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Chapter 26: Sealing His Fate


"Everybody, let's settle down," I say.

Still disturbed by the scene Delta acted out right before our eyes, Ace barely manages to switch his focus off her toward me. But then he remembers the dire situation he's in.

"Please, Scar… I'll do anything, I'm telling the truth!" says Ace.

I rose from my seat for the first time since the trial began. As Ace grew more and more uneasy as I approached him, his feet shuffled in the dirt while his eyes zipped around, trying to latch onto something that might give him a clue as to what I might do next. 

"Please… Scar… please trust me. I didn't do what Delta said I did. I'm innocent!"

"Ace, your pleas are unnecessary, as I'm not the one you are trying to convince regarding your innocence. You're trying to convince the jury."

I crouch, and the two of us stare at each other, our eyes on the same level.

"There's only one thing that adds up… between your story, Delta's story, and ours. And that is, we aren't alone out here. I want to ask you this… tell me, Ace. Who's this man, this monster? What did he do? Can you tell us everything?"

"Of- of course! I'm an open book. I'll tell you everything I know!"

Showing no reaction, I stand back up and return to my seat, "This is your last chance. Good luck, Ace."

Ace's heart started to pound as his brain processed what I told him.

Scar's given me an out… a chance to close this case! 

Starting to assemble a plan, as I returned to my seat, Ace decided he wanted to start big to make sure everybody else could understand how dangerous the man was. 

"This man… was the one who killed Flora. He was also the one who tortured and indirectly caused the death of Grace. I admit to throwing the dagger into Grace's chest, killing her by doing so. But please allow me to explain…"

The jury started whispering back and forth between one another, and I picked up on a few sentences that were said.

"So he did kill her."

"That confirms it."

"Did he just confess?"

"Why's he telling us this?"


Commanding silence, Ace continues, "Blue and I first encountered him shortly after we found Grace. Grace was tied against a tree… unable to move or escape. When Blue tried to help her out, there was a loud sound; it was like a 'crack,' if that makes sense; anyway, I noticed a trap lying just above them. This trap was previously set by the man. I called out to Blue as boulders began to rain down around him, and we both barely managed to dodge the incoming boulders, escaping with our lives. Blue's ankle-"

"Right. Sorry. I'm getting to that."

Nervously gulping, Ace fiddles with his sweaty palms and takes a deep breath, "This man… he- he was a devil. He tortured Grace right before our eyes… as he pummeled her face into the ground over and over. He dropped boulders on her back, crushing her insides. He could grab these massive boulders with just one hand and move them around easily. He could do things that no human should be able to do."

Ace turns to the jury, and despite how scared he is, he can't help but feel a growing sense of determination, "The man was also the one who had the dagger. He forced Blue and me to fight to the death… and he said the winner would be deemed worthy of living another day. He also claimed he wouldn't release Grace until he determined our duel was… 'convincing enough'... for his entertainment. Blue and I then fought and fought hard. But we both knew what we had to do… we had to save Grace."

The jury listens attentively to Ace throughout his explanation. As for Ace, he found comfort in watching the campfire flames dance while he spoke, the fire lighting up the dark atmosphere surrounding us.

"I tried to catch the man off guard by throwing the dagger as fast as I could at him… but he-he reacted quick, too quick. He lifted Grace and cruelly used her as a shield to block the dagger. He used her, just as he used Flora, and Delta, and all of us in this sick game of his. I'm- I'm sorry, but I truly did everything I could to save her, but it wasn't enough. I don't expect any of you to forgive me because at the end of the day... I was the one who threw the dagger. I'm the one who killed Grace. I am a killer, and that's that."

Irritated, Delta chimes in, "You're lying. It's all lies… I didn't see a man. I saw no one there. It was just… just you three."

Annoyed, frustrated, angry. Ace doesn't know what emotion he's exactly feeling when he thrusts his arm out to his side and once more bickered with Delta.

"Damn it, Delta! I'm telling the truth! What's your deal?!"


Expressionless, I say, "Thanks, Ace. I think we all may understand a little more about what happened that night. I think it's time the jury comes up with a decision. We agreed beforehand that each juror would have their own vote, and whichever way the majority falls… on whether Ace is guilty or not guilty will be the outcome of this trial. We deemed this to be the fairest method for this trial, and we are sticking to it. You are all free to discuss; voting will begin shortly."

Commotion between the jury members broke out, and while Ace tried to pick up on some of the words being said, he grew annoyed as everybody kept talking over one another.

"Scar, what the hell are you doing?!" asks Delta as I approach Ace.

"His fate is in the jury's hands now. You got to say what you wanted, and so did he. You can relax now. If Ace wants to fight, he's just sealing his fate. Forest and Falcon won't let him escape, and the jury will decide much quicker."

Ace asks, "Why come over here, Scar?"

"It's been over two days since you last had anything to eat. You've got to be starving."

As I walk by him to the food basket, I retrieve a loaf of bread, break it in half, and then place one half back in the basket. After placing one half in the food basket, I stared at the half I was still holding.

Is this trial… should we really go through with it? Ace seemed genuine about his story, but so did Delta. This jury will be taking a gamble. Is that fair to Ace?

As I walk back over to Ace, I toss the ripped piece of bread to him, "Here."

Ace catches it, "Thanks."

He takes a big bite out of it and says while chewing, his words muffled, "Mmm. Thanks, Scar."

Eavesdropping, Delta intervenes again, "Well, enjoy it while it lasts… it'll be the last thing you ever eat here."

Ace ignores her as he continues to happily eat his food while I stroll back to my seat.

There's just something that's putting me off from the trial. Delta mentioned something about Ace having powers, and that's scary if it's true. Hypothetically speaking, considering the possibility that it is true… Ace either isn't aware that he has powers, or he is aware and is choosing not to tell us about them. Both of those two possibilities leave me uncomfortable and for different reasons. Frankly, I'd much rather have this idea of Ace possessing superpowers to be a lie that Delta created.

Sitting back down, I stare blankly at Ace, who's almost savagely scarfing down the bread I gave him. As he finished the last bite, I took my eyes off him.

Considering the possibility that Ace has powers and isn't aware of his abilities… he's a loose cannon. He can't be trusted in a variety of scenarios. But if he knows he has powers and isn't telling us… I- I don't know how to approach that. If I'm being honest, I find more comfort in leaning on the idea that he doesn't want us to know. However, that brings up the paranoia of wondering why... why he feels he needs to hide his powers. However, the outcome I fear the most is if Ace isn't planning on using his abilities to benefit us as a group moving forward.

At face value, that doesn't sound too harmful. In fact, we as a group would just continue progressing the same way we are now. However, now there would be the knowledge that Ace is refraining from helping us to his fullest capabilities, which will cause fractions between us slowly but surely.

But if we take a step back and think about the worst-case scenario... we are in deep trouble. If Ace decides to use his powers to harm us in any capacity, it'll gravely cost us valuable time and, possibly, quite a few lives. That said, I'd still gamble and say it's best for us if he knows about his powers. Why? For the sake of our survival.

Suppose he can learn to control and harness his abilities, even if he does so secretly. In that case, he'll be our most significant asset and best fighter. Which would easily make him our best chance of defeating that man he keeps bringing up.

This is all just a gamble. Should we really roll the dice here?

Yeah, we should. Because if we don't take a chance… we will lose.

The noise then starts to die down, and soon enough, the jury goes completely silent. After checking with the fellow juror members, Code informs me, "Scar, I think we're ready."

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