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Chapter 5: The names Lysa, Sugar.

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This story is not going to be super-fast paced. I'm taking my time and enjoying the flow. I've read a few of the Twilight fanfictions on here and while there are actually a few good ones; most of them are very... rushed. If that's the sort of story you enjoy, then you won't like this one.

As for the song Theo records - I'm not going to add an entire song or anything. Just the hook.

Now that that is said and done.

You know the drill.

Callmedaddy and enjoy. ;)

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Theo easily and quickly scooped Esme up bridal style, surprised that her head still stayed tucked in his neck and carried her over to his couch. When he sat down, he put her on his lap and continued to offer her the comfort she clearly needed.

No one moved from where they were sitting or standing but they did look a lot more serious. "There is no cure for vampirism." He didn't like beating around the bush, and he didn't want to offer them any sort of false hope in that regard. "I may not be like you anymore, but I am no human."

Though he saw the way Rosalie nearly wilted; he also knew that sort of false hope would not do any of them any good. When Carlisle went to open his mouth... no doubt to ask for clarification - Theo immediately interrupted him.

"In Jaspers' thoughts - " Said vampire narrowed his eyes slightly, "He mentioned someone named Bella and how she would cause him uncomfortable thirst as long she is around. Is she a human?"

Emmett, Rosalie and Alice did not hide their reactions - though he was surprised to see a certain amount of hostility in the former and the latter at the mention of Bella. Rosalie's reaction was more amusing than surprising.

Jasper stiffened almost imperceptibly at his question. "Yes, she is a human. She is - "

"Must we discuss this now?" Carlisle interrupted the southern vampire, earning an unimpressed look from nearly everyone. Esme pulled her head from Theo's neck, gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead and stood up - brushing imaginary dirt off her purple dress.

"Bella is your singer, Theo. She is why you left home to begin with - you did not want to end her life, prematurely. In your absence... she has become rather close with another member of our coven, Oliver." Esme explained, and the surprise on Theo's face was genuine.

"Singer... Her blood called to me stronger than anyone else's." Theo mumbled, making a show of pretending he was sorting through the information he did not have before. "Who is Oliver?"

Carlisle was the one to answer this time. "Oliver is your fraternal twin brother. Bella is also his singer; though their relationship has taken on more of a romantic nature in your departure."

And though he was more than aware they were setting him up to ask 'in my departure?' - he didn't. If Bella set her sights on another vampire in his stead, that was a relief to Theo. Though again, his surprise at the sudden revelation of a twin brother was as genuine as anything else. Edward was not meant to have a twin ... what was Freeman playing at, exactly?

"In that case," Theo spoke after several seconds of deliberation. "I will need us to all come to an agreement, of sorts."

With a weary expression, Carlisle asked, "Agreement?"

Theo nodded, ensuring they could see just how serious he was. "My business is my business. I appreciate that you are my family, and that is why I will keep no secrets from you, today. But what we speak of in this house - stays in this house. It will be my decision whether or not I reveal it to this ... 'Oliver' along with whoever Eleazar is -" He sent a meaningful look to an embarrassed looking Carlisle. " - and under no circumstances is the human to know anything about me. Humans have no business in affairs that are above them."

"A-Above them?" Carlisle nearly gasped... and while Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper looked supportive of his statement. Alice and Esme looked as disturbed as Carlisle did. "Theo, please tell me you don't truly think that."

"Of course, I do. Don't get me wrong, I like humans. I have human friends - human business partners, a human agent. I hold nothing against them, personally but humans are greedy, selfish, and capricious. They kill indiscriminately, they hinder their own progress. Rapists, murderers and thieves often placed in the seat of power driven by nefarious exigencies and thriving on manipulation and deception. They claim freedom then hide behind religion, attempting to exert sovereignty over anything and everything they either don't understand or simply don't agree with then call it supremacy instead of what it really is, domination. When that control fails, they resort to the only thing humans are truly good at, destruction. I have no intention of allowing any of my secrets to fall into human hands - especially a human I do not know and do not trust. If that isn't something everyone in this room can offer me; then we can simply leave things as they are. You will know I'm not human but that will be the extent of your knowledge. If I can't trust you, then I can't trust you and it's really as simple as that."

Rosalie looked proud, Jasper looked impressed, and Emmett's shoulders were shaking so hard, Theo is surprised that he didn't vibrate the entire house with the power behind his silent laughter. However, Theo managed to keep a neutral and slightly challenging expression on his face despite the astonished looks from the other three.

Alice did not remember being human, and at this time had no idea what a horrid past she once had - so, in Theo's mind her ignorance regarding humanity could be excused. But Esme and Carlisle were a different story. Esme experienced firsthand the cruelty of humanity; and while Carlisle is considered a very good man - when he was human, humans went around killing anyone they considered to be a vampire, werewolf, or witch.

