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Chapter 20: Chapter 20

"What the fuck?" Brittany froze. She knew that voice anywhere. It wasn't as annoying as Jake's own or as sweet as Damian's own, it was cool, calm and collected like... Seth's.

She quickly removed her lips from Damian's and turned to her window. Seth stood there with a mixture of shock, anger, betrayal and jealousy on his face. Then it hit Brittany; she had kissed Damian and Seth had seen her.

"Seth..." she started but Seth jumped out of the window. "Seth!" she shouted and ran out of her room and down the stairs. "Brittany where are you going?" Lisa asked as she saw Brittany sprinting across the hall. "Brittany..." Scott was saying but she ran past him. It was the fastest she had ever ran.

Scott and Lisa exchanged glances then Scott saw Damian coming downstairs. "What happened? Where did Brittany run off to?" Scott asked "I don't know but I suggest you let her be" Damian said and walked away.

"What's wrong with him?" Lisa asked and Scott shook his head. Lisa tugged at Scott's sleeve, "Mr. Copper, we must pursue Brittany. What if she gets hurt?" Lisa said worriedly and Scott held her hand, "She'll be fine Lisa. Let's just...let her be. She'll come back" he said and went upstairs.


"Seth!" Brittany called out. She was at the lake because she had seen Seth go inside. "Se---" she tripped on a rock and tumbled down the hill.

"Arrgghh!" she screamed as she fell into the lake. Her hair, dress and makeup were ruined. "Just great!" she said sarcastically as she held the ruffles of her dress.

"Are you okay?" someone asked and she raised her head and saw Seth stretching out his hand to her. "Seth" she said and took his hand and he slowly dragged her up.

"Seth I..." he let go of her hand and turned to go. "Seth wait!" she said and he stopped in his tracks. Brittany sighed and tried to think of what to say. She settled with the cliché line; "It was not what it looked like".

Seth turned to her, "Really Brittany, it wasn't what it looked like? Your lips were joined with his and it looked like you were enjoying it". That was true. Though it was Damian's first kiss, he was good at kissing. Maybe it wasn't his first kiss.

"He kissed me first!" she argued "Well you didn't pull away. Guess Little Miss Prissy can't keep her lips to herself. First me and then Damian" he said with contempt and started walking away.

He had no right to do that. He had no right to reject her straight up, act jealous and then judge her. He did not like her. He had made it pretty clear to her that he only saw her as a friend. Maybe a sister.

"And why do you care if I can't keep my lips to myself?" she asked with her hands on her hips. Seth stopped walking and turned to look at her. Wet dress, wet hair, washed-up makeup, hands on hips, God he wished those were his hands on her hips. She looked so fucking arrogant...and that was sexy.

Back to the question, Seth! Oh yeah! Why did he care if she couldn't keep her lips to herself? Because those lips are mine and mine alone.

"Why do you care if I kiss Damian? Why do you care if I'm with someone else? Why do you care if---" "Cos I love you okay!" he blurted out and she shut up. "Fuck, I'm so in love with you Brittany and that really scares me" he said and fell to the ground.

Brittany took few steps towards him and sat on the ground. Seth's head was in between his knees. She did not know what to do. I mean she had already told him that she liked him. So she just raised his head and his dark eyes stared into her blue ones.

"Why does it scare you?" she asked softly and he placed his hands over hers, which were on his face. "You might break my heart and I don't think I'm still over the heartbreak Sam gave me. If you break my heart,...I think I'll turn gay" he chuckled and she gave him a small slap, "Hey! I'm scared too. I have never gotten heartbroken...but it seems you might do that. I mean you have all those girls who aren't even as pretty as me around you and I don't want that" she said and looked away.

"Hey, you have that asshole with you too!" Seth fired back. "Jake? You don't have to worry about him. I'm done with him" she said and he swiped some of her wet hair which were on her face, and tucked it behind her ear. "Then is it the nerd I should worry about? Cos he likes you and...nerds are your type were kissing him minutes ago".

Brittany thought about Damian. He was exactly her type so how did she end up falling in love with the exact opposite of her type? Not that she was complaining though.

"Damian is... don't worry about him. He knows I like you. That kiss just happened" she said and his eyes went her lips then he started thumbing then back and forth. "Well as long as it doesn't happen again, I'm cool with it" he said and leaned into her, hot breaths hitting the both of them. "Cos these lips are mine alone" he whispered and slowly kissed her.

