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Chapter 16: what if a multiverse goes to another world (by accident)

I was in space.

like always.

doing nothing but just floating around.

what is the point of me doing really anything if I can do everything.

eventually after a trillion or quadrillion years of living you just get bored and want nothing else but to sleep.

and so that is what I did for millions of years.

really what do I have to Do. absolutely nothing of course I don't even have to try and get more powerful.

every second that goes by the more my body grows and expands and the more powerful I become.

it is just really pointless.

after a trillion or quadrillion years you just start to lose all the energy that you used to have and you just want to sleep or just stick to yourself.

it's just now I find it exhausting to try and come up with something to do.

my two glowing eyes glow a bright white as reality itself shatters before resembling the appearance of a portal

opening up the portal I saw a planet

a green planet.

I materialize my cosmic form before going into the portal quickly closing and healing the broken spot in space.

I began to shrink while entering the planet.

nobody noticed me since I had an invisible Force around my entire body.

I eventually shrink to the normal size of a human before falling straight into an alleyway softly.

I stood up and look left.

I saw the snow that covered the whole street signaling that it was winter.

realizing that it would be unusual for a person to resembled the entire universe and its galaxies to be standing naked I immediately sponded winter clothes around my body.

snapping my fingers I made myself resemble the normal appearance of an average man.

before dispersing the invisible force around my body.

I walked out of the alleyway going into a busy Street.

I walked alongside the people playing attention to myself not trying to get into any conversation with anybody.

I just keep to myself looking straight ahead not looking anyone in the eyes having my arm cross to make the appearance that I was trying to fend off the cold.

I felt calm peaceful I knew there is nothing in this world that can harm me so I moved with confidence steps only stopping after I saw a coffee shop.

the coffee shop name was honey fruit flour.

I went in and as soon as I enter a bell ring.

in the front of the shop and employee was patiently standing there wearing the normally uniform that a waitress would wear.

"hello sir what would you like to order"

said the calm lady.

"I would just like to order some donuts cookies and one coffee ☕ oh and also put extra milk"

"your order will be ready as soon as possible"



I got out of the coffee shop satisfied.

I gave the waitress some extra money as a thanks before leaving the shop.

yet again walking in the streets I stopped alongside some few people waiting to cross the road.

but as I was standing there I saw the dumbest s*** I could have ever seen in my entire trillions of years of living.

a stupid goddamn girl.

I mean a stupid goddamn illusion of a girl ran in front of the streets as a truck was approaching.

a man I was standing next to me ran out attempting to save the false girl.

my eyes went wide in surprise as I saw this guy running to his literal death.

not wanting the guy to get killed for trying to do a heroic thing I ran after him.

time seems to slow as the two of us ran at least to everyone else but to me time was running normal.

as the guy about to push the illusion away didn't notice the truck about to hit him.

I stepped in front of the man and push him away.

but before I could get the chance to cast a barrier to protect my clone body/cosmic body the truck ran over me 'killing' my clone body.

then I saw the whole world Go White.


(reborn hero)

I was in an endless never-ending darkness.

this place resembled the same place that I was when I became the universe.

I attempted to look around me through my clone body only to see the same darkness.

but as I was about to dematerialize my clone I saw the darkness crack.

before the cry of a baby could be heard.

and then I open my eyes again I saw that I was in a hospital.

"huh" I thought in confusion.

I looked around only to see a giant man and a giant woman towering over me.

then the woman that was towering over me said

"Ahh I think he like the name I gave him look he stopped crying"

the Giant woman said as she looked at me with warm motherly eyes.

which I coldly rejected with uncaring eyes.

"well that settles it" said the giant man.

"his name from now on shall be Bellezoo Ragnarok"


"wait wait wait wait this can't be possible" I thought panicking.

"did I seriously get reincarnated not once but twice" I thought.

"if I'm reincarnated here then does that mean I die as the multiverse"

I was panicking because I didn't want to switch being the multiverse to being this week lowly child.

I wanted to rewind I didn't want this I never wanted this.

"wait hold on it seriously can't be possible because"

"this isn't my real body this cosmic form is my clone body"

"if I was to die or my clone body was to die it shouldn't be possible for me to be reincarnated"

"which can only mean!!!!"

