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Chapter 2: encounter With The Demon

"Here goes nothing." I said to myself as I walk down the hallway, I couldn't hear the thoughts of the students.

"Is that the new kid?"

"He looks so handsome"

"I like his hair"

"Woah! Let's get him for basketball tryouts"

"Ptts! Another loser"

The voices overcome me as I lose focus and accidentally bump into a female student, knocking off her books.

"Hey! Watch it!"  She exclaimed

"Oh! My bad. I'm so sorry."  I said as I help pick her books  "are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine".  she replied as she collects the books forcefully from me.

As our hands touches, it causes a slight energy spark.

"Woah, did you see that?"   She asked

"See what?"

"Nevermind."  she shakes her head and walks away

"phew... That was close".


History Class

"Good morning class. I believe you all had a wonderful holiday."

Miss.Watts, the history teacher said as she places her left hand on my shoulder then introduces me to the class. 

 " This is Tyson Mars, he's a transfer student. Tyson please take a seat."

I look around nervously, looking for the perfect place to sit with less disturbance and side attractions. I make my way to an empty seat at the left end of the class. I drop my bag, ready to sit comfortably.

"That seat's taken."   a female student sitting next to me said

"Ummn... No it's not."

She looks up at me with a sarcastic expression. " it is."

"Okay? Guess I'll find somewhere else to sit".  I pick up my bag

"Just kidding. "   she lets out a wide smile.   " I'm Bonnie Woods by the way."

"I'm Ty. Tyson Mars." 

"Nice to meet you Tyson, welcome to Manhattan High School."

" Miss.Woods, no side talks in my class please"   Miss. Watts said to Bonnie

"Sorry." Bonnie said to Miss.Watts as she wink at me.


Lunch Break

I hold my tray of food, standing and looking for an empty table to sit and also somewhere i can easily keep an eye on my sister who seems to have made lots of friends already.

I sigh just before a female student bumps into me, spilling milk on my jacket.

"OMG, I'm so sorry. You shouldn't just stand there like you're frozen" she said

"Yeah my bad."

She takes a closer look at my face. "wait a minute, it's you again."

"What do you mean it's me again?"

"You bumped into me this morning, remember?"

I feel really awkward at the moment but I keep cool.  " I'm sorry about that, this is all just a mistake."

"Yeah, I guess we're even now."   she said


"C'mon, sit with me.".  she offered

I couldn't believe the girl who seemed mean this morning just asked me to come sit with her. It would be easier if I could hear her thoughts but I couldn't, it was like she wasn't thinking about anything at all. "Really?" I asked

"Sure. I can see you've got no where to sit."

A faint, fond smile flickers across my face " that obvious"

"Yep, c'mon"

She leads me to her table. I sit with she and her friends feeling nervous and awkward

"Hi guys, this is uhmmn..."

I cut in "Tyson. But just call me Ty."

"Ty. This is Tobi, Campbell, Gwen and Natasha" they greet me warmly   "and I'm Bethel"  she said

"Thanks for letting me sit with you"

it was the perfect place to sit, I could easily see my sister.

"It's cool"  Bethel replied

"So where you from?" Tobi asked

"Uhh... Paris"

"That's a long way from here" Campbell said

" Yeah. I recently moved here with my family, I prolly won't be here for long"

"Travel much?" Gwen asked

I take a bite out of my sandwich

" something like that"

Natasha secretly gives Bethel a small bottle of alcohol underneath the table. Bethel pours it in her milk then sips it

"That's more like it" she said

"You look really fit. Mind coming for basketball tryouts next week? You'd make a great small forward or point guard" Tobi said

"Uhhh.. not sure I'll fit it"

"Don't be silly, just give it a try" Campbell replied

"Alright. But no promises"

"Good enough for me" Tobi said

"Forget about Basketball, there's a party tonight. I think we should all go"  Natasha said

"I can't, I got post moves practice with my dad" Tobi replied

"C'mooonn" Bethel whines as she makes a cute baby face at Tobi

"Sorry, I can't bail on him"

"You're no fun. What about you Ty, gonna make it?"  Bethel asked

It was undecided if i want to go for a party or not with a bunch of people I just met.  " I'll think about it"

"Great" she said as she smiled

I could hear all their thoughts so bonding well with them wasn't a problem but I still couldn't hear any of Bethel's, it kinda made me uneasy.



"You want to go for a party tonight" my dad asked Lizzy(Elizabeth)


"Ty? What about you?"

I was playing COD at the moment so I really wasn't interested  "Pass."  i replied

"Dad, i don't need a babysitter. I'll be fine" Lizzy said.

My dad has been overprotective over Lizzy ever since mum died. He even laced half of the house with salt and Mountain Ash to keep and ward off supernatural creatures.

" I know dear but I can't risk losing you or  help myself if anything bad happens to you" he replied

"If you're so worried about me then I should stay away from Ty, I'm not the one with angel blood" she said as she goes to her room angrily, slamming the door.

" She'll be fine dad. She's all grown up" i said as i play game

"Not to me she's not. Could you go talk to her?"

It was that moment i had to decide between being a big brother and pausing my game. I let out a long sigh as i pause the game.

"I'll do my best" i said as i bump fist with my dad before going to Lizzy's room

I knock on her door for a while before she finally responds

"Go away!"

"I got you a present"

She unlocks her door quietly before she replies " it's open"

I enter her room "hey"

She sits upright "hi"

I sit on her bed then notice her swollen eyelids  "you look like crap"

"Is that a good thing?" she said as she rolls her eyes

I chuckle "turn around,got you a pendant"  i said as I brought it out of my back pocket.