He slowly pulled her on top his lap and deepened the kiss. He bit her lip softly and a moan escaped her lips, allowing him to pry his tongue into her mouth. His hands were on her face while her hands were just...there.

He groaned and pulled away, "What?" she asked and he took her hands, "Don't just leave your hands hanging. I also long for your touch" "Where should I keep my hands?" she asked and he sighed, "Didn't that prick kids you? Where did you hold him whenever you guys kissed?" She knew he was referring to Jake. "Whenever we kissed, he always held my hands up against a I got used to it" she said shyly and looked away.

He smirked, she's shy, awww...look at her blush, he thought then he held her hands, "Where would you like to touch me?" "Eh?!" her face flared up. Seth continued, "My chest?" "There's nothing to touch though" she smirked and he glared at her. "Why don't you just hold my hands up against a tree?" "Cos maybe you'll see me as that asswipe and I don't want that!"

"Well we'll work on that later. But first, let me kiss you" he whispered and slowly captured her lips with his. He held her hands and dipped his head more to get a better taste of her.

Brittany smiled against Seth's lips. This was all she ever wanted.


"So what do you say to a date at Zack's cafe, the movies and then some time together at our favorite spot?" Seth asked as he removed his helmet and Brittany got out of her car.

"Why Zack's cafe? You want him to know we're dating now?" she asked as she leaned on her car and he hopped off his motorcycle, "Yeah!" he said in a duh tone. "He did say we have sexual tension" she smirked and he smirked back, "Do you think we still have the sexual tension?" he asked as he licked his lips and moved closer to her.

"That's up to you to know. Later!" she said and spun on her heel and walked away. "But babe, kiss" Seth pouted and Brittany turned to look at him. Seth pouting was really cute. She was determined to make him pout more.

She rolled her eyes and walked to him then she gave him a quick kiss, "Now get to class! You're gonna be late" she said and was about to leave but he held her back and did puppy eyes, "Make it longer" he pleaded and she held his face and kissed him passionately. Long and slow. Just the way he liked it.

"Now go!" she shoved his chest and he smirked, "Let's ditch!" "I like learning Williams" she said as she walked towards Disnee High School, "Lying doesn't fit you Copper" he said and walked inside his school but then he looked back and saw some girls around Brittany. "That's my girl!" he smirked and went inside Euphorium high school.


Brittany and her girls walked into physics and she spotted Damian at the front seat. He was back to his baggy clothes and the suspenders.

"Damian!" she said and waved frantically but he just ignored her and turned his attention to the window.

"Settle down class!" Mr. Charles said and Brittany went to her seat. After an hour of Mr. Charles boring people to death with his teaching, it was time for geography.

"Remind me why I take geography again" Maddie groaned and Brittany dragged her up, "Geography is nice. You learn about rocks and---" "Did a rock bump you in the head? You've never been happy about geography" Maddie said and Brittany smiled, "Well I guess it's time for a change" she said and turned to Damian who was standing up, "Damian, are you headed for geography class?" she asked. "I don't do geography" he said coldly and left.

Brittany just watched him as he walked away. Did Damian just speak to her in that tone? "Did Damian just---" "Maybe he's having a bad day" Brittany tried to be optimistic. Loucita stood up, "That's not how someone with a bad day behaves" "What do you mean?" Maddie asked. "It's like...he hates you" Loucita said and Brittany shook her head, "Damian can never hate me. He's just having a bad day. Mind your business Louisa!" she said and threw a pencil at Loucita then she left.


It was finally lunch time and Maddie was looking bummed and tired as usual but Brittany was still up and doing. "Are you sure you're okay Brittany?" Maddie asked as she sat down and Brittany nodded. "Normally, you would be stressed out" Maddie said "But you'll still be glowing. Like how do you do that?" Loucita asked and Brittany flipped her hair up and gave a sassy smile, "What can I say? It's a natural glow".

Loucita looked around, "I don't see Damian" she said and Brittany looked around the cafeteria. "Maybe he's at the library?" Maddie suggested and Brittany got up and left to look for Damian.

Brittany walked into the library and saw Damian hunched up against a table with a book. She smiled and made her way towards him but someone held her hand, "Hey queen" he cooed into her ears and she turned and saw Jake.

"What do you want leech?" she asked as she folded her arms. "Leech?" Jake asked and she nodded, "Yeah! You always bother me and you're everywhere! So yeah, you're a leech!" "Of course I'm everywhere baby, we go to the same school" "Unfortunately" she breathed out.

