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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 : A chance to win his heart

By sinking deep into the memories of yesterday's event, I don't know how the time get pass, but now I can see the entrance gate of my school, Hashimoto high school, which is a few meters away from me. " Huh! It's already my school here. ", I exclaim. In my 17 years of my life, I've exchanged many schools from one to another. It's my fifth school or maybe the last one also.

I stop my bicycle at the entrance gate and mount down from it. I walk with it to park at the school parking zone. I park my bicycle at an empty spot and locked it. Since, I always come school first, so I don't have to work hard to get an empty spot for parking. Actually, it's also a way of mine to avoid any crowd by coming early because there'll gonna be a great hustle soon.

" Let's go to the class now. ", after taking a long sigh, I walk into the direction of my class's building. When I arrive at the entrance of my building, first I take off my outdoor shoes and pick an another pair of indoor shoes from one shelve of shoe racks. Other students shoes are also places at their respective shelves. I put my outdoor shoes back at the empty space from where I took out my indoor shoes. I wear them and go inside the building.

While going through empty hallways of my school, there's a pin drop silence but chirping of birds and sounds of crickets are echoing into empty hallway which is interrupting the silence of it, " Amazing! These chirpings are so beautiful. It refreshes my mind. It's the best thing to listen, other than Minamoto kun's gentle voice in the early morning ". I like their chirpings because I think that it tells you to bring out your real self out-aloud. Without caring anybody's opinion. But I've to apply it on myself first. I don't know what I'm scaring of, maybe I just don't make efforts. I wish just like I'm a talk active person with myself, I can also become with others also. But now I want to change myself for my love.

As I am talking to myself, I arrive at my class. I open my class door and find an empty class. I enter into the class and put my bag and lunch box first on my seat. I whistle a hum which is just like chirps of birds chirping earlier in the hallway. Then, I go toward windows to open it while whistling. When I open it's glasses, gusts of hot and humid winds enter through it blowing my long hair away and start spreading into the entire class. Although it's not long ago than morning, but the temperature of my class is already hot, " Argh! When will this hot weather go away? It's already monsoon, but it's so hot outside. ", I complained with a pouty face.

After opening windows, I go back to my seat which is in the front row. I sit on it and open my bag and take something out from it with a shyly smile on my face. Actually before coming to school, I put on some make up on my face to look pretty today. Though I've an average face but after applying a little bit of it, my face become more beautiful. My face looks more define with it.

Minamoto kun has a very charming and radiant personality and has many qualities like he's ex president of his previous class. He's also good at sports. He's good at his studies too, that's why he's in class 'A'. He's a very social person also. In short, he's like an ideal student for his class. But on the other hand, there's me, an anti-social person who just become nervous by taking an initiative to talk with others. So, being a center of attraction and socializing with so many people like Minamoto kun is a long way road to me. That's why I also want to become someone who's eligible for him. Changing yourself for others is wrong but changing yourself for your own goodness is right. " Even a male peacock dances and shows off his beautiful feathers to win the heart of his beloved peahen. So, if a male peacock can do it and win the heart of a peahen, so I, Aizawa Masuyo, will also win the heart of Minamoto kun. ", I swore in my heart with a determined look.

My eyes who were calm and silent before, now with the fuel of dedication to win ignites with fire of determination into my eyes. I put my both hands over my heart and close my eyes. I tell to myself, " Masuyo chan, don't worry. Everything gonna be alright. First, you've to attract him with your beauty and then after that win his heart with your good nature and make him fall in love with you. After that he and I will marry at some beautiful location and will become husband and wife. " I give out a hopeful smile on these thoughts. I'm an expert in daydreaming.

Then, I take off my both hands from my chest and open them slowly. The thing that I took out before from my bag, was an expensive compact powder kit from a very famous brand. Actually, it's not mine but my mom's, and she doesn't know that I take it for school. " I didn't steal it. I just borrow it without telling her. ", I consoled myself with such excuses.

I apologize to my mom within my heart with squeezing tightly powder kit and closed eyes, " Mom, I'm sorry. This daughter of yours took your thing without asking. But I won't let anything bad happen to your powder kit. It will gonna return safely to your drawer again. "

After apologizing to my mom, I carefully open the kit. Since, it's so hot outside and top of that scorching sun because of them I was sweating a lot. So, I want to check my make up again. I'm worrying that if it's got smudge or ruin. I looked my face reflection at it's small mirror, and really it get a little ruin by sweating. Anyone can clearly see the dry streamlines on my face which were made by sweating. I feel like I get cheated by the word 'expensive'.

So, within my heart, I curse that powder kit with pouty face like a person in a lose game, " Which type of kit are you? For what thing you're so expensive? Mine one is cheaper than you but it works better than you. If you're expensive then work like one. It looks just like me, my mom also get cheated by that word. Now, I'll use you again, so this time work properly, okay. " and I start applying powder on my face.

Since, there's no one present in my class. I fully use this time to do touching up my makeup. I like to do my things in alone, since, I get nervous from my surrounding people. I knew, it's not their fault but it's not my fault also. It's not that I didn't try to talk to my classmates but every time that happens it always turned into sour memories. I've a very few sweet memories and I doesn't want to ruin them all.

