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25.86% Lucky Damon

Chapter 15: Punishment and Reward.

Abigail's words cut through the tension like a sharp blade, her resolute tone leaving no room for negotiation. With a defiant snort, she locked eyes with Lisa, her gaze unwavering, daring anyone to challenge her stance.

"Mr. Lucky, please, say something. Don't just sit quietly without addressing this," Mr. Williams implored, his tone tinged with urgency. Lucky drew in a deep breath, his gaze meeting William's with a measured intensity, signaling the gravity of the moment.

"Actually she has a point. I can't lend you that amount of money, and I won't elaborate further," Lucky replied with icy resolve, stunning them both as they watched him rise and exit the room. Abi swiftly gathered the files from his desk and trailed after her boss, her departure leaving Lisa fuming with anger as she observed her exit.

"Mr. Lucky, please listen to me, don't leave like this," William pleaded, attempting to follow them, but Dylan intervened to stop him. "Sir, you've heard what he said. Please, let's leave respectfully," Dylan advised, motioning for them to depart promptly.


Lisa and her boss were already seated in the car as the driver cruised along at a leisurely pace.

"That so-called Abigail ruined our plan. I never knew he had gotten a new assistant," Lisa rambled, her grip tightening on the edge of her clothing.

"He managed to escape this time. We must find another way to ruin him. Assuming he gave us that money, he won't imagine what would happen next to him. He will regret ever giving me that money. Did he think I would just come and plead for 1 billion with nothing behind it? He managed to escape today, but there won't be an escape next time. And that girl called Abigail, I will make sure I ruin her. We just have to play it low-key," he said, a malicious look on his face.

Lucky finds himself surrounded by adversaries, each harboring their own agendas to dismantle his empire. Among them is William, cunning and calculating, who sees an opportunity to exploit Lucky's vulnerability. By requesting an exorbitant sum, William aims not only to bolster his own endeavors but also to push Lucky to the brink of ruin. However, unbeknownst to William, his scheme is thwarted by Abigail. Her astuteness and unwavering loyalty to Lucky serve as a shield against William's machinations, ultimately preserving Lucky's standing and thwarting William's sinister plans.

In the cutthroat world of corporate competition, Lucky stands unassailable at the zenith of success. His rivals, envious and eager to usurp his throne, relentlessly scour for any chink in his armor. Yet, despite their concerted efforts, Lucky remains untouchable, his track record unblemished by defeat. His peers, recognizing his dominance, resort to underhanded tactics, seeking to exploit even the slightest misstep to topple him from his lofty perch. But as the wolves circle, Abigail emerges as his steadfast guardian, shielding him from their onslaught and ensuring his continued reign at the summit of corporate excellence.


Upon entering Lucky's office, Abi strides purposefully to the table, setting the files down with a determined clack. Standing erect, she fixes her boss with an unwavering gaze, her eyes possessing a mesmerizing intensity reminiscent of a rabbit caught in the glow of headlights.

"Am sorry for being late today, I will make sure such thing never happen again" she apologized, her voice tinged with sincerity, as she glanced downward, awaiting his response.

"But you will still have to get punished, after the punishment I will award you because I was really impressed today; you did a good job," he complimented her, a slight smile gracing his lips as he acknowledged her efforts.

"Will you really punish me?" she asked, pouting her lips as she stared at him. He found her too cute, so he looked away, determined not to get carried away with her beauty and change his mind about not punishing her.

"Yes, I will, and I think you should brace yourself for it," he replied, observing the expression on her face. The way she switched from a tigress to a kitten struck him hard. He had never imagined that a girl could affect him so deeply.

"But I saved your company from going down today. At least spare me," she begged.

"I don't forgive people easily when they make mistakes, so you'll have to face the consequences. Are you ready?" he asked, observing her nodding slowly. Despite the seriousness of the situation, he couldn't suppress a smile at her adorable reaction.

"You're going to run to the door and back to me twenty times as your punishment," he instructed, observing the surprise flicker in her eyes before she composed herself and glanced back at him.

"But, sir..." she began, hesitatingly, perhaps hoping to negotiate or plead for a lesser punishment.