She turns around excitedly. I put it on for her

"Wow, it's beautiful"  she said as she admires it with a big smile on her face

"Yeah it's mum's. I just added a safety spell, don't ever take it off"

She jumps at me with a tight hug

" thank you!"

"Go get ready for the party. We don't wanna be late "

"You changed your mind!?"

"Yep. I'll drive you"

She rushes into to bathroom then brings out her head back "Ty?"


"You know I didn't mean what I said earlier right?"

"I know"

She nods then goes in to shower

Twenty minutes later...

"Bye Dad" Lizzy said to dad

"Have fun and be safe"

"We will dad" i said as I drive off



"Here we are" i said as i pull over

"Should be fun" Lizzy said

We enter the party. We see people drinking, grinding, smoking and dancing to the pop music playing.  I see Bethel walking towards me with a beer in her left hand

"Hi, glad you could make it" she said

"Yeah glad I could. This is my sister, Liz"

"Oh, hey there. I'm Bethel"

"Elizabeth" Lizzy replied as they exchange handshake

I see Campbell and Natasha playing card games on a table with some unfamiliar faces but I couldn't find Gwen.

"I don't see Gwen"

"She couldn't make it. C'mon let's go have some fuunnn!!" 

Bethel pulls Liz to meet the rest of her friends sitting around a table , drinking and playing board games. I follow behind.

Two hours later...

"One more shot,one more"  Campbell said as Natasha drinks up her alcohol before her opponent does

"Yaaaayy!!!" Natasha yells feeling a little tipsy

Lizzy drinks her liquor too "Wuuuu!!!"

I get up pretending like am tipsy from too much drinking

"Where you going?"  Natasha asked.

"Gotta pee" I replied.

"Nature calls"  Bethel said as she laughs.

I go to the rest room. I wash my face then look in the mirror

"What a night".  I sigh.  "too bad I'm immune to alcohol"

Suddenly Natasha enters

"Hey!? What are you doing here? This is the male's ..."

She uses her left hand to shut me up

" shush!"  Then uses her right to lock the door

I know exactly what she wants but it'd be best if I pretend not to, she's a little bit drunk and very horny as well.

I remove her hand from my lips "what are you doing locking us in?"

"What have always wanted to do since I first set my eyes on you"

she kisses me hastily as she put her arms around me.

I push her back just to make sure she's not acting on the influence of alcohol

"Hold up"

"What's wrong?" She asked as she packs her hair to the back of her ear

"I think you're drunk"

"Don't be silly" she kisses me more romantically and slowly this time, it gives me goosebumps. I rub my hand from her hair down to her ass, I kiss her neck as I grab her ass.

"Yeeaahhh" she moans softly

I suddenly hear a strange voice echo in my ears

"Leave now!"

"Did you say something?" I asked

"Noooo, just kiss me" we continue the romance.

I hear the voice echo louder in my head


I immediately stop the romance as i realize it is my subconscious warning me about something, it doesn't happen often but when it does something bad happens. I couldn't think about anything else other than getting Elizabeth back home where it's safe

"What's wrong?" Natasha asked

"Nothing, i'm sorry I gotta go"

I rush out of the rest room leaving Natasha with a million confused thoughts.

I hurry back to Lizzy

"Liz! Grab your things we're leaving"

"Why?" She asked

"Trust me. Please" I couldn't explain it but I just really need her to trust me at that moment

"What's up?" Bethel asked

"Yeah everything cool?" Campbell added

"Yeah sure. Everything's fine, I'll see y'all at school. Thanks for the fun thrilled mome..."

Everyone and everything had stop moving as if time it self paused. It is a spell called  "Time Warp."  mostly used by Angels and other demonic entities to hide their presence from humans. After the deed has been done, the humans will continue whatever they were doing not realising what has happened unless there's a physical evidence that has no sane explanation. However, it has no effect on me.

"Shit!"  I perform a spell to break Lizzy out of it . " you ok?"

"Yeah..." she sees absolutely nobody moving, they are all very still. " what's happening???"  She asked in fear.

"Time Warp! We have to leave now" We rush to the car. I try to start it but it doesn't.  " come on come on"

The windows start to freeze making Lizzy feel really cold

"Ty? I'm cold..."  she said as she shivers

"Cryokinesis."  I place my hand on her head to warm her up "feel better?"

Her temperature returns to normal.  "yeah, thanks"

Suddenly a hand rips through the door and grabs me very firm then flings me out of the car. I roll on the ground some couple of times bruised all over.

"Urgh"  i feel weak as blood drips down from the cut on my head. I can hear Lizzy screaming my name but it sounds a little far away and dull in my ears...

"Ty!" She runs to me "are you ok? You're bleeding"

"I'm fine"

i see a muscular man with razor sharp finger nails and black eyes walking eagerly towards us but Lizzy can't see him. A demon...

"Run! Liz run!" I struggle to get back on my feet

"I'm not leaving you" she said as she cries

"Just ru..."

The demon grabs both of our neck


"Ne...phi...lims " it said with a hallow voice

I punch it's face but it doesn't do any damage at all, it's like I hit a wall. It opens it's mouth wider than a normal human can, ready to devour our souls.

"Elizabeth, I love you. Take care of dad"

"What do you mean!? "

The pendant on her neck glows white

"I love you...❤️"

"Nooo!Tyyy! Don't..." The pendant teleports her back to her room before she could complete her sentence"... do this!" She cries. " Daaaadddd!!!"

"I will eat your soul" the demon said with a hallow voice

"Urrrr" I slowly lose consciousness as the demon sucks my soul.

A spear suddenly goes through it's chest just in time to save me.

"Skkkrrrreeee!" It roars and flees away in pain leaving me on the ground.

I see someone walking towards me but my vision is blurry, I try to lift my head to get a better view but it doesn't make any difference. I black out.

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