Sometimes people have to let be the thing just like it is. But now I want to make an exception to it. I want to change my this habit for my love. God has given me this one lifetime opportunity. It's a chance for me to win his heart. I won't get it wasted.

I am doing my touch up like a thief thieves a shop. Just like it, I'm scare that someone will gonna catch me, while I am doing my touch up. Suddenly, one of the door of my classroom slides open and what I was scaring the most, that thing actually has happened. My body is frozen stiff from shock, surprise and anxiety. Although my face has no expression due to sudden shock but I'm yelling inside my heart, "[ Oh my god! Oh my god! I get caught. I get caught. ]" These sentences are continuously repeating and so loud in my mind that if someone can plug speakers to my mind, glass of windows would surely gonna crack from it's high pitched sound. My one hand is holding compact powder kit and the other hand has cushion pad on my cheeks. Both hands are freeze at their place like someone has stopped the time.

That person is still standing at door. Probably also got shocked thinking about which girl does touch up so early at morning not just this but also sitting alone in an entire empty class. After taking sometime, they enter in class. As they take one more step inside into the class, I get startle by their movement and that so called my mom's 'expensive' compact powder falls off from my hand and brutally lands on the floor. I get another shock at the same time. My mind starts yelling again, "[ Now, you're gonna die ]". If that previous shock fell me from sky to ground, this shock buried me underground alive. Now, at this time nothing matter important to me more than the safety of my mom's kit. I quickly stand up from my seat and kneel down on my knees beside the powder kit. I slowly lift up my shaking hand to reach it to kit. Just like before I've no expression on my face due to shock, and after checking out the kit my face is still unbothered but this time with pain. The compact disk of my mom's powder kit is totally got ruined. It get cracked up into small pieces and spreads all over the floor. I were crying rivers of pain inside my heart, "[ Mom! Mom! Mom! I'm sorry that I couldn't take care of your kit. ]", these words are coming lightly from my mouth.

Even though my face is expressionless and there's no sign of any tears into my eyes. But that person still seems to understand that I am totally heartbroken and shattered by this incident. They also kneel down on their knees and start helping me to collect those pieces of compact powder's disc, while gently apologizing, " I'm really sorry. You must got startled by me." My eyes get wide due to shock after hearing his voice.

"[ Wait! No! No! This can't be possible. It can't be him, but I can never misunderstood his gentle voice for others. ]", there's a sense of worry arose in my inside.

I got so shock by the last incident that I didn't notice who's the person they're. I slowly look at the person in front me and shake my head from right to left in disbelief. "[ It's him. He's Minamoto kun. ]", I couldn't believed in my eyes. This incident make my soul to left my body. My face become pale but still has no expression. By looking at my straight and unbothered face, he finally gives out a sigh of relief. But he felt somewhat guilty for me and asked with a caring voice, " Don't be sad. If you want a new one, I will buy it for you as an apology, okay. "

At this moment, I've no conscience to understand anything at all. First, I got catch while doing touch up. Second, my mom's so called 'expensive' powder kit got ruined and third, the person who caught me was none other my crush, Minamoto kun.

I give out a silent scream inside, "[ Why is this all things happening with me today? ]". I am feeling like someone has thrown me into an infinite deep pit with no turning back point. After sometime crying tears of pain inside my heart, it seems like my mind has regained a little bit of consciousness. Then, I think for a moment and suddenly realized, "[ But isn't the first time Minamoto kun has talk to me after our first meeting? Yes, yes, it's our first time, but it's basically second time. ]" Suddenly out of nowhere, I start hearing wedding bells into my ear and his last words " Okay " are started echoing into my mind.

I hurriedly replies him back, " No, you don't have to do that." He seemed puzzle and looked at me with a confused look and just gave out " Eh? " from his mouth.

I again tell him, " I said it's okay. "

" Are you sure? ", he confirms it again.

" Yeah, yeah, it's totally okay. "

It looks like he understand me this time and continues back to help me. My cheeks and ears are blushing pink, due to happiness and shyness, since, it's our first time to talk after a very long time. They are the only features on my face which always shows the true situations of my heart.

While picking up compact powder pieces, I steals some glances at him. He have beautiful eyes and lips. His looks are stunning as always. It's not my first time that I were looking at him by so close but he get more handsome since last time when I saw him at past. He collects all the pieces and put it into the kit very gently. He moves his hand towards me and hands that kit to me and with a nervous smile, he says, " I can't make it like it was before but I hope it'll work out. " I laugh aloud in my heart at his cuteness. That silly didn't know that if a make up product get ruined once, then it got ruined. I wondered myself, " How can someone be so cool, but at the same time so silly also. " and give out a small chuckle which is difficult for him to notice it.

Pusha Pusha

Teenagers are so childish that they often thinks 'Love' is like a cake. So simple to eat. Hahaha....... Let's see, how will this childish love of Masuyo grows in incoming chapters?

I wholeheartedly thanked you for reading. If you like this chapter so, please stay tuned with me for more chapters to know their story more deeply. Thank you!

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