"So I got two tickets to a football game and I was wondering if you wanted to hang" Jake said coolly and Brittany cocked a brow, "Sorry, I don't like football" she said and turned to where Damian was, but he wasn't there.

"Damian! Where's Damian?" she asked as she looked back at him and he shrugged, "How am I supposed to know where nerds go to?" he said and she held his shirt, "Bastard! You distracted him so that your goons could go and beat him up". "Easy sweetheart, I don't beat guys who haven't done anything to me" he chuckled as he looked down on her.

"But if beating up that nerd would get me to hold your hand..." Jake said as his hands slowly touched Brittany's hands, "I'll do it without hesitation" he whispered and she immediately let go of his shirt, "You're sick!" she said with disgust and left...or at least that's what Jake thought.

As Jake walked down the hall, Brittany stealthily followed him. She felt like a sexy spy. If only I had a spandex jumpsuit, she thought and remembered when Scott returned the spandex jumpsuit she had bought.

Jake headed towards the back of the gym and she followed. Seriously, the most cliché place for a bully! she thought and her jaw dropped when she saw Damian hunched up on the ground with many guys around him stomping on him.

They stopped as soon as they saw Jake who just looked at Damian's blood-stained face and chuckled, "Nerdy prick!" he kicked Damian in the gut then he crouched down and dragged him up with his hair. "You thought you could take my girl and go scot-free?" Jake asked and punched Damian. "What did I tell you the last time?" he asked but Damian kept mute.

"Answer me you weasel!" he yelled as he punched Damian again. "Th...That I should st...stay...away from Brittany and that if you see me close to her, you'll beat me up" Damian stuttered in pain. Jake let go of his hair, "So glad you remember! Keep that in your mind you little shit!" he said and spat on Damian's face.

Brittany ran out of where she was hiding and kicked Jake in the ribs. He fell clutching his ribs while the boys rushed to him and tried to help him up but Jake remained on the ground.

Brittany spat on his face, "And I think I also told you not to beat up Damian else I'll make your life hell" she said and wiped the saliva that had dribbled out of her mouth. "What the hell do you think you're---" one of the boys moved menacingly towards Brittany but she wasn't fazed, afterall, she could deal with all of them.

"Forget it Kody!" Jake said as he got up, still holding his ribs. "I'll make you pay princess" he smirked and wiped the spit off his face...then he licked it. Brittany, Damian and the boys cringed. "It's my queen's saliva. Must not let it waste" Jake smirked and left with his boys behind him.

"Ew! That saliva-licking fudger! How did I not notice that he was insane before I dated him" Brittany cringed and looked at Damian who was trying to get up. She rushed to help him but he flinched away from her touch.

"Damian!" she said as he got up, "Don't act like you're sorry. It's your fault anyways!" he said and picked up his glasses which were already broken, then he wore it and walked away.


"Brittany? Brittany? Dumb? Britz? Hope?" Seth called Brittany, who was lost in thought. "Brittany!" he yelled and she came out of her train of thoughts, "Yes?" she said as she looked at him.

"Where was your head?" he asked as he sipped his latte and she nibbled on her french fry, "In the clouds?" he asked and she sighed, "I was just thinking about Damian" "Why were you thinking about Damian?" he asked possessively and she looked at him and smiled, "No need to be possessive. I think he hates me".

"Phew! Finally!" he said and dragged her by her chair, closer to himself, "Now, you're all mine" he smirked and she looked away blushing. "Stop it!" she smiled, "I don't want Damian to hate me and he doesn't even want me to help him when Jake is bullying him. I shouldn't have kissed him" she said with her head bent.

He raised her face with his finger and intertwined his fingers with hers, "I know you're worried about him...but I would appreciate it if you don't talk about any other guys except me...on our first official date" he said and kissed her hand.

She smiled and kissed his forehead, "Big shocker! The bad boy can make jealousy polite" she laughed and he pouted, "I thought it was cute" he said as she stood up, "It was!" she said and dragged him up. "See you later Zack!" she waved him at the counter and he smiled, "Bye lovebirds!"

"So what now?" Brittany asked as they got into her car. "The movies!" Seth grinned and she started the car and drove off.


"Should we see a horror movie?" Seth asked and Brittany was about to shake her head but then she nodded, "Yeah sure!" He squeezed her hand, "I know you're scared, so we won't watch one" he said and she scoffed, "I'm not scared. One time, I slept off while watching The Conjuring" she said and flipped her hair proudly. He clapped sarcastically, " Well done Dumb" "Thank you Lousy" she said as she curtsied.

