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Chapter 2: Dread filled days

What I disliked more now, was a golden ray a bright sunrise piercing my lids, forcing me to squint in discomfort. It ain't magical to me. Cursing and mumbling, I did before rolling over and used a pillow to dodge the sun's warm gaze. I hated for light to bolt into my domain, my room, unwanted and at an unpleasant time. I'd grown to cherish the darkness my room was engulfed in.

It made me feel as one with the cold ramblings of depression, as though despair would never forfeit its oath. No one knew me and should ever know me. They'd really think they did.

Am a world, no one is gifted d liberty to come in, cultivate or even multiply ya blundering mark of wanting to be my so-called friend. My mind shifted to a familiar sound. It was coming.

Clip-clap, clip-clap...

 Then the sequence dropped. I could hear the hard yearnings my door knob made when being forcefully twisted. The air flowed. I hated it. It felt fresh as the door swerved, to reveal a lady, who smelt like she'd swam in d bliss of roses

   I did not see. I knew. How? It was my mother and I'd grown accustomed to her body movements. Also, she was using her newly bought perfume, expensive... and irritating. It smelt pleasant to my nostrils. I heard her footsteps again, walking across. Then it stopped. The railings of my curtains brushed harshly. 'til I felt a warm embrace shroudding me from my shrivel world. Light poured in, illuminating and the darkness dispersed. I hated it. Her footsteps walked back to the door.

" You had better get out of that bed and prepare for school, else you'll be looking for another way to accommodate yourself.."

Her voice went with the strides her legs made, judging from the sounds of her heels. It wasn't a threat, just a severe warning. Again, I cursed, driving my fists into the bed. At first, I threw the pillow away. I sat up straight, rubbing my eyes sleepily while yawning.

  Gosh I'm tired.

My tummy made a grumbling sound. Hunger.

  Yes, I didn't get to eat last night. The trauma yesterday played in my mind; her words, her temper, the rage. My heart was grieving in its own self pity. I was deviant. Emily. Why? Pain reeked all over. It's aura was full of misery.

On getting to school, life was always there, just when you think on one path, you see another breaking the first. Perplexion sets in. I looked deeply, as I strode the hallways. Students and Teachers littered the area.

You're either grumbling or walking. I could see her coming, backing her school bag with a faint smile.

She looked like the weight of her bag would throw her off even though she weighed almost twice as me. It was her.

Elsa. Petite. Plump. Smart. Voice as light as the piano. That, I do love.Always appeared as innocent. Pretty. Shy. Peaceful. Kinda religious. Her smiles were just so hearty.

And I had a crush on her, still do.

Yes, I know what youu might be thinking; How can I still be inlove with someone else and be in a relationship with another. I know. It's inappropriate. Don't judge me. You've no idea wat she as well as her cruel friends made me go through. I don't even know how she got to be a namesake with Elsa [ from the Frozen movie]. Elsa [from frozen] was graceful, lovable, and this one was the opposite. It wasn't the first time I got hurt. But it was the first time Love spat on my face. Even though we were both victims of peer pressure and maybe the hormones or infatuation. Yet, I know she did reciprocate my love. Just that, some leaches sucked it dry.

        Taking a few breathes, I resumed my journey. Her gaze met mine and her expression looked like she wanted me to speak to her. It was vividly written. I didn't, pretending like I did not care as we passed each other by. I wish I did but the pain was there. I was putting on my uniform [the usual], over it was a baggy hoody which signified my desire for solitude. I fisted my hands, placing them each into my pockets and lowered my gaze. Today was gonna be tough.

Oh and now for Emily.

I walked straight to my classroom, wheezing through two flights of stairs, did a few rights, then a left and finally my journey ended. My class was always the normal, noisy, polluted with weirdos, creepos and all sorts of miniature small minded barbarians.

   "Heeeey. Anthoonny" And this is Barry. Meet one of my friends. Weirdly crafted from nature, had a few glitches upstairs, laughed like a baboon [repulsive], his head was shaped like a yam [which I find as a muse of comedy. LoL], kinda smart, joke maker, also a neat fellow [you should see a few uniforms, students put on. It looked like something Granny uses as a cushion spread for her dog - Jack. Yeesh, it's O.M.G disgusting. One of the reasons why I choose not to visit her. She keeps the house filthy.]

   "What's up?" He asked, grinning like there was something to be happy about.

   Just get outta my sight, loser.

I bowed my head, ignoring him. He called me a few times but I just went, made my way to my seat, sighed and dropped my head on my desk. At least until the teacher for that period would barge in like he was being chased by a mad hound, then begin his over-enthusiastic lectures.

  "....and what do we know about Gravitational field. Can anyone please state its law?" Mr Dennis asked, moving to and fro, hands folded behind, his bald head glimmering against the light, had a vegetable stuck in his dentition which appeared awful whenever he smiled [which he did not do much].

  "...every particle in the universe attracts every other..."

  It was evident that I wasn't listening, my hoody shaded half of my face. A good thing d teacher didn't care.

  "...particle with a force that is proportional to d product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."

I did my thing, look straight at the teacher then at the clock, then the teacher,the clock. The sequence continued on 5 minutes interval. I love my studies. But today jus ain't feel right. Hmph. It was--..

  "Oh Anthony, do be so kind as to tell us the formula from this definition I just said" the teacher was referring to me. I blinked, slowly rising to my feet. Gulped. My eyes caught a large handwriting on a piece of paper on the seat infront of me.

  "Um.. G is equal to the product of two masses, over the distance squared"

  He looked at me, deeply.

 "Simplify it for us" and I gulped again. Now I had to use my head.

" G is equal to Mass 1 multiplied with Mass 2, all over R raised to the power of square"

  "Good. An applause for him.."

"Good job man." Barry beamed, "You totally blew me off a while ago. You're fine right?"


During recess, I walked straight for Emily's class. Better do it now before I chicken out. I saw her with her bestie, giggling.

   Then barry came pulling me past her. Our eyes met, locked. Alot of emotions had to be poured out.

  "You never thanked for helping you with my paper. Anyways, you did the hard part. I forgot you don't got a block for a brain. Well gotta go. See ya"

  He was probably off to play soccer or eat the whole canteen. Still, he never got fat. Only one place got bigger, and that was his butt. My mindset returned. I strode towards Emily, jerked her away from her friend. I was gonna do it. End it there and then...

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