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Chapter 2: Chapter 1

-Evelyn's POV

''Did you enjoy your run?'' Emmet asks while he throws me some clothes.

I don't answer my brother and I quickly get dressed.

″Come on, Evy! You know that you can't stay mad at me. I'm your favourite brother for a reason!″

Again I don't say anything and I start walking in the direction of my workplace. Not talking to my brother would irritate the heck out of him and that was exactly what he deserved!

Emmet was supposed to pick up some parts for me and in exchange I would cover a shift for him at the bar. It ended in me working a double shift yesterday and my brother forgot to pick up the parts. On top of that he also failed to show up for our run, so I had enough reasons to stay mad.

I open the doors of my workplace and I let out a satisfied sigh.

I loved the smell of metal, oil and gasoline!

This was my favourite place to be in human form. I usually worked on cars and motorcycles, but I could basically work on anything mechanical in here. In my workplace I had every tool that I could possibly need within my reach.

The first thing that I notice are the parts on the table and I try not to smile. Emmet picked up those parts for me after all and that was great! It meant that I could finish the order even sooner then I thought.

That would not only make my client very happy, but also make him feel very generous. My client was terrified that his father would found out that he crashed his motorcycle and he was paying me extra to put a rush on it.

Dumb rich boy!

He was already paying me extra because he irritated me, but also because he actually thought that he crashed a 1957 Harley- Davidson Sportster. I would have been thrilled to work on a classic like that. 1957 Sportsters were iconic motorcycles, but this one was nothing more then a knock off.

″Evy, please stop being mad at me! I got you those parts, didn't I? I drove four hours to get them and then fours back, that should count for something!″

″I believe that's why I worked your shift at the bar.″

Emmet sighs and an evil smile appears on his face.

″Don't you fucking...″ I warn, but it's too late.

Emmet pulls me in a bone cracking hug and he chuckles.

″Then I will just have to keep hugging you until you are ready to forgive me. I don't like it when my baby sister is mad at me and I hate fighting with my best friend even more!''

''Let go of me, you drama queen!'' I growl.

Emmet was lucky that he was my brother. Any other person would be flying across the room by now or be dead, depending on my mood.

″Are you really letting him of that easy, Evelyn?″ an amused voice asks.

″Of course not!″ I snap at my brother Jake. ″Emmet will make it up to me by cleaning the toilets at the bar for the rest of the month.″

″WHAT! I'm not agreeing to those terms!″ Emmet snarls and he abruptly lets go of me.

I just keep staring at him and Emmet shakes his head furiously.

″It won't work on me, little sister. You can't make me submit like everyone else.″

″Are you sure about that?″

″Get out of my head, Evelyn!″ Emmet commands in his booming alpha voice.

I yawn and I turn my attention back to the parts on the table. Emmet was an idiot! He could have just apologised, but he tried to go all alpha on me?

On me!

″You are impossible!″ Emmet snarls.

″Good luck scrubbing those toilets, brother.″

″I said...″

″Emmet, leave! You will work doubles shifts for the rest of the week and you will clean those toilets. Because if you would bothered to think before you speak, you would know that there are only three days left of October.″

Emmet lets out an angry growl, but I know he will not go against Jake. Instead he storms out of my workplace and he slams the door shut behind him.

Drama queen!

″Will he ever learn?″ I sigh.

''I doubt it,'' Jake answers with a grin.

I start working on the engine while Jake inspects the motorcycle.

″How disappointed were you when you found out it was a fake?″

″You don't even want to know!″ I grumble. ″It's that the idiot is paying me 10k to make sure that his dad never finds out that he crashed his beloved motorcycle. Otherwise I would never accepted this job in the first place.″

″He is paying you ten thousand dollars for a motorcycle that is not even worth halve of that?″ Jake asks in utter disbelieve.

″I told you he was an idiot, but it gives me something to do and the money doesn't hurt. Can you check the filter?″

Jake nods and we work in silence for a while. The engine is almost done and assembling everything wound't take me too long, so I grab a pack of cigarettes and walk towards the door. I light one up and inhale deeply before I offer my brother one.

″It has been a long time since I had on of these,″ Jake says with a smile and he lights one up too.

″Abby still doesn't allow you to smoke inside the house?″ I ask amused.

Abigail was my brothers chosen mate, although I hated the word chosen. Like their relationship was any less real then a destined mates bond. Jake and Abigail loved each other. They would die for each other. They would fight side by side when we were attacked and they would fight like an old married couple for the rest of it.

Fuck having a destined mate, go for that! Not that I was looking for either one. I was never meant to belong to anyone. Not to a mate or to a pack. You could say that I was a rogue, but that wouldn't be accurate. I was never banned from any pack and I didn't look or smelled like a rogue.

″Well, I can't blame her. We already spend so much time in cigarette smoke and other lovely fumes at the bar. I can understand that she doesn't want the smell cigarettes in our home.″

I nod and I look at the bar on the other side of the road. I grew up in that bar. I lived there until I left at the age of sixteen, thinking that I wouldn't be back for a very long time. Nine years was a long time, but somehow it didn't feel like that.

″Do you regret coming home?″ Jake asks as he follows my gaze.

″No,″ I answer and I light up another cigarette.

″Do you regret leaving?″ Jake asks and I can hear the pain in his voice.

I don't answer that question and I let my head lean against my brothers shoulder. Jake clearly didn't expect me to do that, because he stiffens for a moment. He then plants a kiss on my head and I can feel him relax again.

Jake was my oldest brother, but he was also the person who raised me and Emmet. I loved him and I didn't meant to hurt him when I left. Leaving was something that I had to do, because I couldn't risk harming my family.

We werewolves were born with our wolves, but we couldn't shift until we were fifteen. I shifted at the age of three and it took me many years to fully control my wolf. Sybil, my wolf, was fiercely protective of me and she convinced me that leaving was for the best. The best way to protect my family and myself.

″It's my job to protect you!″ Sybil growls at me. ″You always get into trouble and then I have to safe both of our asses!″

I chuckle and Jake looks at me.

″What's so funny?″

″Sybil,″ I answer with grin. ″She sometimes acts more like my mom then as my wolf.″

″I get that!″ Jake smirks and he ruffles my hair. ″I know that you are all grown up and that you can take care of yourself, but If I see that someone tries to hurt you in any way. Well, then that person is fricking dead!″

″Exactly!″ Sybil agrees with Jake.

″I'm twenty-five for goddess sake!″

″So?″ both Jake and Sybil say at the same time.

″Lets just finish that damn motorcycle!″ I grumble. ″Then you can tell me the real reason why you came here.″

Jake grabs my cigarette and he takes the last puff, while he dodges my punch effortless.

″Now I'm starting to regret coming home!″

″No you don't!″ Jake laughs and he walks back into my workplace.

″He is right, you really don't regret coming back,″ Sybil says in an amused tone.

″Like we really had a choice.″ I grumble. It stays quiet and I feel Sybil retreat to the back of my mind.

″That's what I thought,″ I say softly and I go back to work.

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