I attempted to materialize a small bunny into existence.

and it worked!.

the bunny appeared in an instant with a small cosmic layered energy.

"so I'm still the multiverse it's just that the soul that I have in my clone body reincarnated but my real body as the multiverse still exist and I'm still alive"

I attempted to look through the eyes of my main body and instantly my view shifted.

what was once a luxurious Noble mansion was now a huge Galaxy filled with planets stars and galaxies milky ways and infinite universes.

"few what a relief"

"I thought I just switched"

well since I can still use my powers and I seem to be in a another universe this can only mean that I was reincarnated by an unknown Force to this universe.

"now that I think about it that truck did seem very suspicious"

"I mean what in my entire multiverse can create illusions other than myself"

"I mean there is metahumans in the original Earth but I was in another universe in my clone body"

"and that universe that I was in there was no such thing as metahumans"

"so what could have caused this"



as I was sleeping I was suddenly awaken! by a loud noise.

it sounded like a system notification.

but that is impossible I normally do not get any system notification in less I have evolved.

opening up my system to see the notification what I saw was.

[name: Bellezoo Ragnarok

age: 2

race: administrator <presume to be a god by the world>

half race: ????

level: ♾️

Strength: ♾️

Speed: ♾️

Durability: ♾️

Intelligent: ????

Wisdom: ??? <but it's presumed to be infinite>

unique skill: will of the world. hero.

Domain's: time. space. reality. energy. life. death. logic. wish. creation. destruction. chaos. freedom. souls. consciousness. ego. thunder. Earth. evil. good. spirit. mana. magic. demonic magic. angelic magic. Divine magic. heroic magic.

Description: <an entity with unknown origins invaded this young boys body and gain access to the world's power granting him administrator abilities over the world and this entire universe>

"ok what"

"first off not only did I never had these abilities before in my system it should be completely impossible for me to have gained them due to me not even being an entity made of organs I am an entire multiverse"

"so it seems like my clone gained all of these abilities just by being reincarnated into this world"

"hmm let's see what I can do"

concentrating on my domain to control demonic magic I began to spawn a cloak !! of corruption around my entire crib.

then the wood of that crib immediately rotted off and died.

but out of my control the corruption grew further and further.

even reaching my own parents and killing them.

but of course I don't feel anything about my new parents death after all I know who my true parent is and I don't feel any connection with these people.

having just about enough of this b******* I decide to do the final thing to this universe the final f*** you before I leave.

a huge layer of chaotic and destruction energy surrounded my entire body before.


an uncomprehensible amount of energy radiated through the universe.

every planet every Star every Galaxy every Milky Way everything that should be in a universe began to be devoured and absorbed by me turning into energy.

I can feel the universe screeching in pain.

attempting to try and stop me but the universe was unsuccessful as I fully corrupt and destroyed it.

absorbing the universe inside of my clone body.


(it's good to be home)

standing in the middle of the void of what was once a universe was a little baby.

I looked around at the empty void that was beyond the layer of the universe and the only thing I saw was a white plate.

there was nothing not even energy in that neverending White lair of reality.

I close the eyes of my clone body before beginning the process of absorbing it back inside of me.

I saw my clone body dissolving into energy all of the skills and ability to that accumulated from that world and from absorbing that universe came rushing inside of me I felt the domain presents inside of my main body deep within the golden glowing box within my heart.

opening my eyes inside of my main body I looked around only to see a weird sight.

I saw that my universe which was filled with a blue white purple color now had a brighter White and a golden and red tinted color to wet.

I felt powerful slightly more powerful than I was the universe didn't really give off that much energy considering that I'm a multiverse but it did give enough energy to slightly boost my power a little bit.

I once again close my eyes going off to sleep for who knows how long.


(A/N I'm sorry if the chapter feels so rushed and that's because it kind of is I just came off from school and I was trying to write a story so I'm really sorry for those who thinks this chapter is really Rush....

I hope you guys like this story...

and I'll see you in the next multiverse chapter...

oh and one last thing if you want to support me please give me a power Stone or me a Time Stone it would be very much appreciated and would really make me write a lot more chapters a lot faster)

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