"Is it too easy? Should I add mo—"

"No, no, no, no, I will do it!" she interjected hastily, determination flashing in her eyes as she dashed towards the door and back to him.

"Two... three... four... five..." he counted, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes as he watched her panting. In truth, he had no real intention of punishing her, but her plea for forgiveness had sparked a mischievous idea in his mind.

As she ran, her breaths growing heavier with each step, he couldn't help but admire her determination. Despite his playful intentions, he couldn't deny that she had done something truly impressive earlier.

With a subtle grin playing on his lips, he decided to turn the punishment into a playful test of her endurance. After all, he had already made up his mind to entrust her with greater responsibilities, particularly in financial decision-making.

"Ten... eleven... you're not quite fast enough, Abigail. Pick up the pace!" he encouraged, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. As he watched her run, he couldn't help but be amused by the way her dress swayed with each turn, adding a touch of grace to her determined stride.

Despite his teasing, there was a warmth in his gaze as he observed her. It wasn't just amusement; there was genuine admiration for her tenacity and dedication, qualities he valued greatly in his personal assistant.

"Eighteen... nineteen... twenty. Well done, Abigail," he praised, his voice laced with genuine appreciation as he watched her catch her breath, panting slightly from the exertion. There was a softness in his tone, a subtle acknowledgment of her efforts and resilience, despite the playful punishment.

"You did it perfectly. Now, it's time for your reward," he declared, his tone shifting to a more serious yet playful demeanor. With a gentle pat on her hair, he prompted her to look at him, amusement dancing in his eyes as he enjoyed her puzzled expression.

"Don't pat my hair; I'm not a baby," she protested, pouting as she deftly dodged his hand.

"Look what you've done," she protested, trying to smooth down her hair with her hands. Despite her efforts, he playfully tousled it even more, turning her neatly arranged hair into a delightful disarray.

"Ah! Stop it. I don't have a comb," she scolded, her tone half-exasperated, half-amused. With a quiet hiss, she walked to the mirror in the room, smoothing down her hair with her hands to restore some order to the chaos he had caused.

"Your reward is your office will be right here, in my office. You'll have to stay by my side 24/7. Isn't it a great reward?" he asked, his voice tinged with playful sarcasm.

"What! No, it's not," she replied, her tone incredulous. Lucky tilted his head to the side, looking at her with a mixture of amusement and surprise. 'Any girl would have jumped with joy with that kind of great opportunity,' he thought to himself, puzzled by her reaction.

"Isn't it a special gift to be seeing your boss's handsome face every day?" he asked, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

"There is nothing special to see in your face every day," she said absentmindedly, her attention consumed by her hair.

"So you don't find me handsome?" he asked, slightly taken aback by her straightforwardness.

"I don't think you are, because you are always donning a serious expression, unlike Dylan who is always smiling and cheerful," she remarked candidly.

"So you mean I'm ugly?" he asked, looking at her with amazement. She would be the first woman on earth to say those words to him.

Even if he were to kill them with his own hands, they would still say they've wished for hundred years to die by his hands. He used to get angry at such words, hating women who yielded easily. But this one here, with that defiant mouth of hers, would speak fearlessly, even if her head were on the chopping block. It only piqued his interest in her further. He wanted to pick her up and place her on the table, to torment her wickedly until she agreed that he was handsome. Instead, he simply looked at her and smiled, walking up to her and whispering in her ear.

"That will be another time," he whispered, then went to sit, leaving her confused.


At the airport named "Fly Higher," a young man in a deep blue suit could be seen descending from the plane, striding majestically as guards trailed behind him.

"Welcome back, sir. It's been a long time," a man said as he walked alongside him.

"Have you done what I asked you to?" the young man in blue asked.

"Yes, sir. I have located where she is living now. I will show you the address of the house when we enter the car," the man replied.

"Abigail, I left this city two years ago

because of you, and now I'm back to

seek revenge. I will ensure you suffer,

hitting you so hard that even the gods won't be able to save you. Anyone who gets in my way will be eliminated. I will make you prefer to reside in hell than on earth. There's no escaping this time. I'm back, Abigail. Prepare for my arrival."

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