say?" Ellen interrogated in excitement.

"Didn't you hear her? She said she will do whatever she has to" Mr Yang interrupted her.

"Mr Yang, I didn't say that" Adeline sighed finally sitting straight in her place rather than making her back look like a camel's hump. "What should I have to do to convince him?"

"Do whatever it takes for you to convince him dearly" Mr Yang said. "If you become their ambassador then there will be no other for years like you all around the globe"

"I will set up a meeting with him" Ellen quickly hugged Adeline before being clingy and leaving a peck on her cheeks and going back to the desk to send an email to Augustus's secretary.

"But Mr Yang," Adeline furrowed nervously when Ellen left. "What if he doesn't agree to changing his new ambassador? After all of this scandal, I don't think if anyone would be ready to take a risk and give me a chance "

The rumours were stuck in her mind which were probably going to give her nightmares for days or even months and she was already having bad vibes about that.

"Look Adeline, there comes a day in our life when we all get tested for our patience in such situations," Mr Yang said calmly. "You know what you are and you know that rumours about you are fake, so don't worry or think about it and let others think whatever they want. At the end of the day, the people who are your true fans and believe in you will always stand up for you and you should stay strong for them and prove yourself to the world what you are"

It aroused a little hope in Adeline that she was lacking. It was enough for her to fathom and gain positive vibes in her while fighting against the bad vibes which were weakening her.

"So, my old Adeline is back? The girl who doesn't give up?" Mr Yang patted softly on the top of Adeline's as she nodded. He rested assured now and finally relieved that Adeline will obviously do something to overcome this situation and take his company to the next level of success.

Meanwhile, Ellen instantly got a reply from Sejin that Mr Dumas has a free hour this evening and he would like to have a meeting with Adeline at his farmhouse. But, he would like to be alone with Adeline when they will be having their conversation and no third person will be standing around them during that time.

Adeline has been through this many times where she has to meet alone with the opposite party. And it was only once in her beginning of career life when someone asked her to sleep with him for a month and only then she will get a huge project in the beginning of her career.

Adeline refused him and it affected the beginning years of her career but she didn't give up and today she is what she is with all the respect and good work.

And right now, she is ready to have a little conversation with Augustus too. But she will refuse it right on his face if he has such an offer as the man who had for her years ago.

JKCukie JKCukie

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