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Chapter 2: CHAPTER-1

Amy's P.O.V.:

I'm dragging my heavy luggage bag from my old house to dad's car because we are moving, from Seattle to California because of my dad's job transfer in California. I'm not very much exited for that, I have to change my high school when it's my last year as junior and next year, I'll become a senior also I have to leave my friends, and that's most sad thing. I'm not so much outgoing person, in those year of school I able to make only two friends. Sky and Aman who are really close to me when sky is smart, beautiful and badass, Aman is a dumb or can I call him tube light because he can't understand thing quickly. I'm average tall boy 5'6, with messy blonde hair and glasses. I love to reading books and that's why I always come top in my class, every teacher praises me for this. I'm bit shy person cuz of that I was never get into any relationship and also other reason that I don't interest in any girls not even boys "jeez", sometime my dad insists me that I have to explore the world beside only keeping my face in books. But I just ignore. suddenly my thought was broken when someone tap on my solder and "we're here" dad said, I look outside and relies that we enter in Avolon town border after drive for one an hour we are at our destination. were we'll live from now on? This is two story houses look like it made in early 70's with four-bedroom, kitchen and one big hall and it's quite interesting house. At first floor has 2 bedrooms with attached bathroom and ground floor also has same two bedroom with kitchen and hall I take my luggage at first floor because I love my privacy and my dad had no issue. ''Amy'' my dad called me from hall, ''yes dad'' I said, "come down dinner is ready", "5 min", I said. After everything set my bedroom. I walk down for dinner, "your school will start from day after tomorrow and there please make some friends, girlfriend or boyfriend" my dad said with grinning. After hear that I almost chocked my food and exclaimed ''Dad!'', "What?", He said and my cheek is heated up and become beetroot red he lough seeing this, He stood up since he makes dinner I will be in charge of dishes, "Good night, Amy", "Good night, Dad" I replied he walk to his room and I wash dishes.

After two days

Today I'm going to my new school and I'm quite nurves, so to chear me dad said he will come to drop me to my school, I'm very greatful for that, I love my dad and he is best friend,After my mom's death in car accident he become so lonely but he never felt me that he is always being support for me, he raised me single handadly. Right now I'm stood at highschool building entrance and I'm just nurvess as well as exited I don't know why I'm exited I entered into building and ask for admin office when I reach to admin office one lady at his mid 40 sitting on desk I go there "what can I help you?" Lady ask. "umm hi my name is Amaralled Jackson and today is my first day here". she entered my name on computer then search my schedule and guided me to my first class my first class is English and I walk in lobby to find my class way, suddenly I bumped to someone and my bag fall down the boy who bumped with me help me to collect my falling bag and help me to stand up. He is taller than me, slim body, hazel eyes, thin but full pink lips and curly messy brown hair he smiles at me and give me his hand introduce himself "Hi, I'm Max" he said. "Hi, I'm Amaralled but call me Amy" I reply with nerves voice and we shake our hand he looks at me and asked "last year of junior?" I nodded. he said "I'm also, can I see your schedule?" he said, I give him. He sees my schedule and smile "we have all class together that so much fun" he said, after hearing that I'm feeling bit relived that at least I succeed to make one friend on my first day at my new high school, we walk into our first class. After finish 2 classes it's now lunch time and I'm starving we walk to canteen when we entered there, I saw so much liveliness we take our food from row and take corner seat so we can see everyone but no one can notice us Max gives me everyone's information we ate our food, suddenly silence fell in canteen. I take a look for its reason and my eyes went to canteen entry, where I see four guys walk in and everyone starring at them, girls staring them with lust and boys staring them with terrified and they walked in like they own this place, they all look same like identical they all almost 6''7 tall muscular body like gym guy all have dirty blond hair dark blue eyes tan skin sharp jawline and tight thin full lips they look like Greek gods and they have so much that aura around there. Someone tap on my shoulder and I come out of my thought and it was Max. "Stop starring at him continuously" 'Max said, "who are they?" I ask. "They are the victor's; they are quadruplets and also future heir of victor's group they are billionaire and almost own this town. They are so popular in high school and also so much arrogant" He said, "what's their name?" I ask. they seated on middle table. "The one who were black shirt is Edward, he is eldest in them. Beside him is Ember he is second eldest, in his cross who sit is Eathen and cross of Edward is Elijah the youngest one, they have only 1 min difference of their birth time", He said. I looking at their direction when Edward caught me to starring them, he also staring at me and that make me nerves, so I got up from my table and said Max I'm done my lunch after that we walk to our next class which was History.