He held her hand and smiled, "Let's test out that theory, shall we?" "Ehn? What theory?" Brittany asked confused and Seth gave her ass a little pat, "The theory that you slept off while watching The Conjuring" he said and walked away, towards the counter to get their tickets. "Wait what? Seth! Come back here! Why did you pat my booty?!"


"That was a nice movie, don't you agree...Dumb?" Seth asked as he turned to look at Brittany who was clutching unto his arm for support. Her blue eyes were still widened from shock and horror and she had not blinked since they got out of the cinema.

"Babe? Babe are you okay?" Seth asked as he shook Brittany then she looked at him with her wide eyes, "Can we go home now?" she asked and he laughed, "Yeah sure. I hope we don't run into the nun" then she glared at him.

"Seth?" someone said and they turned and saw Samantha holding a carton of popcorn in her hands. "Oh shit!" Seth mumbled as Sam walked up to them.

"You haven't been answering my calls" she said as she batted her lashes at him and threw some popcorn into her mouth. Brittany gripped Seth's arm possessively and Sam looked at her then at Seth, "So when are you going to come back and do me dirty like that again?" Sam but her lips and Brittany scoffed and held her blonde ponytail.

"Don't act like I'm not here!" she said and Sam looked at her, "Who are you to interfere when I'm talking to my boyfriend?" "Sam---" Seth glared at her. "Boyfriend?" Brittany asked and Sam put her hand on her hip, "Yes! I'm Seth's girlfriend. Who are you?" "I'm his girlfriend!" Brittany said and Seth glared at Sam, "The real one".

Sam looked at the both of them for some time before her face was filled with remorse, "Oh I'm so sorry! I'm his ex-girlfriend. I thought you were one of those girls who he just fucks for a night and discards them like trash. I normally do that to them" she said and looked at Seth, "I didn't know you were capable of having a girlfriend again. Well I suppose there's always a girl that fixes the bad boy".

"Yes! And I'm that girl, so bye!" Brittany was saying as she was dragging Seth away but Sam continued talking, "But if you had a girlfriend, why did you fuck me that night to the point I had to use the safe word you had taught me?" Brittany stopped in her tracks.

Seth knew he was wrong to fuck Sam. He knew that it would come back and haunt him. Zed and Taylor also knew and that was why they were so pissed. Sam was a sly, conniving bitch!

"I'm sorry what?" Brittany turned to face Sam who just shrugged, "You heard right darling. Your boyfriend came to my house one night, manhandled me and then fucked me! Then he was gone!" Brittany looked at Seth, "Brittany" he begged. Fuck he was scared! He had only gotten her yesterday. He was not ready to loose her.

"Is it true?"she asked as she slipped her arm away from his. Brittany really wished Seth would say no so that she could punch Sam in the face and get rid of those fake lashes. "Yes it's true, but---" her world came crumbling down as Seth said 'Yes'. She spun on her heel and started running down.

"Fuck you Sam!" Seth said and Sam smirked, "Anytime you're ready Seth, I'm ready!" she said and he pursued Brittany. "Brittany wait!" All the memories they had shared flooded back into her head but instead of seeing herself and Seth, she was seeing Seth and Sam.

Seth and Sam at the lake together, unawares of each other's identity.

Seth and Sam at Max's Pizzeria, covered in flour and still bickering.

Seth and Sam pranking each other till they got suspended.

Sam pressed against a wall while Seth gave her her first hickey.

Seth and Sam having a quick and chaste kiss at the lake.

Seth kissing Sam's neck at a cliff.

Seth and Sam falling hopelessly in love with each other.

But where was she? Was everything a lie? "How about I show you how it is? The pain of watching someone you love so much make out with the person you hate you so much" was that all their relationship was? An experiment for her to see how heartbreak feels like? At least he did not make out with Eva Harrison.

"Brittany stop!" Seth said as he held her wrist and she looked at him, "Let go!" she squirmed but he gripped her wrist more, "I did fuck Sam but that was before we got together" he said and she struggled to get out of his grip. "I love you Brittany Hope Cop---" Brittany raised her knee to his balls and he fell down.

His phone rang. It was Horus' school. "Hello?" he said...his phone dropped from his hand and Brittany looked at him. The only thing that came out of his mouth was..."Horus".

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