His own father led those hunts personally; and knowing what he knows now, realizing that vampires in Twilight were made of near marble like material and could snap a human's neck like a toothpick ... has he ever considered just how many humans his own father killed unjustly? Innocent humans at that, slaughtered by other humans.

Though, Theo doubts it. Carlisle's naivety works against him. His main fault was his desire to believe the best in everyone; unfortunately, not everyone has good intentions, unfortunately - more often than not, humans were the monsters hiding under their own beds.

"You can take your time thinking about that."

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And they did; take their time, that is. Theo didn't sit and wait for them; though a part of him was stung that they didn't immediately offer to protect his confidentiality – he realized the precarious situation they were in. Essentially, if Bella was acting as Oliver's mate, Theo had unwittingly asked them to choose between the two.

And while he acknowledged that, he refused to go back and alter the conditions he had set. Instead, he went about his day as he would have had the Cullens never arrived that day.

In his bedroom, Theo added a white t-shirt to his light brown jogger outfit, along with ankle socks and white Jordans. His silver chain around his neck. He quickly moisturized and brushed out his hair, stopping only long enough to wink at himself in the mirror.

He recorded all of the songs he 'wrote' in his home. The small room just off the living room was his studio, though when he moved in – he had to make his own reparations to ensure it was perfect. First and foremost, he added a door – while he appreciated the open concept, it didn't help him keep the noise out.

He also added in soundproofing materials – sound could not get out and it absolutely could not get in. Last but not least, a large rectangular window was put in the wall that separated the living room and his studio. It was nothing special – he could see out and anyone on the other side could see in, but it looked cool and professional, so he didn't regret the addition.

He didn't acknowledge the 'Cullens' as he made his way inside; despite the fact that he could feel their eyes on him. Truthfully, the longer it took them to decide – the less trust he had in them. He wasn't asking them to exclude Bella and Oliver from their Coven; they could do whatever they wanted, he just wanted his privacy, and he wanted nothing to do with Bella Swan.

Once inside, he locked the door – he always did when someone else was in the house while he recorded; at least since the time his agent had simply barged into his studio in the middle of a recording session and ruined the entire flow for the song. Jayden is lucky that 'Freeman' was lookin' out and gave Theo good control over his emotions; or the anger Theo felt at that moment would have resulted in deadly consequences … literally speaking.

Theo plugged in his overhead headphones to his soundboard and booted up his computer. The song he wanted to record today was already pre-written and ready to record – it was two in the afternoon, and he needed to send it to his agent by three to ensure Jayden got it to the record label by four. This was always the way it went. After the record label received, reviewed, and regarded as acceptable – they then worked on fitting it to the proper artist. At least if the song wasn't pre-written for someone in general. Luckily, this song was up for grabs.

The beginning of the song started with a choir, because who doesn't love one of those? Theo easily transitioned into a verse with drums so strong that your heartbeat along with them. The baseline was the true sinker…the drop so powerful that you felt it in your very soul…... the drums simply building higher and high until …

You hit the hook.

And hook it did.

'So, I made you, my religion; but that wasn't enough.

So, I made you, my addiction; now I can't give you up.

Is this everything you wanted? On my knees praying for your love.

So, I made you, my religion. How does it feel to be a God?'

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A hesitant, barely there, knock hit his studio door just after he finished recording with ten minutes to spare. Theo opened the door to find a very sheepish looking Emmett; smiling at him.

"Come on in, man." Theo opened the door wider and gestured him inside, closing it behind him.

"I'm sorry if they upset you, before. It isn't really their fault – we just aren't used to having secrets in our house. With Alice seeing the future and you being able to read minds… well, secrets are a bit redundant."

"I can imagine." Theo chuckled, picking up his equipment. "But I am entitled to my privacy, especially if your entire family – "

"Our family." Emmett interrupted him, and his voice was now steely with resolve.

Theo licked his lips, rubbing his hands on his jeans but nodded once, " – if our entire family is going to be in danger because of Oliver's decisions."

Emmett was the one to chuckle this time. "You really didn't pull any punches when you read our minds, did you?"

"Nope. Why would I? I don't particularly enjoy doing it; but when I have too, or simply choose too… well, I'm going to make sure it's worth my while. At least I gave them the option, I could have just decided for them."

"What does that mean?" Emmett asked slowly, but with genuine confusion on his face. When Theo visibly hesitated, he added. "I'll keep your secrets; I won't betray your trust. Rosie and I are on your side in regard to Bella."

Theo searched his face for any hint of dishonesty but couldn't find anything but genuine curiosity, "I call it compelling, or mind compulsion. It's where I can control the mind of another through eye contact. Whoever I compel will follow any command or instruction I give them, against their own will, regardless of their personal feelings on the matter – and to the absolute best of their ability. It doesn't matter what I tell them to do – they'll do it. I can make them be an entire new person. Develop skills they didn't have before. Forget things they couldn't possibly otherwise. Make decisions they wouldn't have made without my interference. Skies the limit, really."