Edward P.O.V I groaned when I hear my alarm's ring and looked it was already 6:30 am I get up and beside my bed Eathen, Ember and Elijah is in deep sleep so I get out my bed and march to bathroom for finish my morning business after shower when I come out all three are awake so finally your lazy asses are up huh! I said and they just chuckles on that well it's not that we are poor so we have to share our rooms but we are quadruplets and we share bond and most important thing we are werewolves and future Alphas of Victor moon pack also we are quadruplet we will have to share our mate in future well we already 18 at last month when most of wolves find their mate but still we could not find and now I doubt that our mate is exist on earth or not but my mom says be patient because some time to find your mate take time we hope we can find our mate soon and packs future Luna we are at now ours packs dining area were some warriors and pups having breakfast and in kitchen my mom help the omegas for prepare breakfast Good morning all of you' mom said morning mum Elijah said we also greed her after him after breakfast we hit the road on my SUV when we near the school my wolf Eddy become restless and wanted to take control and this is strange because in four of our beast my wolf was most taming but today he is stirring in my mind and I said to him calm down, after some ease my attention shifted on rest of three and they have also suffer same situation we all are confuse that what is happening with our wolf they are eager to go in school so I parked my SUV and walk in school building with my brothers suddenly Eli is froze on his spot and turned back to face us with question look did you smell that? He asks and we are confused and stare him suddenly a sweet smell like rose and coconut hit our nose and we losing control on our beast and I met my eyes to my brothers for conformation and they can also smell exactly and it confirmed that our mate is hear we want to follow that smell and class bell is ring.

Elijah POV.

When that sweet smell hit in my nose my wolf Jeah is wanted to come on surface and find his mate and claim his mate right now we don't know who our mate is and what it's gender but one thing is sure that we love and cherish our mate forever when suddenly class bell start to rang 'fuck' I muttered under breath and with sigh move to my first class which was gymnastic well I'm basketball player basically and I like that game after that I attend two more classes as me and my brother decide to meet at lunch break in mess I headed toward mess in my way Ember meet me and inform that Edward and Eathen waiting outside of mess and on gate we met them what take you that much time' Eathen asked just practice match I sheepishly replied. We entered the mess and that smell again hit us and we scan all area suddenly one boy caught our attention he is average tall boy with messy blonde hair and honey brown eyes with glasses who sitting with Max who is in junior class we never looked him before so that means he is new here and that sweet smell come from him we glances each other and nodded in understand that he is our mate when we entered in mess silent fell allover some boys are afraid of us and some are jealous and girls looking us with lust and that's not their fault because we carry that look that any girl come for us to pleasure us but we never interested any one because we want to save our first time and all our love for our mate and their he is. He is looking so beautiful and innocent that hitch my breath how can be someone look like that much innocent and beautiful we walked our way and seated on our usually place our wolfs are jump in our mind and repeated that ''MATE AND MARK OUR MATE'' I said to my wolf soon buddy he will going to belong us. I can't hold anymore our mate is so close to us and we can't even touch him; Eathen said clinching his fist. Just patient brother soon he will be going to belong us, Ember said, well but why he sits with that guy who is he and what relation he has with our mate I can't see him with any other person behalf us Ember said. And suddenly we hear his voice the sweetest voice ever he glances our direction and ask about us to his friend and he given information about us to our mate and we are happy to know that our mate is curious about us and his eyes mate to Edward and suddenly he stands up and walk out we all smell his sweet smell that drive us crazy. After him we also left mess and follow him.

Pratibha_Pari Pratibha_Pari

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