"No way … " Emmett breathed with a certain amount of awe and fascination written on his face. "Does it work on vampires?"

"I've never met a 'cold one' until now." Theo put emphasis on the words, with him here … well, technically he was a vampire and they were simply the off-brand kind. "But I don't see why your species would be a limitation of mine."

"Make me do something!" Emmett pleaded, hands up in front of his chest in a pleading motion. "Please, Please, Theo! I wanna go, first!"

"Wh-What?" Theo stuttered uncharacteristically, "You actually want me to compel you?"

"Of course! That is so cool – I'm jealous. First you get to read minds, now you get to control minds. When am I going to get an awesome super power?"

Theo rolled his eyes but his smile was amused. "Alright, give me a second."

It didn't take long for Theo to decide what he wanted to see. Emmett waited restlessly, like a toddler doing the potty dance but when Theo's suddenly intense green eyes pinned his own yellow ones to the spot; Theo was sure Emmett's heart would have started beating faster if it still beat. "For the next five minutes, you are not Emmett Cullen. Your name is Lysa, a stripper who is trying to convince Jasper to be your new 'daddy'. Say you understand."

And for a second, Theo was worried it didn't work. Emmett's eyes didn't dilate as a humans did – but only for a second … then they changed. Emmett's eyes instantly turned the same green as Theo's before his very eyes … as if Theo had truly taken over his body and actions. "I understand." The big vampire repeated almost robotically.

Another second; and Emmett was blinking rapidly, lips loudly snapping together as if he had a piece of gum in his mouth. "How do I look?" His voice had taken on a high pitched raspy note while his left hand was on his hip, his right hand smoothed down his clothing. Emmett tossed his imaginary hair over his shoulder, running his tongue over his lower lip as he stared at Jasper through the window. Jasper finally noticed his stare, and looked extremely uncomfortable, but Emmett … now 'Lysa' didn't seem to notice. "I found me a hot piece of hunk… he just ain't got no business being that fine…, but don't you be getting any ideas, ya here, sugar? He's mine."

Theo wasn't sure why Lysa was southern; but he couldn't think on it too much. Not with the effort it took not to laugh. "You look great. I have no intention of stealing your … uh, 'hot piece of hunk'."

"You comin'?" Emmett paused at the door with his hand on the knob. "Ima need you to distract the little hussy on his arm; can you do that for me, sugar?"

Theo coughed twice to regain his composure. "Yeah, I can do that for you."

With a sweet smile and a wink, Emmett threw the door to Theo's studio open making every vampiric eye land on him – which is what he was going for. With an exaggerated sway of his hips, Emmet threw a smoldering look toward Jasper and walked slowly and what Theo assumed was meant to be 'seductively' toward him.

When he realized Theo wasn't following him, he threw Theo a look, once more tossing his imaginary hair over his shoulder with a meaningful look and a slight clearing of his throat.

"Oh, right." Theo snickered, quickly following behind Emmett and when Emmett went up to Jasper, Theo went to Alice. "I'm just going to borrow her for a minute, you don't mind, do you?" Without waiting for either of their replies, he led Alice over to stand by Rosalie.

"What on earth is my husband doing?" Rosalie asked incredulously, but her lips were twitching in amusement.

"Just watch." Theo shook his head with another laugh.

"You don't mind do you, doll? Three's a crowd." Emmett smiled, leaning against Jasper with his hip jutted out and his 'cleavage' in the southern vampires face. "But enough about that, tell me… do you come here often, stud?"

Theo could no longer control himself and nearly fell over in his laughter. It wasn't only Emmett's behavior but the exceedingly confused and awkward look on Jaspers face. "Emmett.. what are you doing?"

"Emmett?" Emmett sniffed his nose as if he smelled something bad. "Names, Lysa, Sugar. I been seeing you across the bar – eyeing the way you carry yourself." He started rubbing Jasper's bicep with his finger tips. "Confidence makes me wet…" He whispered in Jaspers' ear with a slight growl.

Rosalie and Alice weren't far behind in the laughter; with Carlisle pursing his lips to hide his own laugh and Esme chuckling behind her hand. Jaspers' face toward anyone screamed 'help' – but just as Theo was about to explain; Emmett seemed to come back to himself.

He blinked rapidly, his eyes instantly changing back to a bright gold. He looked at the near intimate hold he was in with Jasper and in the next second, he was across the room with a horrified look on his face directed toward Theo. "Why?!" He cried in mock betrayal and Theo couldn't talk; he was laughing so hard – tears falling down his face.

"Oh – Oh – Oh my god, E-Emmett. I knew it was going to be funny, but I never imagined you would take the role so far!" Theo gasped. "Confidence makes me wet… '" He mimicked the feminine voice Emmett was using and the same wistful sigh, before another fit of laughter hit him.

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